Thursday, April 11, 2024

Minister Moriyama exchanged views with officials, students in the Japan Department and students from Japan at American University on April 11.

American University has agreements with Ritsumeikan University, Keio University, Waseda University, and Nanzan University. Especially with Ritsumeikan, because of over 30 years relashionship, it has a joint degree agreement and has established a Japan major in 2022.The number of students enrolled in the program has increased from 50 in 2013 to more than 100, and the number of faculty members has also increased from 3 to 5.

A Student from Ritsumeikan University, who is studying in the Joint Degree Program, expressed her appreciation for the TOBITATE! program offered by the MEXT and her aspiration for working as journalist bridging different cultures.

During the Q&A session, in response to Minister Moriyama's question, US students of Japan Major expressed their expectations for support for short-term study abroad and internship exchanges. "Mineta Scholarship", announced in the joint statement by the leaders of the U.S. and Japan, would be one of the solutions for that.