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5.m_l'Yf[*50000000Western Washington UniversitySpelman College000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[ 5University of Edinburgh000000'Yf[ 500000'Yf[ 5University of the Fraser Valley &000'Yf[000!h"5000000University of California,DavisUniversity of St. ThomasBoston University*000Vz'Yf[&500000000]WS'Yf[ 50"o}'Yf[,500000000*Hanoi University of Science and Technology*f'Yf[&5000000008Vz-Nq\'Yf[45 000000000000Faculty of Lawlf[500000The University of Hong Kong*/n'Yf[&500000000 Tianjin University of Technology(V]'Yf[$50000000*]'Yf[&500000000Dalian University-China University of Political Science and Law,Kunming University of Science and TechnologyYunnan Normal University6WS+^{'Yf[25 00000000000*WS'Yf[&500000000University of AlicanteTam Kang University *000000Vz'Yf[&500000000Letter of AgreementUniversity of Westminster 000000000'Yf[50000 Study Abroad AgreementUniversity of Oregon"Agreement for Academic CooperationNanyang Polytechnic 00000000000 5The University of Winnipeg0000'Yf[50000>f[SNAmTS[:5000000000000000 00000'Yf[50000University of Exeter00000'Yf[50000s|V50000Central Washington UniversityLangara CollegeKaiNan University*WS'Yf[&500000000/East China University of Science and Technology:Se]mi'Yf[65 0000000000000 Vietnam National University 40000Vz'Yf[000!h05 0000000000 Soyol Erdem UniversityUniversity of Ulsan0000'Yf[50000'Central University of Finance Economies8 Nwm+^{'Yf[45 000000000000 ,00000]z'Yf[(5 000000000Fisher CollegeAlexandria University 00000000'Yf[50000fAgreement Between University of Alexandria, Alexandria, Egypt And Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan'YqgeS'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5'YqgeS'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[50000 IAgreement between0Daito Bunka University and0Jawaharlal Nehru University 'YqgeS'Yf[h00000000000000h0n0NAmTS[f 5Universitas PadjadjaraneAgreement Between Padjadjaran University, Bandung, Indonesia and Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan'YqgeS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[f 52University of Social Sciences and Humanities,Hanoi(0000V['Yf[$50000000kAgreement between Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japanand Vietnam National University-Hanoi, Hanoi, Vietnam#'YqgeS'Yf[h00000V['Yf[000h0n0n0f[uk0Y00YeNAmTS[ 5|Agreement Between The Faculty of Arts, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand And Daito Bunka University, Tokyo, Japan 'YqgeS'Yf[h000000000'Yf[Nef[n0NAmTS[ 5'YqgeS'Yf[h0 Nwm+^{'Yf[h0n0f[uk0Y00YeNAmTS[ 5Minzu University of Cdhina'YqgeS'Yf[e,g h0-N.Yle'Yf[-NV h0n0NAmTS[f 5.ؚ'Yf[!h*5 0000000000[Agreement for cooperation between Daito Bunka University Ja< pan, and Korea University, Korea'YqgeS'Yf[h0ؚ'Yf[!hh0n0f[SNAmTS[f 5-NV00000500000)Centraal Instituut Opleiding Sportleiders : NwmSOf[b0CIOS65 0000000000000 Whatcom Community College00000000000000000 5 *00000eP^yf[&500000000Shanghai University of Sports: NwmSOf[b65 0000000000000 University of CIOS &NOVA'Yf[CIOS!h"5000000  d-NV>yOyf[bef[xvz@b`50000000000000000000000000   Feng-Chia University0"2u'Yf[,500000000Kyungnam University 4vaWS'Yf[!h05 0000000000Mokpo National University2(gfm'Yf[!h.5 000000000Woosuk University4Sw'Yf[!h05 0000000000Seokyeong Universit6N'Yf[!h25 00000000000 V Tg+^{'Yf[qgNxvz@bR5000000000000000000000 .S'Yf[*50000000j,gyYuf[uqQ Tb 0  0000k0Y00TS[ff50000000000000000000000000000 :wmYYef[b65 0000000000000 Hf[SNAmTS[fD500000000000000000 University of LEEDS8WIQ'Yf[!h45 000000000000SNt]'Yf[ 5.N'Yf[*50000000000000000000'Yf[50000 ( Dalian University of Foreign Languages :'Y#YVf[b65 0000000000000 BinterDaF e.V.at the Herder-Institute of the University of Leipzigrh'Yf[pr}hmpinterDaF50000"Hsing Kuo University of Management6V{tf[b25 00000000000University of Salento 0000'Yf[500000n'Yf[,500000000Sanjiang University. N_lf[b*50000000$ Chinese Academy of Social Sciences b-NV>yOyf[btkSxvz@b^5000000000000000000000000   Faculty of LettersUniversity of Laval0000'Yf[50000Catholic University of Lyon 00000000'Yf[50000*000Vf[b&500000000University of Trier0000'Yf[50000University of Hawai'I at HiloCapital Normal University4+^{'Yf[05 0000000000Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts8)Y%mSf[b45 000000000000THE University of PRESOV00000'Yf[50000The University of Findlay000000'Yf[50000University of TAMPERE0000'Yf[50000"National Taiwan University of ArtsHVzS~nS'Yf[D500000000000000000 Northeast Normal University6qgS+^{'Yf[25 00000000000St.Cloud State University ,00000000]z'Yf[(5 000000000 Northwestern University0S'Yf[,500000000#SOUTHEAST MISSOURI State University,000000000000]z'Yf[(5 000000000 "China Central Academy of Fine Arts:-NVSf[b65 0000000000000 LYNN University00'Yf[50000>bGW('Yf[!h:5 0000000000006^N'Yf[!h250000000020000WWxvzy.5 0000000000000Mohammed V University $00000d!N'Yf[ 500000National Sun Yat-sen UniversityThe University of NEW ENGLAND 0000000000'Yf[50000 Brescia University0000'Yf[50000Shang Dong University2q\qg'Yf[.5 000000000University of the Punjab000000'Yf[50000ZVOf[00000WWxvzyV500000000000000000000  JAWAHARLAL NEHRU University Northern Arizona University 000000000'Yf[50000 00000'Yf[50000*-Nq\'Yf[&500000000University of WEST Florida 000000000'Yf[50000 WESTERN MICHIGAN University The University of Westernsydney 0000000000'Yf[50000 Coker Colleage 000000000 5The University ofUTAHThe University of Alexandria#Busan University of Foreign StudiesJܑq\YV'Yf[!hF5000000000000000  !Victoria University of WellingtonUniversity of Rajasthan 000000'Yf[50000000Sharaz University 00000'Yf[50000?University of Social Sciences and Humanities -VNH,Hanoi,Vietnam (0000V['Yf[000$50000000University of Karachi000'Yf[ 5Korea University Shanghai Nomal University `"of[bxvzy0[Y"of[b\500000000000000000000000    VYVf[0YVf[xvzyR5000000000000000000000  4c:dTSpf05 00000000004HE0&ACULTY0OF0!RTS(Nef[$50000000Chulalomgkorn UniversityPadjaran University |-NV\;e,gyuqQ Tbk0Y00TS[x50000000000000000000000000000000    D-NVef[f[b@5000000000000000  DvNNAmk0Y00TS[@5000000000000000 Griffith UniversityhQf[0hQxvzyIThe Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University000000'Yf[0000000xvz@b,5 00000000000'Yck'Yf[ё[R'Yf[!h 5Division of Foreign LanguagesYVf[qg W'Yf[!h 5ef[bDepartment of PhilosophyTf[|Henan UniversitylWS'Yf[ 5Department of Asienstudien qgexvz@b0ef[&Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich 00000 0000'Yf[ 5Department of Religion[Yef[00000Yerevan State University*0000Vz'Yf[&500000000qMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and Yerevan State University (Armenia,Yerevan))uRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h00000Vz'Yf[0000000000 n0f[SNAmTS[f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "$#&uRO'Yf[/Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics F000VzfL}n'Yf[B50000000000000000<  oAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics and Soka UniversityuRO'Yf[h0000VzfL}n'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #/Russian State University of Trade and Economics 000VzfL}n'Yf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and Russian State University of Trade and Economics (Moscow, Russia)'uRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h0000VzfL}n'Yf[00000000 k0J0Q00f5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000 %.Tula State L.N. Tolstoy Pedagogical UniversityF00000_0000VzYe'Yf[B50000000000000000   nAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Tula State L.N. Tolstoy Pedagogical University and Soka University"uRO'Yf[h0000000000_0000VzYe'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # International UniversityV'Yf[ 5PMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and International University^uRO'Yf[h0000V'Yf[k0J0Q00TS[Z50000000000000000000000  $Far Eastern Federal State Universityuiqg#'Yf[50000\Memorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Far Eastern Federal State UniversityuRO'Yf[(qgN0e,g)h0uiqg#'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #(RAcademic Cooperation Between Soka University and Lomonosov Moscow State University&uRO'Yf[h0M.V.000000_0000Vz'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  #$Sofia University St Kliment OhridskiOAgreement for Collaboration Between Soka University and The University of Sofiae,guRO'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Politecnico di Torino000]y'Yf[ 5[Agreement for a Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and the Politecnico di Torino~uRO'Yf[0000]y'Yf[0f[STSRTS[fz5 00000000000000000000000000000000  iAgreement for An Academic and Student Exchange Program Between the Bologna University and Soka UniversitypuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[l50000000000000000000000000000  University of BarcelonanAgreement for An Academic and Student Exchange Program Between the University of Barcelona and Soka UniversityVuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[R5000000000000000000000  Novancia00000 5]Agreement for Academic Cooperation Between Novancia Business School Paris and Soka Universityp00000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[l50000000000000000000000000000   -Rheinish Friedrich-Wilhelm University of BonneMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Rheinish Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Bonne,g0uRO'Yf[h0000000'Yf[n0f[uvN>mck0Y00Taf5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000 Arts and languagesUniversity of Buckingham000000'Yf[50000iMEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING Dual-Degree Program between The University of Buckingham and Soka Univerisity#^000000'Yf[0uRO'Yf[n00000000000000k0Y00TS[fZ50000000000000000000000     oMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and University of Buckingham (Buckingham, UK)%luRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h0000000'Yf[00000000000 n0fh500000000000000000000000000 !#"Manchester Metropolitan Universityj}p0'Yf[50000[Manchester Metropolitan University and Soka University Inter University Exchange Agreement 000000000000000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f50000Queen's University, Belfast 00000'Yf[00000050000f50000 University College South Denmark(00000WS'Yf[$50000000WAgreement for Academic Cooperation Between University College South and Soka Universityb00000WS'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f^5000000000000000000000000 (Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru Vz000-N.Y'Yf[ 5`Memorandum of Understanding Between Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru and Soka UniversityT0000Vz000'Yf[h0e,g0uRO'Yf[k0J0Q00NAmTS[fP500000000000000000000   0000Del Valle University 0000000'Yf[ 5NAcademic Cooperation Protocol Between Soka University and Del Valle UniversityuRO'Yf[h00000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  National University of Cordoba0000Vz'Yf[50000oAgreement of Academic and Scientific Cooperation Between Soka University and the National University of CordobauRO'Yf[h00000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  MMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and University of Palermo|uRO'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[fx50000000000000000000000000000000  00000 University Columbia del Paraguay00000000000000'Yf[ 5`Agreement for Academic Co-operation Between University Columbia del Paraguay and Soka University600000000000000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[25 00000000000University of Habana^Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Education Between Soka University and University of HabanauRO'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000 Universidad de Guadalajara000000'Yf[50000ZAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Universidad de GuadalajaraxuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRW,gTS[ft5 00000000000000000000000000000000  000000000000'Yf[ 5LMemorandum of Understanding Between Mary Baldwin College and Soka UniversityB000000000000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f>500000000000000 Georgia State University ,00000]z'Yf[(5 000000000 Program Specific Agreement for A Student, Faculty and Research Exchange P< rogram Between Board of Regents of the Univerity System of Georgia by and on Behalf of Georgia State University, Atalanta, Georgia, United States of America And Soka Univerisity, Tokyo, Japan EuRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)h000000]z'Yf[(0000000000]000000 0NhW0_000000]'Yf[6R^c\YTOn0f[SNAmTS[f5000 &The University of Massachusetts Boston&{mp~o'Yf[}!h"5000000Memorandum of Understanding Between The University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, Massachusetts, USA and Soka University Hachioji, Tokyo, JapanAj000000000000!h(0000000000000]00000)h0uRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN0kQsP[)n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00ff50000000000000000000000000 #% (+.George Mason University 00000000'Yf[50000wAn Agreement Concerning the Exchange of Students, Faculty and Staff Between Soka University and George Mason University@uRO'Yf[h000000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f<50000000000000000  Kennesaw State UniversityAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University Tokyo, Japan and The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia by and on Behalf of Kennesaw State University(KSU) Kennesaw, Georgia, U.S.ABuRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)h00000]z'Yf[(000000000000000 0NhW0_000000]'Yf[6R^c\YTOn0f[SNAmTS[f5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 &/ 0$2'4*6/91;6=;?@AMorehouse college00000'Yf[50000IMemorandum of Understanding Between Morehouse College and Soka University00000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000  @[n0vNMQd<5 0000000000000 Soka University of America(0000uRO'Yf[$50000000ZAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Soka University of Americaf[!hlNuRO'Yf[h00000uRO'Yf[n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #%University of Delaware00000'Yf[ 5tMemorandum of Agreement for Academic and Educational Exchange Between Soka University and the University of DelawareuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000   College of Charleston 0000000'Yf[ 5RAgreement For a Student Exchange Program College of Charleston and Soka UniversityF0000000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[h0n0TS[B50000000000000000   Memorandum of Understanding To Explore Possible Future Colloboration Between The University of Miami and Soka University (Tokyo, Japan)h0000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0NAmTS[n0fM0d5000000000000000000000000000  #University of Prince Edward Island0000000000000000'Yf[ 5Agreement on Educational Collaboration Between the International Affairs Office, Soka University (Hachioji, Japan) and the University of Prince Edward IslandCharlottetown, PEI, CanadaIuRO'Yf[(e,g0kQsP[)Vh00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmTS[f5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ;=?B$D)F.HLaval University000'Yf[50000`General Cooperation Between Universite Laval (Quebec, Canada) and Soka University (Tokyo, Japan)$*000'Yf[(00000000)h0uRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)n0f[SNAmTS[f&500000000University of Montreal 0000000'Yf[ 5NMemorandum of Agreement Between Soka University and the University of MontrealuRO'Yf[h00000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00TS[5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000  000'Yf[ 5WAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and the University of Otago|uRO'Yf[h0000'Yf[n0f[SjTSRk0Y00fx50000000000000000000000000000000  University of SydneyStudent Exchange Agreement Between Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, The University of Sydney, Australia and Soka University, Japan#000000000000'Yf[Nef[h0e,g0uRO'Yf[n0f[uNAmTS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %"000000'Yf[50000pAgreement for Academic Exchange and Co-operation Between La Trobe University Australia and Soka University Japan!uRO'Yf[h0000000'Yf[000000000n0f[SNAmTS[f0f5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000   SAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Griffith University and Soka UniversityjuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f50000000000000000000000000000  University of Klagenfurt 00000000'Yf[ 5oAgreement of Cooperation Between the Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt(UNI-KLU) and the Soka University, TokyopuRO'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00fl50000000000000000000000000000  -University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg0000000000000'Yf[ 5~Memorandum of Agreement Made and Entered into by and between Soka University and University of the Witwatersrand, JohannesburgduRO'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[k0J0Q00NAmTS[f`50000000000000000000000000 0000University of Zambia0000'Yf[50000kMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and University of Zambia (Lusaka, Zambia) huRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h00000'Yf[00000000 n0fd5000000000000000000000000 8__!n*MQd45 000000000000000University of Ghana000'Yf[ 5Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Cooperation Between The University of Ghana of the Republic of Ghana and Soka University of Japan|uRO'Yf[h0000'Yf[n0f[STSRk0Y00fx50000000000000000000000000000000  RAgreement of Mutual Exchange Between the University of Nairobi and Soka University|e,guRO'Yf[h000000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00fx50000000000000000000000000000000 |Memorandum of Understanding for Academic and Educational Exchange Between Soka University, Japan and Cairo University, < Egypt!e,g0uRO'Yf[h000000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00f5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! 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KongruRO'Yf[h0/n'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmTS[n500000000000000000000000000000   XMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and The Chinese University Hong Konge,guRO'Yf[h0/n-Ne'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f 5000'Yf[ 5PAgreement of Mutual Exchange Between the University of Macau and Soka UniversityuRO'Yf[h0qgN'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f 5iMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Southwest University of Political Science and Law~-NV0WS?el'Yf[h0e,g0uRO'Yf[h0n0TS[fz5 00000000000000000000000000000000    QMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Beijing Normal UniversitySN+^{'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTSpf|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000   fAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Dalian University of Foreign Languages and Soka University'Y#YVf[bh0uRO'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTSpf5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   College of Chinese LanguagegAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Beijing Language and Culture Universitye,gVuRO'Yf[h0-NVSN'Yf[h0n0ef[,gyuqQ TbTSpf55500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     !$&+/3HuaZhong Normal University6-N+^{'Yf[25 00000000000WCooperation Agreement Between Soka University (SU) and HuaZhong Normal University (HNU)uRO'Yf[h0-N+^{'Yf['Yf[n0NAmTS[f5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   Shanghai Sanda Univeristy@ NwmIgTf[b<5 0000000000000 YAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Shanghai Sanda UniveristyuRO'Yf[h0 NwmIgTf[bh0n0NAmTS[f5 00000000000000000000000000000000   Hunan0Normal0University 4VnWS+^{'Yf[05 0000000000XAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Hunan Normal University uRO'Yf[h0VnWS+^{'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000    (n'Yf[$50000000SAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Tsinghua Universitye,gVuRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV0n'Yf[YVf[h0n0f[STS[533000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&).Jinan UniversityfWS'Yf[ 5HMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Jinan University"e,gVuRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVfWS'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %*02 Northwest UniversityS'Yf[ 5LMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Northwest University"e,gVuRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVS'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $).46 KMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Shanghai Universitye,gVuRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV Nwm'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %*/HMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Jilin Universitye,guRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV Tg'Yf[< n0f[SNAmTS[5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "',Zhongshan University`Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Cooperation Between Zhongshan University and Soka Universitye,gV0uRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV0-Nq\'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #EMemorandum of Agreement Between Soka University and Xiamen Universitye,guRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQT0VS'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $m3W'Yf[500KMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Shenzhen Universitye,guRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQT0Vm3W'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $HMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Fudan University"e,guRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV_e'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[50000HMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Wuhan Universitye,guRO'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVfk"o'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5000IMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Peking University-NNlqQTVSN'Yf[h0e,guRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[500-N.YL}'Yf[ 5cMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Central University of Finance and EconomicsbuRO'Yf[h0-N.YL}'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[^5000000000000000000000000  -China Youth University for Political Sciences-NVRt^?elf[b 5eMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and China Youth University for Political SciencesbuRO'Yf[h0-NVRt^?elf[bn0f[SNAmTS[^5000000000000000000000000  Bohai University$nwm'Yf[ 5HMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Bohai UniversityVuRO'Yf[h0$nwm'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[R5000000000000000000000000  Dalian Polytechnic University:'Y#]mi'Yf[65 0000000000000 UMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Dalian Polytechnic UniversityuRO'Yf[h0'Y#]mi'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000      Zhaoqing University,vaf[b(5 000000000KMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Zhaoqing UniversityVuRO'Yf[h0vaf[bn0f[SNAmTS[R5000000000000000000000000  Jinggangshan University2N\q\'Yf[.5 000000000OMemorandum of Understanding Between Jinggangshan University and Soka UniversityzN\q\'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[fv5!!000000000000000000000000000000000   Huanan Normal University4WS+^{'Yf[05 0000000000PMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Huanan Normal UniversityuRO'Yf[h0WS+^{'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 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Understanding Between Soka University and Yan'an Universityd^['Yf[h0uRO'Yf[k0J0Q00NAmp[f`50000000000000000000000000  National University of Hanoi(000V['Yf[$50000000bAgreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Vietnam National University, HanoivuRO'Yf[h000000000V['Yf[n0f[STS[fr50000000000000000000000000000  0000Vz'Yf[50000qA Memorandum of Academic and Educational Co-operation Between National University of Mongolia and Soka UniversityuRO'Yf[h00000Vz'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00TS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !# Chonbuk National University0hQS'Yf[,500000000zMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and Chonbuk National University(Jeonju, Republic Korea)uRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h0hQS'Yf[ӗV0hQ] n0f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000    "$VAgreement for Academic Cooperation Between Soka University and Sungkyunkwan UniversityVuRO'Yf[h0bGW('Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[R5000000000000000000000000  Chungju National University4_]'Yf[05 0000000000xMemorandum of 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Korea)juRO'Yf[h0n]'Yf[!hh0n0f[uNAmk0Y00ff50000000000000000000000000   vaq'Yf[ 5jAgreement for the Establishment of a Sister Relationship Between Soka University and Kyung Hee University DuRO'Yf[0vaq'Yf[YYTS[@5000000000000000  University of Mindanao00000'Yf[50000NMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and University of Mindanao0000'Yf[50000gAgreement for Academic Cooperation Between Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines and Soka Universityr0000'Yf[00000 h0uRO'Yf[e,g n0f[SNAmTS[n500000000000000000000000000000 University of The East0000'Yf[50000rMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and University of The East (Manila, Philippines)!fuRO'Yf[e,g0qgN h00000'Yf[000000000 n0fb500000000000000000000000000 Capitol University00000'Yf[50000vMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and Capitol University (Republic of the Philippines)-tuRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)h000000'Yf[(00000qQTV) n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00fp5000000000000000000000000000 University of Rizal System 00000000'Yf[ 5}Memorandum of Understanding Between Soka University(Tokyo, Japan) and University of Rizal System (Morong, Rizal, Philippines)2puRO'Yf[(e,gVqgN)h000000000'Yf[(00000qQTV00000000000)k0J0Q00fl50000000000000000000000000  +~Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Cooperation Between De La Salle University of the Philippines and Soka University of Japanr000000'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00fn500000000000000000000000000000   \Agreement for Academic Cooperation Between University of the Philippines and Soka UniversityuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 00000000000000000000000000000000   Ma0Chung University 0000'Yf[50000mMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo,Japan) and Ma Chung University (Malang, Indonesia)-\uRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)h00000'Yf[(0000000000)n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00fX5000000000000000000000 8Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS), Surabaya0000]y'Yf[ 5]Memorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Institut Teknologi Sepluluh Nopember 2uRO'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f.5 000000000 University of IndonesiaMemorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange Between Universitas Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia and Soka University, JapanVuRO'Yf[(e,g)h0000000'Yf[(000000)h0n0TS[fR5000000000000000000000 WS mt]'Yf[ 5QNanyang Technological University and Soka University Memorandum of Understanding ^uRO'Yf[h0WS mt]'Yf[h0n0fZ50000000000000000000000   Open University Malaysia 00000lQ'Yf[ 5PMemorandum of Understanding Between Soka University and Open University Malaysia00000lQ'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00f5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   Universiti Putra Malaysia 000000000'Yf[ 5lMemorandum of Agreement for Academic Collaboration Between Soka University and the Universiti Putra MalaysiavuRO'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[n0f[STSRk0Y00fr50000000000000000000000000000000 WMemorandum on Agreement of Cooperation Between Soka University and University of MalayaxuRO'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0n0TSRn0Tak0Y00ft500000000000000000000000000000  LAgreement for Collaboration Between Soka University and Thammasat UniversityTuRO'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0TS[fP500000000000000000000   OStudent Exchange Agreement Between Chulalongkorn University and Soka UniversitynuRO'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmk0Y00fj5000000000000000000000000000  University of Kelaniya0000'Yf[ 5|Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Cooperation Between Soka University in Japan and the University of Kelaniya in Sri LankavuRO'Yf[h00000'Yf[n0f[STSRk0Y00fr50000000000000000000000000000000  Lumbini Buddhist University ,0000NYe'Yf[(5 000000000SMemorandum of Understanding Between Lumbini Buddhist University and Soka UniversityZ0000NYe'Yf[h0uRO'Yf[n0fV500000000000000000000000  Tribhuvan University Kathmandu00000'Yf[ 5xAn Agreement of Academic and Educational Co-operation Between Tribhuvan University of Nepal and Soka University of Japan#0000000000'Yf[h0e,g0uRO'Yf[h0n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00TS[5000 1Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Woman @uRO`l0usYP['Yf[<5 0000000000000 Memorandum of Understanding Between Soka University (Tokyo, Japan) and Soka Ikeda College of Arts and Science for Woman (Chennai, India).uRO'Yf[(e,g0qgN)h0uRO`l0usYP['Yf[(000000000)n0f[S0YeNAmk0J0Q00f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#$(&-,Rabindra Bharati University 0000000000'Yf[50000 [Agreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and Rabindra Bharati UniversityzuRO'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[fv5000000000000000000000000000000  V.B.S.Purvanchal UniversityV.B.S.00000000'Yf[ 5[Agreement for Academic Co-operation Between Soka University and V.B.S.Purvanchal UniversityzuRO'Yf[h00000< 000'Yf[(000)n0f[SNAmTS[fv5000000000000000000000000000000   Delhi University000'Yf[ 5`Academic and Educational Agreement Between University of Delhi, India and Soka University, Japan (0000000'Yf[h0e,g0uRO'Yf[h0n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00TS[$50000000 'St. Stephen's College, Delhi University000'Yf[00000000000000050000An Academic and Educational Agreement Between Soka University of Japan and St. Stephen's College, Delhi, University of Delhi, Indiae,g0uRO'Yf[h00000000'Yf[n0f[S0Yek0Y00TS[5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000 -The College of Humanities and Social Sciences6Ne>yOf[25 00000000000Honam UniversityVnWS'Yf[ 5\O'Yf[(000?elf[b$50000000 00000000'Yf[50000University of Wollongong000000'Yf[50000University Iberoamericana 000000000'Yf[50000 3Office of Internaational Affairs, Peking University >SN'Yf[VOf[b:5 000000000000 The Universtiy of Waikato7University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-Hanoi^0000V['Yf[000Ne>yOyf['Yf[Z50000000000000000000000  University Lumiere Lyon 2&0000000000,{2'Yf["5000000  )Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg000000000'Yf[0000000000050000 University of Bristol%University of Dublin, Trinity College0000'Yf[00000000050000jV'Yf[ 5"The University of Nebraska-Lincoln &00000'Yf[00000!h"5000000 Susquehanna University000000'Yf[500000Kaohsiung Medical University, College of Nursing RؚĖ;Sf['Yf[wtf[bN50000000000000000   VR ww'Yf[KThe Board of Trustees of The University of Illinois United State of America &0000'Yf[000!h"5000000 QSt. Luke's College of Nursing, Trinity University of Asia, Quezon City, Phillppin>000000000'Yf[V00 wwf[:5 000000000000   TFaculty of Medicine and Health Science, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic UniversityJVz0000'Yf[OeP0;Sf[F5000000000000000  MSchool of Nursing, Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science Tanzania 600000eP^yf['Yf[25 00000000000 9University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing&0000000'Yf[00000000!h"5000000%McMaster University, Schoo of Nursing 0000000'Yf[500004School of Nursing-Oregon Health & Science University4000000000000'Yf[ wwf[05 0000000000 QMahidol University Ramathibodi Hospital Faculty of Medicine,Department of Nursing b0000'Yf[;Sf[ wwf[y Ramathibodi wwf[!h^5000000000000000000000  %Mahidol University Faculty of Nursing 40000'Yf[ wwf[05 0000000000$Yonsei University College of Nursing 40000'Yf[ wwf[05 0000000000Assumption University 0000000'Yf[50000nlsYP['Yf[Ewha Womans 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ProgramCatholic University of Lyon 000000000'Yf[ 5Summer Intensive ProgramN'Yf[ 5Intensive Mandarin ProgramSeoul Women's University000sYP['Yf[ 5 The Catholic University of Korea ӗV00000'Yf[ 5National University00000'Yf[500002Intensive Program in Japanese Language and Culture wgYuf[uSeQTS[ 5#Budapest Business School University 00000FUy'Yf[ 5Baeksoek University}vw'Yf[ 5Ca'Foscari University of Venice 0000000'Yf[ 5cYuf[TS[ 58National Institute of Oriental Language and Civilization0000Vzqg meS'Yf[ 5NcYuf[TS[ 5Australian Catholic University0000000000000'Yf[ 5 000000000'Yf[ 5University of Roehampton 0000000'Yf[ 5Santa Clara University000000'Yf[ 5Seattle University0000'Yf[ 5University of San Francisco 00000000'Yf[ 5Manhattanville College 00000000'Yf[ 5*_e'Yf[&500000000bW'Yf[1Friedrich-Alexander-Univesitat Erlangen-Nurunberg00000000000000'Yf[50000>Vertrag uber die Zusammenarbeit in Forscung und Lehre ZwischendxvzSs0Yek0J0Q00TSRk0Y00TS[`50000000000000000000000000  University of Montana 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Munchen (Verein fur interkulturelle Verstandigung)FOR STUDENTS OF SEIKEI UNIVERSITYHeidelberg University 0000000'Yf[50000RECIPROCAL STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN RHEINISCHE FRIENDRICH-WILHELMS-UNIVERSITAT BONN, GERMANY AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITY, TOKYO, JAPAN#bJ'Yf[e,gV h000'Yf[000#qQTV h0n0n0Yuf[uNcTS[5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #%)!cAGREEMENT BETWEEN SEIKEI UNIVERSITY AND THE JAPAN CENTRE NORTH WEST IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTERD:bJ'Yf[h0The Japan Centre North West in the University of Manchesterh0n0TS[65 0000000000000BUniversity of CambridgeCSEIKEI UNIVERSITY EASTER SCHOOL AT PEMBROKE COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE 2012The Univeristy of Edinburgh000000'Yf[50000AGREEMENT FOR THE 2012 SUMMER ENGLISH LANGUAGE COURSE IN EDINBURGH ADMINISTRATED BY ENGLISH LANGEAGE TEACHING CENTRE, THE UNIVERISYT OF EDINBURGH FOR STUDENTS OF SEIKEI UNIVERSITYaACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT between THE UNIVERSITY OF EDHINBURGH, UK and SEIKEI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN00000'Yf[50000ISUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT a!BETWEEN AMERICAN UNIVERSITY AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITYbGENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA ENGLISH LANGUAGE CENTRE AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITYSTUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT000000'Yf[50000LETTER OF AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN The University of Auckland English Langueage Academy and Seikei University~AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION between SEIKEI UNIVERSITY and INSTITUTE OF CONTINUING & TESOL EDUCATION, BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA(ITEC-UQ)jAGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN MURDOCH UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITY, JAPANbJ'Yf[J00s000000'Yf[h0n0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000  0000'Yf[50000General Agreement between Monash University English Language Centre(a division of Monash College Pty Ltd) and Seikei Unieversity, JapaniAGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN MONASH UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITY, JAPANbJ'Yf[J00s00000'Yf[h0n0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000  kAGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, AUSTERALIA AND SEIKEI UNIVERSITY. JAPANbJ'Yf[J00s000000'Yf[h0n0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000  *bJ'Yf[e,gVqgN h0_e'Yf[-NNlqQTV Nwm^ h0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&',!."2%4(0 Tn'Yf[,500000000*bJ'Yf[e,gVqgN h0 Tn'Yf[-NNlqQTV Nwm^ h0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&',!."2%4(1 bJ'Yf[e,gV0qgN h0SN'Yf[VT\O-NNlqQTV0SN^ h0n0Yuf[uNck0Y00TS[5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'+- 0"1#5&:(<)@,B/EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITYbMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SEKEI UNIVERSITY AND EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREA bJ'Yf[h0ؚ'Yf[Vf[bh0n0ӗVf[00000k0Y00TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #%WSTUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT between Seikei University, Japan and KOREA UNIVERSITY, KOREAqMemorandum of Understanding between Chiang Mai University, Chang Mai, THAILAND and Seikei University. Tokyo Japan(zhejiang fashion institute of technology nYm_l!}T~ gňwmibSf[bj5000000000000000000000000000    Z!N!hS}YNAmk0Y00TS[fV500000000000000000000000  IgΑ g'Yf[Zhejiang Sci-Tech University6Ym_lt]'Yf[25 00000000000 hf[S0Nirn0S}YNAmk0Y00TS[f d5000000000000000000000000000    0QW0n00500000000f[b50000:TSRTS[f65 0000000000000 }v~vTsYP['Yf[College of Saint-Benedict &V000000'Yf["5000000An Agreement Regarding Students of Shirayuri College, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan Studying at the College of Saint Benedict, St. Joseph, Minnesota, U.S.A.;}v~vTsYP['Yf[e,gVqgN^^ f[un0V000000'Yf[0000TFV0000]V000 g0n0Of[k0Y00TS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !%#,*/+126588=:Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College0000000000000000'Yf[50000An Agreement Regarding Students From Shirayuri College, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan, Studying at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College, St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, U.S.A.R}v~vTsYP['Yf[e,gVqgN^^ f[un00000000000000000'Yf[0000TFV000000]0000000000000000 g0n0Of[k0Y00TS[f5;;00000000000000000< 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %#,*5-I2L4O9QBenedictine College 00000000'Yf[50000An Agreement Regarding Students of Shirayuri College, Chofu-shi, Tokyo, Japan Studying at Benedictine College, Atchison, Kansas, USA<}v~vTsYP['Yf[e,gqgN^^ f[un000000000'Yf[0000TFV0000]00000 g0n0Of[k0Y00TS[f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !#(*+30629Catholic University of the West_Sister School Cooperation between Catholic University of the West, France and Shirayuri College"z萫00000'Yf[0000 h0}v~vTsYP['Yf[e,g h0n0YY!hc:dv5000000000000000000000000000000   TNeyf[|RΑf[P500000000000000000  "Paris Diderot University (Paris 7) 0000000'Yf[50000bMemorandum of Understanding between the University Paris-Diderot-Paris 7 and the Shirayuri College+}v~vTsYP['Yf[e,g J00s0000000000,{7 'Yf[0000 n0'Yf[TSRTS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000 $&' )OMemorandum of Understanding between Shirayuri College and Providence Universityv}v~vTsYP['Yf[h0Y['Yf[n0n0Taefr50000000000000000000000000000   %All colleges of Providence UniversityPA Student Exchange Agreement between Providence University and Shirayuri CollegeY['Yf[h0}v~vTsYP['Yf[NcYuf[TS[5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000    (All colleges of Seoul Women's UniversitySoeul Women's University,000sYP['Yf[!h(5 000000000}v~vTsYP['Yf[h0000sYP['Yf[!hn0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000  }v~vTsYP['Yf[h0000sYP['Yf[!hn0vNNAmTS[5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000   Fine Arts*Sf[&500000000.Queensland College of Art, Griffith University00000'Yf[0000000000000000000050000Academic CollaborationsYP[S'Yf[0Ecole Nationale Superieure d' Art de Paris-CergyF0000000VzؚI{Sf[!hB50000000000000000   1Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg00000000000000'Yf[000000000000050000!University of Applied Arts Vienna :0000_(uS'Yf[65 0000000000000 2Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences6000000000000_(uyf['Yf[25 00000000000 Loughborough 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Sciences University of Mongolia 60000eP^yf['Yf[25 00000000000@f[STSRTS[<50000000000000000 Agreement for Exchange Program<NAm;uTS[8500000000000000 "6SS;Sy'Yf[00000000000000000000okf[萓TS[ 25 00000000000University of TubingenHAgreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation within the Dental FieldsjokyWk0J0Q00f[SNAm000TSRTS[f50000000000000000000000000000  (WS0000000'Yf[$50000000-Academic Collaboration and Scholarly Exchange@f[SNAmTSR<50000000000000000  P NwmN'Yf[;Sf[bL5000000000000000000  RNAm00000k0Y00TS[ 񂞊hj0W0 N50000000000000000000  University of Adelaide#Agreement on Collaboration Programs>TSR;uTS[:5000000000000000 Tianjin Medical University "\)Y%m;Sy'Yf[00000000000000000000okf[萓TS[ X5000000000000000000000 Dalian Medical University4'Y#;Sy'Yf[05 0000000000*<SS;Sy'Yf[0000000000000000000000000000;Sf[萓TS[ 85 00000000000#%&''J00000'Yf[000000000000000000000000;Sf[萓TS[ F5000000000000000 "# $"b)Y%m;Sy'Yf[00000000000000000000;Sf[萓TS[ ^5000000000000000000000  /Agreement for Academic Exchange and CooperationPf[SNAmTSRTS[L5000000000000000000000 Exchange Students and Faculty Ff[uSs0YeTn0NAmB50000000000000000 Medical University of Vienna&0000;Sy'Yf["5000000University of Minnesota0000'Yf[50000Tulane University00000'Yf[50000*Agreement for an Academic Exchange ProgramPortland State University ,000000]z'Yf[(5 000000000Educational Cooperation6Ye Nn0TSR2500000000000000< 8Agreement for the Establishment of a Sister Relationship.YY!hTS[*5 00000000004The University of Rome "Tor Vergata" &000'Yf[0000000!h"5000000 8Agreement of Cultural And Direct Scientific Collabration PeSv0yf[vTSRTS[L5000000000000000000000  Cairo University 000'Yf[50000Sister University treatyStellenbosch University 00000000'Yf[50000!Agreement of Academic Cooperation Nzf'Yf[St Edmund's College, Cambridge000000'Yf[0000000000000050000,[n0ee(5 000000000SOAS (University of London)0000'Yf[qg m0000xvzf[b 5,NcTS[(5 000000000University of Reading 0000000'Yf[ 5University of BirminghamUniversity of Geneva00000'Yf[ 500000000L}nL}U'Yf[ 5Universityppsala UniversityUniversity of Burgos0000'Yf[ 5University of Seville00000'Yf[ 5 00000ꁻl'Yf[ 5Pontifical Comillas University Yev^z000000'Yf[ 5"Autonomous University of Barcelona 000000ꁻl'Yf[ 55Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts00000000000VzeSS'Yf[ 5Moscow State University-Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia 000VzYe'Yf[ 5University of Porto000'Yf[50000University of Aveiro000000'Yf[ 5University of OsloRotterdam Business School00000000000000 50000000University of Luxemburg 0000000'Yf[ 5University of Bari 000'Yf[50000!University for Foreigners Perugia 400000YVN'Yf[05 0000000000University of Rome000'Yf[500000000'Yf[ 5Carlo Cattaneo University 000000000'Yf[ 5%Naples University of Oriental Studies Vz000qg m'Yf[ 5 00000000'Yf[ 5Witten/Herdecke University000000000000'Yf[ 5University of Tuebingen 0000'Yf[ 5Munich School of Philosophy 00000Tf['Yf[ 5000000000'Yf[00000000000000 5 0000000'Yf[ 5!Albert Ludwig University Freiburg"Catholic 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0000'Yf[L}Uf[b 5Catholic University of Louvain000000000000'Yf[ 5University of Antwerp000000'Yf[ 5Graz University0000'Yf[ 5University of Auckland 000000'Yf[0 5000000'Yf[ 5University of Western Australia 0000000'Yf[ 5 00000000'Yf[0 5University of Notre Dame000000'Yf[ 5University of Melbourne000000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[50000School of Nursing}TNyf[ wwf[y }TNyf[xvzy wwf[\;e5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #("The Catholic University of America 000000000'Yf[50000 Bloomfield College00000000000000 5 0000000'Yf[50000York College of Pennsylvania000000000000000000000 5Xavier University0000'Yf[ 5Wittenberg University 00000000'Yf[ 5"University of Wisconsin-Whitewater0000000'Yf[000000000!h 5 University of Wisconsin-Madison 0000000'Yf[00000!h 5University of West Florida 000000000'Yf[0 5 Washington and Jefferson College0000000000000000 5 0000000'Yf[ 5University of Texas at Austin 0000'Yf[000000!h 5Suffolk University00000'Yf[ 5 00000000'Yf[ 5St. Norbert College 0000000000000 5St. Joseph's University 00000000'Yf[ 5St. John's University (NY)00000000'Yf[0000000  5Seton Hall University 00000000'Yf[0 5University of Scranton000000'Yf[ 5 0000000'Yf[ 5"Saint Mary's College of California000000000000000000000000 5University of Portland000000'Yf[ 5University of Pennsylvania 0000000'Yf[ 5000'Yf[ 5#Northwest Missouri State University000000000000]z'Yf[ 5University of North Florida 00000000'Yf[ 5)University of North Carolina at Charlotte000000000'Yf[000000!h 5+University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill000000000'Yf[000000!h 5North Carolina State University 000000000]z'Yf[ 50000'Yf[0 5University of Missouri-Columbia 0000'Yf[00000!h 5University of Mississippi00000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[0 5#University of Massachusetts-Amherst00000000'Yf[00000!h 5Marquette University00000'Yf[ 5Loyola University New Orleans 000'Yf[0000000 5Loyola Marymount University000000000000'Yf[ 5Loyola University Chicago000'Yf[000 50000'Yf[0 5John Carroll< University 00000000'Yf[0 5College of The Holy Cross 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Jordan0000'Yf[50000The University of Sri LankaKristu Jayanti College0000000000000000 5Sanata Dharma University000000'Yf[50000*00000sz00000'Yf[&500000000 Royal University of Fine Arts :00000szS'Yf[65 0000000000000 Mahidol University0000'Yf[ 5Can Tho University00000'Yf[ 5 0000000000'Yf[0 5School of Humanities*College of Humanities, University of PusanBܑq\'Yf[Nef[>500000000000000 ^N'Yf[ 5_l'Yf[0 5ӗVYV'Yf[ 5Catholic University of Daegu 'Y00000'Yf[!h 5Catholic University of KoreaYanshan University2qq\'Yf[.5 000000000.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/nyf[bS'Yf[ 5 Chinese University of Hong Kong 0000]mi'Yf[ 5 Fu Jen Collegeatholic University N00000'Yf[ 5Arabian Gulf UniversityB~n\Vz'Yf[>500000000000000 \Agreement for Academic Collaboration between Arabian Gulf University and Juntendo University)YX'Yf[0~n\Vz'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #)YX'Yf[Agreement for Academic Collaboration between Juntendo University Faculty of Nursing and Thammasat University Faculty of Nursing)YX'Yf[;SBv wwf[000000'Yf[ wwf[0f[SNAmTS[5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $)Agreement for Academic Collaboration between Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine and Chiang Mai University Faculty of Medicine)YX'Yf[;Sf[000000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !University of Southampton000000'Yf[50000UMemorandum of Understanding between University of Southampton and Juntendo Universityn)YX'Yf[0000000'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[j5000000000000000000000000000000 *"o}'Yf[&500000000Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Juntendo University 1-1 Hiraga Gakuendai, Inzai-shi, Chiba, Japan and Hanyang University 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, Koreax)YX'Yf[0"o}'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[t5 00000000000000000000000000000000    $Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin&0000;Sy'Yf["5000000Agreement of Co-operation between Juntendo University, Japan and , a joint institution of the Freie Universitat and Humboldt-Universitat of Berlinx)YX'Yf[00000;Sy'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[t5 00000000000000000000000000000000  Malaya UniversityMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange between Juntendo University Tokyo, Japan and University of Malaya Kuala Lumpur, Malaysian)YX'Yf[0000'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[j5000000000000000000000000000000  Korea National Sport University8ӗVSO'Yf[45 000000000000nAgreement for Academi Exchange and Cooperation between Korea National Sport University and Juntendo University Z)YX'Yf[0ӗVSO'Yf[V500000000000000000000000  000000'Yf[50000OAgreement of Interchanges between Juntendo University and Semmelweis Universityn)YX'Yf[0000000'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[j5000000000000000000000000000000 !Queen Mary University of London, &0000'Yf[00000000!h"5000000Memorandum of Understanding between Barts and the London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentisry, Queen Mary, University of London and Juntendo University, Faculty of Medicine)YX'Yf[;Sf[00000'Yf[V000ub0f[SNAmTS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $Stanford University 0000000'Yf[50000Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange between Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine Tokyo, Japan and Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California, U.S.A.)YX'Yf[;Sf[00000000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !Memorandum of Agreement between University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine and Juntendo University School of Medicine)YX'Yf[0000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000   8VzS~n'Yf[45 000000000000Memorandum of Understanding for Acadmic Exchange between Juntendo University Tokyo, Japan and National Taiwan University College of Medicine Taipei, Taiwan)YX'Yf[0VzS~n'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %PAgreement for Academic between Taipei Medical University and Juntendo University)YX'Yf[0< SS;Sf['Yf[0f[SNAmTS[5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000    0000'Yf[50000Memorandum of Understanding between Juntendo University, Japan and Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University Thailand)YX'Yf[00000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000  "Suranaree University of Technology .00000]y'Yf[*50000000tMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange between Juntendo University and Suranaree University of Technology)YX'Yf[000000]y'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000    0000000'Yf[50000YAcademic Collaborative Agreement between Juntendo University and Mae Fah Luang Universityn)YX'Yf[00000000'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[j5000000000000000000000000000000 Agreement for Academic Collaboration between Juntendo University, School of Medicine and Chulalongkorn University Faculty of Medicine)YX'Yf[;Sf[00000000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !000000'Yf[50000Agreement of Academic and Educational Exchange between Gadjah Mada University Faculty of Medicine, Indonesia and Juntendo University, School of Medicine, Japan)YX'Yf[;Sf[0000000'Yf[;Sf[0f[SNAmTS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! 0000000'Yf[ 5Agreement of Intent on Research, Academic and Service Collaboration between Department Ophthalmology of Juntendo University and Cicend Eye Hospital')YX'Yf[;Sf[00000000'Yf[;Sf[D^\00000f[SNAm0TS[:5000000000000000  Vienna University of Technology 0000Vz]y'Yf[ 54Agreement of Science Cooperation between VUT and SIT Jyf[vTSRk0Y00TS[F5000000000000000000   FBfn0!qQe,gYeB50000000000000000 (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne 00000#]y'Yf[ 54Memorandum for Student Exchange between EPFL and SIT-Agreement of Cooperation between EPFL and SITUniversity of L'aquila0000'Yf[ 53Memorandum for Student Exchange between ULA and SIT,Agreement of Cooperation between ULA and SIT)Agh University of Science and Technology pyf[bS'Yf[ 53Memorandum for Student Exchange between AGH and SITFaculty of Energy and Fuels 0000000qexvzy,5 00000000000 80WWtX0000\;e45 00000000< 0000 Bfn0!qQe,gYe pyf[bS'Yf[ 57Memorandum for Phd Student Exchange between AGH and SIT PhDf[uNck0Y00f 5000t]y'Yf[ 5DAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between HUT and SITf[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5&>mc[ej0W0"5000000(OX0ZSX$50000000*Graduate School of Engineering and Science>t]f[xvzy:5000000000000000 0t]f[xvzy,5 000000000002Memorandum on Student Exchange between SIT and HUT00000'Yf[50000'Letter of Agreement between UVA and SIT&}[f"5000000DAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between UVA and SIT 00000000]y'Yf[ 5FAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between KMUTT and SITGraduate School of Engineering.]f[xvzy*5 0000000000|Memorandum on Student Exchange between Shibaura Institute of Technology and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi>Aeronautic Program Office, Korea Aerospace Research Institute ӗV*zz[[xvzb500-Agreement of Cooperation between KARI and SITDAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between UTM and SIT6Memorandum on the Student Exchange between SIT and UTM2Memorandum of Student Exchange between SIT and ITBDAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between ITB and SITUniversidade Positivo00000'Yf[ 59Agreement for Academic and Cooperation between UP and SITAgreement on Global Cooperative Network for Engineering Technology Management Education and Research between Graduate School of Engineering Management of Shibaura Institute of Technology and Graduate School of Engineering of Yonsei U.$]f[|bSL}UYeSs0xvzn0_00n000000TS000000k0Y00TS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000    ""IAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation Tai-Nichi I. T. and SIT000'Yf[50000UMemorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between SIT and NULf[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00f500000 F]f[RΑn0000000k0J0Q00`1XNcB50000000000000000 @National Tsing Hua University Institute of Technology Management6Vzn'Yf[25 00000000000-Agreement of Cooperation between SIT and NTHU8Northeastern University National Pilot Software College*qgS'Yf[&500000000WAgreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Northeastern University and SITHanyang Univirsity9Agreement for Academic and Cooperation between HU and SIT)Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology 00000^]y'Yf[ 5FAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between HCMUT and SIT4Memrandum on Student Exchanges between HCMUT and SIT 00000yf['Yf[5000DAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between USM and SITUniversitas Gadjah MadaDAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between UGM and SIT2Memorandum on Student Exchange between SIT and UGMUniversiti Selangor000000'Yf[ 5WMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between UIS and SIT#Suranaree University of Technology 00000]y'Yf[ 5DAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between SUT and SIT2Memorandum on Student Exchange between SIT and SUT Ff[uNck0Y00fB5 0000000000000  <WSSyb'Yx[85 00000000000DAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between STU and SIT+Harbin University of Science and Technology0000t]'Yf[ 5EAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between HUST and SIT.qg'Yf[*50000000BAgreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between DU and SITdf[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[`50000000000000000000000000     R]0n0NQHrir0`1XI{n0NcN50000000000000000000   000000000'Yf[ 5BAgreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between SIT and CUUniversity of Brawijaya000000'Yf[ 5BAgreement for Academic Exchanges and Cooperation between SITand UBUniversiti Teknogogi MalaysiazMemorandum of Understanding between Japanese University Consortium (JUC), Japan and Universiti Teknogogi Malaysia,MalaysiaTe,gn0'Yf[0000000JUC)h000000]y'Yf[h0n0fP500000000000000000 *Jissen Women s University, Zuyd University[sYP['Yf[0 0000VzWS'Yf[500kAgreement between Jissen Women s University (JWU) and Hogeschool Zuyd, University of Applied Sciences (ZU) [sYP['Yf[JWU h00000VzWS'Yf[ZU n0TS[f 5[sYP['Yf[ *'Yf[17 w'Y2 &500000000 LJissen Women s University Jissen Women s Junior College, Dankook University"[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 00000'Yf[50000Agreement on Cultural and Educational Cooperation Between University of Sussex And Jissen Women s University / Jissen Women s Junior College $00000'Yf[Ss0[sYP['Yf[D [sYP[wg'Yf[VNAmk0Y00TS[f  5RJissen Women s University Jissen Women s Junior College, University of Washington"[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 00000'Yf[50000Memorandum of Understanding Between Jissen Women s University and Jissen Women s Junior College Center for International Programs and University of Washington Educational Outreach,[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[VNAm0000h000000'Yf[YYe0000h0n0f  5*0PL-Nbk &500000000XJissen Women s University Jissen Women s Junior College, University of the Fraser Valley"[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 00000000'Yf[50000Agreement between Jissen Women s University & Jissen Women s Junior College CFIP and The University of the Fraser Valley IED for the Visiting Student Summer Programme 9f[uYg00000k0Y00[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[VNAm0000Ss000000000'Yf[VYeTaf  5:Jissen Women s University, University of the Fraser Valley[sYP['Yf[0 00000000'Yf[500< yAgreement of Student Exchange Programs between Jissen Women s University JWU and University of the Fraser Valley UFV .[sYP['Yf[JWU h000000000'Yf[UFV n0f[uNc00000k0Y00TS[f  5 QHrirSs0Nn0njen0NcMemorandum of Understanding between the University College of the Fraser Valley, Canada and Jissen Women s University & Jissen Women s Junior College, Japan &00000000'Yf[j00s0k0[sYP['Yf[J00s0[sYP[wg'Yf[n0W,gTaf 5MJissen Women s University Jissen Women s Junior College, Tsinghua University,[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 n'Yf[(50000000Agreement between Tsinghua University, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Department of Chinese Language and Literature and Jissen Women s University and Jissen Women s Junior College, Center for International Programs for the Chinese Language Summer Programme8n'Yf[-Ne|Ygf[xOk0Y00[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[VNAm0000Ss0 n'Yf[-Ne|n0Taf  5@>mc 0f[b~0_0o0f[ SeQ0 0YVf[<5 0000000000000 N>mc 0f[c[j0W0 SeQ0 0ef[J500000000000000000  !B[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 SN^df[bs0-NVOZ'Yf[ >5 00000000000 >PSN^df[bh0[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[J00s0SN^df[bf[SNAmk0Y00TS[f %Rk0>mcTaf0SeQ0TafB00 L5000000000000000000-/1 5 8 *'Yf[8 w'Y3 &500000000,[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[0 jV'Yf[!h(5000000Agreement between Jissen Women s University & Jissen Women s Junior College CFIP and Dankook University, Office of International Affairs for the Intensive Korean Language and Culture Program CjV'Yf[!h ӗV0eSYgƖ-N00000k0Y00[sYP['Yf[0[sYP[wg'Yf[ VNAm0000Ss0jV'Yf[!h VeSNAmQTaf500&f[c[j0W0"5000000-Jissen Women s University, Dankook University "[sYP['Yf[0 jV'Yf[!h50000aAgreement of Student Exchange Programs between Jissen Women s University and Dankook University@[sYP['Yf[JWU h0 jV'Yf[!hDKU n0 TS[f<5 0000000000000  00000000'Yf[50000FVNAmTS[fB50000000000000000 ҙlsYP['Yf[00000'Yf[50000+Phranakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University 0000000000'Yf[50000 000'Yf[5D0{Agreement for Collaboration in Research, Education and Training Programs between Cairo University and Komazawa University "|ҙo'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0xvz0YeSs0 b00000k0J0Q00TSRTS[x5K0D0000000000000000000000000000   ҙo'Yf[$SN'Yf[ 5000D0ҙo'Yf[h0SN'Yf[tkSf[|h0n0f[SNAmTS[f5 ""K0000D0000000000000000000000000000   *The University of Provence-Aix-Marseille I&0000000000000000,{'Yf["5000000hEducational Agreement between the University of Provence-Aix-Marseille I, France and Komazawa University!Zҙo'Yf[h00000000000000000,{'Yf[h0n0VNAmTS[V5K000D000000000000000 qg+^{'Yf[5000^Educational Agreement between Komazawa University,Japan and East China Normal University,Chinae,gV0ҙo'Yf[0-NV0qg+^{'Yf[0VNAmTS[f~5 00000K0000000000000000000000000  S~n50000Tamkang University m_l'Yf[50000NMemorandum of Understanding between Tamkang University and Komazawa University`ҙo'Yf[0m_l'Yf[0f[SNAmk0Y00Taf\5K0000000000000000000000  University of California Irvine0000000'Yf[00000!h5K0VEducational Agreement between University of California Irvine and Komazawa Universitydҙo'Yf[00000000'Yf[00000!h0VNAmTS[f`5K0D0000000000000000000  00000'Yf[5D0JEducational Agreement between Griffith University and Komazawa UniversityZҙo'Yf[000000'Yf[0VNAmTS[fV5K0D00000000000000000   Arkansas Tech University &000000]'Yf["50000D0OEducational Agreement between Arkansas Tech University and Komazawa Universityhҙo'Yf[0000000]'Yf[0VNAmTS[fd5K00000D00000000000000000   The University of Exeter00000'Yf[50OEducational Agreement between the University of Exeter and Komazawa UniversityZҙo'Yf[000000'Yf[0VNAmTS[fV5K0D00000000000000000   :University of British Columbia, English Language Institute0000000000000'Yf[ELI0 5Educational AgreementYeTS[ 5 00000000'Yf[5D0qMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation between the University of Queensland and Komazawa Universityҙo'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRn0_00n0f 5)California State University, Los Angeles 60000000]z'Yf[000000!h25 00000000000  qMemorandum of Understanding between California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA) and Komazawa University (KU)ҙo'Yf[h00000000]z'Yf[000000!hn0TS[ff5 0000000000000$000000000000000000  qgV'Yf[!h50000HEducational Agreement between Komazawa University and Dongguk UniversityXҙo'Yf[0qgV'Yf[!h0VNAmTS[fT5K000000000000000000000  Yarmouk University00000'Yf[50000PMemorandum of Understanding Between Yarmouk University And Kokushikan UniversityVX'Yf[000sThe Directorate General of Antiquities and Heritage, The Ministry of < Culture and Information, The Republic of Iraq 000VSz#u^ 5Scientific Exchange Agreement Between Kokushikan University and the Directorate General of Antiquities and Heritage, The Ministry of Culture and Information, the Republic of IraqVX'Yf[h0000VSz#u^n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !#00000Addis Ababa University 00000000'Yf[50000gAgreement on Academic Exchange And Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Addis Ababa University|VX'Yf[h000000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fx5""0000000000000000000000000000000000 Entire institution00003Kyrgyz National University named after J. Balasagyn80000Vzle'Yf[000000000000045 000000000000Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kyrgyz National University Named After J.Balasagyn and Kokushikan UniversityVX'Yf[h00000Vzle'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "$)University of World Economy and Diplomacy DNLuL}nYN'Yf[ @5000000000000000 zAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and University of World Economy and DiplomacyVX'Yf[h0NLuL}nYN'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     %'.Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages :Vz000000YV'Yf[65 0000000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Samarkand State Institute of Foreign LanguagesVX'Yf[h0000000YV'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !Far Eastern Federal University:uiqg#'Yf[65 0000000000000 wAgreement of Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Far-Eastern State Technical University and Kokushikan UniversityVX'Yf[h0uiqgVz]y'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&(University of Munich#Agreement of Academic Cooperation 000000'Yf[50000gAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Semmerlweis UniversityVX'Yf[h0000000'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000  NVX'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0fM0J500000000000000000000 fAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Chiang Mai UniversityVX'Yf[h000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000  `Agreement for Cooperation and Exchange Between Kokushikan Univerity and Chulalongkorn Universityj00000000'Yf[h0VX'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f50000000000000000000000000000   00000'Yf[50000gAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Gadjah Mada University and Kokushikan Universityj00000'Yf[h0VX'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f50000000000000000000000000000  >University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Ho Chi Minh CityP00000V[ >yONeyf['Yf[USSH L5000000000000000000  Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and University of Social Sciences and Humanities, HO Chi Minh City"VX'Yf[h000000V[>yONeyf['Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "')00000'Yf[50000WAgreement on Academic Exchange Between Kokushikan University and De La Salle UniversityzVX'Yf[h00000000'Yf[f[SNAmTS[fv5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  tAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and the National University of MongoliaVX'Yf[h0Vz0000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ,Vz-Nq\'Yf[(5 000000000pAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between National Sun Yat-sen University and Kokushikan UniversityVX'Yf[h0Vz-Nq\'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%-NVeS'Yf[5000kAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Chinese Culture UniversityVX'Yf[h0-NVeS'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$) Beijing University of Technology8SN]mi'Yf[45 000000000000qAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Kokushikan University and Beijing University of Technologyf[SNAmTS[ NcYuf[TS[ wgYuf[TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %*R\'Yf[&500000000ej0W050000VX'Yf[h0R\'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[f5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000    "Shenzhen PolytechnicPm3WwmibSf[bL5000000000000000000 zVX'Yf[h0m3WwmibSf[bn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fv5000000000000000000000000000000  <'Y#YV'Yf[8500000000000000 wAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between Dalian University of Foreign Languages and Kokushikan UniversityVX'Yf[h0'Y#YVf[bn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "$)2 Tg'Yf[.5 000000000TAgreement on Exchange of Students Between0Jilin University and Kokushikan University*VX'Yf[e,gV0qgN h0 Tg'Yf[-NNlqQTV0w%f n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<     $(*-/2 7"<%>(fk"o'Yf[5000aAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Kokushikan University and Wuhan UniversityVX'Yf[h0fk"o'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmTSRk0Y00TS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%* Nwm[Yff[b500000sAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Kokushikan University and Shanghi Institute of Foreign TradeVX'Yf[h0 Nwm[Yff[bn0n0f[SNAmTSRk0Y00TS[f5 66000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "'-/40Ҟ_l'Yf[,5 00000000000hAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Kokushikan University and Heilongjiang UniversityVX'Yf[h0Ҟ_l'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000     "'Suzhou (Soochow) UniversitycAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Kokushikan University and Soochow UniversityVX'Yf[h0]'Yf[n0n0f[SNAmTSRk0Y00TS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $&+bAgreement on Academic 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UniversityVX'Yf[h0[qg'Yf[!hn0f[SNAmTS[k0Y00feQY}5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%)2qg'Yf[!h.5 000000000dAgreement of Academic Cooperation and Exchange Between Kokushikan University and Dong-Eui UniversityVX'Yf[h0qg'Yf[!hn0n0f[SNAmTSRk0Y00TS[f5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      &(-"o}'Yf[!h50000VAgreement on Exchange of Students Between0Kokushikan University and Hanyang UniversityVX'Yf[h0"o}'Yf[!h n0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !cMemorandum of Understanding between Kokushikan University, Japan and Griffith Universtiy, AustraliatVX'Yf[h000000 'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[p5000000000000000000000000000000   0000000000'Yf[50000 vCooperative Agreement between Kokushikan University, Tokyo Japan and Simon Fraser University, British Columbia, Canada)VX'Yf[e,g h0000000000'Yf[000 n0wmYxO[ek0Y00W,gTS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%!'College of the Rockies000000000000000 5KState of Agreement Between College of The Rockies and Kokushikan UniversityDVX'Yf[h0000000000000000h0n0QY}f@5000000000000000  %San Francisco State University (SFSU)Memorandum of Understanding between Kokushikan University Tokyo, Japan and San Francisco State University San0Francisco, California, USA&VX'Yf[e,gVqgN00000000]z'Yf[s|V0000000]n0fTS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   # %"*$&0000000'Yf[0000!h000000000000000"5000000 bAgreement on Academic Cooperation Between University Extension, UC Davis and Kokushikan University+v0000000'Yf[0000!h000000000000000h0VX'Yf[h0n0f[STSRTS[r50000000000000000000000000000000  !%')St. John's University 00000000'Yf[50000fAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between St. John's University0and Kokushikan University0000000'Yf[h0VX'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000    University of OXFORD 00000000'Yf[50000International Collaboration.VTSR*5 0000000000 VNYef['Yf[b'Yf[University of HAMBURG00000'Yf[50000Agreement of Academic ExchangeEOTVOS LORAND University 000000000'Yf[50000 RENMIN University of CHINA 00000000000'Yf[Ye f[500000000VWcwYe'Yf[2Moscow State Institute of International Relations 0000VO'Yf[ 0000VO'Yf[ 5 Universite Paris7. Denis Diderot00,{N00000000'Yf[Universite Paris Diderot 0000000'Yf[ 5 Universite De Toulouse Le Mirail0000000000000'Yf[0000000000000'Yf[ 5"00001u'Yf[50000000University of Muenster000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5Tilburg University000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 50London School of Economics And Political Science< 0000?elL}n'Yf[ 0000?elL}n'Yf[ 5University of Sussex 00000'Yf[University of Leeds000'Yf[ 0000'Yf[0000!h 0000'Yf[0000!h 5<School of Oriental and African Studies, University of LondonB0000'Yf[qg m0000xvzf[b>500000000000000000 000000'Yf[Newcastle University 0000000'Yf[00000'Yf[Universite Libre De Bruxelles 0000001u'Yf[University of Aarhus0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5000'Yf[00000'Yf[University of Tampere0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5000000'Yf[(Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile0000000000000'Yf[0000000000000'Yf[ 5 00000000'Yf[Invitee Program f[ubX00000 5Ursinus College000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5000000'Yf[Cornell University 0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5Brown University0000'Yf[Washington State University 00000]z'Yf[ 00000]z'Yf[ 5Washington And Lee University000000000000'Yf[000000000000'Yf[ 5)Universiy of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign0000'Yf[0000000000!h0000'Yf[0000000000!h 5!University of Tennesee, Knoxville0000'Yf[0000000!h0000'Yf[0000000!h 5 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5University of Massachusetts00000000'Yf[00000!h 0000000'Yf[+University of North Carolina At Chapel Hill00000000'Yf[000000!h0000]z'Yf['State University of New York At Buffalo000000]z'Yf[000000!h000000]z'Yf[000000!h 5St. Lawrence University 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5Rutgers University00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5Pomona College000'Yf[000'Yf[ 5Middlebury College000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5Haverford College 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5Guilford College000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5Grand Valley State University 00000000]z'Yf[ 00000000]z'Yf[ 5 0000000'Yf[0000'Yf[Unversity of AlbertaUniversity of Windsor00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5 00000000]y'Yf[ 00000000]y'Yf[ 5Africa University0000'Yf[000000000'Yf[ 5Lingnan University2]WS'Yf[.5 000000000/n'Yf[4Chinese University of Hong Kong (Chung Chi College ) /n-Ne'Yf[]Wf[b /n-Ne'Yf[]Wf[b 5WSN'Yf[Nanjing Normal UniversityWSN+^{'Yf[WSN+^{'Yf[ 5^N'Yf[!h500ؚ'Yf[!hhsYP['Yf[!h00000'Yf[Silliman University0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5 0000000000'Yf[0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[%irI{0000000xv2I{ir I{ n0)R(uJ00s0nje)R(un0O[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ! $#L000000000000e,gf[ؚI{xvz@bH50000000000000000  :0000qQTV000000000000e,gf[ؚI{xvz@bh0e,gV Wx[b'Yx[xvzzvc2_jih0n0n0nje)R(uk0Y00f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"%$*&.(2*5.80<2?5A8 Wx[b'Yx[<School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Ocean University Ym_lwm mx[b'Yx[{tx[b 51Je,gV0 Wx[b'Yx[L}nf[h0-NNlqQTV0Ym_lwm mx[b'Yx[{tx[bn0Ye0f[SNAmk0Y00fF5SS00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$&'+-/36 8!:"=$B'G)L,N/the University of SalamancaJAgreement Between the University of Salamanca, Spain and Kokugakuin, Japan&e,gV0 Wx[b'Yx[h00000000000'Yf[n0Ye0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $ &#+%1Monash University Enlgish Language Centre (MUELC) 0000'Yf[񂞊0000WGeneral Agreement between Monash University, Australia and Kokugakuin University, JapannCollaborative Agreement Between the University of Kent at Canterbury, England and Kokugakuin University, Japanthe University of missouri0000'Yf[50000General Agreement for Academic cooperation between Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, Japan and the curators of the University of Missouri for the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, U.S.A.St. Mihaels CollegeMAgreement between St. Michael's College, USA and Kokugakuin University, Japan%re,gV0 Wx[b'Yx[h00000TFV000000000000000h0n0TS[fn500000000000000000000000000000 "$Ithe Edwin O. Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies, Harvard University B00000'Yf[000000O. 000000e,gxvz@b>500000000000000 vAgreement between the Edwin O. 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between The University of Da Nang and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  Cp~p0zp}0px|no0{p}xp0rp|oI{n0O;u ƖO0'YO0I{n0O;u Yef[J00s0f[Sxvznjen0Ncl50000000000000000000000000#%&( +.02California College of the Arts *0000000S'Yf[&500000000 Framework Agreement0SbTS[f,5 00000000000,Guangxi University of Science and Technology4^yb'Yf[05 0000000000\Academic Exchange Agreement between Guangxi University of Technology and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h0^]f[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  6Yef[J00s0f[Sxvznjen0Nc f[un0qQ T b0f[SOpn0qQP SeL0vNJn0 N0TaW0_0Nn0TSRNAm000005KK000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $),15"9%;'>+@-F/WMemorandum of Exchange between Soochow University, China and Kogakuin University, Japane,gV]f[b'Yf[h0-NV]'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00f5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !#Politecnico di Milano(000]y'Yf[$50000000<Danang University of Technology of the University of Danang (000]y'Yf[$50000000oAcademic Exchange Agreement between University of Technology, The University of Da Nang and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000  "0000University of Namibia0000'Yf[ 5UAcademic Exchange Agreement between the University of Namibia and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5NAcademic Exchange Agreement between Seattle University and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5]Academic Exchange Agreement between Kogakuin University and Communication University of China#e,gV]f[b'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV-NVOZ'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5%f[Snje0 RLirSs0`1XI{n0Nc qQ Txvz0000000000000n0[e3Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences -NVyf[bSf[xvz@b 5oAcademic Exchange Agreement between Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Kogakuin University-NVyf[bSf[xvz@bh0]f[b'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5"The Technical University of Lisbon0000]y'Yf[ 5^Academic Exchange Agreement between the Technical University of Lisbon and Kogakuin University]f[b'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5f[STSRh0NAmn0O2 yr[00000k0J0Q00f[STSRh0NAmUniversity of Oulu000'Yf[ 5eAgreement on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kogakuin University and the University of Oulu]f[b'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5 Yek0Y00`1Xn0Nc ESIEE Paris00P[l]f[bSؚI{f[b 5Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Kogakuin University and Group ESIEE (Ecole suprieure d'Ingnieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique)"]f[b'Yf[h0ESIEE000 0000h0n0S}Yh0TSRk0Y00TS[f 5 000000000 5]Agreement < on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Pitzer College and Kogakuin University!000000000h0]f[b'Yf[h0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5Harvey Mudd College 00000000000 5cAgreement on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Harvey Mudd College and Kogakuin University #00000000000h0]f[b'Yf[h0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5Oyf[bSk0Y00`1XNc yr[00000(Capstone Design Program, Engineering Clinic Program)k0J0Q00NAm50000&ܑq\'Yf[!h"5000000Memorandum of Academic Cooperation between School of Mechanical Engineering of Pusan National University, Korea and School of Global Engineering of Kogakuin University, Japan,(ܑq\Vz'Yf[_jh]f[h0]f[b'Yf[0000000000000f[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00f$5 0000000000 3yf[bSk0Y00`1XNc yr[00000Capstone Design Program k0J0Q00NAmMemorandum of Academic Cooperation between School of Mechanical Engineering of Pusan National University, Korea and Faculty of Engineering of Kogakuin University, Japan ܑq\Vz'Yf[_jh]f[h0]f[b'Yf[]f[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00f 5.f[S`1X0njen0Nc qQ Txvz0Op0Ye;mRn0c2 !N'Yf[n0Tag0zl[W0_0]0n0Nn0NAm;mRWSSyb'Yf[ 5bAgreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Kogakuin University and Southern Taiwan University$e,gV]f[b'Yf[ -NlVWSSyb'Yf[ 'Yf[n0S}Yh0TSRk0Y00TS[f 5Yeh0xvzk0Y00f[SNAmOn0P 'Yf[bun0b)Beijing University of Chemical TechnologySNS]'Yf[ 5qAgreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Kogakuin University and Beijing University of Chemical Technology'e,gV]f[b'Yf[ -NNlqQTVSNS]'Yf[ 'Yf[n0S}Yh0TSRk0Y00TS[f 5+Yeh0xvzk0Y00njen0Nc f[S֊On0P !N'Yf[n0Tag0zl[W0_0]0n0Nn0NAm;mR5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %'#)Beihang UniversitySN*zz*)Y'Yf[ 5[Agreement on Friendship and Cooperation between Beihang University and Kogakuin University)e,gV]f[b'Yf[ -NNlqQTVSN*zz*)Y'Yf[ 'Yf[n0S}Yh0TSRk0Y00TS[f 5 Keisen Language Education Center$f[X 5000006N>yOf[25 00000000000(e'Yf[$50000000JMemorandum of Understanding Between Keisen University and Silla Universityu`lsYf[W'Yf[h0e'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[k0Y00Taf5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $&u`lsYf[W'Yf[iMemorandum of Cooperative Exchange Program between The University of British Columbia and Keio University vaa~X'Yf[FUf[xvzyh0000000000000'Yf[h0n0NcTS[5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000 vaa~X'Yf[000000000000000 5Memorandum of Understanding on Exchange Program between Copenhagen Business School(Denmark) and Graduate School of Business and Commerce, Keio University (Japan) 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University,UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School ,University of Cologne,The University of Sydney Business School ,University of Economics, Prague,Vienna University of Economics & Business 5s0000'Yf[L}nf[!h,0000000FUy'Yf[,0000000000000'Yf[,EAESP0000000000000,ESADE00000000,00000000000Vz'Yf[,HECL}U'Yf[b,/nyb'Yf[,0000000'Yf[,000L}U'Yf[b0000!h,00000000000'Yf[00000000000L}U'Yf[b,000'Yf[,0000'Yf[LSE,00000000000'Yf[000000000000000000000,00000L}nL}U'Yf[,00L}nL}Uf[b,000000Vz'Yf[,00000'Yf[0000000L}U'Yf[b,00000L}n'Yf[,0000000000000000000000,n'Yf[L}nL}Uf[!h,00000'Yf[,UCD00000000000'Yf[b00000000,000'Yf[,0000'Yf[,000L}n'Yf[,0000L}n0L}U'Yf[ 58The ratification of full membership to The CEMS Alliance 5 <CEMSckOTRvb8500000000000000 `Aeronautics and Astronautics Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology 5^00000000]y'Yf[*zz[[bS0000f[Z50000000000000000000000   2Letter of Support for Keio University ALPS Program 54ALPS00000k0Y0000000000000W,gTaf 05 0000000000 =The University of British Columbia Faculty of Applied Science 5B000000000000'Yf[_(uyf[f[>500000000000000  Statement of Cooperation 5,#:df(5 0000000009Manufactureing Modeling Laboratory of Stanford University 5L0000000'Yf[ bS00000xvz@bH50000000000000000000   Memorandum of Understanding 5 @xvzYeTSRk0Y00f<50000000000000000 (University of Adelaide (Business School) 5 00000'Yf[0000000050000Letter of Intent 5000000000000W,gTaf  5gUniversity of CambridgeTechnology (The Centre for Industrial Sustainability, Department of Engineering) 5 d000000'Yf[00000000f[#umic}S'`xvz0000`50000000000000000000000000 2Memorandum of Understanding dated 13 November 2012 5>f[S#:dJ00s0TSRk0Y00f:5000000000000000 *Purdue University (College of Engineering) 5 ,0000'Yf[]f[(5 000000000Politecnico di Milano 5Exchange Program Agreement 5Jf[uNcYuf[TS[F5000000000000000000 5Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de< Toulouse 50000Vzt]y'Yf[000000!h 5/Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration 5Xf[S#:dJ00s0TSRY00TS[fT50000000000000000000000  ?ETH Zurich (Department of Management, Technology and Economics) 5j000#]y'Yf[000000!h{tbS]f[yf50000000000000000000000000  "Student Exchange Program Agreement 5KDelft University of Technology (Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management) 5\0000]y'Yf[bS0?eV{0{tf[yX5000000000000000000000 Bilateral Agreement 5Tf[uJ00s0YeTNAmk0Y00N'Yf[TS[P500000000000000000000  =Memorandum of Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration 5>f[S#:dJ00s0TSRY00f:5000000000000000  SDA Bocconi School of Management00000'Yf[50000@L}U{txvzy<5 0000000000000  SDA Bocconi School of Management 5%Agreement on Student Exchange Program 5<NcYuf[TS[8500000000000000 &School of Management, Fudan University&School of Management, Fudan University 5GAntai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University GAntai College of Economics & Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University  5NUS Business School 000000Vz'Yf[NUS Business School 5 000000Vz'Yf[ 51College of Management, National Taiwan UniversityVzS~n'Yf[1College of Management, National Taiwan University 5.The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania0000000'Yf[00000!h500.The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 55Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota40000'Yf[00000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000  5Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota 52The University of Chicago Booth School of Business 4000'Yf[000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000  2The University of Chicago Booth School of Business 5The Ohio State University 5"UCLA Anderson School of Management4UCLA000000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000  "UCLA Anderson School of Management 56Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University400000000'Yf[0000L}U'Yf[b05 00000000006Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University 51NYU Stern School of Businrss, New York University4000000'Yf[0000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000 1NYU Stern School of Businrss, New York University 5-The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University40000'Yf[000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000   -The Fuqua School of Business, Duke University 5$Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth400000'Yf[000L}U'Yf[b05 0000000000  $Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth 5-Columbia Business School, Columbia University000000000000000-Columbia Business School, Columbia University 5000000000000000 5London Business School00000000000000London Business School 500000000000000 5OSasin Graduate Institure of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University 00000000'Yf[OSasin Graduate Institure of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University 5!The Stockholm School of Economics0000000e00000000000000!The Stockholm School of Economics 50000000e00000000000000 5IE Busines School IE00000000IE Busines School 5 IE00000000 5+IESE Business School, University of Navarra000'Yf[0IESE00000000+IESE Business School, University of Navarra 5000'Yf[0IESE00000000 5Asian Institute of Management000L}U'Yf[bAsian Institute of Management 5000L}U'Yf[b 57School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University7School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University 5#Korea Advanced Institute of Science@ӗVyf[bSb<5 0000000000000 #Korea Advanced Institute of Science 5^N'Yf[Yonsei University 5(WHU - Otto Beisheim School of ManagementWHU00000000000L}U'Yf[b(WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management 5WHU00000000000L}U'Yf[b 54HEC MBA Program Ecole des Hautes Etudes CommercialesHECL}U'Yf[b4HEC MBA Program Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales 5HECL}U'Yf[b 5ESSEC.0000L}nFUy'Yf[b'Yf[000L}U'Yf[b*5 0000000000ESSEC 5Reims Management School000L}U'Yf[bReims Management School 5000L}U'Yf[b 5,Schulich School of Business, York University,Schulich School of Business, York University 5!The University of Western Ontario 0000000000'Yf[50000 !The University of Western Ontario 5NAGSM MBA Program, Australian School of Business, University of New South WalesAGSM00000000000'Yf[ 50000NAGSM MBA Program, Australian School of Business, University of New South Wales 5Institute of Political Economy, Department of Environmental Engineering, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Department of Life Science, Department of Urban Planning +*?elL}nf[xvzy0tX]f[xvzy0tXRP[uf[xvzy0u}Tyf[xvzy0^;uxvzy&5LL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+-237: ?"@$B&F(K* 4?eV{00000xvzy05 0000000000 Chen Kung University 5*bR'Yf[&500000000kMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON EXCHANGE PROGRAM between NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY and KEIO UNIVERSITY 5VzbR'Yf[h0vaa~X'Yf[h0n0f[uNc00000k0Y00f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "Brawijaya University 5 0000000'Yf[50000vMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between KEIO UNIVERSITY, SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS, Japan And BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY, Indonesia 5*vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000e,g Ss00000000'Yf[000000 h0n0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 (!Institute of Technnology, Bandung 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between KEIO UNIVERSI< TY, SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS, Japan And THE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, BANDUNG, Indonesia 5)vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000e,g Ss00000]y'Yf[000000 h0n0f5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !'Gadjah Mada University 5xMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between KEIO UNIVERSITY, SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS, Japan And GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITY, Indonesia 5(vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000e,g Ss000000'Yf[000000 h0n0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 &Syiah Kuala University 500000'Yf[50000xMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between KEIO UNIVERSITY, SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS, Japan And SYIAH KUALA UNIVERSITY, Indonesia 5(vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000e,g Ss000000'Yf[000000 h0n0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 &University of Indonesia 5}MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Between KEIO UNIVERSITY, SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS, Japan And THE UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA, Indonesia 5)vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000e,g Ss0000000'Yf[000000 h0n0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 '$SeQ!qW0 500000Faculty of Philosopy I and II.Tf[`!Ss0a!*50000000-The Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg 5000000000'Yf[0000000000050000 Ergzung zur Vereinbarung zur Einrichtung eines integrierten Doppel-Master-Studienprogramm Interkulturelle Japanstudien/Japanische Sprache zwischen der Keio Universitt (Tokyo, Japan) und der Martin-Luther-Universitt Halle-Wittenberg (Deutschland) 5dvaa~X'Yf[e,gVqgN h0000000000'Yf[00000000000000#qQTV h0n0OX z00000000000000 00000000000e,gxvz/e,g 0n0-nk0Y00TS[n0܈[TS[5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   (*$0(2+M.O3R7W:Z<]A`Db6School of Archtecture, Planning and Policy Development ^{0O;u0?eV{f[xvzy">mc!qW050000TECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, PLANNING AND POLICY DEVELOPMENT INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG ON COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LINKAGE MASTER PROGRAM 5Jvaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0k0000000]y'Yf[^{0O;u0?eV{f[xvzyk00000000000000000c:dn0_00n0f[SNAmTS[5LL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !% )#,&0(3*8,9>=DBFGHFaculty of Engineering4]f[xvzy05 0000000000 TECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA ON COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LINKAGE MASTER PROGRAM 5@vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs000000'Yf['Yf[b]f[vzyk00000000000000000c:dn0_00n0f[SNAmTS[5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "(,!/"044:9<>>8L}nf[xvzy45 000000000000 TECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA ON COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LINKAGE MASTER PROGRAM 5Bvaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs000000'Yf['Yf[bL}nf[xvzyk00000000000000000c:dn0_00n0f[SNAmTS[5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "(."3$468<=>B@!Faculty of Administrative ScienceLL?e{tf[xvzyH50000000000000000 TECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY INDONESIA ON COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LINKAGE MASTER PROGRAM 5F vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs00000000'Yf[lQqQL?ef[bL?ef[xvzyh0n000000000000000c:dn0_00n0f[SNAmTS[5PP00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "' ,"0$7'<)=:A@FBKDTECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND GRADUATE PROGRAM IN ECONOMICS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY OF INDONESIA ON0COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE LINKAGE MASTER PROGRAM 5Cvaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0000000'Yf['Yf[bL}nf[xvzyk00000000000000000c:dn0_00n0f[SNAmTS[5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "( .#3%478==?BAtMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between National Development Planning Agency, Indonesia (Bappenas), Ministry of Finance, Indonesia (MOF) And KEIO University, Japan on Collaboration in the Linkage Master Programs for the Participants of the Professional Human Resource Development Project Phase III (PHRDP-III) funded by the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC) Loan 5q000000?e^V[zv;u^BAPPENAS)0000000Rw(MOF)Ss0vaa~X'Yf[e,g h0n0VTSRLJBIC)QP>kk000,{gؚI{NPgzv;uSRn0_00n000000000000000n0c:dk0Y00f5<<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 (* ,.168!:%B'C,S1i5l7o4School of International Relations and Public Affairs VO0lQqQL?ef[bThe Memorandum of Understanding BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND PUBLIC AFFAIRS, FUDAN UNIVERSITY ON DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAM  57 vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0_e'Yf[VO0lQqQL?ef[bk000000000006R^k0Y00f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "< &*.3 8"</?2A5(Graduate School of International StudiesLVOf[xvzyH50000000000000000 *^N'Yf[&500000000The Memorandum of Understanding BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, YONSEI UNIVERSITY ON DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAM  55vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0^N'Yf['Yf[bVf[xvzyk000000000006R^k0Y00f5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "&,027!8-;0=3TDepartment of Sociology, Department of Area Studies, Department of Political Science>yOf[xvzy00WWf[xvzy0?elf[xvzyYonsei University  5The Memorandum of Understanding BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT OF SOCIOLOGY, AREA STUDIES AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, YONSEI UNIVERSITY ON DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAM  5C4vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0^N'Yf['Yf[b>yOf[xvzy00WWf[xvzy0?elf[xvzyk000000000006R^k0Y00f05TT000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "&,06#9%;&A*D-J;M>OAHanoi University of Technology 5(000]y'Yf[$50000000hTECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT Between Higher Education Development Support Project on ICT Hanoi University of Science and Technology and Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University on The Implementation of the Study Program in Japanese Universities For the Students Transferring to the Third Year of the Undergraduate Course in April 2012  5O 000]y'Yf[ICTؚI{Yezv/ec000000Ss0vaa~X'Yf[tX`1Xf[萓n00e,gn0'Yf[x0n0Yuf[00000[ek0Y00TS[2012t^4g3t^!k}eQ(uDO5++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 &), 07:=DFH"J'L)MZTECHNICAL ACADEMIC AGREEMENT Between Higher Education Development Support Project on ICT, Hanoi University of Technology and Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University on The Implementation of the Study Program in Japanese Universities For the Students Transferring to the 3rd Year of the Undergraduate Course in April 2011 5O 000]y'Yf[ICTؚI{Yezv/ec000000Ss0vaa~X'Yf[tX`1Xf[萓n00e,gn0'Yf[x0n0Yuf[00000[ek0Y00TS[2011t^4g3t^!k}eQ(uB5++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 &), 07:=DFH"J'L)M0000 e,g50006Hanoi University of Technology, Ritsumeikan University 5 H000]y'Yf[0z}T('Yf[D500000000000000000 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Higher Education Development Support Project on ICT, Hanoi University of Technology, Faculty of Environment and Information Studies, Keio University, and College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University on The Study Program in Japanese Universities under the Higher Education Development Support Project on ICT supported by the Japan International Cooperation Agency Loan 5jVTSR_jin0QP>k/eck000ICTؚI{Yezv/ec000000k0J0Q00e,gn0'Yf[x0n0Yuf[00000k0Y00000]y'Yf[ICTؚI{Yezv/ec000000Ss0vaa~XtX`1Xf[0z}T('Yf[`1Xt]f[萓n0f5kk00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $'$*'.+33598;<@@BEDIFLNN[T^X`]b`dcffh8Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya 50000P[]f[0000000 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF SURABAYA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY  5'0000P[]f[0000000Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 !#%Charles University 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, CHARLES UNIVERSITY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY  5%000'Yf[peirf[0'Yf[bSs0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0f5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000  !#National Chengchi University 5AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION STUDIES, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS, NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY  54:vaa~X'Yf[}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[0'Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0Vz?el'Yf[VNRf[bn0TSRTS[65 0000000000000!02000e,g5000PAsian Institute of Technology, The Institute for Global Environmental Strategies 5000]y'Yf[0lQvVlN0WttX&beuxvz_j 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between ASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, and INSTITUTE FOR GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL STRATEGIES on MUTUAL COLLABORATION  59000]y'Yf[0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0lQvVlN0WttX&beuxvz_jn0vNTSRk0d0D0f0n0f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   .!0'7NSoutheast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture 5N/A 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR INSTITUTIONAL COOPERATION between KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE and the SOUTHEAST ASIAN REGIONAL CENTER FOR GRADUATE STUDY AND RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURE  5lvaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculturen0TSRn0_00n0f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  d$jUniversity of Jyvskyl 5000< 000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF JYVSKYL FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION STUDIES  56000000'Yf[`1XbSf[Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[n0TSRTS[5 **00000000000000000000000000GPM0000000000000   $+2%400000*Institut des Rgions Arides  IRA Mdenine 500000000000~Nq0WWxvz@b 5AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE between Institut des Rgions Arides  IRA Mdenine, Tunisia and Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, Japan  5.00000000000~Nq0WWxvz@bSs0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0f[SNAmTS[5 ((000000000000000000000000G000000000000000   (*#,MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN FACULTY OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY AND SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, UNIVERSITY OF JYVSKYL AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT, AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION STUDIES, KEIO UNIVERSITY 5;000000'Yf[`1XbSf[0L}UL}nf[Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[n0f5//0000000000000000000000000000000000000GPM0000000  "$ &+(2*9National Cheng Kung University 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CENTER FOR HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE 5'VzbR'Yf[Ne>yOyf[-N_Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0f5//00000000000000000000000000000000000000G00000000   #% '#*%Mekong Institute 5 0000000000000 5pMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MEKONG INSTITUTE AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE 5&^0000000000000Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0fZ50000000000G00000000   "$Seoul National University 5 000'Yf[!h5000000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE 5$000'Yf[!hL?e'Yf[bSs0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzyn0f5 $$000000000000000000000000000G00000000      ",Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv 5:000Vz00000000000 Ty'Yf[65 0000000000000 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS OF KYIV TARAS SHEVCHENKO NATIONAL UNIVERSITY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT, FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION STUDIES 5@r000Vz00000000000 Ty'Yf[VO!hSs0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[萓n0fn5 0000000000GPM0000000000!# $ / 6<>Mahidol University 55MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MAHIDOL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND HUMANITIES AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH MANAGEMENT, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT, FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION STUDIES, FACULTY OF NURSING AND MEDICAL CARE 5L0000'Yf[>yOyf[0Nef[Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0'Yf[beP^000000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[0 ww;SBvf[萓n0f5::0000000000000000000000000000G0000000000000000PM00000000000  %!'#('0-4/;1B2H5Jscole Nationale Suprieure d lectronique, Informatique, Tlcommunications, Mathmatique et Mcanique de Bordeaux 5COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLE NATIONALE SUPRIEURE D LECTRONIQUE, INFORMATIQUE ET RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS DE BORDEAUX AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 5cole Nationale Suprieure d'lectronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux (ENSEIRB)Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[萓n0TSRTS[5 0000000000GPM0000000000000000dfln o z Saint Joseph University 5 00000000'Yf[50000COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SAINT JOSEPH UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 59~00000000000000'Yf[Ss0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[萓n0TSRTS[z5 0000000000GPM0000000000000000  & -357!City University of Seattle / VSM  5000'Yf[50000GENERAL AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN CITY UNIVERSITY EUROPE/VSM AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, FACULTY OF POLICY MANAGEMENT AND FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION 5:000'Yf[00000!hVSMSs0vaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzy0}T?eV{f[0tX`1Xf[萓n0N,TSRTS[5 !!0000000000GPM00000000000000000000  % ,2468!University of Southern California 5PROTOCOL FOR ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIP AND RESEARCH COLLABORATION BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDIA AND GOVERNANCE, KEIO UNIVERSITY AND THE SCHOOL OF CINEMA-TELEVISION, UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 5Bvaa~X'Yf['Yf[b?eV{00000xvzySs0WS0000000'Yf[000000000000000h0n0n0f[S#:dSs0xvzTSRk0Y00f52200000000G00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  0246 8%:+=-@University of Aleppo 50000'Yf[50000COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ALEPPO IN SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC AND KEIO UNIVERSITY SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS IN JAPAN 5$00000000'Yf[Ss0e,g0vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000n0TSRTS[5 !!00000000000< 0000000000000000000000     "Beijing Wuzi University 54SNirnjf[b05 0000000000mACADEMIC PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT BETWEEN BEIJING MATERIALS INSTITUTE AND KEIO UNIVERSITY-SHONAN FUJISAWA CAMPUS 5SNirnjf[bSs0vaa~X'Yf[XnWS䅢l00000n0f[S#:dTS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&CHONNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY LAW SCHOOL @hQWSVz'Yf[0000000<5 0000000000000  PlRxvzyly'Yf[b L5000000000000000000  Chonnam National University 5@hQWSVz'Yf[<5 0000000000000 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UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FACULTY OF LAW,0000000000000'Yf[ lf[(5 000000000 University of British Columbia 50000000000000'Yf[50000 STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT 5 Df[uNck0Y00TS[@5000000000000000 %UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND0FACULTY OF LAW ,000000'Yf[0lf[(5 000000000 University of Auckland 5bAMENDMENT TO THE STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEIO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND 5n000000'Yf[h0vaa~X'Yf[h0n0f[uNck0Y00TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   ?THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN, COLLEGE OF LAW 0000'Yf[000000050000University of Illinois 50000'Yf[50000gMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLUNOIS AND KEIO LAW SCHOOL 50000'Yf[h0vaa~X'Yf[lRxvzyh0n0n0TSR0NcTS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "THE UCLA SCHOOL OF LAW UCLA0000000%University of California, Los Angeles 5&0000000'Yf[000000!h"5000000YAGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN KEIO LAW SCHOOL AND THE UCLA SCHOOL OF LAW 5!UCLA000000h0vaa~X'Yf[lRxvzyh0n0n0TSR0NcTS[5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000  WILLIAM & MARY SCHOOL OF LAW000000000000000000+The College of William and Mary in Virginia 500000000000'Yf[50000 _AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN KEIO LAW SCHOOL AND WILLIAM & MARY SCHOOL OF LAW 5(0000000000000000h0vaa~X'Yf[lRxvzyh0n0n0TSR0NcTS[5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000 !$& GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER0000000'Yf[00000050000Georgetown University 5 0000000'Yf[50000_COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEIO LAW SCHOOL AND GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW CENTER 5&0000000'Yf[000000h0vaa~X'Yf[lRxvzyh0n0n0TSR0NcTS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ""$CORNELL LAW SCHOOL 0000'Yf[00000050000Cornell University 50000'Yf[50000QCOOPERATION AND EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEIO LAW SCHOOL AND CORNELL LAW SCHOOL 50000'Yf[h0vaa~X'Yf[lRxvzyh0n0n0TSR0NcTS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "Royal College of Art 50000000000000000 5Memorandum of Understanding on Student Exchange between the Innovation Design Engineering Programme, School of Design, Royal College of Art, U.K. and Graduate School of Media Design Keio University, Japan 5C:0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000vaa~X'Yf[00000000xvzyf[uNcTS[65 0000000000000=?APratt Institute 5yAgreement between Pratt Institute Brooklyn, NY, USA and Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan 5"00000000000000vaa~X'Yf[00000000xvzyTS[500000 B 0GID000000000 0k0J0Q00vaa~X'Yf[f[uJ00s0YewTn0SeQk0Y00Pratt Instituten0e-I{W0QW0k0d0D0f05 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000 !$7#:$<Memorandum of Understanding between Pratt Institute Brooklyn, NY, USA and Graduate School of Media Design,< Keio University, Yokohama, Japan 5$r00000000000000vaa~X'Yf[00000000xvzySbTS[n500000000000000000000000000000  "Faculty of Pharmacy*f[&500000 Vf[0f[xvzyR5000000000000000 MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY 5 0000000'Yf[50000wACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MAHASARAKHAM UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5"Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,yf[(5000000KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY 5ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5West China School of Pharmacyf[bSICHUAN UNIVERSITY 5|ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN WEST CHINA SCHOOL OF PHARMACY SICHUAN UNIVERSITY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5SOOKMYUNG WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY6mfsYP['Yf[25 00000000000SOOKMYUNG WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY 5{AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN SOOKMYUNG WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5)Health Sciences Center School of Pharmacy eP^yf[0000f[TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY 5(0000]y'Yf[$50000000ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5School of Pharmacy/THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL 5&00000000'Yf[000000!h"5000000ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNC ESHELMAN SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5College of PharmacyUNIVERSITY OF IOWA 50000'Yf[50000rACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND 5uACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 5wACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF PHARMACY AND KEIO UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF PHARMACY 5t]f[xvzy*Graduate School of Schience and TechnologyECOLE SUPERIEURE ELECTRICITE 500000 5XAGREEMENT of ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN SUPELEC in FRANCE and KEIO UNIVERSITY IN JAPAN 500000h0n000000000TS[500000!Universidad politecnica de Madrid 5 (00000]y'Yf[$50000000dFRAMEWORK AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION CONCERNING THE ECHANGE OF STUJDENTS AIMING FORDOUBLE DEGREES FORM 5800000]y'Yf[h0n000000000TS[45 000000000000Universite Libre de Bruxelles 5 (0000001u'Yf[$50000000COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLE (ULB) AND KEIO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 5H0000001u'Yf[h0n0f[STS[D500000000000000000  Dong-eui University 5Lqg'Yf[!h]y'Yf[ qg'Yf[!h f;u fP'Yf[H50000000000000000  7Bvaa~X'Yf[t]f[0'Yf[bt]f[xvzyh0qg'Yf[!h]y'Yf[0 f;u fP'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f>5UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "#&'-047!;#?'B,G.L1N4Technical University Munich 5 (00000]y'Yf[$50000000FrameWORK AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS AIIMING FOR DOUBLE-DEGREES FROM Keio University The Faculty of Science and Technology, Japan and Technical University Munich Physics Department, Germany  5800000]y'Yf[h0n000000000TS[45 000000000000Joint Agreement for Double Degree between Il Politecnico di Milano (the Schools of Engineering) and Keio University (Faculty of Science and Technology) 58000]y'Yf[h0n000000000TS[45 000000000000!KTH Poyal Institute of Technology 500000000 5Agreement of Cooperation on Dobule Degree Programme between KTH Poyal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5KTHh0n000000000TS[500000 cole Politechnique 5 000000000000 5jCOOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN Bernoulli Cener, EPFL and Center for Integrative Mathematical Sciences, Keio 5>000000000000f[S0NAmTS[:5000000000000000  =cole Nationale Suprieure0des Telecommunications de Bretagne 5 00000000000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC LINKAGE AND COLLABORATION BETWEEN ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS DE BRETAGNE, FRANCE AND THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KEIO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN 5>000000000f[S0NAmTS[:5000000000000000   Lund University 5FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT ON COOPERATION CONCERNING THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS AIIMING FOR DOUBLE-DEGREES FROM Keio University The Faculty of Science and Technology Japan and Lund University The Faculty of Engineering LTH  5 0000'Yf[h0n0TS[f,5 00000000000!Technical University of Catalonia 5 000000]y'Yf[ 5General Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Technical Univesrity of Catalonia(UPC), SPAIN and Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University, JAPAN 5F000000]y'Yf[h0n0NcTS[B50000000000000000  Linkoping University 5 0000000'Yf[ 5Agreement for establishing scholarly exchange and co-operation between Keio University, (KU) Japan and Linkoping University, (LiU) Sweden 5>0000000h0n0vaa'Yf[n0TS[f:5000000000000000  University of Hannover 500000'Yf[ 5eAgreement on Academic Exchange between The University of Hannover, Germany and Keio University, Japan 5L00000'Yf[h0vaa'Yf[n0TS[fH50000000000000000000  RWTH Aachen University 5(0000]y'Yf[$50000000General Agreement on Scientific Cooperation and Academic Exchange between Keio University, Japan and Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochshule Aachen, Germany 5< d0000]y'Yf[h0n0f[S0f[uNcTS[`50000000000000000000000000   F0000]y'Yf[h0N,TS[B50000000000000000   0000000000 5Ecole Centrale de Nantes 500000000000000 5xAgreement of Acacemic and Research Cooperation between Keio University (Japan) and the Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France) 5H00000000000000h0vaa~X'Yf[n0TS[D500000000000000000 Intergroupe des Ecoles Centrale (Ecole Centrale de Lille, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Ecole Centrale de Paris, Ecole Centrale de Marseille) 5000000000000000 5AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE GROUP GROUPE OF ECOLES CENTRALE OF LILLE, LYON, NANTES AND PARIS IN FRANCE AND KEIO UNIVERSITY IN JAPAN 5H000000000000000h0vaa~X'Yf[n0TS[D500000000000000000 ECOLES CENTRALE AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE GROUPE OF ECOLES CENTRALE OF LILLE, LYON, NANTES AND PARIS IN FRANCE AND KEIO UNIVERSITY IN JAPAN, DOUBLE DEGREE AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION  5%R000000000000000h0vaa~X'Yf[n000000000k0Y00TS[N50000000000000000000 #0Universidade de Sao Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina 5 000000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000 tMEMORANDUM-OF-UNDERSTANDING between UNIVERSITY OF SO PAULO MEDICAL SCHOOL and KEIO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE  5#00000'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S0f[uNAmk0Y00f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000    !'University of Minnesota, Medical School 5 00000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000 AFFILIATION AGREEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL ACADEMIC EXCHANGE between Regents of the University of Minnesota through the Medical School, Mnieapolis, Minnesota,United States of America and Keio University through its School of Medicine Tokyo, Japan 5z0000'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S#:dTS[v5000000000000000000000000000000   /the University of Illinois, College of Medicine 5 00000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE - KEIO UNIVERSITY JAPAN  5#0000'Yf[0;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S0f[uNAmk0Y00f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000    !Dana-Farber Cancer Institute 5 ,0000000Lvxvz@b(5 000000000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COLLABORATION BETWEEN DANA-FARBER CANCER INSTITUTE, INC, USA AND KEIO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, JAPAN  5!0000000Lvxvz@bh0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000  (s|V e,g$50000000UThe University of Texas MD Andeson Cancer Center, St. Luke s International Hospital  5H0000'Yf[MD000000L0000000 VRVubD500000000000000000 Sister Institution Relationship Agreement between Tokyo Oncology Consortium and The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 5-qgN00000000000000h00000'Yf[MD000000L000000h0n0S}YNAmTS[50000.University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine 5 00000000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000  AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE (Host Institution) FACULTY OF MEDICINE,KEIO UNIVERSITY (Requesting School of Medicine) International Students 5l0000000'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[uNAmTS[h500000000000000000000000000  ?University of Hawaii at Manoa, John A. Burns School of Medicine 5 0000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000Academic Affiliation Agreement Between John A. Burns School of Medicine University of Hawaii at Monoa And Keio University School of Medicine 5z000'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S#:dTS[v5000000000000000000000000000000    %Temple University, School of Medicine 5 00000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000 AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC LINKAGE AND COLLABORATION between Temple University, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE and KEIO UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 5$0000'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmh0#:dk0Y00TS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$"&Northwestern University Medical School 5000000000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000  ACADEMIC AFFILIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT KEIO UNIVERSITY AND THE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY MEDICAL SCHOOL 5\vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[000000000;Sy'Yf['Yf[c:dTS}X5000000000000000000000 Mount Sinai School of Medicine 5 &00000000;Sy'Yf["5000000 RLetter of Understanding between Mount Sinai School of Medicine and Keio University 5"^00000000;Sy'Yf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S#:dk0Y00fZ50000000000000000000000   'Columbia University, School of Medicine 5 000000'Yf[0;Sf[,500000000 AFFILIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN KEIO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND THE TRSUTEES OF COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY IN THE CITY OF NEW YORK 5Nvaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0#:dTS[J500000000000000000 Cleveland Clinic Foundation 5 000000000000 5iAcademic Affiliation Agreement Between Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Keio University School of Medicine 5<000000000000h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[S#:dTS[8500000000000000 4Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland 5$000000000'Yf[0;Sf[0000000000000000000000,500000000  MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT for Research Cooperation between School of Medicine, Graduate school of Medicine, Keio University, Japan and The University of Queensland, Australia through The Queensland Brain Institute  56vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h000000000'Yf[0;Sf[0000000000000000000000h0n0f[S#:dTS[5 &&000000000000000000000000000< 00000000000 02!4(Peking University Health Science Center 5<SN'Yf[0;Sf[85 00000000000 oAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN PEKING UNIVERSITY HEALTH SCINECE CENTER AND KEIO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 5,SN'Yf[;Sf[h0vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0n0#:dTS[(5 000000000China Medical University 5]Affiliation Agreement between Keio University School of Medicine and China Medical University 5$vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0-NV;Sy'Yf[h0S}Yf[!h0P}bY00S0h0k0d0D0f0n0TSpf5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'!+#"Ajou University School of Medicine 5DN]'Yf[0;Sf[@5 000000000000 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN KEIO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND AJOU UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 5vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0N]'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f5--000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !&(&Yonsei University, College of Medicine 5>^N'Yf[0;Sf[:5 000000000000 mAgreement of Cooperation between Keio University School of Medicine and Yonsei University College of Medicine 5^vaa~X'Yf[;Sf[h0^N'Yf[;Sf[h0n0#:dTS[Z50000000000000000000     Ph.D.#University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis0000000000000000'Yf[8>yOf[xvzy45 000000000000 #University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis 50000000000000000'Yf[500006AGREEMENT FOR THE JOINT SUPERVISION OF DOCTRATE THESIS 5(00000000k0Y00TS[$50000000  -L'Universit Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense 5400000'Yf[00,{'Yf[ 05 0000000000  0Agreement of Academic Linkage and Collaboration  5<VNAmTS[8500000000000000 McGILL University 5University of Vienna 5ETVS LORND UNIVERSITY 5000000000000'Yf[50000 University of South Florida 5(WS0000'Yf[$50000000Ecole normale suprieure(ENS) 56ؚI{+^{f[!h25 00000000000University of Bielefeld 5 0000000'Yf[50000Gachon University 5< Vl;Sy'Yf[85 00000000000 Dlf[0lf[xvzy@5000000000000000 University of ZURICH 5EXCHANGE PROGRAM AGREEMENT 5vaa~X'Yf[lf[0lf[xvzyh0000000'Yf[h0n0NAmTS[ 5Humboldt University of Berlin 5 0000000000'Yf[50000 "vaa~X'Yf[lf[0lf[xvzyh00000 00000'Yf[h0n0NAmTS[ 5University of Gothenburg 50000'Yf[50000Agreement for Exchange Programs Between School of Business, Economics and Law , University of Gothenburg and Faculty of Economics at Keio University  5vaa~X'Yf[L}nf[h00000'Yf[L}nFUlf[h0n0NcTS[ 5Ruhr Universitt BochumL}nf[xvzyRuhr University Bochum 5ABKOMMEN BER AUSTAUSCHPROGRAMME ZWISCHEN DER FAKULTT FR OSTASIENWISSENSCHAFTEN DER RUHR-UNIVERSITT BOCHUM (OAW) UND DER FAKULTT FR WIRTSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFT DER KEI-UNIVERSITT, TOKYO (FWK)  5j0000'Yf[qg000f[h0n0vNNAmk0Y00TS[f50000000000000000000000000   BOCCONI University L}nf[0L}nf[xvzyBocconi University  5VAgreement of Cooperation between Keio University and Universita Commerciale L. Bocconi 5University of Colonge000'Yf[50000University of Cologne 5LStudent Exchange Agreement between University of Colonge and Keio University 5HEC School of Management.HECL}U'Yf[b*5 0000000000 HEC Paris 5Exchange Agreement between the "Chambre de Commerce et d'Instustrie de Paris"(Paris Chamber of Commerce and Industry)on behalf of its educational institution "HEC School of Management (Paris)" and Keio University (Japan) 5 University of CaliforniaUniversity of California 5`Exchange Agreement between the Regents of the University of California and Keio University,Japan 54l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris(Sciences Po)4L}nf[xvzy05 0000000000 5l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris(Sciences Po) (?elf[b$50000000 Sciences Po 5<Double BA Programme Between Keio University and Sciences Po  5$vaa~X'Yf[000?elf[bSciences Po L}nf[BA00000 5Keio University-l'Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris(Sciences Po) Agreement to Cooperate in the Derivery of a Double Masters Degree in Economics 55vaa~X'Yf[000?elf[bSciences Po L}nf[0000000000000qQ TK(uk0Y00TS[f 5M.A.1Philosophische Fakultt I (Faculty of Philosophy)$Tf[`! 500000)Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg 54Double0Master of Arts Intercultural0Japanese0Studies 5&OX z00000000000000 00000000000e,gxvz/e,g 0 5King's College London 50000'Yf[00000000050000;Keio-King's College London 'Graduate Year Abroad' Programme 5vaa 000000000'Yf[buwgYuf[00000 5.The University of Hong Kong, Yonsei University 5 F/n'Yf[0^N'Yf[B50000000000000000 Collaboration Agreement on Three-Campus Comparative East Asian Studies Program among the International Center, Keio University, Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Hong Kong, and the Underwood International College, Yonsei University 53'Yf[T Tqg000f[uNc00000 56Yonsei University, Rikkyo University, Fudan University 5^N'Yf[0_e'Yf[0zYe'Yf[ 5tMemorandum of Understanding on a Joint Workshop Project for Yonsei University, Rikkyo University and Keio University 5St. Petersburg State University 500000000000Vz'Yf[50000 Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between St. Petersburg State University, (Russia) and Keio University, (Japan) 59Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich) 5@000#]y'Yf[000000!h<5 0000000000000 Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Linkage and Collabor< ation Between Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland and Keio University, Japan 5SbTS[ 5University of Zurich 500000'Yf[ 5XExchange Program Agreement between the University of Zurich and Keio University (Tokyo) 5University of Geneva 5MCollaboration Agreement between the University of Geneva and Keio University 5University of Bern 5000'Yf[50000`Exchange Program Agreement between University of Bern (Switzerland) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5<Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration  5 0000L}n0L}U 'Yf[ 5[Agreement for a partnership program between Keio University and Wirtschaftsuniversitt Wien 5.National and Kapodistrian University of Athens 5~Bilateral Cooperation Agreement between the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece and Keio University, Japan 5"University of The Studies of Naple 5*000qg m'Yf[&500000000Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli "L'Orientale, Italy and Keio University, Japan 5The Politecnico di Milano 5Framework Agreement 5 Ca' Foscari University of Venice 5dAgreement of Cultural Cooperation between the University of Venice, Ca'Foscari, and Keio University 5Bocconi University 5WAgreement of Cooperation between Keio University and Universit Commerciale L, Bocconi 5Universitat Pompeu Fabra 5 00000000'Yf[ 5^Exchnage Program Agreement between Pompeu Fabra University (Spain) and Keio University (Japan) 5"Universidad Complutense de Madrid0 50000000000000'Yf[  5gExchange Program Agreement between Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and Keio University (Japan) 5B%fc[n0wg>mcSeQo0j0W0 >500000000000000 8Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Science-Po Paris) 500?elf[b5000Memorandum of Understanding Between Sciences Po and Keio University: For the implementation of the Spring School on European Studies 5:wgxOTS[65 0000000000000'Universit Toulouse 1 Sciences Sociales 5000000>yOyf['Yf[ 000000`!  5oExchange Program Agreement between the Universit des Sciences Sociales: Toulouse I and Keio University (Tokyo) 5$Universite Pantheon Sorbonne-Paris I 500,{N'Yf[ 5]Exchange Program Agreement between the Universit Paris I (Paris) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5#Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis 5000'Yf[50000hExchange Program Agreement between Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis and Keio University (Tokyo-Japan) 5,Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III 500,{ N'Yf[ 5mAgreement for Cooperative Exchange between the University of Sorbonne Nouvele - Paris III and Keio University 5#The Universit Jean-Moulin - Lyon 3 5000'Yf[ 3  5jMemorandum of Understanding between Keio University, Japan and the Universit Jean Moulin - Lyon 3, France 5aAgreement for Exchange Programs between Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris and Keio University 5HEC School of Management 5sAgreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between HEC School of Management, France and Keio University, Japan 5AEcole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales (ESSEC) 5 0000L}nFUy'Yf[b'Yf[ 5Agreement for the Academic Exchange Program between Ecole Superieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales and Keio University 5'cole Pratique des Hautes tudes (EPHE) 5 %0(%ؚI{f[Sxvz@b  5SCooperation Agreement between L'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and eio University 5;cole normale suprieure Lettres et sciences humaines (ENS) 5 %.3ؚI{+^{f[!h  5WExchange Program Agreement between Ecole Normale Superieure and Keio University (Tokyo) 5Ecole Polytechnique 5TCooperation Agreement between Ecole Polytechnique, France and Keio University, Japan 5 RWTH Aachen 50000]y'Yf[ 5General Agreement on Scientific Cooperation and Academic Exchange between Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) and RWTH Aachen, Germany 5WHU 00000000000L}U'Yf[ 5eExchange Agreement between Keio University Japan and WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management Germany 5[Agreement on Faculty Exchange Program between the University of Cologne and Keio University 5The University of Freiburg 5000000'Yf[50000Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, Germany and Keio University, Japan 5Leibniz Universitat Hannover 500000'Yf[50000gAgreement on Academic Exchange between Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Germany and Keio University, Japan 5The Free University of Berlin 5(00001u'Yf[$50000000`Exchange Program Agreement between Keio University, Japan and Freie Universitt Berlin, Germany 5The Bonn University 5fExchange Scholarship Agreement Institutional Agreement between University of Bonn and Keio University 5$Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM) 5 00000]y'Yf[ 5\Exchange Program Agreement between Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM) and Keio University 5 00000000]y 'Yf[ 5hExchange Program Agreement between Technische Universitt Darmstadt, Germany and Keio University, Japan 5Siegen University  50000'Yf[ 5cExchange Program Agreement between Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) and Universitt Siegen (Germany) 5Saarland University  5000000'Yf[ 5%vaa~X'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00YeSs0xvzn0TSRk0Y00Ta 5+Maritin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg 500'Yf[ 5Agreement for the Scientific and Cultural Exchnage between Keio University (Japan) and Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany) 5 HSb0f[uNcTS[D500000000000000000 *Heinrich-Heine-University-Duesseldorf  5 00000000'Yf[ 5cAgreement of Cooperation between Keio University (Tokyo) and Heinrich-Heine-University-Duesseldorf 5 Dresden University of Technology 5cCooperation Agreement between Dresden University of Technology, Germany and Keio University, Japan 5University of Amsterdam 5 0000000'Yf[50000~Agreement on Academic and Educational Exch< ange between Keio University, Japan and Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands 5Leiden University 5qExchange Program Agreement between Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands, and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam 500000'Yf[ 000000 5pExahange Program Agreement between Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5,Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford 5&00000000'Yf[0000000000!h"5000000Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration Between Corpus Christi College, The University of Oxford, United Kingdom and Keio University, Japan 5>Yc[n0wg>mcSeQo0j0W0 :5 000000000000+Christ Church College, University of Oxford 500000000'Yf[0000000000000050000DContract for the Provision of Conference facilities at Christ Church 5%Lincoln College, University of Oxford 500000000'Yf[000000000050000>Contract: Oxford-Keio Summer School at Lincoln College, Oxford 5)Downing College, University of Cambridge  5000000'Yf[000000000 5/Contract: Downing-Keio Summer School at Downing 5KKeio University and Downing College, Cambridge Academic Exchange Agreement 5The University of Manchester 5uAgreement for an Exchange Programme Between Faculty of Humanities, The University of Manchester and Keio University  5University of Glasgow 5HCooperation Agreement between University of Glasgow and Keio University 5The Universiy of Sheffield 5[Exchange Program Agreement between the University of Sheffield and Keio University (Tokyo) 5The University of Edinburgh 5RExchange Program Agrement between the University of Edinburgh and Keio University 5The University of Birmingham 5000000'Yf[50000nBasic Agreement on International Exchange Programmes between the University of Birmingham and Keio University 5:The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) 50000'Yf[ LSE0000000000000000000  5[Agreement between the London School of Economics and Political Science and Keio University 5CSchool of Oriental and African Studies, University of London SOAS) 50000'Yf[ SOAS(000  5fAgreement between the School of Oriental and African Studies University of London and Keio University 5<Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London 50000'Yf[0000000000 5Student Exchange Agreement between Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, University of London and Keio University & Faculty Exchange Agreement between Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, and Keio University 5 Queen Mary, University of London 50000'Yf[0000000000 5GAgreement between Queen Mary, University of London and Keio University 50000'Yf[000000000 5NMemorandum of Understanding between King's College London and Keio University 5Cardiff University 5TExchange Programme Agreement between Cardiff University and Keio University (Tokyo) 5University College Dublin 500000000 000000000 5ZExchange Program Agreement between University College Dublin (Dublin) and Keio University 5The University of Oslo 5000'Yf[50000UExchange Agreement between Keio University, Japan and the University of Oslo, Norway 5University of Bergen 5]Exchange Program Agreement between University of Bergen (Norway) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5Uppsala University 5~Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5Goteborg University 5UCooperation Agreement between Gteborg University, Sweden and Keio University, Tokyo 5YAgreement on Student Exchange between Lund University, Sweden and Keio University, Japan 5!KTH Royal Institute of Technology 56sz]y'Yf[25 00000000000xAgreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and Keio University, Japan 5Karolinska Institutet 5 000000 xvz@b 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 500000Universidad del Pacifico 500000'Yf[ 5MAgreement of Cooperation between Keio University and Universidad del Pacifico 5Universidad Torcuato Di Tella 500000000000 'Yf[ 5Memorandum of agreement between Keio University in Tokyo, Japan and the Universidad Torcuato di Tella in Buenos Aires, Argentina 5El Colegio de Mxico 50000000000000  5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between El Colegio de Mexico, (Mexico City, Mexico) and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5University of Notre Dame 5000000'Yf[50000=Contract: Keio Summer Program at the University of Notre Dame 5University of Washington 5uUniversity of Washington Educational Outreach International & English Language Programs Specialized Program Agreement 500000000000000'Yf[ 5zContract: The Keio University, College of William and Mary Cross-Cultural Collaboration at the College of William and Mary 5Western Michigan University 5 0000000000'Yf[ 5xA Proposal of an Agreement of Exchange of Students and Scholars between Western Michigan University and Keio University 5#The University of Wisconsin-Madison 50000000'Yf[0 00000!h  5fAgreement for Educational Cooperation between Keio University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison 5XExchange Program Agreement between Keio University (Tokyo) and University of Washington 5University of Maryland 5XAgreement of Student Exchange Program between University of Maryland and Keio University 5*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 5A Student Exchange Program Agreement between The Boad of Trustees of the University of Illinois, USA and Keio University, Japan 5 000'Yf[000!h500Agreement on International Exchange Programs between the College of Education, University of Hawai'I at Manoa and Keio Univeristy 5/The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 500000000'Yf[0000000!h 5oAgreement for the Exchange Program between the< University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Keio University 52University of California, Education Abroad Program 5 0000000'Yf[EAP 5bExchange Agreement between The Regents of the University of California and Keio University, JapaN 5NPartnership Protocol between Keio University and The College of William & Mary 5Rice University 5000'Yf[50000\Exchange Program Agreement between Rice University, United States and Keio University, Japan 5Middlebury College 5kExchange Program Agreement between Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) and Middlebury College (Vermont, U.S.A.) 5Manhattanville College 5kExchange Program Agreement between Manhattanville College (Purchase, New York) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5Illinois Wesleyan University 5 00000000000'Yf[ 5TExchange Program Agreement between Illinois Wesleyan University and Keio University 5XAddendum to Student Exchange Agreement between Georgetown University and Keio University 5Dartmouth College 500000'Yf[ 5SAgreement of Student Exchange Program between Dartmouth College and Keio University 5Carnegie Mellon University 5 00000000'Yf[ 5~Agreement of Cooperation between Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, Pennsilvania, USA) and Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) 5Bryn Mawr College 5IExchange Program Agreement between Bryn Mawr College and Keio University 5Brown University 50000'Yf[50000]Exchange Agreement between Keio University (Tokyo) and Brown University, Providence, RI, USA 5Boston University 5QExchange Program Agreement between Boston University and Keio University (Tokyo) 5Allegheny College 500000'Yf[ 5kAgreement on Academnic Linkage and Collaboration between Allegheny College, USA and Keio University, Japan 5York University 5UAgreement of Cooperation between York University (Canada) and Keio University (Japan) 5University of Toronto 5\Agreement for the Exchange of Students between Keio University and the University of Toronto 5eMemorandum of Cooperative Exchange Program between University of British Columbia and Keio University 5 :SbTS[f[uNcTS[65 0000000000000Queen's University 500000'Yf[50000gMemorandum of Understanding between Keio University (Japan) and Queen's University at Kingston (Canada) 5McGill University 5^Agreement for Bilateral Student Exchange Program between McGill University and Keio University 5DConference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities (CREPUQ) 5 0000]'Yf[f[w}wO 5{Student exchange program between the Conference of rectors and principals of Quebec Universities and Keio University, Japan 5The University of Otago 5tMemorandum of Understanding between the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5The University of Auckland 5nMemorandum of Understanding: Student exchange agreement between Keio University and the University of Auckland 5The University of Sydney 5bMemorandum of Understanding between Keio University, Japan and the University of Sydney, Australia 5!The University of New South Wales 5mpe{s}esjp}'Yf[50000YMemorandum of Understanding between the University of New South Wales and Keio University 5The University of Melbourne 5Memorandum of Understanding 2007 as between the University of Melbourne, Australia ('Melbourne') and Keio University, Japan ('Keio') 5Australian National University 5ZAcademic exchange agreement between Keio University and the Australian National University 5University of Queensland 5iMemorandum of Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Keio University and the University of Queensland 5 SbTS[0f[uNcTS[ 5 Istanbul Technical University 5 (000000]y'Yf[$50000000vMemorandum of Understanding between Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5Bogazici University 50000'Yf[ 5lMemorandum of Understanding between Boazii University, Istanbul, Turkey and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5National Taiwan University 5TAgreement on Student Exchane between Keio University and National Taiwan University 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between National Chengchi University (Taiwan, R.O.C.) and Keio University (Japan) 5Zhejiang University 5jExchange Program Agreement between Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China and Keio University, Tokyo, Japan 5Xi'an Jiaotong University 5[N'Yf[  5\Agreement for Collaborative Activities between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Keio University 5-University of Science and Technology of China 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between University of Science and Technology of China and Keio University, Tokyo 5University of Macau 5mExchange Program Agreement between University of Macau (Macao Sar, China) and Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) 5Tsinghua University 5nAgreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Tsinghua University, China and Keio University, Japan 5The University of Hong Kong 5gExchange Program Agreement between the University of Hong Kong0(Hong Kong) and Keio University (Japan) 52The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 5/nyb'Yf[  5aGeneral Agreement between the Hong Kong University of science and Technology and Keio University 5Shanghai Jiao Tong University 5PCooperation Agreement between Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Keio University 5Renmin University of China 5(vaa~X'Yf[h0-NVNl'Yf[h0n0 k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f0f[uNcTS[f 5SN'Yf[  5IExchange Program Agreement between Peking University and Keio University 5Nankai University 5\Agreement of Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Nankai University and Keio University 5Nanjing University 5JExchange Program Agreement between Nanjing University and Keio University 5-Huazhong University of Science and Technology 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between H< uazhong University of Science and Technology, China and Keio University, Japan 5f[SSs0f[uNAmk0Y00TSpn0f 5Chinese University of Hong Kong 5TMemorandum of Understanding Keio University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong 5Chinese Northeastern University 5-NVqgS'Yf[ 5e,gvaa~X'Yf[h0-NVqgS'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5<Cooperation Agreement between Hanoi University of Technology 5=Contract: Yonsei-Keio Spring Program at Sinchon Campus, Seoul 5PExchange Program Agreement between Yonsei University and Keio University (Tokyo) 5MMemorandum of Agreement between Keio University and Seoul National University 5ZAgreement on International Exchange Programs between Korea University and Keio University 5Ewha Womans University 5oAgreement on Academic Exchange between Ewha Womans University (Seoul, Korea) and Keio University (Tokyo, Japan) 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Universitas Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia and Keio University, Japan, Agreement of Implementation on Exchange Program between Universitas Indonesia, Republic of Indonesia and Keio University (Japan)  5Singapore Management University 50000000000000'Yf[ 5|Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Singapore Management University, Singapore and Keio University, Japa 5 National University of Singapore 5XMemorandum of Understanding between National University of Singapore and Keio University 5 SbTS[f[uNcTS[ 5University of Malaya 5YAgreement for Academic Exchange Programs between Keio University and University of Malaya 5Chulalongkorn University 5bExchange Program Agreement between Chulalongkorn University (Bangkok) and Keio University (Tokyo) 5Chiang Mai University 5_Memorandum of Understanding between Chiang Mai University, Thailand and Keio University, Japan 5University of Hyderabad 5 00000000'Yf[ 5hMemorandum of Understanding between University of Hyderabad Hyderabad, India and Keio University, Japan 5&Indira Gandhi National Open University 5000000000VzlQ'Yf[ 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indira Gandhi National Open University, India and Keio University, Japan 5&Indian Institute of Technology Madoras 5 000]y'Yf[0000!h  5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India and Keio University, Japan 5%Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 5000]y'Yf[00000!h  5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India and Keio Univerisity, Japan 5$Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 5 000]y'Yf[000!h 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India and Keio Univerisity, Japan 5%Indian Institute of Technology Bonbay 5 000]y'Yf[0000!h 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India and Keio Univerisity, Japan 5%Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 5 000yf['Yf[b'Yf[ 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, India and Keio Univerisity, Japan 5'Indian Institute of Management Calcutta 5 000L}U'Yf[b0000!h 5Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India and Keio University, Japan 5!Indian Institute of Foreign Trade 5 000[Yfxvz@b 5|Agreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, India and Keio University, Japan 5Delhi University 5kAgreement on Academic Linkage and Collaboration between Dehli University, India and Keio University, Japan 5Hochschule fr Musik Karlsruhe *0000000}i'Yf[&500000000 4Memorandum of Understanding Student Exchange program,SbvNAmTS[ f[uNAm00000(5 000000000 Vz}i'Yf[6Memorandum of Understanding Student Exchange agreement<SbvNAmTS[ f[uNAmTS[8500000000000000  .University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna 80000}i0oR'Yf[45 000000000000 ^SbvNAmTS[ f[uNAm00000Z50000000000000000000000000  Chiang Mai Rajabhat University 00000000000'Yf[50000 AGREEMENT ON COOPERATIONOgg'Yf[IPeking University School of Foreign Languages DSN'Yf[YVf[@5000000000000000 *'Y#'Yf[&500000000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING,oO000000000000j0i0n0O;u(5 0000000004000000'Yf[(00000,{1'Yf[ 05 0000000000 FTSRk0Y00W,gTS[B50000000000000000 2qg'Yf[.5 000000000Kongju National UniversityDVzlQ]'Yf[!h@5000000000000000 0Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology(xr}lp0xox]y'Yf[$50000000AGREEMMENT ON COOPERATION)Shanghai International Studies University>SNYV'Yf[:5 000000000000>Ym_l]mi'Yf[:5 000000000000Hangzhou Normal University8mg]+^{'Yf[45 000000000000 JSN,{NYVf[bF5000000000000000  \Yeh0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fX5000000000000000000000000  (f[u>mc$50000000<SHATEC The Singapore International Hotel and Tourism CollegeSHATEC000000V00000000000050000 &0000;Sy'Yf["5000000 Kenya Medical Research Institute >000-N.Y;Sf[xvz@b:5000000000000000/AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION6wgxOSeQ025 000000000002f[STS[f.5 000000000000@)Y%mYV'Yf[<5 0000000000000  Bf[u>mc(yYuf[ >500000000000000 University of ManchesterHanseo University4ӗ^t'Yf[!h05 0000000000Konyang University4^}'Yf[!h05 0000000000"AGREEMMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION5Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology <WSSyb'Yf[85 00000000000< STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT .f[SNAmTS[*5 0000000000OUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University-Hanoil000Vz'Yf[>yOyf[Neyf['Yf[h500000000000000000000000000   EXCHANGE AGREEMENTHebei University(lS'Yf[$500000002YN/e'Yf[!h.5 000000000 000000000'Yf[50000 TEACHING AGREEMENT>>mcYuf[TS[f:5000000000000000MEMORANDUM OFUNDERSTANDING :TS[k0Y00H0f65 0000000000  FNcYuf[k0Y00TS[B50000000000000000  -Northeast China of Electric Power Engineering:qgSRf[b65 0000000000000 qQzsYP['Yf["Faculty of Medicine and Pediatrics8;SBv|xvzy45 000000000000|f[Snje0 RLirSs0`1XI{n0Nc0000000n0[ex50000000000000000000000000000000   *V'Yf[&500000000ACADEMIC AFFILIATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND PEDIATRICS, INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, CAMBODIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, KITASATO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN "S̑'Yf['Yf[b;SBv|xvzyh0V'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%&+027!S̑'Yf[Yeh0xvzk0Y00`1XQHrir0xvzPge0+T00 Ncn0O2#Mahanakorn University of Technology (00000]y'Yf[$50000000Agreement on Scholarly Exchange and Collaboration between Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mahanakorn University of Technology, Thailand and School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Japan!00sV00000]y'Yf[cs;Sf[h0e,gS̑'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[f5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "'2Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering H;SBvyf[0]f[xvzyD500000000000000000 ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (KAIST) AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, KITASATO UNIVERSITY S̑'Yf['Yf[b;SBv|xvzyh0KAISTh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $&QHr RLir0xvz֊eI{n0NcSs0f[S`1Xn0vNNAm5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&)"The Gabriele d'Annunzio University000000'Yf[50000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE between FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF THE G. D'ANNUNZIO UNIVERSITY, ITALY and KITASATO UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, JAPAN and KITASATO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, JAPAN.000000'Yf[;Sf[h0S̑'Yf['Yf[b;SBv|xvzy0S̑'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5AA00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&*- .#3%8(:+QHr RLir0xvz֊eI{n0Nc0Ss0f[S`1Xn0vNNAm5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&+.%Health Science University of Mongolia B0000VzOePyf['Yf[>500000000000000 Agreement for Academic Exchange between Health Science University of Mongolia, School of nursing and Kitasato University School of Nursing S̑'Yf[ wwf[h00000VzOePyf['Yf[ wwf[h0n0f[STS[f5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "#(Agreement for Academic Exchange Between Health Science University of Mongolia, Dornogobi School of Medicine And Kitasato University School of Nursing$S̑'Yf[ wwf[h00000VzOePyf['Yf[00000;Sf[h0n0f[STS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %!'xvz0YeSs0聊^RΑk0J0Q00YewT00000000000000f[un0`1XNc 00000000'Yf[50000yMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL AND KITASATO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE~00000000'Yf[;Sf[h0S̑'Yf[;Sf[萓n0TS[fz5 00000000000000000000000000000   &Graduate School of Biomedical SciencesD;Sf[uirf[xvzy@5000000000000000 ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, THE UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MEDICAL SCHOOL AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, KITASATO UNIVERSITY3 S̑'Yf['Yf[b;SBv|xvzyh000000000'Yf[;Sf[!h'Yf[b;Sf[uirf[xvzyh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5KK000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#), 2#8(=*B-D0Fiocruz 00000000V50000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING CELEBRATED BETWEEN, AT ONE SIDE, FUNDAO OSWALDO CRUZ - FIOCRUZ AND, AT THE OTHER SIDE, KITASATO INSTITUTE/JAPAN(DFUNDAO OSWALDO CRUZ (FIOCRUZ)h0S̑'Yf[n0f@5000000000000000 "$ &;YeSs0xOn0#:d0!N!hL0sTB00RΑn0`1XNAm0B00K0X00x[W0f0J0D0_0e-B00D0o0U00k0|xU00_0e-g0n0[0WxO5<<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&*%-.134779gMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between The University of Iowa, Iowa, USA and Kitasato University, Tokyo, JapanXS̑'Yf[00000'Yf[TS[fT50000000000000000000000   QHr RLir0xvz֊eI{n0Nck0000vNf[S`1XNAmHasanuddin University000000'Yf[50000Agreement for Academic Exchange Between The Hasanuddin University Postgraduate Program of Medical Science and The Kitasato University Graduate School of Medical Sciences+S̑'Yf['Yf[b;SBv|xvzyh0000000'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[xvzyh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $',- 2"7%9(2t^kn0T T000000vNPSs0oI{n0vN>mc0QHr RLir0xvz֊en0NcSs0f[S`1Xn0vNNc5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    & +"/%3'5):+?.B0The Robert Koch Institute< "00000000xvz@b50000000mAgreement for Academic Exchange between Robert Koch Institute and The Kitasato Institute/ Kitasato University'00000000xvz@bh0f[!hlNS̑xvz@bS̑'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 5500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "',!.$MASTER AFFILIATION AGREEMENT Between the KITASATO UNIVERSITY And THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, ON BEHALF OF ITS LOS ANGELES CAMPUS(S̑'Yf[h00000000'Yf[000000!h0NhY00S_'Yf[UpTn0#:dW,gTS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !##&%+'>QHr RLir0xvz֊eI{n0f[S`1Xn0vNNAm:5 000000000000  Mahidool UniversitySAgreement for Academic Exchange between Mahidol University and Kitasato University l0000'Yf[0S̑'Yf[0f[SNAmTS[fh500000000000000000000000000000  MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, JOHN A. BURNS SCHOOL OF MEDICINE and KITASATO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE !tS̑'Yf[;Sf[h0000'Yf[00000A.00000;Sf[h0n0TS[fp5000000000000000000000000000  QHr RLir0xvz֊e0]0n0Nf[S`1Xn0Nc5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   Philipps-University Marburg00000'Yf[  5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN PHILIPPS-UNIVERSITY MARBURG FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND KITASATO UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE!S̑'Yf[;Sf[h000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[k0Y00TS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #% f[Snjen0vNNc+$e,gVS̑'Yf[ubh0-NNlqQTV_e'Yf[;Sf[bD^\q\;Sbh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     "$(+-0136 ;"@%B(Jilin University e,gVS̑'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV Tg'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f566000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #(-/ Ff[Snjen0vNNcB50000000000000000   e,gVS̑'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV Tg'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00P_25440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #(-/QHr RLir0xvz֊eI{n0vNNcSs0f[SNAm5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $Thomas Jefferson University 00000000000'Yf[ 5Agreement for Academic Exchange Between Thomas Jefferson University Jefferson College of Health Professions Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. and Kitasato University School of Allied Health Sciences Sagamihara-shi, Kanagawa-ken, JAPANBS̑'Yf[;SBv[uf[000000000000'Yf[OePf[College of Health Professions f[SNAmTS[f5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ;"='?,ADqQ T000000n0zv00000000I{n0P@5000000000000000   LETTER OF INTENT Between School of Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana, USA and School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University, Towada, Aomori Japan000000000000n0P0Ye/ec00000n0[eThe University of Tennessee0000'Yf[50000DTHE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE AGREEMENTD000000000000n0P0Ye/ec00000n0[e@5000000000000000   The University of GeorgiaINTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KITASATO UNIVERSITY, TOWADA-SHI, AOMORI, JAPAN AND THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA THE UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA, ATHENS, GEORGIA, U.S.A.?S̑'Yf[0e,gVRh wAST0u^0h000000]'Yf[_jitNO000000'Yf[0s|V00000]00000h0n0n0VNAmTS[f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !%$)'-.06387:<<University of Kentucky000000'Yf[50000~Agreement for Academic Exchange between University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and Kitasato University School of Pharmacy S̑'Yf[f[0000000'Yf[f[f[SNAmTS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  %h0Ye0xvzTSR000000000000n0Pd5000000000000000000000000000  Harvard University 00000'Yf[50000Agreement for Academic Exchange between Department of Biostatistics Harvard University School of Public Health and Department of Biostatistics Kitasato University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences 0&S̑'Yf['Yf[bf[xvzy聊^q}萀000000'Yf[lQF[u'Yf[buirq}萀h0n0f[SNAmTS[f"5SS00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$(-15 7!;#?%B)G+L- yrk0S0zl0f0D0j0D0DVeSNAmf[@5000000000000000 Y['Yf[ 5jMemorandum of Understanding between Gakushuin Women's College(Japan) and Providence University (Taiwan)#f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0Y['Yf[S~n n0NAmk0Y00TS[f3e 5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #%*, f[bsYP['Yf[(School of Humanities and Social SciencesCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES OF TSUNGHUA UNIVERSITY,PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE ,JAPAN$f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0n'Yf[-NNlqQTV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f566000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&(-/!4#Memorandum of Understanding on Academic and Scientific Cooperation betweenGakushuin Women's College(Japan) and National University of Laos (LAO P.D.R.)3~000Vz'Yf[000Nll;NqQTV h0f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fe,g3e z5 00000000000000000000000000000000   !#-0'University of Northern British Columbia000000000000000000'Yf[ 5sCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF NOTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA AN< D GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE ,JAPAN0f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0000000000000000000'Yf[000 n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5OsYP['Yf[ 5!f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0OsYP['Yf[ӗV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5University of Hamburg00000'Yf[ 5COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN FACULTY OF ORIENTAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG (GERMANY) AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE (JAPAN)(f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h000000'Yf[000#qQTV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5Munich University_COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN MUNICH UNIVERSITY, GERMANY AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE, JAPAN,Jf[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h000000'Yf[000#qQTV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f3e F5000000000000000000)"Missouri Southern State University 0000WS]z'Yf[ 5kCollaboration Agreement between Missouri Southern State College, U.S.A and Gakushuin Women's College, JAPAN*f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h00000WS]z'Yf[0000TFV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5_COLLABORATION AGREEMENT between WARSAW UNIVERSITY (Poland) and GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE(JAPAN))00000'Yf[00000 h0f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV n0NAmk0Y00TS[fT3  5`COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN TALLINN UNIVERSITY, ESTONIA AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE, JAPAN#f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0000'Yf[00000 n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5hAGREEMENT FOR A STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMME BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGEf[bsYP['Yf[h0000'Yf[k0J0Q00f[uNc00000n0TS[f 5Faculty of ArtsUniversity of MelbouruneMemorandum of Understanding 2007 as between the University of Melbourne, actiong through the Faculty of Arts, Australlia ('Melbourne') and Gakushuin Women's College, Japan('Gakushuin')A2007t^0TS[n0f f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV N N 0f[b 0 h000000'Yf[Nef[0000000 N N 000000 0  5Palacky University Olomouc00000'Yf[ 5+f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h000000'Yf[00000000qQTV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5000000'Yf[ 5nCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SCRIPPS COLLEGE, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE, JAPAN(f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h0000000'Yf[0000TFV n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5fCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST, ROUMANIA AND GAKUSHUIN WOMEN'S COLLEGE, JAPAN%f[bsYP['Yf[e,gV h000000'Yf[00000 n0NAmk0Y00TS[f 5!TheUniversity of New South Wales 0000000000'Yf[50000 f[b'Yf[9The Graduate of International Relation and Pacific stuies*iS_j0hj0W0&5000000000?elf[xvzy,5 00000000000(University of California, San Diego0UCSD&0000000'Yf[0000000!h"5000000 ,00000n0qQ Tzv(5 000000000University of Tasmania00000'Yf[50000}Collaboration Agreement Between Faculty of Law, University of Tasmania, Australia and Law School, Gakushuin University, Japan(00000'Yf[lf[0000000 h0f[b'Yf[ly'Yf[be,g n0TSRTS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ""$(& RT TOp0֊e0njen0NcN50000000000000000000  vaS'Yf[!h 5Agreement of Cooperation Between Gakushuin University, Law School in Japan and College of Law, Kyungpook National University in Korea!f[b'Yf[ly'Yf[be,g h0vaS'Yf[!hlf[ӗV n0TSRTS[ 5@THE UNIVERSITY OB WASHINGTON MICHAEL G.FOSTER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS00000'Yf[000000000000000000000050000AGREEMENT ON THE EXCHANGE OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS BETWEEN GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND THE UNIVERSITY OB WASHINGTON MICHAEL G.FOSTER SCHOOL OF BUSINESS3f[un0NcYuf[TS[ f[b'Yf[L}nf[h000000'Yf[000000000000000000000005 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "% All faculty0X0`1XI{n0Nc 0SQ0eQ0f[un0f[/eccOc\Yecx[܈R0e\O{v2܈R 0[xOn0܈RT50000000000000000000000 )+.000000'Yf[50000^COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND, ICELAND AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN'f[b'Yf[e,gV h0000000'Yf[000000 n0 TSRk0Y00TS[f  5/X0`1XI{n0Nc 0SQ0eQ0f[un0f[/eccOc\Yecx[܈R0e\O{v2܈R 0[xO܈RT50000000000000000000000 )+-;The Cardenal Cisneros University College, Alcal University &0000'Yf[00000!h"5000000 COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE CARDENAL CISNEROS UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, ALCAL UNIVERSITY, SPAIN -f[b'Yf[e,gV h00000'Yf[00000!h0000V h0n0 f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f  5M60`1XI{n0NcxvzSs0xvzk0Y00`1X 0SQ0eQ0YeTSs0xvzk0[W0f0o0 Ye0xvz;mRn0_00n0܈Rё`1Xn0cO 0SQ0eQ0f[ux0n0[xOn0܈R25UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    '),,1.54:7?:D>E@FBJFOHRKThe University of Bologna00000'Yf[50000SAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION 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STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA (UNITED KINGDOM) AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY (JAPAN) 'f[b'Yf[(e,gV)h00000000000'Yf[0000)n0NAmk0Y00TS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000 !$The University of Reading00000'Yf[50000bCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF READING, ENGLAND"f[b'Yf[(e,gV)h000000'Yf[(0000)n0TSRk0Y00TS[f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000 00`1XI{n0Nc 0Yek0Y00TSRYc[f[e-n0cO ,5 00000000000_COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN LANCASTER UNIVERSITY, ENGLAND AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN #f[b'Yf[(e,gV)h0000000'Yf[(0000)n0TSRk0Y00TS[f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000  The University of EdingburghgCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, SCOTLAND AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN &f[b'Yf[(e,gV)h0000000'Yf[(0000000)n0TSRk0Y00TS[f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000  #|0`1XI{n0Nc 0Yek0Y00TSRYc[f[000000+T0 x50000000000000000000000000000000  The University of SassexcCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN 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Carolina at Charlotte 600000000]z'Yf[000000!h25 00000000000  sCOLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHARLOTTE, USA AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN .f[b'Yf[(e,gV)h000000000]z'Yf[000000!h(0000)n0TSRk0Y00TS[f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %!(#+ All faculty >z0`1XI{n0Nc 0*OUx0n000000cO 0SQ0eQ0f[un0f[/eccOc\Yecx[܈R0e\O{v2܈R 0[xOn0܈Rv5!!000000000000000000000000000000000 79<0000000000000'Yf[50000 BASIC AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN VICTORIA UNIVERSITY OF WELLINGTON (NEW ZEALAND) AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY (JAPAN)%Zf[b'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[(00000000 h0n0W,gTS[V500000000000000000000000 !#0`1XI{n0Ncf[SnjeI{ 0Yek0Y00TSRTS['Yf[n0f[xvz@bk0J0Q00101n0񂞊000Sen0܈Rt^2 T0TNn0Yuf[gYBfk0J0Q00e\O 0SQ0eQ0f[un0f[/eccOSQ0eQ0f[un0_00n0f[u000000I{n0njecO0000000000[e0c\Yecx[܈R0e\O{v2܈R 0SQ0eQ0YeTSs0f[ux0n0[n0xO܈R 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5uu000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %*/16 9#;&B,E.J1L4R8X<\?aBfFkHpK\STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN PEKING UNIVERSITY, CHINA AND GAKUSHUIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN 8f[b'Yf[h0SN'Yf[h0n0OUk0J0Q00f[SeSNAmk0Y00TS[f45 000000000000:le]mi'Yf[65 0000000000000 Agreement for Academic, Educational and Cultural Co-operation and Exchange between Kaetsu University and Thai-Nichi Institute of TechnologyT V`'Yf[h0le]mi'Yf[h0n0f[S0Ye0eSNAmk0Y00TS[P500000000000000000000   V`'Yf[#College of Economics and Management ^'Y#lef[bL}n{tf[Z50000000000000000000000  PL}UL}nf[0000000000000000uR f[L5000000000000000000 Agreement for Educational and Academic Co-operation and Exchange between Kaetsu University,Japan, and Dalian Nationalities University, Chinae,g V`'Yf[h0-NV'Y#lef[bh0n0Ye0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5"University of Southern MississippiWS00000'Yf[ 5uAgreement for Academic Co-operation and Exchange between The University of Southern Mississippi and Kaetsu University V`'Yf[h0WS00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 57College of Foreign Students Education. Wuhan University fk"o'Yf[Yuf[uYef[blAgreement for Academic and Cultural Co-operation and Exchange between Kaetsu University and Wuhan University V`'Yf[0fk"o'Yf[h0n0f[S0eSNAmTS[ 5Beijing Normal Univercity'YYsYP['Yf[ f[Snjen0Mzuiv;m(u$National Economics University Ha Noi 000VlL}n'Yf[ 5\hg'Yf[AllThe University of Danang 000'Yf[ 5000'Yf[ 5Whittier College00000'Yf[ 5 Nf[Snjen0Mzuiv;m(uJ500000000000000000000  0000000000'Yf[ 5Western Carolina University 0000000000'Yf[ 5BvKb'Yf[K00n0f[u>mc00000k0d0D0f0>500000000000000  Wells College0000'Yf[50000 R'Yf[n0zvU\k0Y00`1XNcN50000000000000000000  Webster University000000'Yf[ 5Valdosta State University 00000]z'Yf[ 5Towson University0000'Yf[50000 Zf[Snjen0MzuivvN;m(uV500000000000000000000000   0000000'Yf[ 5 Communication Studies Department  000000000f[5000   0000000f[0000000000f[y5000 00000000]z'Yf[ 5Rocky Mountain College 000000000'Yf[ 5Pacific University000000'Yf[ 5Oglethorpe University000000'Yf[50000 f[Snje;m(un0TSROberlin College0000'Yf[ 5 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Managemenet Center Innsbruck000000000000000000 500000'Yf[ 5 University of Technology, Sydney0000]y'Yf[ 5Bond University000'Yf[50000Institute of Musicology4}if[xvz@b05 0000000000000B}if[}if[y000000000000000>500000000000000  NΑf[W'Yf[Contractral Agreement QY}f5000000N0}N'Yf[University of Burgundy000000'Yf[50000(0000000000000000]y'Yf[$50000000,0000]z'Yf[(5 000000000*0000000000Vz'Yf[&500000000  Tilak Maharashtra Vidyapeeth00000000000000'Yf[50000000'Yf[50000 University of Al Azhar Indonesia 0000000'Yf[ 5Agreement Governing ExchangesJf[SeSNAmTS[F5000000000000000000 Seoul Digital University 0000000'Yf[!h 5Memorandun of UnderstandingQilu University of Technologyeo]mi'Yf[ 5Shanghai Univeristy, Nwm'Yf[(5 000000000Huanggang Normal University:Ğ\+^{f[b65 0000000000<f[SNAmTSp8500000000000000 ؚĖ'Yf[ 5Dalian Maritime University'Y#wmN'Yf[ 5*Vf[b&500000000SNyb'Yf[ 5-NV?el'Yf[ 5:-NVNl'Yf[65 0000000000000 *qgwm'Yf[&500000000-Nq\'Yf[500Asia University0N]'Yf[,500000000VzSS'Yf[ 5YVf'Yf[ 5000'Yf[ 5Agreement on Exchange ProgramsMatej Bel University00000'Yf[ 5'Mongolian State University of Education 0000VzYe'Yf[ 5vaUq'Yf[!h 5<YY!h-zTS[8500000000000000 00000'Yf[ 5 00000000000'Yf[ 500000'Yf[ 5DNe>yOyf[f[b@5000000000000000 Jilin Normal University Tg+^{'Yf[ 5 School of Law&lf[b"5000000 Jlf[0lf[xvzyF 5000000000000000 Central South University-NWS'Yf[ 5Anshan Normal Universityq\+^{'Yf[ 5)Shanghai International Studeis University NwmYV'Yf[ 5^qgYY'Yf[ 5 Nwm[Yff[b 5Peijing UniversityCenter for Japanese StudiesDalian Jiaotong University'Y#N'Yf[ 5.School of Japanese Studies, School of Software8e,gf[b0000000f[b45 000000000000 zL}Uf[0L}nf[0lf[0VOf[v5000000000000000000000000000000  'Y#YV'Yf[50000,Xinjiang University of Finance and EconomicseuL}'Yf[ 5Chinese University of Hong Kong 0000000000'Yf[ 5Eastern Washington University 0000000000'Yf[ 50000]z'Yf[ 50000]z'Yf[ 53Memorandun of Understanding on Academic CooperationRv!h500000SInternational Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges, and Universities IAMSCU00000(00000YeOOf[!hVTSpO) 5Rq\f[b'Yf[ ]0n0N0000WW >The Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in AsiaACUCA00000(00000000Ye'Yf[TSO) 5BUniversity of California,lrvine/University of California,Riverside!>0000000'Yf[00000!h0 0000000'Yf[000000!h:5 000000000000 UC California Academic ProgramCAP00000 5Bishkek Humanities University 0000Ne'Yf[ 5,Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv000Vz'Yf[000Vz'Yf[ 50000'Yf[50000CMoscow State Institute of International Relations(MGIMO University) 80000VO'Yf[45 000000000000%Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski0000'Yf[00000'Yf[50000Warsaw University of Technology (00000]y'Yf[$50000000Jagiellonian University000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 500000'Yf[Vienna University of Technology0000]y'Yf[ 5University of Alcal0000'Yf[ 5.Universit de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III000,{ N'Yf[,500000000Universit de Franche-Comt 000000000'Yf[50000 8Westflische Wilhelms-Universitt, University of Mnster000000'Yf[50000%University of Applied Sciences (HTW)0 6000000L}U]y'Yf[25 00000000000 Saarland University000000'Yf[50000+Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences (000000000]y'Yf[$50000000  < (Heinrich-Heine University of Duesseldorf 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5*Regent's College, European Business School000000000000000000000000000Regent's University London000000000000000000000000000 500000000'Yf[00000000000 5000'Yf[ 5$Laurea University of Applied Science 0000_(uyf['Yf[ 0000_(uyf['Yf[ 5Universidad Del Pacifico00000'Yf[50000%The Methodist University of Sao Paulo 00000000000'Yf[ 5#Universidad Autnoma de Guadalajara &000000ꁻl'Yf["5000000University of Hawai'iWichita State University0000]z'Yf[0000]z'Yf[ 5!University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee0000000'Yf[0000000!h 5University of Washington00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5University of Northem Colorado 00000000'Yf[50000The University of Vermont00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[The University of Mississippi00000'Yf[The University of Florida0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5Texas Christian University 00000000000'Yf[ 00000000000'Yf[ 5San Francisco StateUniversity 00000000]z'Yf[ 000000]z'Yf[ 000000000000 000000000000 5Western Oregon University 0000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5Southern Oregon University 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5 000000]z'Yf[0000]z'Yf[0000]y'Yf[0000]y'Yf[ 5Eastern Oregon University 0000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5Ohio Wesleyan University 00000000000'Yf[50000 Northern Arizona University 00000000'Yf[50000North Central College 0000000000000 0000000000000 5 Hood College00000000 5 0000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5Goucher College 0000000000 0000000000 5DePauw University000'Yf[50000+California State University, San Bernardino60000000]z'Yf[0000000000!h25 00000000000  00000'Yf[Carleton University00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5"Swinburne University of Technology (00000]y'Yf[$50000000Southern Cross University000000'Yf[500000000000000le'Yf[0000000000le'Yf[ 5Vzn'Yf[Universiti Brunei Darussalam 00000000000'Yf[50000 2East China University of Political Science and Lawqg?el'Yf[qg?el'Yf[ 5</nW^'Yf[85 00000000000,University of Science and Technology BeijingTVietnam National University, Hanoi-University of Languages and International Studies 000V['Yf[-YV'Yf[ 000V['Yf[-YV'Yf[ 5'The iInstitute of Finance and EconomicsёL}n'Yf[ 5:bGW('Yf[65 0000000000(000sYP['Yf[$50000000Kyungnam University0vaWS'Yf[,5000000000SUf'Yf[,500000000T.zYePg0zvLn0Nc0^0oOI{n0qQ TP5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000    "Management & Science University0000000000000000'Yf[50000#International Partnership Agreement 00000000TS[500000 (00000yf['Yf[$50000000Kasetsart University Chulalongkorn University 0000000'Yf[50000Isabella Thoburn College00000000000000 5University of PhilippineskMEMORANDUM ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN WAYO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES SYSTEMT msYP['Yf[h000000'Yf[_jik0J0Q00f[STSRf 5T msYP['Yf[none)T msYP['Yf[0ef[|h0m_l'Yf[e,gef[|h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 50000000000000 'Yf[  5MEMORANDUM0OF UNDERSTANDING Brescia University College0000'Yf[  5bMEMORANDUM ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN WAYO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY AND BRESCIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE0T msYP['Yf[h00000'Yf[k0J0Q00f[STSRf 5.Mongolian University of Science and Technology 0000yf[bS'Yf[ 5vMEMORANDUM ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN MONGOLIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND WAYO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY000^z'Yf[ 5T msYP['Yf[h0000^z'Yf[!hn0f[uNAmk0Y00f 5T msYP['Yf[h0000^z'Yf[!hn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Seoul National University 000Vz'Yf[ 5uStudent Exchange Agreement Between Wayo Women's University And College of Human Ecology at Seoul National University0|MEMORANDUM OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN COLLEGE OF HUMAN ECOLOGY AT SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY AND WAYO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITYT msYP['Yf[h0]'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN WAYO WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY AND THE STATE OF OREGON ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ON BEHALF OF THE PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY!Faculty of Economics and BusinessUniversity of the Pacific000000'Yf[50000QMemorandum of Agreement between University of the Pacific and Reitaku Universityo'Yf[0000'Yf[50000VMemorandum of Understanding between Universiti Malaysia Sarawak and Reitaku University(Fontys International School of Economics$Fontys University of Applied Science 6000000_(uyf['Yf[25 00000000000 uInter-Institutional Agreement of Cooperation between Reitaku University and Fontys Internationale Hogeschool Economieo'Yf[h0000000_(uyf['Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   School of Business Management 0000f[y5000JMemorandum of Agreement between Reitaku University and Nanyang Polytechnicjo'Yf[h000000000000h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[ff500000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[50000ZGeneral Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Payap University and Reitaku UniversityQBachelor of Business Administration in International Hotel and Tourism ManegementYGeneral Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Siam University and Reitaku University Faculty of International Studies+Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus&000000000'Yf[00000!h"5000000 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//00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !&( DYVf[0L}nf[@5000000000000000 #o'Yf[YVf[h0'Y#t]'Yf[VeSNAmf[bh0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "'+02 &International Cultural Exchange SchoolVeSNAmf[b@ NwmL}'Yf[<5 0000000000000 o'Yf[h0 NwmL}'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "Humanities & Languages4Nef[f[05 0000000000&Shin Chien University Kaohsiung Campus*['Yf[&500000000o'Yf[h0['Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f|5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000  Department of Applied Japanese'National Pingtung Institute of Commerce bVzO\qgFUmibSf[b^5000000000000000000000000 o'Yf[h0VzO\qgFUmibSf[bh0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $)+Chinese Literature,l-NVef[f[y0ef[y0L}nf[yh500000000000000000000000000    o'Yf[h0m_l'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   "Division of Japanese Communication000000000e,gf[Division0of0English &񂞊f["5000000o'Yf[h0ܑq\YV'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5**000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#'College of Cultural and Social Sciences@eS>yOf[<5 0000000000000 o'Yf[h0Sw'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5&&00000000000000000000000000000000000000   School of Foreign LanguagesF'YYV'Yf[!hB50000000000000000 Ze,gYe[00000k0Y00TS[fV500000000000000000000000  &Center for Korean Language and CultureJӗVeSYebF5000000000000000 o'Yf[h0ӗVYV'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[f5++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "$)Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education*񂞊f[000&500000000Agreement of Cooperation between International School of Economics & Business Administration, Reitaku University, Japan and Institute of Continuing & TESOL Education, The University of Queensland, Australiato'Yf[VL}nf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0TS[fp5000000000000000000000000000000 Study Abroad Prigram00000000000000'Yf[ 5TStudy Abroad Agreement between Australian Catholic University and Reitaku UniversityLo'Yf[h000000000000000'Yf[h0n0TS[fH50000000000000000000 Academic English Course&񂞊f[y"5000000:School of Oriental & African Studies, University of LondonL0000'Yf[qg m0000f[f[bSOAS!hH50000000000000000  Agreement between The Continuing Education Section of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London and The International School of Economics and Business Administration of Reitaku UniversityGeneral English programmes(The Language Center, University of Leeds000'Yf[000000000050000yAgreement 2012-13 between The Faculty of Foreign Studies, Reitaku University and The Language Center, University of Leeds.Language English for Academic Purposes Program 000000000 5@Program Agreement between Langara College and Reitaku University:English as a Secound Language/ English Language Institute.University of Hawai, Leeward Community College000'Yf[0000000000000000050000lMemorandum of Understanding between Leeward Community College - University of Hawai'I and Reitaku UniversityEnglish as a Secound LanguageMurray State University,000]z'Yf[(5 000000000@Agreement Between Murray State University and Reitaku University'English Language & Orientation ProgramsAgreement between Reitaku University Faculty of Economics and Business Administration and the Boston University Center for English Language & Orientation ProgramStudies in American Language,0000]z'Yf[(5 000000000GGeneral Agreement for Reitaku University 2012-2013 Study Abroad Programvo'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[fr50000000000000000000000000000000   Liberal artsThe University of Redlands000000'Yf[50000`Agreement for Student Exchange Program between The University of Redlands and Reitaku Universityp000000'Yf[h0o'Y< f[n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[l50000000000000000000000000000   Foothill College00000'Yf[500009Agreement between Reitaku University and Foothill CollegeLo'Yf[000000'Yf[TS[fH50000000000000000000  Saint Martin's College 000000000'Yf[50000 \Agreement for Student Exchange Program between Saint Martin's College and Reitaku Universityp000000000'Yf[h0o'Yf[n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[l50000000000000000000000000000   Salem State University0000'Yf[50000`General Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Salem State University and Reitaku University`0000'Yf[h0o'Yf[h0n0SbTS[f\500000000000000000000000  Kainan UniversitycStudent Exchange Program Agreement between Kainan University,Taiwan and Ryotokuji University,Japan.N_['Yf[h0WS'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000   N_['Yf[e,gKjf[('Yf["P[i00f[50000Sanfrancisco State UniversitySanfrancisco State University 5f[u0YewTL0Yexvzn0qQ T;mR0ؚ00_00n0f5&&00000000000000000000000000000000000000   !qgNb_'Yf[University of Cooperation XYe0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[T50000000000000000000000  .International Exchange & Study Abroad Program Yuf[00000500000Tongii University0WS'Yf[,500000000 Lf[SNAmk0Y00TS[fH50000000000000000000  "Division of Laguage and Literature&ef["5000000+Suzhou University of Science and Technology R]yf[bSf[b'Yf[N50000000000000000000 >hsYP['Yf[!h:5 000000000000 <vaUq'Yf[!h85 00000000000 Baekseok University4}vw'Yf[!h05 0000000000Xf[SJ00s0YeNAmk0Y00W,gTS[fT50000000000000000000000   The University of Texas at Tyler 0000'Yf[0000!h 5 f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5 ZSS;Sf['Yf[ST;Sf[bV500000000000000000000  Sister School Agreement*YY!hTS[&50000000059ONSEI05NIVERSITy, School of Dentistry ^N'Yf[!hoky'Yf[50000Spring Arbor University 000000000'Yf[50000 UCo-operation Agreement between Spring Arbor University and Tokyo Christian Universityn000000000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0TS[j5000000000000000000000000000    qgNWcwYe'Yf[00000'Yf[50000MArticulation Agreement between Wheaton College and Tokyo Christian Universityn00000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   Waynesburg University 00000000'Yf[50000SArticulation Agreement between Waynesburg University and Tokyo Christian Universityn00000000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   Geneva College00000'Yf[50000LArticulation Agreement Between Geneva College and Tokyo Christian Universityn00000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   Lee University00'Yf[50000IMemorandum of Understanding Tokyo Christian University and Lee UniversitynqgNWcwYe'Yf[Ss000'Yf[n0fj5000000000000000000000000000   Olivet Nazarene University 00000000000'Yf[50000 UMemorandum of Understanding Olivet Nazarene University and Tokyo Christian Universityn00000000000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0fj5000000000000000000000000000   Judson University00000'Yf[50000OArticulation Agreement Between Judson University and Tokyo Christian Universityn00000'Yf[Ss0qgNWcwYe'Yf[n0TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   5Christian Education major Intercultural Studies majorn0000YeYe\;e pueSxvz\;ej5000000000000000000000000000  ^yf[0^yf[\;e ^yf[0V0000Yef[\;e~5 0000000000000000000000000000000   Biola University0000'Yf[50000PAgreement of Cooperation between Tokyo Christian University and Biola UniversityqgNWcwYe'Yf[Ss00000'Yf[n0TSRTS[|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000   Memphis UniversityP00000'Yf[ }P}Bf00000]z'Yf[ L5000000000000000000   XUNIVERSITY EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN0MEMPHIS STATE UNIVERSITY AND CHUO GAKUIN0UNIVERSITY0~-N.Yf[b'Yf[h000000]z'Yf[n0'Yf[NAm;uz5##00000000000000000000000000000000000  -N.Yf[b'Yf[Taegu University&'Y'Yf["5000000VAGREEMENT0FOR0UNIVERSITY EXCHANGE 0BETWEEN0CHUO GAKUIN0UNIVERSITY0AND0TAEGU UNIVERSITYe,g-N.Yf[b'Yf[h0'YӗlV'Y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #(* ZYVf[Ss0_(uf[V500000000000000000000   0FUf[xvzy,5 00000000000"Changchun0University0of Technologyw%f]mi'Yf[ 5-N.Yf[b'Yf[h0w%f]mi'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5LCollege of PHysical Sciences College of Economics & Business Administration LIQf[0L}FUf[H50000000000000000 <FUf[0lf[85 00000000000 Kyonggi0UniversityNu'Yf[ 5OAGREEMENT0OF0UNDERSTANDING0BETWEEN0CHUOGAKUIN0UNIVERSITY0AND0KYONGGI0UNIVERSITY-N.Yf[b'Yf[h0Nu'Yf[!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f < 5Ccollege of Foreign Languages and Literatures college of Management Be,gf[0L}Uf[>500000000000000 :vNk0[n0cO65 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/CSIFUy'Yf['Yf[bO000000xvzyh0lS]mi'Yf[YVf[bn0c[!hcj0i0k0Y00TS[5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "!%%*'-)VNU University of Economics and Business 0000Vz'Yf[L}n0000f[ 5mMemorandum of Understanding between VNU University of Economics and Business and Chiba University of CommercezCSIFUy'Yf[h00000Vz'Yf[L}n0000f[n0fv5000000000000000000000000000000  ADalian University of Foreign Language School of Japanese Studies 'Y#YVf[be,gf[b 5Agreement on designated school recommendations between Graduate School of Accounting & Finance, MBA Program and Dalian University of Foreign Language School of Japanese Studies ,'Y#YVf[be,gf[bh0CSIFUy'Yf[O000000xvzyn0c[!hcI{k0Y00TS[5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #)+ 0#4%6'8*+Dongbei University of Finance and Economics TqgSL}'Yf[Of[bP500000000000000000000 uAgreement on academic exchanges between Dongbei University of Finance and Economics and Chiba University of Commerce'qgSL}'Yf[Of[bh0CSIFUy'Yf['Yf[bO000000xvzyn0f[SNAmTS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $(. 3"8$6Tianjin Normal University College of Foreign Languages T)Y%m+^{'Yf[YVf[bP500000000000000000000  Agreement on designated school recommendations between Graduate School of Accounting & Finance, MBA Program and Tianjin Normal university College of Foreign Languages/CSIFUy'Yf['Yf[bO000000xvzyh0)Y%m+^{'Yf[YVf[bn0c[!hcj0i0k0Y00TS[5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $)- /"2$4%8*:-Lixin Accounting Institute XzOOؚI{\yf[!hT50000000000000000000 cAgreement on academic exchanges between Chiba University of Commerce and Lixin Accounting InstituteCSIFUy'Yf[zOOؚI{\yf[!hf[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "')%Shanghai Lixin University of CommerceN NwmzOOf[bJ500000000000000000  Memorandum of understanding academic exchange programs of scholars and students between Chiba University of Commerce and Shangai Lixin University of CommerceCSIFUy'Yf[h0 NwmzOOf[bh0n0YeTSs0f[uNAmk0Y00f500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      "&+-/-School of mathematics and Information Science8pef[`1Xf[45 000000000000 8?eV{`1Xf[45 000000000000 xAgreement on a joint course establishment between Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce and Chiba University of Commerce NwmzOOf[bh0CSIFUy'Yf[n0TS T000-k0Y00TS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000      $&Memorandum of understanding joint educational programs between Chiba University of Commerce and Shanhai Lixin University of CommerceCSIFUy'Yf[ NwmzOOf[b,gyuTS TYek0Y00f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     %*,?College of Bisiness Adminisitration Graduate School of Business LL}Uf[ L}Uf[xvzyH50000000000000000000 :hQf[ hQxvzy65 0000000000000DCollege of Business Administration,Chonnam National University,Korea2hQWS'Yf[.5 000000000Memorandum of Understanding Between Chiba University of Commerce,Japan and College of business Administration and Graduate Schoolof Business,Chonnam National University,KoreaCSIFUy'Yf[h0hQWS'Yf[L}Uf[Ss0L}Uf[xvzyn0f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     "(hMemorandum of Understanding between Southern Cross University,Australia and Chiba University of Commercen000000'Yf[h0CSIFUy'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00fj5000000000000000000000000   International Business6VFUf[b25 00000000000!Tianjn Foreign Studies UniversityMemorandum of Understanding exchange student programs between Chiba University of Commerce and Tianjin Foreign Studies UniversityCSIFUy'Yf[)Y%mYV'Yf[,gyNcYuf[k0Y00f5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #%'!Sir Padampat Singhania University000000000000000'Yf[50000zMemorandum of Understanding Between Sir Padampat Singhania University Udaipur,India And Chiba University of Commerce Japanb0000000000000'Yf[h0CSIFUy'Yf[n0NAmk0Y00f^500000000000< 0000000000000 aBasic Agreement on Academic Exchanges Between Chiba University of Commerce and Hanyang UniversityCSIFUy'Yf[h0"o}'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00W,gTS[5&&00000000000000000000000000000000000000   !rAgreement on International Exchange Programs Between Chiba University of Commerce and East China Normal UniversityCSIFUy'Yf[qg+^{'Yf[n0NAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000     Agreement on Academic Exchanges Between Faculty of Policy Informatics at Chiba University of Commerce and Faculty of Politics administrative Management at Beijing University(CSIFUy'Yf[(?eV{`1Xf[)SN'Yf[?el0L?e{tf[ f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %(+05"7%'University of Hawaii Community CollegesBasic Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between University of Hawaii Community Colleges and Chiba University of CommerceVNAmW,gTS[f0CSIFUy'Yf[000'Yf[hQ00005##00000000000000000000000000000000000   !CSI]mi'Yf[ ,0000000]z'Yf[(5 000000000 "Tennessee Technological University(0000]y'Yf[$50000000!University of Colorado at Boulder &0000'Yf[0000!h"5000000 All 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5^Agreement on International Exchange Programs between Konyang University and Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h0^}'Yf[!hh0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[ 5V_'Yf[SWSyb'Yf[ 5mBasic Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between Tainan University of Technology Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h0SWSsYP[bSf[bh0n0VNAmk0Y00W,gTS[ 5eAgreement on Collaboration in Academic Exchange Between Seitoku University and The Nanjing University f[S0YeNAmTS[ 50Institut suprieur de traducteurs et interprtes 000000YV'Yf[ 5|Agreement on International Exchange Programs between Institut suprieur de traducteurs et interprtes and Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h0000000YV'Yf[h0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[ 5George Fox University 000000000'Yf[ 5aAgreement on International Exchange Programs between George Fox University and Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[h0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between Seitoku University and The State of Oregon Acting by and Through The State Board of Higher Education on Behalf of The Portland State University0V_'Yf[h0000000]z'Yf[n0Nth0j00]ؚI{YeYTO0X0f0;mRY000000]h0n0NAmTS[ 5 Mills College0000000 5eExchange Agreement between Seitoku University,Chiba,Japan and Mills College, Oakland, California, USA4V_'Yf[e,gV0CSI w h000000000000TFV00000000]0000000 h0n0NAmTS[ 5College of St.Elizabeth00000000000000 5mAgreement on Collaboration in Academic Exchange Between Seitoku University and The College of Saint ElizabethV_'Yf[h0V00000'Yf[h0n0VYeNAmk0Y00TSRTS[ 5 00000000000 5\Basic Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between Fisher College Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h000000000000h0n0VNAmk0Y00W,gTS[ 5William Woods University 000000000'Yf[ 5nBasic Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between the William Woods University and Seitoku UniversityV_'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[h0n0VNAmk0Y00W,gTS[ 5Bethel Collegey00000000 5Cooperative Agreement for International Educational Exchange BETHEL COLLEGE St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. and SEITOKU UNIVERSITY Matsudo, Chiba, JAPANV_'Yf[h0y00000000h0n0VYeNAmk0Y00TSRTS[ 5000'Yf[0000000000 5< Basic Agreement on International Exchange Programs Between Seitoku University in Chiba, Japan and the University of Hawai'i Community Colleges in Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA"V_'Yf[h0000'Yf[0000000000h0n0VNAmk0Y00W,gTS[ 5<VNef[85 00000000000 WV'Yf[ N0000f[0VNef[J500000000000000   ,North Karelia University of Applied Sciences S0000_(uyf['Yf[500Busitema University00000'Yf[50000!Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona &00000ꁻl'Yf["5000000000'Yf[ 53Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology D00000e,g`1X]y'Yf[@5000000000000000  University of Economics, Prague000L}n'Yf[ 5University of Szeged000'Yf[50000 00000000'Yf[50000000000'Yf[ 5hIQf[0VNef[00000f[d5000000000000000000000   Karoli Gaspar University 0000000000'Yf[ 5!University College of Nyiregyhaza 0000000'Yf[50000 \VNef[0IQf[X5000000000000000000    000000000000'Yf[50000 Szent Istvan University 0000000000'Yf[50000 Budapest Business School *00000FUy'Yf[&500000000 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Lake University000000000000000'Yf[000000000000000'Yf[ 5Dartomouth College00000'Yf[Concordia College 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5 Florida International University0000V'Yf[0000V'Yf[ 5BAgreement for Exchange of Faculty, Students and for Joint Research$Minnesota State University, Moorhead0000]z'Yf[00000!h0000]z'Yf[00000!h 5Algoma University College0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5National University of La Plata00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5 0000000'Yf[500000000000000'Yf[50000 000000]z}T'Yf[ 000000]z}T'Yf[ 5'The Federal University of Juiz de Fora 00000000000#'Yf[00000000000#'Yf[ 5&Agreement for Student Exchange Program+Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla B0000h]zꁻl'Yf[>500000000< 000000 LSpecific Joint Agreement for the Establishment of a Student Exchange Program#Universidad Autonma de Guadalajara 000000ꁻl'Yf[$Autonomous University of Guadalajara000000'Yf[-NVeS'Yf[f[SNAmTSp 5Y['Yf[eY'Yf[50000'Y#'Yf['Y#'Yf[ 5 Nwm'Yf[#Bachelor of Business Administration(L}Uf[X$50000000(SolAsia Service & Convergence Management0000000000000f[5000 DV000000000f[y0 V00000000\;e@5000000000000000  Woosong University 4S~g'Yf[!h00000000 05 00000000004S~g'Yf[!h05 0000000000,Memorandum Regarding The Dual Degree Program 0000000006R^TS[ 5Woosong University/Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperatoin.000^z'Yf[!h*5 0000000000ё[R'Yf[!h"o}'Yf[!hf[X0ef[XDepartment of KoreanӗVf[y YVf[ 000f[y5000 vaq'Yf[!hDouble Degree Agreement 000000006R^TS[ 5AAgreement Concerning The Establishment of an Academic Partnershipq\'Yf[!hq\'Yf[!h 5ӗVYV'Yf[!h000'Yf[NVietnam National University-Hanoi,University of Social Sciences and Humanities^0000V['Yf[000Ne>yOyf['Yf[Z50000000000000000000000  JVietnam National University - Hanoi, University of Sciences and HumanitiesYVietnam National University-Ho Chi -inh City,University of Social Sciences and Humanities0000V['Yf[00000^ Ne>yOyf['Yf[0000V['Yf[00000^ Ne>yOyf['Yf[ 5"LIA Institute of Foreign Languages00YV'Yf[00YV'Yf[ 5 000000VzS'Yf[ 000000VzS'Yf[ 5000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 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exchange between Institute of Technologists and Korea University of Technology and Education(0n0d0O00'Yf[h0ӗVbSYe'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmSs0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[f 5,The National Autonomous University of Mexico 0000]zꁻl'Yf[ 5YY!hTS[f 5fwm'Yf[The University of Alabama0000'Yf[ 5 MUh0UBAh0n0YYTS[f 5University Of Sienaetter of Agreement Od the Mutual Student Exchange Program Between the University of Siena School of Dentistry Meikai University of DentistryUniversity Of Turku Cooperative,Culrueal and Academic Agreement Between Mekai Uviversity School of Dentistry, and the University of Turaku,Institute of Dentistry Peking Uninersity#fwm'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVSN;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[f[bn0NAmk0d0D0f0n0TS[f 5%The Forth Military Medical University,{V͎;S'Yf[ 5fwm'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV,{V͎;S'Yf[h0n0NAmk0d0D0f0n0TS[f 5University Of California eSf[SNAmTS[f 5}General Agreement of educational and scientific cooperation between Meikai University and Pusan University of Foreign Studiesfwm'Yf[h0ܑq\YV'Yf[!hh0n0NAmTS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000   @ T_sYP['Yf[!h<5 0000000000000 tGeneral Agreement of educational and scientific cooperation between Meikai University and Dongduk Women's Universityfwm'Yf[h0 T_sYP['Yf[!hh0n0NAmTS[f5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000   Chungnam National University6_WS'Yf[!h25 00000000000vGeneral Agreement of educational and scientific cooperation between Meikai University and Chungnam National Universityfwm'Yf[h0_WS'Yf[!hn0NAmTS[f5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000    Taegu Science College>'Yyf['Yf[:5 000000000000General Agreement of educational and scientific cooperation between Meikai University, Japan and Taegu Science College, Republic of Koreae,gVfwm'Yf[h0'YӗlV'Y\'Yf[h0n0NAmTS[f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !&+.^V'Yf[!h*5 0000000000kGeneral Agreement of educational and scientific cooperation between Meikai University and Konkuk 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University#fwm'Yf[YVf[-NVf[yf[un0_e'Yf[x0n0Yuf[u>mck0Y00Taf5 66000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !%,/1 Agreement to develop a study program for students of Meikai Chinese Department between Meikai University and Zhejiang University#fwm'Yf[YVf[-NVf[yf[un0Ym_l'Yf[x0n0Yuf[u>mck0Y00Taf55500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $+.0 #Canterbury Christ Church University000000000000000'Yf[50000dMemorandum of Understanding BETWEEN CANTERBURY CHRIST CHURCH UNIVERSITY AND MEIKAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN(xfwm'Yf[h0000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[u>mck0Y00Taft500000000000000000000000000000 "%MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between THE SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE, LITERATURE AND COMMUNICATION, UNIVERSITY OF BRIGHTON, UK and MEIKAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN<vfwm'Yf[h000000'Yf[000000000000000000000000000000 k0J0Q00f[u>mck0Y00Tafr50000000000000000000000000000  ,1369jMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT between THE UNIVERSITY OF READING, UK and MEIKAI UNIVERSITY, URAYASU CAMPUS, JAPANn00000'Yf[h0fwm'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[u>mcTafj5000000000000000000000000000  GENERAL AGREEMENT OF EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION between UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI'I SCHOOL OF TRAVEL INDUSTRY MANAGEMENT and MEIKAI UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF HOSPITALITY& TOURISM MANAGEMENT/fwm'Yf[0000000000000f[h0000'Yf[IQf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00Taf5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $&#)%, 000000000'Yf[50000 AGREEMENT FOR INTERINSTITUTIONAL COLLABORATION between the UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. and the MEIKAI UNIVERSITY Urayasu, Chiba, JapanCfwm'Yf[e,g0CSI wfm[^ h0000000000'Yf[0000TFV0000]00000^ h0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00N,TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   '"-#1%6*80;2>6@;B CQUniversity 000000000000 5XMemorandum of Understanding between CQUniversity, Australia and Meikai University, JapanBe,gVCSI wfm[^fwm'Yf[h0000000000000000]000000000000000000000n0k0J0Q00NAmk0Y00TS[f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   49!<#?Southeast Asia College00000000000000000 5VAgreement on Academic Cooperation between Meikai University and Southeast Asia College#pfwm'Yf[000000000000000000n0f[STSRk0Y00Tafl50000000000000000000000000000  MEMORANDAUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN MEIKAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE GOVERNORS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, CANADA AS REPRESENTED BY UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA INTERNATIONAL fwm'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00N,TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   % T00000k000500 (V000000000f[$50000000 ,International Agreements concerning Exchange JVNAmk0Y00TS[fF5000000000000000000  fk5Αf[b'Yf[Ludong University0oqg'Yf[,500000000@VNAmTS[f<50000000000000000 >mg]+^{'Yf[:5 000000000000DYm_l]FU'Yf[@5 0< 00000000000 5International Agreements concerning Academic ExchangeSchool of Japaanese Studies*e,gf[b&500000000@'Y#YV'Yf[<5 0000000000000 lf[WuFeng UniversityITyb'Yf[ 5s^bV'Yf[Chung Hua University-N'Yf[ 5m_l'Yx[ 5.lf[xvzy*5 0000000000> National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology VzؚĖ,{Nyb'Yf[ 5 0000Vzyf[bS'Yf[ 5General Agreement between Bunkyo University and Mongolian University of Science and Technology and Bunkyo University on Faculty level Academic%eYe'Yf[h00000Vzyf[bS'Yf[n0f[萓f[STSRh0NAmk0Y00N,TS[f 5eYe'Yf[Management Training in U.S. between University of Hawaii at Manoa, School of Travel Industry Management, U.S. and Bunkyo University, Faculty of International Studies, Japan) 000000000000xO 0k0Y00000'Yf[000!hh0eYe'Yf[Vf[h0n0f 5University Utara Malaysia000'Yf[ 5Memorandum for the Summer Program in Malaysia between University Utara Malaysia and Bunkyo University, Faculty of International Studies, Japan( 000000000000000xO 0k0Y00eYe'Yf[Vf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f 5 0000000000'Yf[ 5Program Agreement between Prince of Songlkla University, Phuket Campus, Thailand and Faculth of International Studies, Bunkyo University,Japan-n000000000000'Yf[0000000000h0eYe'Yf[Vf[萓k0J0Q0000000TS[j5000000000000000000000000000   !+rAgreement on Academic Cooperation between Bunkyo University, JAPAN and Prince of Songkla University, Phuket Campus,eYe'Yf[h0000000000000'Yf[0000000000k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0O0TS[f 5 0000000000'Yf[50000 LGeneral Agreement between Prince of Songkla University and Bunkyo UniversityeYe'Yf[h0000000000000'Yf[h0n0N,TS[ 5"University of Arkansas, Fort Smith<000000]z'Yf[0000000!h85 00000000000 dMEMORANDUM FOR STUDENT EXCHANGES Between the University of Arkansas-Fort Smith and Bunkyo University$eYe'Yf[h0000000]z'Yf[0000000!hk0J0Q00NcYuf[k0O0f 5~GENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS, FORT SMITH AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGES '000000]z'Yf[0000000!hh0eYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0O0N,TS[f 5AAgreement Between Edmonds Community College and Bunkyo University00000000000000000h0eYe'Yf[h0n0TS[ 5pGENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN EDMONDS COMMUNITY COLLEGE AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGES)00000000000000000h0eYe'Yf[h0n0 f[STSRh0NAmk0Y00N,TS[f 5Concordia University 0000000'Yf[50000qMEMORANDUM FOR STUDENT EXCHANGES between Concordia University, Portland, OR, U.S.A. and Bunkyo University, Japan NcYuf[k0O0f 5lGENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUNKYO UNIVERSITY AND CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGES eYe'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRh0NAmk0Y00W,gTS[ 5,0000]z'Yf[(5 000000000GENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN The STATE OF OREGON acting by and through the STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION on befalf of OREGON STATATE UNIVERSITY eYe'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[k0J0Q00N,TS[f 5University of Osnabrck 00000000'Yf[50000Agreement of Cooperation between the School of Social Sciences at the University of Osnabrck and the Faculty of International Studies & the Graduate School of International Cooperation at Bunkyo University, Kanagawa/Japan*00000000'Yf[>yOyf[h0eYe'Yf[Vf[0VTSRf[xvzyk0J0Q00qQ TTS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000   %Heinrich Heine University Dsseldorf 00000000'Yf[50000Memorandum for Student Exchange Between The Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Philosophische Fakultt) Heinrich-Heine-Universitt Dsseldorf, Germany, and Bunkyo University, Japan&00000000'Yf[Nef[h0eYe'Yf[k0J0Q00NcYuf[00000k0Y00f 5FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF ARTS AND HUMANITIES (Philosophische Fakultt) HEINRICH-HEINE-UNIVERSIT AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY "eYe'Yf[e,g h000000000'Yf[Nef[萓n0 NcYuf[TS[f  5QAGREEMENT BETWEEN BUNKYO UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN AND MONASH UNIVERSITY OF AUSTRALIA^eYe'Yf[h00000'Yf[k0J0Q00TS[fZ50000000000000000000000  General Agreement Between Monash College Pty Ltd ACN 064 031 714 (through its Monash University English Language Centre) (MUELC) and Bunkyo University0000'Yf[0000000 h0eYe'Yf[e,g h0n0N,TS[f500dAGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY 000000'Yf[h0eYe'Yf[h0n0f[uNcYuf[k0O0f 5WMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CANTERBURY AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY 000000'Yf[h0eYe'Yf[h0n0f[SvTSRh0NAmk0Y00W,gTS[f 5FPT UniversityFPT'Yf[50000dGENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BUNKYO UNIVERSITY AND FPT UNIVERSITY ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGESeYe'Yf[h0FPT'Yf[n0f[STSRh0NAmk0Y00N,TS[f 5>ӗVuiqg'Yf[!h:5000000000000000 1MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR STUDENT EXCHANGESӗVuiqg'Yf[!h0eYe'Yf[NcYuf[00000vNf 5zGENERAL AGREEMENT FOR SCHOLARLY EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN BUNKYO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FAR EAST UNIVERSITY, KOREAӗVuiqg'Yf[!hh0eYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0O0N,TS[f 5GENERAL AGREEMENT FOR ESTABLISHING SCHOLARLY EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN BUNKYO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND HANKUK UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIES, KOREA ӗVYV'Yf[!hh0eYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0O0N,TS[f 5Agreement of Cooperation between The School of Foreign Languages, Peking University and The Graduate School of Language and Culture & Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University, Saitama/Japan"SN'Yf[YVf[bh0eYe'Yf[eSxvzy0ef[萓k0J0Q00qQ TTS[5 770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %*-2 !Bejing Foreign Studies University?*eYe'Yf[ef[0'Yf[beSxvzyh0SNYV'Yf[e|n0Ye#:dk000qg0000WW00000NPgb00000k0Y00f&5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #(,./16 :%=)@0D2H:J=eYe'Yf[h0SNYV'Yf[k0J0Q00NcYuf[k0Y00f 5yGENERAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN BEIJING FOREIGN STUDIES UNIVERSITY AND BUNKYO UNIVERSITY ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGES!SNYV'Yf[h0eYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00N,TS[f5 44000000000000000000000000000000000000000000< 0000000000   "')-jeYe'Yf[h0WS'Yf[h0n0NAmzvU\k0Y00ff50000000000000000000000000  leYe'Yf[h0WS'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00W,gTS[fh500000000000000000000000000 BURAPHA UNIVERSITY0000'Yf[50000N}Tyf['Yf[&CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY,LONG BEACH,0000000]z000000'Yf[(5 0000000009LETTER OF INTENT FOR EXPLORATION OF INTERNATIONAL PROJECTf[SNAmc:d 52-NV;S'Yf[.5 000000000000e,gy'Yf[e,gOeP;SBv'Yf[:-NVwm m'Yf[65 0000000000000 fAgreement of academic cooperation between Nippon Institute of Technology and Ocean University of Chinae,g]mi'Yf[h0-NVwm m'Yf[h0n0n0f[SYeTS[k0TQ0f0n0Taf5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&+,e,g]mi'Yf[eAgreement of academic cooperation between Chulalongkorn University and Nippon Institute of Technologyxe,g]mi'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRTS[t5 00000000000000000000000000000000 department of architectural design graduate institute of architectural design department of computer and communication graduate institute of computer and communication^{| 3|+]f[0^{f[y ]f[xvzy0^{f[\;e ]f[0`1X]f[y ]f[xvzy0`1X]f[\;eChina University of Technology6-NVyb'Yf[25 00000000000Joint conventional notes about the sister school conclusion between Nippon Institute of Technology and China University of Technologye,g]mi'Yf[Ss0-NVyb'Yf[k000YY!h}P}k0Y00qQ TTSpf5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$)'Karlsruhe University of Applied Science *0000000\'Yf[&500000000 ~Cooperation agreement between Nippon Institute of Technology(NIT) and Fachhochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciencee,g]mi'Yf[Ss00000000\'Yf[n0f[SNAmTS[5 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Nippon Institute of Technology and Lethbridge CollegeHe,g]mi'Yf[NIT) 00000000000(LC)fD500000000000000000 /King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Thonburi200000000]y'Yf[0000!h.5 000000000 Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi and Nippon Institute of Technolory!e,g]mi'Yf[h0000000000]y'Yf[0000!hh0n0f[STSRTS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  Kao Yuan University:ؚтyb'Yf[65 0000000000`Agreement of academic cooperation between Nippon Institute of Technology and Kao Yuan Universitye,g]mi'Yf[0ؚтyb'Yf[0f[SeSYeTSRTS[5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #)zAgreement of academic cooperation between Nippon Institute of Technology and Huazhong University of Science and Technologye,g]mi'Yf[0-Nyb'Yf[0f[SNAmk0d0D0f0n0S0zl05 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000    !e,g;SBvyf['Yf[The University of Guadalajara]AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF GUADALAJARAhsTS'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5hsTS'Yf[The University of BonnbAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND CULTUAL COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF BONNhsTS'Yf[h000'Yf[h0n0f[SvSs0eSvTSRk0Y00TS[f  5The Faculty of Humanities4Neyf[f[05 0000000000vAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF HUMANITIES,THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER hsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[Neyf[f[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#00000-The University of the West Indies,Mona Campus >000\'Yf[00!h:5 000000000000 |AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY ,JAPAN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF THE WEST INDIES,MONA CAMPUS JAMAICAhsTS'Yf[h0000\'Yf[00!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000   !(California State University Monterey Bay20000000]z'Y00000000!h.5 000000000 vAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY MONTEREY BEY AND DOKKYO UNIVERSITY 0000000]z'Yf[00000000!hSs0hsTS'Yf[n0f[SNAm5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000    iAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF THE DAVIS CAMPUS dhsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[0000!hh0n0TS}f`50000000000000000000000  bAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF BARCELONA~hsTS'Yf[h000000ꁻl'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[z5 00000000000000000000000000000000  zAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE CENTRE OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF HEIDELBERG< #hsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[qg000f[0000h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000  !University of Halle-Wittenberg 0000000000'Yf[50000 jAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND CULTUAL COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF HALLE-WITTENBERG%hsTS'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[h0n0f[SvSs0eSvTSRk0Y00TS[f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#"School of Marxism (School of Political Science and International Studies), School of Law, School of Economics and Business Administration, College of Philosophy & Sociology `0000;Nf[b0lf[b0L}nh0]FU{tf[b0Tf[h0>yOf[f[b \500000000000000000000000    VAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITY"e,gVhsTS'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVSN+^{'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&+02 0000000'Yf[50000TAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND NEWCASTLE UNIVERSITYhsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5dAGREEMENT ON SUMMER FRENCH LANGUAGE PROGRAM BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OB BURGUNDYd000000'Yf[h0n0Yc[0000xO[ek0Y00 Taf`50000000000000000000000  Anyang University0[}'Yf[,500000000NAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND ANYANG UNIVERSITY,hsTS'Yf[h0[}'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f(5000000TAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY$hsTS'Yf[h0vaq'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 500000 00000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY SOKA-CITY,JAPAN AND UNIVERSITY OF THE FRASER VALLEY ABBOTSFORD,CANADAhsTS'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5University of Basel0000'Yf[50000TAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF BASELhsTS'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5QAGERRMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND KONKUK UNIVERSITYhsTS'Yf[h0^V'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 50000'Yf[50000ZGENERAL AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTERhsTS'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,TS[ 5%University of Applied Sciences,Bremen 00000\XSy'Yf[ 5fAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES,BREMENhsTS'Yf[h000000\XSy'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5:Lyon Institute of Political Science/Institute of East Asia000?elf[bqg000xvz@b 5yAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN LYON INDTITUTE OF POLITICAL SCIENCE/INSTITUTE OF EAST ASIA AND DOKKYO UNIVERSITY 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OF VIENNA(hsTS'Yf[YVf[h00000'Yf[000000ef[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Catholic University of Daegu 'Y00000'Yf[ 5VACADEMIC EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF DAEGUhsTS'Yf[h0'Y00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5)The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point0000000'Yf[000000000000!h 5fAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-STEVENS POINT(<hsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[000000000000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f85 00000000000 'TAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND CARDIFF UNIVERSITY VhsTS'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[R5000000000000000000000  MAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND FUDAN UNIVERSITYhsTS'Yf[h0_e'Yf[e,gxvz-N_h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5The University of Illinois}MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AND DOKKYO UNIVERSITY IN SOKA CITY, JAPANvhsTS'Yf[e,gVIR^ h00000'Yf[UpTOh0n0fM0TS[fr50000000000000000000000000000  LAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND YORK UNIVERSITYhsTS'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f500#The Catholic University of The West`AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY OF THE WESTNcTS[fhsTS'Yf[h0萫00000'Yf[ 500The University of Wollongong YAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF WOLLONGONGhsTS'Yf[h0000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5000000'Yf[50000hAGREEMENT REGARDING ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY ,JAPAN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA,USA"hsTS'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f50000000 The University of Duisburg-Essen0000000-0000'Yf[50000 WAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF DUISBURGhsTS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5The University of EssexTAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN DOKKYO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX"hsTS'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00eTS[f50000qg}i'Yf[Emerson College00000'Yf[500000N,TS[f,5 00000000000qgNV'Yf[)The University of Economics in Bratislava *0000000L}n'Yf[&500000000 4TSRTS[f05 000000000000000000'Yf[50000Bi-Lateral agreement0c:dTS[< f,5 00000000000Cadi Ayyad University 0000000'Yf[50000,Agreement on Academic and Cultural ExchangesXf[S0eSNAmk0Y00TS[fT50000000000000000000000  Chu Van An University 0000000'Yf[50000+Agreement on Academic and Cultural ExchangeALL DepartmentsUniversity of Konstanz000000'Yf[50000,Agreement on Scientfic and Cultural Exchange.SUTDY IN ENGLISH SWEDEN at Linnaeus University (000'Yf[0񂞊00000$50000000000'Yf[50000*College of Foreign Language and Literature6YVef[b25 00000000000 school of Foreign Languages0q\'Yf[,500000000 ^f[SNAmk0Y00W,gTS[fZ50000000000000000000000    Institute of International Education/College of Management and International Relations, College of Humanities. 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P. 000000000'Yf[50000dMemorandum of Understanding Between Tokiwa University, Japan and O.P.Jindal Global University, India"ve,gV8^x'Yf[h0000V0000000000000'Yf[h0n0TS[n0fr50000000000000000000000000000  @College of Asian Scholars, Phon Commercial and Technical College)000000000000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[50000'Agreement on Academic Cooperation between College of Asian Scholars / Phon Commercial and Technical College and Tokiwa University / Tokiwa Junior CollegeC8^x'Yf[08^xwg'Yf[J00s0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00Ta5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  59; >"A'National Taipei University of EducationHVzSSYe'Yf[D500000000000000000 Memorandum of understanding on Academic Exchange and Collaboration between Tokiwa University and National Taipei University of Education8^x'Yf[h0VzSSYe'Yf[h0n0f[SNAm0TSRn0TS[n0f5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "(-Daegu Cyber University 000000'Yf[50000cMemorandum of understanding between Tokiwa 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5qgSyIy'Yf[;College of Human and Science of Northeast Normal University qgS+^{'Yf[Nef[b 5Agreement for Academic Cooperation between Tohoku Fukushi University and College of Humanities and Sciences of Northeast Normal UniversityqgSyIy'Yf[h0qgS+^{'Yf[Nef[bn0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f 5000000'Yf[ 5dAgreement for Academic Cooperation between Tohoku fukushi University and the University of LjubljanaqgSyIy'Yf[h0000000'Yf[n0f[STSRTS[f 500000000VzYe'Yf[ 5Agreement for collaborative research of Social Problems between Krasnoyarsk State Petagogical University and Tohoku Fukushi University2>yOvOULqQ Txvzk0J0D0f000000000VzYe'Yf[000# h0qgSyIy'Yf[e,g NAmTS[ 5hAgreement for Cooperation between Tohoku Fukushi University and KrasnoYarsk State Pedagogical UniversityqgSyIy'Yf[h000000000VzYe'Yf[h0n0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5$Lahti University of Applied Sciences 0000_(uyf['Yf[ 5sAgreement for Student and Staff Exchange between Tohoku Fukushi University and Lahti University of Applied Sciences$qgSyIy'Yf[h00000_(uyf['Yf[n0f[uSs0YewTNcNAmk0Y00TS[f 5{Agreement on the Active Research and Development between Tohoku fukushi University and Lahti University of Applied SciencesqgSyIy'Yf[h00000_(uyf['Yf[h0n0xvzzvk0Y00TS[f 5%Dalian Vocational & Technical College'Y#wmibSf[b 5mAgreement f< or Academic Exchange between Tohoku Fukushi University and Dalian Vocational and Technical College&e,gVqgSyIy'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV'Y#wmibSf[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5Hallym University0000'Yf[ 5eAgreement for International Academic Exchange between Tohoku Fukushi University and Hallym UniversityqgSyIy'Yf[0g'Yf[VNAmTS[f 5 Ho Chi Minh City Open University 00000^0000'Yf[ 5fAgreement for Academic Exchange between Ho Chi Minh City Open University and Tohoku Fukushi University qgSyIy'Yf[h000000^0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5CLaurea University of Applied Sciences, Helsinki School of Economics0000_(uyf['Yf[000000L}n'Yf[ 5Agreement between Laurea, Helsinki School of Economics, Tohoku Fukushi University, City of Espoo, City of Vantaa and Tohoku fukushi Corporation on the Active Research and Development;0000_(uyf['Yf[000000L}n'Yf[0qgSyIy'Yf[00000^000000^0qgSyIyOn0xvzzvk0Y00TS[f 5Helsinki School of Economics 00000L}n'Yf[ 5Agreement between Laurea Polytechnic, Helsinki School of Economics and Tohoku Fukushi University on the Active Research and Development)00000000000000000L}n'Yf[0qgSyIy'Yf[n0xvzzvk0Y00TS[f 5%Laurea University of Applied SciencestAgreement for Student and Staff Exchange between Tohoku Fukushi University and Laurea University of Applied Sciences0000_(uyf['Yf[h0n0NcNAmTS[f 5_Agreement for Academic Exchange bewteen Taipei Medical University and Tohoku Fukushi UniversitySS;Sf['Yf[h0qgSyIy'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5XAgreement for Academic Exchange between Soochow University and Tohoku Fukushi UniversityqgIT'Yf[h0qgSyIy'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5[Agreement for Partnership between Tohoku Fukushi University and Northeast Normal University%e,gVqgSyIy'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVqgS+^{'Yf[h0n0YY!h}P}k0Y00TS[f 52School of Continuing Education Tsinghua University |'Yf[}}Yef[b 5kExchange Agreement between School of Continuing Education Tsinghua University and Tohoku Fukushi University|'Yf[}}Yef[b0qgSyIy'Yf[NAmTS[ 5Academic Exchange Agreement Between Arizona Board of Regents On behalf of Northern Arizona University, USA And Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka University, Japan+0000UpTOS0000'Yf[Nh_j h0qgSu;meS'Yf[h0n0f[QNAmk0Y00 Taf55500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !% )".%0(qgSu;meS'Yf[2Korea University0School of Electrical Engineering Lؚ'Yf[0P[]f[yH50000000000000000 qgS]mi'Yf[-Tonji University0College of Foreign Languages N Tn'Yf[YVf[bJ500000000000000000 Chung Yuan University*-NS'Yf[&500000000Guangzhou University,^]'Yf[(5 000000000>le]mi'Yf[:5 000000000000 see above T N500000@le]mi'Yf[<5 0000000000000 wInternational Agreement of Academic Exchange and Educational Cooperation & Institutional Agreement on Student Exchange f[SNAmSs0YeTSRk0Y00VTS[j00s0k0f[uNck0Y00TS[ 5qgSf[b'Yf[Shandoug 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Finland/e,gVyzNS'Yf[h0000000qQTV0000_(uyf['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 5E The Institute of Sport Science of the Carl von Ossietzky University 00000000000000'Yf[ 5Agreement On Academic Exchange Between The Institute of Sport Science of the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg and the Faculty of Science of the Sendai University>e,gVyzNS'Yf[SOf[h000000000000000'Yf[00000000000yf[0000n0k0J0Q00TSRk0Y00TS[f 5UNIVERSITY CILLEGE LILEBAELT00000'Yf[ 5hAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LILEBAELT,DENMARK)e,gVyzNS'Yf[h000000V00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f < 5NORDFYNS HOJSKOLE 000000Vl'Yf[ 5bAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND NORDFYNS FOLKEHOJSKOLE,DENMARK,e,gVyzNS'Yf[h000000V000000Vl'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 5"Hochiminh City University of Sport 00000^SO'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND HO CHI MINH CITY UNIVERSITY OF SPORT,SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OFVIETNAM)e,gVNS'Yf[h00000V00000^SO'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 5HANOI UNIVERSITY\AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND HANOI UNIVERSITY,VIETNAM$e,gVNS'Yf[h00000V000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 5All undergraduate YeTn0 b0wgn0f[SNmi Srinakarinwirot University 00000000000'Yf[ 5WAcademic Cooperative Agreement between Sendai University and Srinakarinwirot University#NS'Yf[h000000000000'Yf[n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 59College of martial arts College of sports sciences PfkS'Yf[0SOyf['Yf[L5000000000000000000  hSOf[SOf[y0sNfkSf[yd5000000000000000000000000    YONG-IN UNIVERSITYN'Yf[!h 5iAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND YONG-IN UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREANS'Yf[0N'Yf[!h0!N'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5 KOREA NATIONAL0SPORT UNIVERSITYӗVSO'Yf[!h 5wAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SENDAI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND KOREA NATIONAL0SPORT UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREA%e,gVNS'Yf[h0'YӗlVӗVSO'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f 5NATIONAL TAITUNG 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China6Fwl'Yf[qg -NVq\qgwqgU^ h0w]\O'Yf[e,gV[W ww]^ n0eS0Ye0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fB5WW000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #(,/16 <%?(D+I-N0P3 0000Vz'Yf[0 5Agreement for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation between The National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Ishinomaki Senshu University, Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Japan:0000Vz'Yf[0000V0000000 h0w]\O'Yf[e,gV[W ww]^ n0eS0Ye0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !"$()+,0/51:4<7YAgreement for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Cooperation between The University of Washington College of Engineering, College of Arts and Sciences and College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, Seattle, Washington, the United States of America and the Ishinomaki Senshu University School of Science and Engineering, Ishinomaki, Miyagi, Japan A@0000TFV00000'Yf[]f[0etf[0wm 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