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#00000'Yf[00000mi'Yf[0000000'Yf[ ]'Yf[0ؚw'Yf[ 5KMemorandum of Agreement for the SUIJI Joint Degree Program ( SUIJI-JDP ) $SUIJI 00000000000000000SUIJI-JDP f 5aZ'Yf[400000'Yf[00000mi'Yf[0000000'Yf[000000qQTV Ss0]'Yf[0ؚw'Yf[e,gV qQ TYe ]0n0Nvv0TbY00_00k0_j000000 400000'Yf[00000mi'Yf[0000000'Yf[000000qQTV Ss0]'Yf[0ؚw'Yf[e,gV  5zAn Agreement for a SUIJI (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia) Consortium for Sustainable Agriculture in the TropicsCq/^mik0Y00SUIJI (Six University Initiative Japan Indonesia)0000000TS[f 5RWS00000]?e^n0wTn0NPgbN50000000000000000000000  .South Sulawesi Province, Hasanuddin University:WS00000]?e^000000'Yf[65 0000000000000 Memorandum of Understanding between The Government of South Sulawesi Province, Republic of Indonesia and Ehime University, Japan and Hasanuddin University, Indonesia on Human Resources Enhancement$WS00000]?e^ aZ'Yf[Ss0000000'Yf[h0n0NPgbk0Y00f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000   "#Ye0xvzk0O0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Nc qQ Txvz xvzƖOI{n0;u0[e*Tianjin 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Environment Research Center,National Cheng Kung UniversityDVzbR'Yf[8l}tXybxvz0000@5000000000000000  CSchool of Modern Languages and Cultures,The University of0Hong kong h/n'Yf[sNSeSf[bd5000000000000000000000000   OThe Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Institute of Technology, Bandung >tf[0t]f[xvzy:5000000000000000 <Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics,Sichuan University `V]'Yf[SP[RP[irtxvz@b\500000000000000000000000   80Wtm000000xvz000045 000000000000 cState Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences-NV0W'Yf[0Wb_b0q#unjnV[͑p[[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "0College of Humanities,Soon Chun Hyang University R)Y'Yf[Neyf[N50000000000000000000 #<Ye0xvz(un0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Nc qQ Txvz xvzƖOn0;u0[e008500000000000000 nTechnology Center for Marine Survey, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Indonesia~000000bSUO_(u^wm mgbSxvz0000z5 00000000000000000000000000000000   AResearch School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University0000000Vz'Yf[0Wtyf[xvz@b50000PResearch Institute for Biotechnology and Environment [RIBE], Nong Lam University00000'Yf[uir]f[tXxvz@b 5_Bavarian Research Institute of Experimental Geochemistry and Geophysics, University of Bayreuth00000'Yf[000000Wtyf[xvz@b00000'Yf[000000Wtyf[xvz@b 5<Department of Earth Sciences, National Cheng Kung University VzbR'Yf[0Wtyf[xvz@b 5SGeo Soil Enviro Consortium for Advanced Radiation Sou< rce, The University of Chicago000'Yf[0Wtyf[>e\IQ000 000 51Mineral Physics Institute, Stony Brook University000000000'Yf[qirir'`xvze- 5=College of Education of University of the Philippines Diliman 800000'Yf[Yef[45 000000000000 #8Ye0xvz(un0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Nc00 qQ Txvz #;mRn0;u0[e45 000000000000Ye0xvz(un0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Nc qQ Txvz xvzƖOI{n0[eResearch Centre for Environmental Technology and Sustainable Development [CETASD], Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University!0000Vz'Yf[000!h000yf['Yf[tXbSxvzzvxvz00005 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #INTO Manchester/United Kingdom'#TsV).4/0000000e#TsV0000000000000000 :lef[0xvzy 65 0000000000000Ye0xvz(un0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Nc'#TsV).4/0000000e#TsV0000000000000000  5(University of Applied Sciences Offenburg (00000000]y'Yf[$50000000  @]f[ t]f[xvzy<50000000000000000  00000000]y'Yf[ 5?Centre of Advanced Study in Marine Biology,Annamalai University000000'Yf[wm muirf[xvz0000 57Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology,University of Hawaii$000]z'Yf[000wm muirxvz@b 5000007Hatofield Marine Science Center,Oregon State University0000]z'Yf[00000000wm myf[xvz0000 5&Faculty of Sicence,Tsinghua Universityn'Yf[tf[b Dtf[ t]f[xvzy@5000000000000000 Yeh0f[Sn0nje RLirSs0f[S`1XI{n0Ncn'Yf[tf[b 5Ye0xvz(un0QHrirSs0]0n0Nn0njen0Nc'Y#;Sy'Yf[ 5!College of Agricultural Sciences miyf[!Ye0xvz(un0QHrirSs0]0n0Nn0njen0Nc qQ Tn0xvz Yen0[e8College of Agricultural Sciences,Oregon State University 0000]z'Yf[miyf[ 5Guangdong Medical College^qg;Sf[b 5hQ500 8;Sf[f[0xvzy 45 000000000000-NV;Sy'Yf[ 5j0W0 5f[Snje RLirSs0f[S`1Xn0NcAarhus University 0000'Yf[;Sf[ 57Institute of Higher Education Research,Fudan University _e'Yf[ؚI{Yexvz@b 5#f[Snje RLirSs0f[S`1Xn0Nc wwfZSs0]0n0Nn0;SBv_Nn0NAmTaishan Medical Universitylq\;Sf[b 5ALL* Tg'Yf[&500000000"Tianjin Foreign Studies University:)Y%mYV'Yf[65 0000000000000 $Ye0xvzk0O0 RLirJ00s0`1Xn0Nc qQ Txvz xvzƖOI{n0;u0[e6Bhgt]'Yf[25 00000000000 NVzؚĖ,{Nyb'Yf[J500000000000000000  $Ye0xvzk0O0 RLirJ00s0`1Xn0Nc qQ Txvz xvzƖOI{n0;u0[e5 8800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %*/15"(V]'Yf[$50000000,Ye0xvz(un0QHrirSs0]0n0Nn0njen0Nc qQ Tn0xvz000000Ss0000000n0[e 40000Vz'Yf[000!h05 0000000000 f[Snje QHrirSs0`1Xn0Nc qQ TxvzSs0xvzOp `Ye500 National University of Kaohsiung6VzؚĖ'Yf[25 000000000008 Nwm+^{'Yf[45 0000000000004Ye000000cmin0zvTSR YeTn0\vzv;mRn0zv f[SvNk0Y00vNn0sTk0We0O0Nn0;mR5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #'+0 2!5$7':*>-@0B2College of Lake County00000000000000000 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TS[5000009Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, The Institute of Law d Nwm>yOyf[blf[xvz@b`50000000000000000000000000   4School of Inter-cultural Studies and Graduate SchoolhVYef[bSs0'Yf[bxvzyd5000000000000000000000000000   lYef[Ss0'Yf[bYef[xvzyh500000000000000000000000000000   ;School of Inter-cultural Studies, Jiangxi Normal University b_l+^{'Yf[VYef[b^5000000000000000000000000  0Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology(00000000000000000]y'Yf[$50000000(Collge of Humanities and Graduate School <Nef[Ss0'Yf[bxvzy8500000000000000 *College of Humanities, Cheongju UniversityFn]'Yf[Nef[B50000000000000000  State University of Londrina ,]z000000'Yf[(5 000000000 ESIEE PARIS^00P[l]f[bSؚI{f[bZ50000000000000000000000   &California State University, Fullerton60000000]z'Yf[0000!h25 00000000000  6)Y%mt]'Yf[25 00000000000:Ym_l]FU'Yf[65 0000000000000 .Changchun University of Science and Technology:w%ft]'Yf[65 0000000000000 Henan Agricultural University8lWSmi'Yf[45 000000000000"Beijing Foreign Studies University8SNYV'Yf[45 000000000000m000000000!N'Yf[n0f[uL0qQk0e\Og0M00cmi n0e\OSs0XSMOn0O_]f[Ss0'Yf[b]f[xvzyh00< 0000'Yf[ؚI{]f[bn00 000000000]f[Ss0'Yf[b]f[xvzyh000000'Yf[ؚI{]f[bn00 5uu000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"$'',*.,4/81>:B<F>J@LANOSRUT[W_YebidmfsiUniversity of Limoges00000'Yf[50000St. Petersburg College 00000000000'Yf[50000 Sungshin Women's University6OsYP['Yf[25 00000000000JThe Regents of the University of California, on behalf of the Davis CampusB0000000'Yf[0000!h0000000'Yf[tNO>500000000000000  Agreement of Cooperation2NAmTS[f.5 000000000000:szmi'Yf[65 0000000000000 University of Battambang000000'Yf[50000The University of Murcia0000'Yf[50000!International Framework AgreementTribhuvan University00000'Yf[50000U000000000!N'Yf[n0f[uL0qQk0e\Og0M00cmi n0e\OSs0XSMOn0O_000000000]f[Ss0'Yf[b]f[xvzyh0000000bS'Yf[_jh0000xvzyn00 5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"$%University of 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and Graduate School of MedicineZ;Sf[Ss0'Yf[b;Sf[|xvzyV500000000000000000000000  Faculty of Humanities(Nef[$500000009Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering H]f[Ss0'Yf[b]f[xvzyD500000000000000000 >Faculty of Agro-Industry and Graduate School of Agro-Industryb#uf[Ss0'Yf[b#uf[xvzy^5000000000000000000000   1Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science Dtf[Ss0'Yf[btf[xvzy@5000000000000000 9Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture  f[Ss0'Yf[bf[xvzy5000000HInstitute of Food Research and Product Development, Kasetsart UniversityZ00000'Yf[ߘTyf[zvxvz@bV500000000000000000000000   Zf[SNAmTS[k0Y00H0fM0V500000000000000000000    b#uf[Ss0#uf[xvzy^5000000000000000000000   YFaculty of Agriculture (Kamphaengsaen) and Graduate School of Agriculture (Kamphaengsaen)f[000000 Ss0f[xvzy000000 OFaculty of Agriculture (Bangkhen) and Graduate School of Agriculture (Bangkhen)f[0000 Ss0f[xvzy0000 5Faculty of Fisheries and Graduate School of Fisheries 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ACADEMIC COOPERATIONf[SNAmTS[ 5_\'Yf[#Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka *000000000bS'Yf[&500000000  'College of Pharmacy, Dongguk University qg W'Yf[!hf['Yf[ 5 800000'Yf[f['Yf[45 000000000000  College of Humanities and Arts00:NeSf[b65 0000000000000 *}Tyf[&500000000 bVz V'Yf[NeSf[b^5000000000000000000000000  Institute of Space Bioscience 0000000000000xvz5000000 h;Sf[ 'Yf[bh u}Tyf[Yed5000000000000000000000000000    @Yonsei Institute of Space Bioscience, Yonsei University at WonjuD^N'Yf[!h0000000000000xvz@5000000000000000 #Institute of Biomedical Engineering 00000000000000000xvz5000000?Institute of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University at WonjuD^N'Yf[!h0000000000000000xvz@5000000000000000 'Faculty of Humanities & Social SciencesDublin City University 0000000'Yf[50000$Faculties of Humanities and Theology2Ne^yf[.5 000000000Lund University000'Yf[50000Faculty of Health and NursingOeP wwf[2Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences00000000000_(uyf['Yf[ 5 Master Doctor OX]f[ ZSX]f[ lNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceVzS~nyb'Yf[lP[`1Xf[ HQzbSyf[Ye6College of Electrical Engineering and Computer SciencelP[`1Xf[VzS~nyb'Yf[lP[`1Xf[ 5LNational Taiwan University of Science and Technology, College of Engineering VzS~nyb'Yf[]f[ VzS~nyb'Yf[]f[ 57School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering RSyf[l] zf[bKBeihang University, School of Automation Science and Electrical EngineeringSN*zz*)Y'Yf[RSyf[l] zf[b 5>Tianjin Medical University, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences )Y%m;Sy'Yf[f[b 5%University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta000000'Yf[ 5okf[HNinth People's Hospital, Medical School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University NwmN'Yf[;Sf[bD^\,{]NNl;Sb5000 Dali University'Ytf[b 5WSSyb'Yf[WSSyb'Yf[ 5*College of Engineering and Applied Sciencet]f["'Yf[b00000000000xvz 'Yf[bHQzbSyf[Ye ]f[%The University of Colorado at Boulder 0000'Yf[0000!h 5/The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill00000000'Yf[000000!h000000f[ 5Dong-eui Universityqg'Yf[!h'Yf[b50'Graduate School, College of Engineering'Yf[b ]y'Yf[qg'Yf[!h'Yf[b 5School of StomatologyST;Sf[b/School of Stomatology, China Medical University -NV;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b 5sSchool of Software Techology of Dalian University of Technology, Graduate School of Dalian University of Technology'Y#t]'Yf[000000f[b0'Y#t]'Yf[xvzub-School of Software Techology, Graduate School 000000f[b0xvzub'Yf[b00000000000xvz'Y#t]'Yf[000000f[b0'Y#t]'Yf[xvzub 5Hang Tuah University 000000'Yf[ 50000'Yf[ 5Konyang University ^}'Yf[!h 50000]z'Yf[ 5Department of Engineering(RheinMain University of Applied Sciences 6000000_(uyf['Yf[25 00000000000 <Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University000'Yf[Nh f[Rbxvz0000 5International Exchange SchoolVNAmf[b}Tyf[ _e'Yf[VNAmf[b 5(Chosun University (College of Dentistry) g'Yf[!hoky'Yf[ 55Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Toulouse 000000]y'Yf[ 000000]y'Yf[50 000000]y'Yf[ 5000Vz'Yf[!h 50000'Yf[ 5Hannover Medical School 00000;Sy'Yf[ 5WSN'Yf[ 5V]'Yf[ 500000University of Gondar00000'Yf[  53Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications SN'Yf[2Beijing University of Posts and TelecommunicationsSN'Yf[ 5University of Basel0000'Yf[ 5;School of Medicine, School of Dentistry, School of Pharmacy ;Sf[ okf[ f[ 0000eP^yf['Yf[ 5 000000000'Yf[ 5[N'Yf[[N'Yf[ 5 Tg'Yf[ 5ӗVwm m'Yf[!h#Korea Maritime and Ocean UniversityӗVwm m'Yf[!h 5 Tn'Yf[College of Civil EngineeringW(gf[b Tn'Yf[ 5Nantong UniversityWS'Yf[ 500000'Yf[ 5The University of Auckland000000'Yf[ 59The University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston0000'Yf[000000000000000000 5vaS'Yf[!h 5GFlorida Atlantic University College of Engineering and Computer Science000000000000'Yf[ ]f[000000000000f[Florida Atlantic University000000000000'Yf[ 5T>ro]mi'Yf[T>ro]mi'Yf[ 5 University of Technology, Sydney]MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEYq\S'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  q\S'Yf[,Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment P]f[Ss0^{tXf[L5000000000000000000  0000000'Yf[50000`AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5University of Regina00000'Yf[50000QMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF REGINAq\S'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Oklahoma00000'Yf[50000< \AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5zMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING IN RESEARCH, EDUCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMS BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CAIRO UNIVERSITYFq\S'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0n0xvz0Ye0}k0Y00TS[B50000000000000000 0Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg00000000000000'Yf[50000qMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND FRIEDRICH-ALEXANDER UNIVERSITY ERLANGEN-NUREMEMBERGq\S'Yf[h000000000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5 University of Central Lancashire000000000000'Yf[50000 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAME BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL LANCASHIRE, UKq\S'Yf[h0000000000000'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmTS[ 5Faculty of Engineering SciencesUniversity College LondonUCL 5]MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL) AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h000000000000000000h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Sheffield 0000000'Yf[50000XMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELDq\S'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5_AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAOS*q\S'Yf[h0000Vz'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[&500000000 BUniversiti Teknologi Malaysia (University of Technology, Malaysia)rAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA, MALAYSIA(q\S'Yf[h000000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[$50000000  9Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (University Malaysia Sarawak)0000'Yf[50000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND CO-OPERATION BEATWEEN UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SARAWAK AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[50000 cAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND HANOI UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTUREq\S'Yf[h0000mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5VAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CAN THO UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5\AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF DANANGq\S'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Kainan UniveristyNMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND KAINAN UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0WS'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[50000National Yang Ming University*}f'Yf[&500000000ZMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND NATIONAL YANG-MING UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0}f'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Da Yeh Unviersity'YI'Yf[ 5UAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND DA-YEH UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0'YI'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Feng Chia University."2u'Yf[*50000000XAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND FENG CHIA UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0"2u'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Providence University(Y['Yf[$50000000YAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND PROVIDENCE UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0Y['Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5VAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND TUNGHAI UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0qgwm'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5:Vz-N'Yf[65 0000000000000 cAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND NATIONAL CHUNG HSING UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0Vz-N'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 54+^{'Yf[05 0000000000`AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CAPITAL NORMAL UNIVERSITY 4q\S'Yf[h0+^{'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[05 0000000000 8College of Engineering,Chongqing Institute of Technology8͑vat]'Yf[45 000000000000fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CHONGQING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY(q\S'Yf[h0͑vat]'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[$50000000 Guizhou University*]'Yf[&500000000VAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND GUIZHOU UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0]'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5:fk"ot]'Yf[65 0000000000bAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYq\S'Yf[h0fk"ot]'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 54SN+^{'Yf[05 0000000000]AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND BEIJING NORMAL UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0SN+^{'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5*q\qg'Yf[&500000000PMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND SHANDONG UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0q\qg'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5+Faculty of Science,Chulalongkorn University]AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Srinakharinwirot Unviersity 00000000000'Yf[50000 [AGREEMENT ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND SRINAKHARINWIROT UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h000000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5ZAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN CHUANG MAI UNIVERSITY AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN KHON KEAN UNIVERSITY, THAILAND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY, JAPANq\S'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5(0000sP['Yf[$50000000\AGREEMENT ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000sP['Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5UAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND KASETSART UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 51College of Engineering Kunsan National University:q\'Yf[!h65 0000000000^AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND KUNSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[]f[h0q\'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 56hsYP['Yf[!h25 00000000000VAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0hsYP['Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 54N]'Yf[!h05 0000000000OAGREEMENT ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND AJOU UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0N]'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5 000'Yf[!h5000000MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY,YAMAGUCHI, JAPAN AND SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREAq\S'Yf[h0000'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 54 fS'Yf[!h05 0000000000`AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND CHANGWON NATIONAL UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h0 fS'Yf[!hh0n0< n0f[SNAmTS[ 5.000^z'Yf[!h*5 0000000000`ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF SEOULq\S'Yf[h0000^z'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5va\'Yf[!h 5bAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND GYEONGSANG NATIONAL UNIVERSITYfq\S'Yf[h0va\'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[b500000000000000000000000000  %Hankuk University of Foreign StudiesDӗVYV'Yf[!h@5000000000000000  hAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND HANKUK UNIVERSITY OF FOREIGN STUDIESq\S'Yf[h0ӗVYV'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5<lQ]'Yf[!h85 00000000000 q\S'Yf[h0lQ]'Yf[!hh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 50Nw'Yf[!h,500000000EFRAMEWORK AGREEMENT BETWEEN INHA UNIVERSITY AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h0Nw'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 57School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development R^{0;u?eV{zvf[N50000000000000000000  nSchool of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development Institut Teknologi Bandung`AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG AND YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY q\S'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Postgraduate Program 'Yf[b000005000000Udayana University0000'Yf[50000VAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND UDAYANA UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5aAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000y'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Faculty of EngeneeringZAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND GADJAH MADA UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5(OX0ZSX$50000000XAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY AND BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITYq\S'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5-Kyungpook National University Central Library vaS'Yf[!h-N.YVf( 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, JAPAN and KYUNGPOOK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY CENTRAL LIBRARY, KOREA )e,gV^\'Yf[D^\Vf(h0'YӗlVvaS'Yf[!h-N.YVf(h0n0Vf(NAmk0Y00TS[f5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !',16 ;#=&^\'Yf[Flinders University Library 000000'Yf[Vf( 5lAGREEMENT ON EXCHANGE between FLINDERS UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, AUSTRALIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf[Vf(h00000000V000000'Yf[Vf(h0n0n0Vf(NAmk0Y00TS[f5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "%%*(,+4College of International Studies, Guizhou University ]'Yf[YVf[b 52$e,gV^\'Yf[SNxvz0000h0-NNlqQTV]'Yf[YVf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f 5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !#'+04"7$<'A)F,H/Huaihai Institute of Technologymwm]f[b 5,e,gV^\'Yf[V0000h0-NNlqQTVmwm]f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "(+0!5#:&<)Huaiyin Teachers Universitymp+^{f[b 5-e,gV^\'Yf[V0000h0-NNlqQTVmp+^{f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "%),1"6$;'=*4Foreign Language College, Shandong Normal University q\+^{'Yf[YVf[b 52(e,gV^\'Yf[V0000h0-NNlqQTVq\+^{'Yf[YVf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f$5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#&*/3"6$;'@)E,G/*Indian Institute of Technology  Hyderabad000]y'Yf[00000000!h 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY - HYDERABAD, INDIA AND HiSIM RESEARCH CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN?National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) Vz)Yef[0Wtirtf[xvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN NATIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF ASTRONOMY AND GEOPHYSICS, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT AND HIROSHIMA ASTROPHYSICAL SCIENCE CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANState Key Laboratory of Rare Earth Materials Chemistry and Applications, College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[ ^WPgeSf[Ss0_(uV[͑p[[0!q_jSf[xvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND STATE KEY LABORATORY OF RARE EARTH MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS, COLLEGE OF CHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR ENGINEERING, PEKING UNIVERSITY, CHINA(Industrial Technology Research Institute S~n]mibSxvzb 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE, TAIWANLos Alamos National Laboratory 000000Vzxvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN LOS ALAMOS NATIONAL LABORATORY AND INSTITUTE FOR ADVANCED MATERIALS RESEARCH, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN\The South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry, University of the Western Cape000'Yf[WS0000_(uPgeSf[xvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Institute for Advanced Materials Research [at Hiroshima University] and The South African Institute for Advanced Materials Chemistry [at the University of the Western Cape]iDepartment of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology0000000]y'Yf[lP[]f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, BANGLADESHFFaculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung 0000]y'Yf[tf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN ANDFACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND NATURAL SCIENCES, INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG, INDONESIALSchool of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Institut Teknologi Bandung0000]y'Yf[l`1Xf[<  5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND SCHOOL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS INSTITUT TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG, INDONESIA7MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, University of Twente00000'Yf[MESA+00000000xvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND MESA+ INSTITUTE OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF TWENTE, THE NETHERLANDSHHigh Speed Electronics Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles0000000'Yf[000000!hؚ00000000xvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND HIGH SPEED ELECTRONICS LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES (UCLA), CALIFORNIA, USAUniversity of Texas at Dallas 0000'Yf[000!h 5AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND TEXAS ANALOG CENTER OF EXCELLENCE THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS, RICHARDSON, TEXAS, U.S.A.NResearch Laboratory of Electronics and Integrated Circuits, Harvard University00000'Yf['Yf[b]f[0_(uyf[xvzy 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH LABORATORY OF ELECTRONICS AND INTEGRATED CIRCUITS HARVARD UNIVERSITY, USA AND RESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANSIntegrated BioElectronics Research Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz0000000'Yf[0000000!h 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEENRESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND INTEGRATED BIOELECTRONICS RESEARCH LABORATORY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ, USA'ASIC Design Center, Tianjing University)Y%m'Yf[ASIC00000000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEENRESEARCH CENTER FOR NANODEVICES AND SYSTEMS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND ASIC DESIGN CENTER, TIANJIN UNIVERSITY, CHINA)Faculty of Physics, University of Mnster 000000'Yf[irtf[ 5COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SYNCHROTRON RADIATION CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF PHYSICS, UNIVERSITY OF MUNSTER, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY\National Laboratory for Superconductivity, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[birtxvz@bO\V[͑p[[ 5COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN SYNCHROTRON RADIATION CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND NATIONAL LABORATORY FOR SUPERCONDUCTIVITY, INSTITUTE OF PHYSICS, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA@~e,gV^\'Yf[>e\IQyf[xvz0000h0-NNlqQTV-NVyf[birtxvz@bO\V[͑p[[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fz5mm0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #').36!=$D'G)L+R0U2Z5_7d:f=)Department of Physics of Fudan University_e'Yf[irtf[| 5COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS OF FUDAN UNIVERSITY, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND SYNCHROTRON RADIATION CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN6>e,gV^\'Yf[>e\IQyf[xvz0000h0-NNlqQTV_e'Yf[irtf[|f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #')-16!8";&>(C+H-M0O3/Graduate School of Education, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[Yef[b 5AGREEMENT ON RESEARCH AND EDUCATIONAL COLLABORATION BETWEEN CENTRE FOR THE STUDY OF HIGHER EDUCATION (CSHE) THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA*e,gV^\'Yf[ؚI{Yexvzzv0000h0-NNlqQTVSN'Yf[Yef[bf[SNAmTS[f5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     #'+-049!=#B%G'ECenter for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne00000'Yf[ؚI{Yexvz0000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF APPLIED INFORMATICS, TOMSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND INFORMATION MEDIA CENTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANKe,gV^\'Yf[ؚI{Yexvzzv0000(RIHE)h00000000V00000'Yf[ؚI{Yexvz0000(CSHE)h0n0n0f[S0YeTSRk0Y00TS[f5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     !!'%))+.-3;6=;@@BFEHHDInstitute of Applied Informatics, Tomsk State Pedagogical University0000Ye'Yf[_(u`1Xf[xvz@b 5:e,gV^\'Yf[`1X0000Yexvz0000h0000#0000Ye'Yf[_(u`1Xf[xvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %!)#-%4(;->/C1H4J7Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, School of Education, University at Albany, State University of New York000000]z'Yf[0000N!hYef[YeL?e?eV{f[y 5;Memorandum of Agreement for Academic Exchang BETWEEN The center for the Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University, Japan AND The Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies, School of Education, University at Albany, State University of New York, United States of America0000(School of Education, Makerere Unviersity 0000'Yf[Yef[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, MAKERERE UNIVERSITY, UGANDA AND CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0000BCentre for Educational Research and Training, University of Malawi0000'Yf[Yexvz}0000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND CENTER FOR EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING, UNIVERSITY OF MALAWI, MALAWIVJoint Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, University of Pretoria00000'Yf[yf[0pef[0bSYeqQ T0000 5Agreement on Academic Exchange betweenJoint Centre for Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, University of Pretoria, South Africa and Center for Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University, Japan@4e,gV^\'Yf[VTSRxvz0000h0WS0000qQTV00000'Yf[yf[0pef[0bSYeqQ T0000h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f05TT000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%)!,$0'4)9+>3A5F7K:M=1Faculty of Education, University of Dar es Salaam00000000'Yf[Yef[ 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Faculty of Education, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Center for Study of International Cooper< ation in Education, Hiroshima University, Japan9e,gV^\'Yf[VTSRxvz0000h000000#qQTV00000000'Yf[Yef[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     &$*&/(2,5.:0?3A6=National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration000VzYe;uL?exvz@b 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Center for Study of International Cooperation in Education, Hiroshima University, Japan and National University of Educational Planning and Administration, India00000TNational Center of Radiobiology and Radiation Protection (NCRRP), Ministry of HealtheP^w>e\}uirf[0>e\}2wxvz0000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN NATIONAL CENTER OF RADIOBIOLOGY AND RADIATION PROTECTION, MINISTRY OF HEALTH, BULGARIA AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR RADIATION BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANB`e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[xvz@bh000000qQTVeP^w>e\}uirf[0>e\}2wxvz0000h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f\5dd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&(,/5!;%A(D*I2L4Q7V9[<]?'Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine SN>e\};Sf[xvz@b 53<e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[xvz@bh0-NNlqQTVSN>e\};Sf[xvz@bh0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[f85XX0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&*.039<!C&F(J*O-Q07School of Radiology  Public Health, Soochow University]'Yf[>e\};Sf[0lQF[uf[b 5:Pe,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[f[xvz@bh0-NNlqQTV]'Yf[>e\};Sf[0lQF[uf[bh0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[fL5\\00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $&*.4"7%<'@)D+G-J/N1S4U7$Medical Radiological Research Center 000#>e\};Sf[xvz@b 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN MEDICAL RADIOLOGICAL RESEARCH CENTER, OBNINSK, RUSSIA AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR RADIATION BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, HIROSHIMA, JAPAN0e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[f[xvz@bh0000#>e\};Sf[xvz@bh0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[f5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%,!/#2%6';*=-000008The Belarusian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education00000;Sf[QYe00000 5AGREEMENTON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE BELARUSLAN MEDICAL ACADEMY OF POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION, BELARUS AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR RADIATION BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN7e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[f[xvz@bh00000000000;Sf[QYe00000h0n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "(%*(,-.1134&Minsk Institute of Hereditary Diseases 0000zO'`u`xvz@b 57e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[f[xvz@bh000000qQTV0000zO'`u`xvz@bh0n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ##'%.(1*4,9.=1?4=Department of Human Oncology, University of Wisconsin-Madison0000000'Yf[00k vf[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN ONCOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR NUCLEAR MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN;e,gV^\'Yf[Sr>e\};Syf[f[xvz@bh00000TFV0000000'Yf[00k vf[h0n0n0VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "#&'(**-,0.4092=5?8.Korea Research Institute for Human SettlementsVWxvzb 5COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE KOREA RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS, KOREA 0000000]y'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, BANGLADESH AND GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANMFaculty of Politics and Social Sciences, National University Timor Lorosa eVzqg00000'Yf[?el>yOf[s^T}Nxvz'Yf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, NATIONAL UNIVERSITY TIMOR LOROSA'E" 0000n0s^Th0Nn0[hQO 000000k0K0K000000000TS[ 5RFaculty of Law and Faculty of Politics and Social Sciences, Syiah Kuala University0000000'Yf[lf['Yf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND FACULTY OF LOW AND FACULTY OF POLITICS AND SOCIAL SCIENCES, SYIAH KUALA UNIVERSITYJMaster of Science in Information Technology, Bogor Agricultural University0000mi'Yf['Yf[b`1XbSxvzy 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND GRADUATE SCHOOL, BOGOR AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, INDONESIA.Faculty of Economics, Universitas Gadjah Mada 00000'Yf[L}nf[@VTSRxvzy<50000000000000000  00000'Yf[L}nf[ 5xMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN National Development Planning Agency, indonesia (Bappenas), Ministry of Finance, Indonesia (MOF) and Hiroshima University, Japan on Collaboration in the Linkage Master Programs for the Participants of the Professional Human Resource Development Project Phase III (PHRD-III) funded by the Japan Bank for International cooperation (JBIC) Loan-Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia 000000'Yf[L}nf[ 000000'Yf[L}nf[ 59National Development Planning Agency/ Ministry of Finance000000V[zvO;u^0000000VRw000000V[zvO;u^0000000VRw 5HDeputy for Environmental Policy and Institution, Ministry of Environment tXwtX?eV{06R^@\ 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic and Educational Exchange Deputy for Environmental Policy and Institution (Deputy 1) Ministry of Envionment, Republic of Indonesia and Graduate School for International Develo< pment and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan5>e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0000000qQTVtXwtX?eV{06R^@\h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f:5YY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #')16 :#=%@&C(F*K,P/R2^Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations, Pannasastra University of Cambodia (*)0000000'Yf[>yOyf[0VOf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS, PANNASASTRA UNIVERSITY OF CAMBODIA@Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Laos 000Vz'Yf[L}nL}Uf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange Between Faculty of Economics and Management, National University of Laos, Lao People's Democratic Republic and Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan8Re,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0000Nll;NqQTV000Vz'Yf[L}nL}Uf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fN5]]000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+/15!9#=%A'D)G+J-O/T2V5SThe Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at The University of Texas at Austin0000'Yf[000000!h0000000000lQqQ?eV{xvzy0000'Yf[000000!h0000000000lQqQ?eV{xvzy 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND LYNDON B. JOHNSON SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN, USA ON COLLABORATION FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INTERNATIONAL DEGREES PROGRAM)School of Education, University of Zambia 0000'Yf[Yef[ 55,e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh00000qQTV0000'Yf[Yef[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f(5SS00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #')-2!5#8%;'@*E,J/L2%China Association for NGO Cooperation -NVVlD}T~T\OO2O 55fe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0-NNlqQTV-NVVlD}T~T\OO2Oh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fb5dd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+/16:>A!E#K&N(Q*V,[/]2aPolicy Research Center for Environment and Economy, State Environmental Protection AdministrationV[tXOw}@\tXL}n?eV{xvz0000 5<e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0-NNlqQTVV[tXOw}@\tXL}n?eV{xvz0000h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f|5kk00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+/149;@!E#I%M'R-U/X1]3b6d9GSchool of Environment and Natural Resources, Renmin University of China -NVNl'Yf[tXf[b 55ne,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0-NNlqQTV-NVNl'Yf[tXf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fj5ee00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+/168:>C!G#J%M'R*W,\/^23Institute of Afro-Asian Studies, Beijing UniversitySN'Yf[00000000xvz@b 5:Le,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh0-NNlqQTVSN'Yf[00000000xvz@bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fH5]]000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+/148%?(B*E,J/O1T4V7SS. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University (*)0000]y'Yf[S.0000000Vf['Yf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND S. RAJARATNAM SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL STUDIES, NANYANG TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY 0000n0s^Th0Nn0[hQO 000000 51College of Liberal Arts, De Lasalle University(*)0000000'Yf[0000000f['Yf[b00000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS, DE LA SALLE UNIVERSITYAInstitute of Agriculture and Animal Science, Tribhuvan University 00000'Yf[\u#uf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding on Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (LAAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal And Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan3e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh00000sV00000'Yf[\u#uf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5JJ00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+- 1"4&7(<*A-C0AResearch Center for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University00000'Yf[pq|qxvz@b 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange Between Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies (CNAS), Tribhuvan University, Nepal And Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan8e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh00000sV00000'Yf[0000000xvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+&2+5-:/?2A5BSouth East Asian Institute of Global Studies, Payap University (*)0000'Yf[qgWS00000000000000f[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAPAN UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE AND HUMAN SECURITY IN ASIA AND SOUTH EAST ASIAN INSTITUTE OF GLOBAL STUDIES, PAYAP UNIVERSITY.National Economic and Social Development Board V[L}n>yOzv^ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD, THAILAND AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh000sVV[L}n>yOzv^h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'*.29!<#A%< F(H+SInstitute of Environmental Technology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology0000yf[bSbtXbSxvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY, VIETNAMESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, VIETNAM AND GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION (IDEC), HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANWInstitute for Southeast Asian Studies National Center for Social Science and HumanitiesNe>yOyf[bqgWSq|qxvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE FOR SOUTHEAST ASIAN STUDIES, NATIONAL CENTER FOR SOCIAL SCIENCE AND HUMANITIES, VIETNAM AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND COOPERATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN4"e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bVTSRxvzyh00000Ne>yOyf[bqgWS000xvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+.04";'>)C+H.J1%Faculty of Pharmacy, Minia University000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF PHARMACY, MINIA UNIVERSITY, EGYPT AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN3e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bHQziryf[xvzyh00000V000'Yf[f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f 5JJ00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $&*/#2%7(<*A-C0(School of Agriculture, Shiraz University000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, SHIRAZ UNIVERSITY, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF IRAN9e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bHQziryf[xvzyh000000000qQTV000'Yf[f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $(*".$3)6+;.@0E3G6AFaculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague 00000'Yf[pef[irtf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS, CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC;PKU-HKUST Shenzhen-Hong Kong Institution, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[/nyb'Yf[m3WxOb NHQziryf[xvzyJ500000000000000000 SN'Yf[/nyb'Yf[m3WxOb 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND PKU-HKUST SHENZHEN-HONG KONG INSTITUTION, PEKING UNIVERSITY, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINAEInstitute of Electronic Physics and Device, Xi'an Jiaotong University[N'Yf[P[irt00000xvz@b 5?pe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bHQziryf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV[N'Yf[P[irt00000xvz@bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fl5ff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $(,026:>!A#D*K/N1S4X6]9_<ESchool of Electronic and Information Engineering, Tianjing University )Y%m'Yf[P[`1Xf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND SCHOOL OF ELECTRONIC AND INFORMATION ENGINEERING, TIANJIN UNIVERSITY, CHINAGSchool of Natural Sciences and School of Engineering, Sogang University _l'Yf[!htf[Ss0]f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ADVANCED SCIENCES OF MATTER, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND SCHOOL OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, SOGANG UNIVERSITY, KOREA^NSI-NCRC (Nano Systems Institute  National Core Research Center) of Seoul National University000'Yf[000000xvz@b 50College of Agriculture, Visayas State University 000]z'Yf[f[DuirWyf[xvzy@5000000000000000  000]z'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, VISAYAS STATE UNIVERSITY, PHILIPPINES*Faculty of Economics, Kasetsart University 00000'Yf[L}nf[ 00000'Yf[L}nf[ 5MEMORANDUM TO THE ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, KASETSART UNIVERSITY, KINGDOM OF THAILAND AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN4e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[buirWyf[xvzyh000sV00000'Yf[L}nf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5LL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&*. 1$4&9)>+C.E1'Agriculture College, Tunghai Universityqgwm'Yf[f[bqgwm'Yf[f[b 5.e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[buirWyf[xvzyh0S~nqgwm'Yf[f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&*.247 <#A%F(H+ 0000000mi'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN BANGLADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, BANGLADESH AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN6Faculty of Fisheries and Marine, Airlangga University 000000'Yf[4l#uwm mf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF FISHERIES AND MARINE, AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY, INDONESIA;&e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[buirWyf[xvzyh0000000V000000'Yf[4l#uwm mf[h0n0n0f[SSs0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f"5PP00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "$ (",$0&3*6,;.=0B2G5I8/Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada 00000'Yf[f[>uirWyf[xvzy:5000000000000000  00000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITAS GADJAH MADA, INDONESIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN:College of Fisheries Sciences, Pukyong National University ܑva'Yf[!h4l#uyf['Yf[ ܑva'Yf[!h4l#uyf['Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OF FISHERIES SCIENCES, PUKYONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN< NONG LAM UNIVERSITY, SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOSPHERE SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya 00000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA AND THE FACULTY OF APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY,e,gV^\'Yf[uiru#uf[h000000V00000'Yf[f[n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #&)!.#2&4)XFaculty of Natural Resources, Agriculture  Veterinary Science, University of Queenslandxrp}'Yf[njncs;Sf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN FACULTY OF NATURRAL RESOURCES, AGRICULTURE AND VETERINARY SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA AND FACULTY OF APPLIED BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0e,gV^\'Yf[uiru#uf[h000000000'Yf[njncs;Sf[n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !'( +"0%5':*<-Sichuan Agricultural UniversityV]mi'Yf[ 5*e,gV^\'Yf[uiru#uf[h0-NNlqQTVV]mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $&).25:!?$A'<Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung0000]y'Yf[#umibSf[0000]y'Yf[#umibSf[ 5MEMORANDUM FOR THE DOUBLE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY, INSTITUTE TEKNOLOGI BANDUNG, INDONESIALDivision of Engineering, Campus Irapuato-Salamanca, University of Guanajuato000000'Yf[00000 00000 00000]f[ 5Fe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh00000TFV000000'Yf[00000-00000-00000]f[h0n0n0f[SSs0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5JJ00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $(0-507597;<=A@CCICenter for Mechanical Technology and Automation (TEMA), Aveiro University00000'Yf[_jhbSJ00s000000000xvz0000 5ACTIVITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING (HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN) AND THE CENTER FOR MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY AND AUTOMATION (UNIVERSITY OF AVEIRO, PORTUGAL)*Institute of Technology PETRONAS Sdn. Bhd. 00000]y'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY PETRONAS SDN. BHD., MALAYSIA.College of Science, National Taiwan University VzS~n'Yf[tf[b VzS~n'Yf[tf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN+ e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0VzS~n'Yf[tf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%),.16 ;"@%B(3College of Engineering, National Central University Vz-N.Y'Yf[]f[b Vz-N.Y'Yf[]f[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0S~nVz-N.Y'Yf[]f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%*.47<"A$F'H*FSirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University00000'Yf[000000V]f[xvzy00000'Yf[000000V]f[xvzy 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SIRINDHORN INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY, THAILAND AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN:e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh000sV00000'Yf[000000V]f[xvzyh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%!)#-%3*6,;/@1E4G71College of Engineering, Seoul National University Vz000'Yf[]f[xvzy 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON COLLABORATION FOR GRADUATE-LEVEL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION BETWEEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY SEOUL, KOREA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY HIROSHIMA, JAPAN>The College of Natural Sciences, Kyungpook National University vaS'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[ vaS'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE COLLEGE OF NATURAL SCIENCES, KYUNGPOOK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KOREAUEnvironmental and Marine Sciences and Technology College, Pukyong National University ܑva'Yf[!htXwm m'Yf[ ܑva'Yf[!htXwm m'Yf[ 514e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0'YӗlVܑva'Yf[!htXwm m'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f05WW000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %')/48<!?#D&I(N+P.+Faculty of Engineering, University of Leeds000'Yf[]f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, UNITED KINGDOME AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0#TsV000'Yf[]f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%).1 6#;%@(B+cole de technologie suprieureؚI{]y'Yf[ 5MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) BETWEEN ECOLE DE TECHNOLOGIE SUPERIEURE, CANADA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-Faculty of Engineering, University of Alberta 00000'Yf[]f[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE FACULTY IF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA, CANADAAFaculty of Applied Science and Engineering, University of Toronto 0000'Yf[_(ut]f[ 0000'Yf[_(ut]f[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AN< D THE FACULTY OF APPLIED SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, CANADA6Faculty of the Built Environment, Chongqing University͑va'Yf[^{f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE FACULTY OF THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT, CHONGQUING UNIVERSITY, CHINA>Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[bTw_jhxvz@b-NVyf[bTw_jhxvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE INSTITUTE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, CHINA>Second Institute of Oceanography, State Oceanic Administration V[wm m@\,{Nwm mxvz@b V[wm m@\,{Nwm mxvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND SECOND INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY, STATE OCEANIC ADMINISTRATION, CHINA5Te,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVV[wm m@\,{Nwm mxvz@bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fP5^^0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+.258< C%F'K*P,U/W21^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyk000 NwmN'Yf[96wm mSs0^{] zf[bk0J0Q00wmNRΑn0[Nn0[e5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !%)-/37;%>'A*C,F/XSchool of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Civil Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University NwmN'Yf[96wm mSs0^{] zf[b 5Ee,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzySs08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV NwmN'Yf[96wm mSs0^{] zf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5{{000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'/37; =!B#F%J'N)R+T-X/\1`5c7h:m<r?tB?School of Energy  Power Engineering, Xi an Jiaotong University[N'Yf[n0RR] zf[b[N'Yf[n0RR] zf[b 58e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV[N'Yf[n0RR] zf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5RR0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    +/37(:*?-D/I2K5+Faculty of Engineering, Yeungnam University ]WS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[ 5*e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h0'YӗlV]WS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5 5500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "'!,$.'xrp}'Yf[]f[,irtyf[Ss0^{f[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, PHYSICAL SCIENCES& ARCHITECTURE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN1^\'Yf[]f[h000000000'Yf[]f[ irtyf[Ss0^{f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !$!'#,&1(6+8.%Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember0000]y'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN INSITISUT TEKNOLOGI SEPULUH NOPEMBER AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF ENGINEERING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGES.e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h0000000qQTV0000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  " '#,%1(3+0Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya 00000'Yf[]f[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA, SRI LANKA AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN%e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h000000V00000h0n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ""0Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham 0000000'Yf[]f[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNTED KINGDOM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, JAPAN)e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h0#TsV000000'Yf[]f[h0n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f58800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #&+ /#1&*College of Engineering, University of Iowa 0000'Yf[]f[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h00000TFV0000'Yf[]f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%*"/$4'6*.College of Engineering, University of Michigan 0000'Yf[]f[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, USA AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN ^\'Yf[]f[h00000'Yf[]f[h0n0n0NAmNmik0Y00TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "$*College of Engineering, Clemson University 00000'Yf[]f[ 5AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, CLEMSON UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY.e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h00000TFV00000'Yf[]f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "% *#/%4(6+Yanshan Universityqq\'Yf[ 5(e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h0-NNlqQTVqq\'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     #%),16;"=%+Harbin University of Science and Technology0000]mi'Yf[ 5&e,gV^\'Yf[]f[h0-NVT>ro]mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5??0000000000000000000000000000000000000< 00000000000000000000000000     $',16 8#'Y#t]'Yf[ 5#e,gV^\'Yf[]f[0-NNlqQTV'Y#]f[b0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(*/46 Ajou University HospitalN]'Yf[ub 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, JAPAN AND AJOU UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, KOREA/Chungnam National Hospital, Chungnam University_WS'Yf[!hub 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND CHUNGNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL, CHUNGNAM UNIVERSITY, KOREA 00000'Yf[;Sf[ 5AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM OF EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES, JAPAN AND TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE, NEPAL$College of Nursing, Korea Universityؚ'Yf[ wwf[ 5AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN COLLEGE OF NURSING, KOREA UNIVERSITY, KOREA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bOzf[xvzyh0'YӗlVؚ'Yf[ wwf[h0n0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    &*.147!<$>'xThe State of Oregon Acting by and through the State Board of Higher Education on behalf of the Portland State University 000000]z'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND THE STATE OF OREGON ACTING BY AND THROUGH THE STATE BOARD OF HIGHER EDUCATION ON BEHALF OF THE PORTLAND STATE UNIVERSITY8The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston0000'Yf[000000!h wwf[ 5AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, GRADUATE SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER AT HOUSTON.Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 00000y'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND ALBANY COLLEGE OF PHARMACY AND HEALTH SCIENCES, U.S.A.@Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University0000000000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, PRINCE OF SONGKLA UNIVERSITY, THAILAND*Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University 00000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF PHARMACY, CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY, THAILAND AND FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN8Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University 0000'Yf[f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY IF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY, THAILAND AND FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[f[h000sV0000'Yf[f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "',!1$3',Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London0000000000000000;Sf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON, UK AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN=e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b;Sokf[}Txvzyh0#TsV0000000000000000;Sf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5JJ00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'+(.*/-2/72<4A7C:GThe Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet000000xvz@bRP[;Sf[J00s0Yyf[萀 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE AND SURGERY, KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET, SWEDEN AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANC>e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b;Sokf[}Txvzyh0000000sV0000Y0K0xvz@bRP[;Sf[J00s0Yyf[萀h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'".%1'4,6.8/;3>5C8H:M=O@8Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia000000000000'Yf[okf[ 5MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING4Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of Peradeniya 00000'Yf[okf[ 5IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GENERAL AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF DENTAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF PERADENIYA, SRI LANKA AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN?The Faculty of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Health Science VzeP^yf['Yf[okf[okf[50000 VzeP^yf['Yf[okf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF ODONTO-STOMATOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCE, CAMBODIA AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANTFaculty of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Hochiminh City00000^;Syy'Yf[okf[00000^;Syy'Yf[okf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF ODONTO-STOMATOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY AT HOCHIMINH CITY, SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM AND FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN7 e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h00000>yO;NqQTV00000^;Syy'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !# '"+'.)3,8.=1?4*Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University 0000'Yf[okf[ 0000'Yf[okf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, KHONE KAEN UNIVERSITY, KINGDOME OF THAILAND AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h000sV0000'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f58800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %*!/$1'1The School of Dentistry, University of Washington 00000'Yf[okf[ 5Memo of Agreement Between the School of Dentistry, University of Washington, United States of America and the Faculty of Dentistry, Hiroshima University, Japan!0000TFV00000'Yf[okf[h0e,gV^\'Yf[okf[ Rn0 Taf5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "<The College of Dental Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University ؚĖ;Sy'Yf[okf[ ؚĖ;Sy'Yf[okf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIRO< SHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE, KAOHSIUNG MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN00007Faculty of Dentistry, The National University of Athens000'Yf[okf[ 5BILATERAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, THE NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, GREECE AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h00000qQTVVz000'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #& +#0%5(7+.Faculty of Dentistry, University of Concepcion 0000000'Yf[okf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES BETWEEN FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF CONCEPCION AND FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY2School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National UniversityvaS'Yf[!hokf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, KYUNGPOOK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KOREA AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)College of Dentistry, Wonkwang University WIQ'Yf[!hoky'Yf[ WIQ'Yf[!hoky'Yf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES BETWEEN COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY WONKWANG UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY*e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h0'YӗlVWIQ'Yf[!hoky'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $&*-27!<$>'*Faculty of Dentistry, Airlangga University 000000'Yf[okf[ 000000'Yf[okf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES BETWEEN FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, AIRLANGGA UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN1e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h0000000qQTV000000'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"#'&,(1+3.,Faculty of Odontology, Gothenburg University 00000'Yf[okf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN FACULTY OF ODONTOLOGY, GOTHENBURG UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY/e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h0000000sV00000'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #!($-&2)4,>Dental College and Dental Hospital, Tianjin Medical University )Y%m;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b )Y%m;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND DENTAL COLLEGE AND DENTAL HOSPITAL, TIANJIN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, CHINA-Faculty of Dentistry, University of Hong Kong/n'Yf[okf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG AND THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN5West China College of Stomatology, Sichuan University V]'Yf[ST;Sf[b V]'Yf[ST;Sf[b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN WEST CHINA COLLEGE OF STOMATOLOGY, SICHUAN UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN/:e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h0-NNlqQTVV]'Yf[ST;Sf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f65QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&(*.1369!>$C&H)J,7Faculty of Dentistry, University of Newcastle Upon Tynempvo}eqer 'Yf[okf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF DENTISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DENTISTRY2e,gV^\'Yf[okf[h0#TsV000000000000000'Yf[okf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     !#$%'',)1,3/4Faculty of Health and Sciences, University of Surrey 000'Yf[eP^;Sf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF SURREY, UNITED KINGDOM AND THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN+e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h0#TsV000'Yf[eP^;Sf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     !$%(- 2"7%9(,Faculty of Medicine, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum 000'Yf[0000;Sf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF MEDICIINE, RUHR-UNIVERSITAT BOCHUM, GERMANY AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN2000#qQTV0000'Yf[0000;Sf[h0e,gV0r00W0~0'Yf[;Sf[h0n0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[f5440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%"'&)+,-/&Faculty of Medicine, McGill University 00000'Yf[;Sf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN McGILL UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE+e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h0000V00000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f566000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   # ("-%/('Institute of Medicine, Pavia University000'Yf[;Sf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN PAVIA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE,e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h00000qQTV000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "'!,#1&3)NResearch Center for Radiation Medicine, Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine;Sf[00000>e\};Sf[~p 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN THE RESEARCH CENTER FOR RADIATION MEDICINE OF THE ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES OF UKRAINE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, JAPAN5e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h000000V;Sf[00000>e\};Sf[0000h0n0n0f[S0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #"%'(,*1,6/82+Tribhuvan University, Institute of MedicineBASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE-e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h00000sV00000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5880000000000000000000< 0000000000000000000000000000000000000    %"*$/'1*PFaculty of Medicine and Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University00000'Yf[;Sf[0f[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGING PROGRAMMES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND THE FACULTY OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES, KHON KAEN UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE/e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h000sV00000'Yf[;Sf[0f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "%!*$/&4)6,1College of Medicine, Chungnam National University _WS'Yf[!h;Sy'Yf[ 5*e,gV^\'Yf[;Sf[h0'YӗlV_WS'Yf[!h;Sy'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5AA00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%'+.3!8$:'FCollege of Pharmacy and Health Science Center, University of Tennessee|p'Yf[eP^yf[~pf[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TENNESSEE THROUGH ITS COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, THE HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER-^\'Yf[;Sf[h00000'Yf[eP^yf[0000f[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f55500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #"($,'.* Temple University Medical School 0000'Yf[;Sf[ 5Agreement for Establishing Cooperation for Graduate and Postdoctoral Research and Education between School of Midicine, Hiroshima University and Department of Microbiology and Immunology Temple University Medical School Philadelphia, Pa.8^\'Yf[h00000'Yf[;Sf[(_uirf[MQuf[)k0J0Q00'Yf[b 0000000xvzSs0Yen0TSRk0Y00TS[f5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #((**,//5275DDepartment of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hillp}vr'Yf[(lR!h)Sf[ 5Agreement for Establishing Cooperation for Graduate and Postdoctoral Research and Education between School of Midicine, Hiroshima University and Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill%School of Pharmacy, Mercer University 0000'Yf[f[ 5Agreement for Establishing Cooperation for Graduate and Postdoctoral Research and Education between the School of Midicine, Hiroshima University and the School of Pharmacy, Mercer University+^\'Yf[h00000'Yf[k0J0Q00'Yf[b00000000xvzSs0Yen0TSRk0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  " %"(6Department of Chemistry, University of Texas at Austinw{}'Yf[up}hR!h Sf[ 5AGREEMENT CONCERNING AN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIVE EXCHANGE PROGRAM FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL ASSOCIATES IN CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY9^\'Yf[h00000'Yf[(00000R!h)k0J0Q00'Yf[bu00000000n0Sf[xvzk0J0Q00VNAmk0Y00TS[f5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  &(".&0+3-63Faculty of Medicine, Karl-Franzens Universitas Grazvpej}exp'Yf[;Sf[ 5Agreement for Establishing Cooperation for Research and Education between The Faculty of Midicine, Hiroshima University and The Faculty of Medicine, University of Graz6^\'Yf[(;Sf[)h0000-0000000-0000'Yf[(;Sf[)k0J0Q00xvzSs0Yen0TSRk0Y00TS[f52200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !&(*#-)0+30Faculty of Science, Universiti Brunei Darussalam00000000000'Yf[tf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN FACULTY OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITI BRUNEI DARUSSALAM BRUNEI DARUSSALAM AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY JAPAN\School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and TechnologyIQ]yf[bSbtXyf[]f[xvzy 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERIING, GWANGJU INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KOREAEFaculty of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, Freie Universitaet Berlin00001u'Yf[uir0Sf[0f[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY AND PHARMACY, FREIE UNIVERSITAET BERLIN, GERMANY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN;:e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh0000#qQTV00001u'Yf[uir0Sf[0f[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f65WW000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     &)- 1#4&9)<+?-D0I2N5P8qFaculty of Life and Environmental Sciences and Faculty of Numerical and Physical Sciences, University of Peshawar000000'Yf[u}TtXyf[0peirtf[,tf[xvzy(5 000000000000000'Yf[u}TtXyf[0peirtf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF LIFE AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, AND FACULTY OF NUMERICAL AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR, PAKISTAN, AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN=Be,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh000000V000000'Yf[u}T[miyf[0peirtf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f>5UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "& +"/&1'3(6*7+:-=/B2G4L7N:8Faculty of Fisheries, Bangladesh Agricultural University0000000mi'Yf[4l#uf[0000000mi'Yf[4l#uf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF FISHERIES, BANGLADESH AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, BANGLADESH AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN9e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh00000000V0000000mi'Yf[4l#uf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5LL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #!'#+%.'1)4+9.>0C3E6Minia University000'Yf[000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN MINIA UNIVERSITY, EGYPT AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN,e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh00000V000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000< 000000000000000    "%(-!2#7&9)SFaculty of Biology and Soil, The Kazan State University of Name V.I. Uliyanov-Lenin0000000000 Ty000Vz'Yf[uirf[Ss0WXf[0000000000 Ty000Vz'Yf[uirf[Ss0WXf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF BIOLOGY AND SOIL, THE KAZAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF NAME V.I. ULIYANOV-LENIN, RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAND<e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh0000#0000000000 Ty000Vz'Yf[uirf[J00s0WXf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f85XX0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     %$)&-(3.70:2=4@6E9J;O>QAcOrenburg State University (Faculty of Physics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Mathematics)000000Vz'Yf[(irtf[06qyf[0pef[)000000Vz'Yf[(irtf[06qyf[0pef[) 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY (FACULTY OF PHYSICS, FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, AND FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS), RUSSIA, AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN@Je,gV^\'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh0000V000000Vz'Yf[(irtf[06qyf[0pef[)h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fF5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&)!,$/&2(3*5+8.;0>2C5H7M:O==Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University0000Vz'Yf[Rf[0pef[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF MECHANICS AND MATHEMATICS, MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0e,gV^\'Yf[tf[xvzyh0000#0000'Yf[Rf[0pef[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&'* -"2%7'<*>-LFaculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics Moscow State University0000Vz'Yf[{pef[0000000000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS AND CYBERNETICS, MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN9e,gV^\'Yf[tf[xvzyh0000#0000'Yf[{pef[0000000000h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&&''*)-+2.70<3>6EFaculty of Biology and Chemistry, Moscow State Pedagogical University0000VzYe'Yf[uir0Sf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF BIOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY, MOSCOW STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN4e,gV^\'Yf[tf[xvzyh0000#0000VzYe'Yf[uir0yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5MM00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'+/"2$5&:)?+D.F1%Faculty of Science, Panjab University 00000'Yf[tf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF SCIENCE, PANJAB UNIVERSITY, INDIA AND FACULTY OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[tf[h000000000'Yf[tf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $)!.$0'7Faculty of Horticulture, Warsaw Agricultural University 00000mi'Yf[Wf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF HORTICULTURE, WARSAW AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, POLAND AND FACULTY OF SCIENCE, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN2e,gV^\'Yf[tf[h000000qQTV00000mi'Yf[Wf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $' *"-$2'7)<,>/Tomsk Polytechnic University0000]y'Yf[ 5*e,gV^\'Yf[tf[h0000#0000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "',!1$3'5Institute of Law, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences  Nwm>yOyf[blf[xvz@b 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF LAW, SHANGHAI ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, AND LAW SCHOOL, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN3Ne,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzy0lRxvzyh0 Nwm>yOyf[b}ixvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fJ5[[0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     #().257;!B$E&H(M*R-T0_Graduate School of Jurisprudence / Faculty of Law and Political Science, University of Burgundy000000'Yf[l?ef[Ss0'Yf[blf[xvzy:>yOyf[xvzy65 0000000000000000000'Yf[l?ef[Ss0'Yf[blf[xvzy 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF JURISPRUDENCE / THE FACULTY OF LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF BURGUNDY, FRANCE AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES,, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANA`e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh00000qQTV000000'Yf[l?ef[Ss0'Yf[blf[xvzyh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f\5aa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $&*!.#1%3'9*=,C/F1I3N6S8X;Z>3Taiwan Studies Center, National Chengchi University FVz?el'Yf[S~nSxvz@bB50000000000000000 06e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0Vz?el'Yf[S~nSxvz@bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f25UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $'+/07: ="B%G'L*N-)Guanghua Law School , Zhejiang University Ym_l'Yf[IQlf[b Ym_l'Yf[IQlf[b 54\e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVYm_l'Yf[IQlf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fX5\\0000000< 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.0158: >"A$D&I)N+S.U1XSchool of Political and Common Management, China University of Political Science and Law-NV?el'Yf[?elSs0lQqQ{tf[b-NV?el'Yf[?elSs0lQqQ{tf[b 5;e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV-NV?el'Yf[?elSs0lQqQ{tf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5ii000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.046:=!?#D%G'I(K)N+Q-V0[2`5b8<School of Law, China University of Political Science and Law -NV?el'Yf[lf[b -NV?el'Yf[lf[b 54fe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV-NV?el'Yf[lf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fb5^^0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.0468:< @"C$F&K)P+U.W17College of Foreign Languages, Ocean University of China -NVwm m'Yf[YVf[b -NVwm m'Yf[YVf[b 56be,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV-NVwm m'Yf[YVf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f^5bb00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.37;@"D$G&J(O+T-Y0[30School of Foreign Language, Southeast University qgWS'Yf[YVf[b qgWS'Yf[YVf[b 54Re,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVqgWS'Yf[YVf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fN5]]000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.26; ?"B$E&J)O+T.V1)College of Law, Inner Mongolia UniversityQS'Yf[lf[bQS'Yf[lf[b 53Te,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVQS'Yf[lf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fP5[[0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.0379=!@#C%H(M*R-T0qg?el'Yf[qg?el'Yf[ 51Je,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVqg?el'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fF5YY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.037;>!A#F&K(P+R.1College of Humanities(History), Dalian University 'Y#'Yf[Nef[tkSf[b 'Y#'Yf[Nef[tkSf[b 57pe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV'Y#'Yf[Nef[tkSf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fl5cc000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.26:< >!A#E%H'K)P,U.Z1\4FThe School of Japanese Studies, Dalian University of Foreign Languages 'Y#YVf[be,gf[b 'Y#YVf[be,gf[b 57`e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV'Y#YVf[be,gf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f\5aa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.27; ?#C%F'I)N,S.X1Z4JSchool of Public Administration, Dongbei University of Finance  Economics qgSL}'Yf[lQqQ{tf[b qgSL}'Yf[lQqQ{tf[b 57le,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVqgSL}'Yf[lQqQ{tf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fh5dd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.26:?!B#F%I'L)Q,V.[1]4>Department of Japanese Language and Culture, Dalian University 'Y#'Yf[e,geSf[b 'Y#'Yf[e,geSf[b 57fe,gV^\'Yf['Yf[b>yOyf[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV'Y#'Yf[e,geSf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fb5aa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.26: <!?#C%F'I)N,S.X1Z40Faculty of Social Science, University of Glasgow 00000'Yf[>yOyf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THEFACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, UNITED KINGDOM AND THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf[L}nf[h0#TsV00000'Yf[>yOyf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(+. 3#8%=(?+@School of Economic and Social Studies, University of East Angliarp}eqxq'Yf[>yOL}nxvz0000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE SCHOOL OF ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA, UNITED KINGDOM AND THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN8e,gV^\'Yf[L}nf[h0#TsV0000000000'Yf[>yOL}nxvz0000h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5KK000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $( -&0(3*8-=/B2D5-College of Humanities(Law), Dalian University 'Y#'Yf[Nef[lf[b 'Y#'Yf[Nef[lf[b 5/@e,gV^\'Yf[lf[h0-NNlqQTV'Y#'Yf[Nef[lf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f<5TT000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $(,.0< 269<!A$F&K)M,@Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Diponegoro000000'Yf[>yO?elf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF LAW, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL & POLITICAL SCIENCES, DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY6e,gV^\'Yf[lf[h0000000qQTV000000'Yf[>yO?elf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   # &")$,)0+5-90;3&Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro 000000'Yf[lf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMES BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF LAW, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF LAW, DIPONEGORO UNIVERSITY3e,gV^\'Yf[lf[h0000000qQTV000000'Yf[lf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$!'&+(0*4-60BFaculty of Education Studies, The Hong Kong Institute of Education /nYef[bYef[ 5Agreement for Academic Collaboration between GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN and FACULTY OF EDUCATION STUDIES, THE HONG KONG INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION'e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[xvzyh0/nYef[bYef[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #%',/25:?!A$/College of Education, Beijing Normal University SN+^{'Yf[Yef[b 5,4e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVSN+^{'Yf[Yef[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f05QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&(+.279;>!C#H&J)&Indonesia University of Education(UPI) 000000Ye'Yf[:Yef[xvzy65 0000000000000 000000Ye'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN INDONESIA UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION (UPI), REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN3e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[xvzyh0000000qQTV000000Ye'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     %)!,#/%4(9*>-@0University of North Carolina at Wilmington East Carolina University Western Carolina University Osaka Kyoiku University Naruto University of Education9'Y*Ye'Yf[ Ye'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[0000000!h 000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[9'Y*Ye'Yf[ Ye'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[0000000!h 000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5-AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE & COOPERATION T'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[fP500000000000000000000  7The Faculty of Special Education, University of Cologne 000'Yf[yrkYef[ 000'Yf[yrkYef[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE THE FACULTY OF SPECIAL EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF COLOGNE, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN3*e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[xvzyh0000#qQTV000'Yf[yrkYef[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f&5RR0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $(,14!7#:%?(D*I-K01The School of Education, East Carolina Universityrp}evr'Yf[Yef[ 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN DER FACHBEREICH THE FACULTY OF SCHOOL EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION, EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY7e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h00000TFV0000000000'Yf[Yef[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %!(")%,*0,5.91;43The College of Education, Seoul National University 000'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[ 000'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KOREA AND THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN,e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h0'YӗlV000'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #&*-05!:#?&A)_Fachbereich Erziehungswissenschaft, Psychologie und Sportwissenschaft, Freie Universitat Berlin 00001u'Yf[Yeyf[ 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN DER FACHBEREICH ERZIEHUNGSWISSENSCHAFT, PSYCHOLOGIE UND SPORTWISSENSCHAFT, FREIE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN AND THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY5e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h0000#qQTV00001u'Yf[Yeyf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f 5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&+. /#2(6*;,?/A2)Shanghai University of Physical Education NwmSOf[b 5+"e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h0-NNlqQTV NwmSOf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !#(,036; @"E%G(.Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University000000000'Yf[Yef[ 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATIO, CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY1e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h000sV0000000'Yf[Yef[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "%&)$-&2(6+8.7Faculty of Educational Science, University of Amsterdam0000000'Yf[Yeyf[ 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM AND THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY4e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h00000sV0000000'Yf[Yeyf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[f5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  <  "%&")'-)2+6.81-College of Education, University of Minnesota 0000'Yf[Yef[ 5PRINCIPLES OF AGREEMENT GOVERNING THE INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF EDUCATION, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA/e,gV^\'Yf[Yef[h00000TFV0000'Yf[Yef[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %(+!0$5&:)<,7Department of History/Philosophy, University of Mnster0000000000000000'Yf[,{f[tkS0Tf[ 4ef[xvzy05 0000000000 0000000000000000'Yf[,{f[tkS0Tf[  5G>e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0000#qQTV0000000000000000'Yf[,{8f[(tkS0Tf[)h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !'(+*-,0/3275;7>9C<H>MAOD*Faculty of Letters, Padjadjaran University 0000000'Yf[ef[ 0000000'Yf[ef[ 57e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0000000qQTV0000000'Yf[ef[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5KK000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !# '"+$,%0'3)8,=.B1D44Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Gadjah Mada University000000'Yf[eSxvzf[000000'Yf[eSxvzf[ 59.e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0000000qQTV000000'Yf[eSxvzf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f*5QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !#'!*#/%2'6)9+>.C0H3J6=School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University n'Yf[Ne>yOyf[f[b n'Yf[Ne>yOyf[f[b 55le,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVn'Yf[Ne>yOyf[f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fh5aa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+-/37;>!B#F%I'N*S,X/Z2'Department of History, Hudan University_e'Yf[tkSf[|_e'Yf[tkSf[| 51Je,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV_e'Yf[tkSf[|h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fF5YY00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+/38:>!A#F&K(P+R..College of Foreign Languages, Hunan University VnWS'Yf[YVf[b VnWS'Yf[YVf[b 5>'Yf[TS[k0We0O0e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVVnWS'Yf[YVf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fD^\f|5hh00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $)*.268 ;"?$D'H+K-P0U2Z5\8c;/Faculty of Foreign Languages, Ningbo University[l'Yf[Yf[b[l'Yf[Yf[b 51Ne,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV[l'Yf[Yf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[fJ5XX0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+-.259=!@#E&J(O+Q.w_l+^{f[bw_l+^{f[b 5/>e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVw_l+^{f[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+037;>!C$H&M)O,(Department of History, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[tkSf[|SN'Yf[tkSf[| 51:e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTVSN'Yf[tkSf[|h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f65TT000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+.279!<#A&F(K+M.,School of Social Science, Soochow University]'Yf[>yOf[b]'Yf[>yOf[b 51>e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV]'Yf[>yOf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+/37;!>#C&H(M+O.TChinese Poetry Research Center, Foreign Languages College, Capital Normal University+^{'Yf[YVf[b 00 T0-NViLkxvz0000+^{'Yf[YVf[b 00 T0-NViLkxvz0000 5@e,gV^\'Yf['Yf[bef[xvzyh0-NNlqQTV+^{'Yf[YVf[bSs0-NViLkxvz0000h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5gg0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)+.15: >"@$E&F'G(L0O2T5Y7^:`=*Faculty of letters, University of Lausanne 00000'Yf[ef[ 00000'Yf[ef[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF LETTERS OF HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF LETTERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND^\'Yf[ef[h000000'Yf[ef[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ".Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia 00000000'Yf[gf[:}Tyf[xvzy65 0000000000000 00000000'Yf[gf[ 5fMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSITI PUTRA MLAYSIA, MALAYSIABAsia-Africa-Institute / Faculty of Oriental, University of Hamburg00000'Yf[00000000xvz@b / qg mf[00000'Yf[00000000xvz@b / qg mf[ 5?"e,gV^\'Yf[}Tyf[h0000#qQTV00000'Yf[00000000xvz@b/qg mf[n0n0f[S0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS< [f5QQ000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #$*(.*1-4/92>4C6H9J<8College of Arts and Sciences, University of Nevada, Reno 000'Yf[00!h}Tyf[ 000'Yf[00!h}Tyf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANG PROGRAMS BETWEEN THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO, USA, AND THE FACULTY OF INTEGRATED ARTS AND SCIENCES, HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY5e,gV^\'Yf[}Tyf[h00000TFV000'Yf[00!h}Tyf[h0n0n0f[S0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[f 5JJ00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&*#-%2(7*<,A/C20Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Gdansk 00000'Yf[>yOyf[ 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANG PROGRAMS BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK AND THE FACULTY OF INTEGRATED ARTS AND SCIENCES OF HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY5e,gV^\'Yf[}Tyf[h000000qQTV00000'Yf[>yOyf[h0n0n0f[S0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[f5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'#*%/(4*9,>/@2UMAP 000*Ys^ m'Yf[NAm_ji UMAPRvV500000 000*Ys^ m'Yf[NAm_ji 5AGREEMENT FOR UMAP MULTILATERAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE INTERNATIONAL SECRETARIAT OF UNIVERSITY MOBILITY IN ASIA AND THE PACIFICqKarl-Franzens-University Graz Ca'Foscari University Venice Leipzig University Utrecht University Basel University,0000'Yf[ 000000e00000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 0000'Yf[000000 0000 000 0000 000,0000'Yf[ 000000e00000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 0000'Yf[ 5=INTERNATIONAL JOINT MASTER PROGRAM ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENTj 0c}Sj0zv 0k0Y00VqQ TOX00000f50000000000000000000000000  pThe Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education on behalf of the University of Nevada, Reno (USAC)!000'Yf[00!h(000'Yf[00000000000000)USAC "0000N220V50000!000'Yf[00!h(000'Yf[00000000000000)USAC 5BASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS BETWEEN THE BOARD OF REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM OF NEVADA ON BEHALF OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, RENO, USA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN(e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000'Yf[00!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !& +#The University of Cape Coast 0000000'Yf[ 5lAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CAPE COAST AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY%e,gV^\'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " $#000000The University of Sierra Leone000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF SIERRA LEONE, SIERA LEONE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  "% (000Kenyatta University00000'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND KENYATTA UNIVERSITY, KENYA&e,gV^\'Yf[h0000qQTV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #(!*$00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5uAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY, AUSTRALIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN1Flinders University(memorandum for double degree)000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5fMEMORANDUM FOR THE DOUBLE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM BETWEEN FLINDERS UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY1fe,gV^\'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q000000000000000k0Y00TS[b500000000000000000000000000 ,/Flinders University_AN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN FLINDERS UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (e,gV^\'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5##00000000000000000000000000000000000  #&1La Trobe University 000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ 5yAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND CO-OPERATION BETWEEN LA TROBE UNIVERSITY (AUSTRALIA) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (JAPAN)%University of New England00000000000 000000000'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 5kSTUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND, AUSTRALIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h00000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00wgf[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !#%(!+1University of Auckland 000000'Yf[{AN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND (NEW ZEALAND) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (JAPAN))e,gV^\'Yf[h000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5##00000000000000000000000000000000000 !$'Medical University - Sofia0000;Sy'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY - SOFIA, REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)0e,gV^\'Yf[h000000qQTV0000;Sy'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[,500000000 'Sofia University  St. Kliment Ohridski 0000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SOFIA UNIVERSITY "ST. KLIMENT OHRIDSKI", BULGARIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN'&e,gV^\'Yf[h000000qQTV0000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS["5000000 The University of Belgrade000000'Yf[0000000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF BELGRADE, SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h000000000000V000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #%$(&+000000Astana Medical University0000;Sy'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM TO THE ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ASTANA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JA< PAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV0000;Sy'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ! &"+%-(;Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Radiology  Ecology 000>e\};Sf[tXxvz@b 5yAGREEMENT BETWEEN KAZAKH SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF RADIOLOGY  ECOLOGY, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN,e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV000>e\};Sf[tXxvz@bh0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[5 5500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !( *".$3'Emergency Medicine Hospital 00000000Qe%`ub 5YAGREEMENT BETWEEN EMERGENCY MEDICINE HOSPITAL, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN+e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV00000000Qe%`ubh0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$#)&#Semipalatinsk State Medical AcademyVz00000000;Sy'Yf[ 5dAGREEMENT BETWEEN SEMIPALATINSK STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTVVz00000000;Sy'Yf[h0n0n0VNAmk0Y00TS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !##%((*+*Pathology Bureau of the Semipalatinsk City 00000000ut:e@\ 5~AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN PATHOLOGY BUREAU OF THE SEMIPALATINSK CITY, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN,e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV00000000ut:e@\h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "%$*'9Regional Oncological Dispensary of the Semipalatinsk City000000000WWL000000 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN REGIONAL ONCOLOGICAL DISPENSARY OF THE SEMIPALATINSK CITY, KAZAKHSTAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN/ze,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV000000000WWL000000h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[v5!!000000000000000000000000000000000 #%'*The University of Gdask00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5yAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK, POLAND AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN (e,gV^\'Yf[h000000qQTV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # (#*&Warsaw Agricultural University 00000mi'Yf[ 00000mi'Yf[ 5~AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN WARSAW AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, POLAND AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN *e,gV^\'Yf[h000000qQTV00000mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 # ("-%/(Orenburg State University 000000Vz'Yf[ 000000Vz'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM TO AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN ORENBURG STATE UNIVERSITY (ORENBURG, RUSSIA) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (HIROSHIMA, JAPAN) 'e,gV^\'Yf[h0000V000000Vz'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #(""Tomsk State Pedagogical University0000Ye'Yf[0000Ye'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN TOMSK STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#0000Ye'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !&+!-$#Moscow State Pedagogical University 0000VzYe'Yf[ 0000VzYe'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN MOSCOW STATE PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN(e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#0000VzYe'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 66000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  %* /#1&0000]y'Yf[{AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC SND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN TOMSK POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY, RUSSIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#0000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $)!+$University of Jyvskyl 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5_AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY)e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000qQTV0000000'Yf[n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000 !$ 'Malm University000'Yf[000'Yf[ 5JAGREEMENT BETWEEN MALMO UNIVERSITY, SWEDEN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN\e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000V000'Yf[h0n0TS[X5000000000000000000000000 Linkping University 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5sAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN LINKOPING UNIVERSITY, SWEDEN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000sV0000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"&%((University of Amsterdam 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS(e,gV^\'Yf[h00000sV0000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ! &#(&$The University of Toulouse-Le Mirail0000000000000'Yf[0000000000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOULOUSE-LE MIRAIL, FRANCE AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN2e,gV^\'Yf[h00000qQTV0000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %( *%-'0 University Claude Bernard Lyon 1000,{'Yf[ 5aAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN LYON I UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY'e,gV^\'Yf[h00000qQTV000,{'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 <  %*",%BExperimental Center of the French Civilization, Paris c! University00,{V'Yf[}efxvz~p00,{V'Yf[}efxvz~p 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND EXPERIMENTAL CENTER OF THE FRENCH CIVILIZATION, PARIS IV UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[h00000000,{V'Yf[0000efxvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! &$()++.The University of Manchester 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAMME BETWEEN FACULTY OF HUMANITIES, THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER, MANCHESTER, UK AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPANe,gV^\'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000  Cardiff University00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5^AN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN CARDIFF UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY t^\'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[p5000000000000000000000000000000   0000000'Yf[50000zTHE AGREEMENT FOR THE STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, UNITED KINGDOM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0#TsV0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $!&$The University of Leicester0000'Yf[500000000'Yf[50000nMEMORANDUM FOR THE DOUBLE MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAM BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY,*e,gV^\'Yf[h0#TsV0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q000000000000000k0Y00TS[&500000000 0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5zTHE AGREEMENT FOR THE STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF LEICESTER, UNITED KINGDOM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN#e,gV^\'Yf[h0#TsV0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $&!Leeds Metropolitan University 00000000000'Yf[ 00000000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY, UNITED KINGDOM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h0#TsV00000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %"*%,(University of Sussex00000'Yf[ 5xAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX, UNITED KINGDOM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY$e,gV^\'Yf[h0#TsV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %*,"$Wadham College, University of Oxforduox}kp'Yf[skpvo|uox}kp'Yf[skpvo| 5bAN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN WADHAM COLLEGE, OXFORD AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY )t^\'Yf[h000000000'Yf[000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[p5000000000000000000000000000000  !$'Medical University of Graz0000;Sy'Yf[0000;Sy'Yf[ 5lAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GRAZ AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (e,gV^\'Yf[h000000000000;Sy'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $#&&Graz University0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5oAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRAZ UNIVERSITY, AUSTRIA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0000000V0000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $!&$University of Hamburg00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5uAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF HAMBURG, GERMANY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN(e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#qQTV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $) .#The University of Osnabrck 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 5|AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF OSNABRUCK, GERMANY, AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN+e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#qQTV00000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "!'#,&.) Medizinische Hochschule Hannover 000000;Sy'Yf[ 5tBASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND MEDIZINISCHE HOCHSCHULE HANNOVER*e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#000000;Sy'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ""&%((0Eberhard-Karls-Universitat Tubingen 0000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 5rTHE AGREEMENT FOR THE STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TUBINGEN, GERMANY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN'e,gV^\'Yf[h0000#0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  ""%Universidade de Sao Paulo00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSIDADEDE SO PAULO, FEDERATIVE REPUBLIC OF BRAZIL AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)e,gV^\'Yf[h00000#qQTV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[ 5%Universidad Autnoma de Santo Domingo 0000000ꁻl'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE SANTO DOMINGO, THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC+e,gV^\'Yf[h00000qQTV0000000ꁻl'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !!&#+&6Ministerio de Educacin Superior, Ciencia y Tecnologa ؚI{Yeyf[bSw 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON MUTUAL EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND MINISTERIO DE EDUCACION SUPERIOR, CIENCIA TECNOLOGIA, THE DOMINICAN REPUBLIC)e,gV^\'Yf[h00000qQTVؚI{Yeyf[bSwh0n0n0vNNAm0TSRk0Y00f5<<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<   #&),1!7$9';(Saint Mary s University 0000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5vAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SAINT MARY'S UNIVERSITY, CANADA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)e,gV^\'Yf[h0000V0000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !$$&'James Madison University 0000000000'Yf[;  5xAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAMES MADISON UNIIVERSITY, U.S.A. AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "%$')*+-0/@James Madison University (agreement on student exchange program) 0000000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[ 5THE AGREEMENT FOR THE STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN JAMES MADISON UNIVERSITY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "$#'%**,000'Yf[00!h000'Yf[00!h 5{MEMORANDUM TO THE ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT HILO AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY(e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000'Yf[00!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !& +#-&000000'Yf[00000!h 5lAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, BALTIMORE U.S.A. AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY JAPAN.e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000000'Yf[00000!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !!$&&+)-,000'Yf[00!h000'Yf[00!h 5(e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000'Yf[00!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !& +#-&East Carolina University 0000000000'Yf[ 5zMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY, U.S.A. AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN)e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5&&00000000000000000000000000000000000000 !$$University of Hawaii at Mnoa 000'Yf[000!h 000'Yf[000!h 5STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAI AT MANOA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN )e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000'Yf[000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !%$''University of Alabama0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5{STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN &e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #!%$Randolph-Macon College 000000000'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 5THE AGREEMENT OF STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN RANDOLPH-MACON COLLEGE, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN +e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !##&%)1Florida State University 0000]z'Yf[0000]z'Yf[ 5~STUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000]z'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00wgf[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 " &"+%-(University of Minnesota0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5uSTUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY(e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00wgf[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ! &#(&000'Yf[ 5lBASIC AGREEMENT ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE PROGRAMS BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII'e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00VNAm;uk0Y00TS[5 ..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #'")%0000'Yf[0000'Yf[ 5vAN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN (U.S.A.) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY (JAPAN)&e,gV^\'Yf[h00000TFV0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #!%$0000+Jordan University of Science and Technology 0000yf[bS'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN JORDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, JORDAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0e,gV^\'Yf[h000000000000sV0000yf[bS'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[500000000000000000000'Yf[0000000000000000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN CANAKKALE ONSEKIZ MART UNIVERSITY, TURKEY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN1e,gV^\'Yf[h0000qQTV0000000000000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "$')$,&/University of Colombo0000'Yf[ 5vAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF COLOMBO, SRILANKA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h000000l;N>yO;NqQTV0000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "% *#/%4(6+NVietnam International Education Development Ministry of Education and0Training 0000Ye}w 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE VIETNAM INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING, VIETNAM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN=University of Education, Vietnam National University in Hanoi00< 00V['Yf[_ji000 0Ye'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN HANOI, VIETNAM8e,gV^\'Yf[h00000>yO;NqQTV0000V['Yf[_ji000 0Ye'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[ 55University of Medicine and Pharmacy- Ho Chi Minh City 00000^;Syy'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND PHARMACY - HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM.e,gV^\'Yf[h00000>yO;NqQTV00000^;Syy'Yf[h0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $!)$.&3)5,,Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City0000V['Yf[00000^!h 5MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY -HO CHI MINH CITY, VIET NAM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN-e,gV^\'Yf[h00000>yO;NqQTVV['Yf[00000^!hh0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"$ )#.%3(5+*University of Transport and Communications 0000NK8'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS, SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN*e,gV^\'Yf[h00000>yO;NqQTVNK8'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !%(- 2"7%9(000'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF DHAKA, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF BANGLADESH AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN+e,gV^\'Yf[h000000000NlqQTV000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "!'#,&.)LUniversity of the Philippines Diliman0000 0Agreement Renewal (2006.11.15) 00000'Yf[00000!h 00000'Yf[00000!h 5MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES DILIMAN, THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h000000'Yf[00000!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $!&$2National Science and Technology Development Agency 00Vzyf[bSzv^ 5oMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AGENCY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITYe,gV^\'Yf[h000Vzyf[bSzv^h0n0f500000 000000000'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 5yAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN CHULALONGKORN UNIVERSITY, THAILAND AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h000sV0000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !&!00000'Yf[0 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIOAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN KASETSART UNIVERSITY , KINGDOM OF THAILAND AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN$e,gV^\'Yf[h000sV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !&00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 5UAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND THAMMASAT UNIVERSITY$e,gV^\'Yf[h000sV00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "'Sungkyunkwan UniversitybGW('Yf[!h 5uAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND SUNGKYUNKWAN UNIVERSITY, KOREA&e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVbGW('Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !$).3!5$Kyung Hee Universityvaq'Yf[!hvaq'Yf[!h 5`AN AGREEMENT FOR THE EXCHANGE OF STUDENTS BETWEEN KYUNG HEE UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVvaq'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&+-n]'Yf[!hn]'Yf[!h 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND CHEJU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREA"e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVn]'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "',. Wonkwang UniversityWIQ'Yf[!h 5}AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND WONKWANG UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREA"e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVWIQ'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 8800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "',13 ӗVYeT'Yf[ӗVYeT'Yf[ 5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN KOREA NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, KOREA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN#e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVӗVYeT'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "$).35!]WS'Yf[!h]WS'Yf[!h 5cAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN YEUNGNAM UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY"e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlV]WS'Yf[!hh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !&+02 vaS'Yf[!hxSTUDENT EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN KYUNGPOOK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN "e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVvaS'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !%*, ܑq\'Yf[!hܑq\'Yf[!h 5AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN !e,gV^\'Yf[h0'YӗlVܑq\'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #(-/Vz?el'Yf[Vz?el'Yf[<  5#e,gV^\'Yf[h0S~nVz?el'Yf[h0n0;Sn0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f58800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000     %*/1 Taipei Medical UniversitySS;Sf['Yf[SS;Sf['Yf[ 5xAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN TAIPEI MEDICAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWAN AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN!e,gV^\'Yf[h0S~nSS;Sf['Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "'National Central UniversityVz-N.Y'Yf[Vz-N.Y'Yf[ 5kAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY!e,gV^\'Yf[h0S~nVz-N.Y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 66000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %*/1Sun Yat-sen University-Nq\'Yf[ 5VAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY!"e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV-Nq\'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[50000n'Yf[ 5NAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN TSINGHUA UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY(e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVn'Yf[h0n0n0TSRk0Y00TS[$50000000Beijing Jiaotong UniversitySNN'Yf[ 5xAGREEMANT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL ECHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY, CHINA&e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVSNN'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "&).38!:$VnWS'Yf[ 5`AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HUNAN UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY$e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVVnWS'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$).35"Soochow University]'Yf[]'Yf[ 5bAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY$e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV]'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 ;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #%*/46"-Wenzhou University )n]'Yf[)n]'Yf[ 5bAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN WENZHOU UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY$e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV)n]'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5<<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $&+057".Nanjing University WSN'Yf[RAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY AND NANJING UNIVERSITY!e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVWSN'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 66000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #%*/1fk"o'Yf[oAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN WUHAN UNIVERSITY, CHINA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN$e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVfk"o'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$).35"qgS+^{'Yf[qgS+^{'Yf[ 5yAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN NORTHEAST NORMAL UNIVERSITY, CHINA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVqgS+^{'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "',!.$1Ocean University of China (Tsuneishi Corporation)l8^w 9*h_O>y -NVwm m'Yf[h500000000000000000000000000000   AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV-NVwm m'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5RR0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-26:!<#A&F(K+M. Nwm+^{'Yf[ Nwm+^{'Yf[ 5jAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SHANGHAI NORMAL UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY&e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV Nwm+^{'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #').38!:$EBeihang University (Beijing University of Aeronautics  Astronautics)SN*zz*)Y'Yf[SN*zz*)Y'Yf[ 5cAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN BEIHANG UNIVERSITY AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY 'e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVSN*zz)Y'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$(*/49";%1Zhejiang Ocean University (Tsuneishi Corporation)n8^w 9*h_O>y Ym_lwm mf[bj5000000000000000000000000000    AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN ZHEJIANG OCEAN UNIVERSITY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTVYm_lwm mf[bh0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-.26!8#=&B(G+I.DJiangsu University of Science and Technology (Tsuneishi Corporation)d8^w 9*h_O>y _lyb'Yf[`50000000000000000000000000   AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN JIANGSU UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV_lyb'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5NN000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-026!8#=&B(G+I.EHuazhong University of Science and Technology (Tsuneishi Corporation)f8^w 9*h_O>y -Nyb'Yf[b50000000000000000< 0000000000   AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HUAZHONG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV-Nyb'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-137!9#>&C(H+J.7Dalian University of Technology (Tsuneishi Corporation)h8^w 9*h_O>y 'Y#t]'Yf[d5000000000000000000000000000   AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV'Y#t]'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5PP00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-148!:#?&D(I+K.6Wuhan University of Technology (Tsuneishi Corporation)f8^w 9*h_O>y fk"ot]'Yf[b500000000000000000000000000   AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY0e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTVfk"ot]'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-037!9#>&C(H+J.*Tianjin University (Tsuneishi Corporation) \8^w 9*h_O>y )Y%m'Yf[X5000000000000000000000000  zAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN TIANJIN UNIVERSITY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY.e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV)Y%m'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[ 5MM00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-157!<$A&F)H,5Harbin Engineering University (Tsuneishi Corporation)\8^w 9*h_O>y 0000] z'Yf[X5000000000000000000000000 AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN HARBIN ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY (TSUNEISHI CORPORATION) AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY2e,gV^\'Yf[Ss08^w 9*h_O>yh0-NNlqQTV0000] z'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[ 5MM00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #'-15#7%<(A*F-H0V]mi'Yf[}AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SICHUAN AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY, CHINA AND HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY, JAPAN&e,gV^\'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVV]mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #').38!:$ NwmN'Yf[; 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--000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<    #',}Northeast Normal University, China Medical University, Jilin University, Dalian Medical University, Harbin Medical University"qgS+^{'Yf[0-NV;Sy'Yf[0 Tg'Yf[0'Y#;Sy'Yf[00000;Sy'Yf[ 5 only chineseO-NECUS00000TS[ 500'Yf[500007Agreement of Okayama-Hue International Master's Program\q\'Yf[000'Yf[byr%R000TS[ 5lqQ Txvzk0Y00D^\efwO h500000000000000000000000000    RInstitute for Biomedical Problems, State Research Center of the Russian Federation000#Vzyf[0000uir;Sf[xvz@b 5Kazan State University000]z'Yf[ 5University of Bucharest 00000'Yf[ 5` Petru Poni Insutitute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Institute of Excellence of Romanian Academy 00000ؚRP[Sf[xvz@b 5)Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague 000Sf[]f['Yf[000 5Cracow University of Technology0000]y'Yf[ 5Gdansk University of Technology 00000]y'Yf[ 5$Aristotle University of Thessaloniki0000000000000'Yf[ 5Roma Tre University 000,{'Yf[]f[ 5University of L'Aquila0000'Yf[ 5University of Porto 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5University of Notre Dame000000'Yf[ 5 University of Alasuka, Fairbanks0000'Yf[0000000!h 5University of Missouri-Rolla 0000'Yf[000!h 5Louisiana State University 00000]z'Yf[ 5University of Washington00000'Yf[ 5University of Saskatchewan 0000000'Yf[ 5El-Minufiya University 00 000000'Yf[ 5South Valley University000000'Yf[ 5Faculty of Communications 000000000f[5000 University of Canberra 00000'Yf[  5000000ge'Yf[ 00000000000 53College of Oral Medicine, Taipei Medical University ZSS;Sf['Yf[ST;Sf[bV500000000000000000000  VzS~n'Yf[ 5National Dong Hwa UnversityVzqg'Yf[ 5!National University of Kaohsiung VzؚĖ'Yf[ 5#The Chinese University of Hong Kong /n-Ne'Yf[0tf[bSf[y 5q\qg'Yf[!h 5.Zhujiang Hospital, Southern Medical University VWSe;Sy'Yf[s_lubR5000000000000000000   ADalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[b'Y#Sf[irtxvz@b 5Luoyang Central HospitalDm}^-N_ub@5000000000000000 :-NVNl'Yf[65 0000000000000 5College of Life Sciences at Inner Mongolia University 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HebeiHlSmi'Yf[000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5+College of Life Sciences, Peking University SN'Yf[u}Tyf[f[b00 5ZInstitute of Chinese Materia Medica, Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine  Nwm-N;S'Yf[ 5+Central University of Finance and Economics-N.YL}'Yf[ 5Xiamen UniversityS'Yf[ 5ACollege of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[Sf[Ss0RP[] zf[b 5=College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University Ym_l'Yf[miuirbSf[b 5'Y#;Sy'Yf[ 5(School of Stomatology, Peking University SN'Yf[ST;Sf[b 5$Department of Law, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[lf[b 5KCollege of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, Zhejiang University Ym_l'Yf[PgeSs0Sf[] zf[b 5/Shanghai Jiao Tong University  NwmN'Yf[ 5WS f'Yf[ 5APeking Union Medical College, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences-NV;Sf[yf[b-NVTST;Sy'Yf[ 5Danang University of Technology000]y'Yf[ 5WInstitute of Environmental Science & Engineering Hanoi University of Civil Engineering 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5University of Adelaide00000'Yf[ 5University of South Australia 0000000000'Yf[ 5University of Ghana000'Yf[ 56Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology 00000000]'Yf[ 5000'Yf[ 5Karadeniz Technical University 000000]y'Yf[ 5(National Taipei University of TechnologyBVzSSyb'Yf[>500000000000000 National Taiwan University0(National Institute of Education Cambodia-00000VzYe'Yf[0000000000000000000000000000000000 5Shaanxi Normal University6]+^{'Yf[25 00000000000/Changchun University of Science and Technology InnerMongolia university,QS'Yf[(5 000000000*Henan University of Science and TechnologylWSyb'Yf[ 51University of Shanghai for Science and Technology8 Nwmt]'Yf[45 0000000000003Beijing Information Science & Technology UniversityFSNOo`yb'Yf[B5 0000000000000 0000;Sy'Yf[ 5-Liaoning University of Science and Technology|[yb'Yf[ 5'Y#]mi'Yf[ 58Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences -NVyf[bff iirxvz@b 5Zheng Zhou University-]'Yf[ 5&Inner Mongolia Agricultural 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\9h'Yf[h0WSNgmi'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000   Northeast Forestry University:qgSgmi'Yf[65 0000000000000 \9h'Yf[h0qgSgmi'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000    The University of Texas at Tyler &0000'Yf[0000!h"5000000 XAGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN Shimane University and The University of Texas at Tylern\9h'Yf[h00000'Yf[0000!hh0n0NAmk0Y00TS[fj5000000000000000000000000000   The University of Arizona0000'Yf[50000]AGREEMENT OF COOPERATION BETWEEN The University of Arizona, USA AND Shimane University, Japan!e,gV0\9h'Yf[h00000TFV00000'Yf[h0NAmk0Y00TS[f5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000  &0000'Yf[000!h"5000000 aMEMORANDUM OF UNIDERSTANDING BETWEEN SHIMANE UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT DALLAS,USA&e,gV0\9h'Yf[h00000TFV00000'Yf[000!hh0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #University of Colorado0000'Yf[50000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER, UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO, USA AND SHIMANE UNIVERSITY JAPAN*e,gV\9h'Yf[h00000TFV0000'Yf[eP^yf[0000h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #!($*'University of Arkansas000000'Yf[50000?AGREEMENT BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS AND SHIMANE UNIVERSITYR\9h'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00TafN50000000000000000000  &0000000'Yf[0000!h"5000000 IAGREEMENT BETWEEN SHIMANE UNIVERSITY AND UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS\\9h'Yf[h00000000'Yf[0000!hh0n0k0J0Q00TafX5000000000000000000000   Kent State University,000]z'Yf[(5 000000000OMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN KENT STATE UNIVERSITY, USA & SHIMANE UNIVERSITY\9h'Yf[h0000]z'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00NAmk0Y00TS[f|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000 Central Washington University 00000000000'Yf[50000 FAGREEMENT BETWEEN CENTRAL WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY AND SHIMANE UNIVERSITYd\9h'Yf[h000000000000'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[f`50000000000000000000000000 Hebrew University of Jerusalem \0000000000'Yf[0000H.000miߘetXyf[X5000000000000000000000000  .Agreement of Academic Exchange and Cooperation Xf[SNAmTS[(@\)T50000000000000000000000  S'Yf[University of Vermont *00000'Yf[;Sf[&500000000/Agreement for Academic Exchange and CooperationAston University L0000'Yf[]f[_(uyf[H50000000000000000  (VTT Technical Research Center of Finland >000000VzbSxvz@b:5000000000000000 Agreement for Academic ExchangeHCenter for Imaginative research of the University of Stendhal-Grenoble 3P000000,{ N'Yf[`P'`xvz@bL5000000000000000000000  $AgroSup Dijon University of Burgundy &000000'Yf[0AGROSUP DIJON!h "5000000Agreement of Academic ExchangeSan Lazaro Hospital00000ub5000006Center for Remote Sensing, Institute Teknologi Bandung"R0000y'Yf[xvz0000000000000000000Ss0f[N50000000000000000000 National Nanotechnology Center(0000]y'Yf[0000000000000$50000000/Agreement for Academic Exchange and copperation0Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University00Vz00000000000050000/Faculty of Veterinary, Chulalongkorn University d'Y#t]'Yf[0_jh] zf[b`50000000000000000000000   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00000Vzxvz@b,5 00000000000/Agreement of Academic Exchange and CooperationFederal University of Semi-aridD#JS~Nq0W'Yf[@5000000000000000 -Agreement of Academic Exchangeand CooperationINational Institute of Forestry, Agricultural and Animal Research (INIFAP) NVzgrgmixvz@bJ500000000000000000000 7Center for Biological Research of Northwest Mexico S.C.@0000Suirf[xvz0000<50000000000000000 ,Autonomous University of Baja California Sur2WS000000000ꁻl'Yf[.< 5 000000000  8The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (MAI-Bari) B0000W-Nwmf[xvz@b>500000000000000000 University of Karlstad 0000000'Yf[50000University of Waterloo 0000000'Yf[50000"University of California, Barkeley&0000000'Yf[00000!h"5000000&000'Yf[00!h"50000000000'Yf[50000KInstitute of Tropical Biology, Vietnamese Academy of Science and TechnologytVz6qyf[bS0000Nq/^uirxvz@bp5000000000000000000000000000000  -Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember(ITS)Sebelas Maret University 000000000'Yf[50000 8Institute of Chemical and Engineering of Sciences (ICES)J000000VzSf[]f[xvz@bF5000000000000000000  2Forest Products Research and Development Institute Phgu#uirzvxvz@bL5000000000000000000000 *0000Vz'Yf[&500000000?Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment of Mongolia N0000la4letXxvz@bJ500000000000000000000 6Institute of Biology The Mongolian Academy of Sciences@0000yf[00000uirf[xvz@b<50000000000000000  <Agreement of Academic Exchange and Joint Research ActivitiesTungHai University"Agreement for Academic CopperationMing Chuan University*P'Yf[&5000000002 Tg'Yf[.5 0000000002|['Yf[.5 000000000Chinese Academy of Forestry T-NVgmiyf[xvzbP500000000000000000000  cInstitute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences-NVmiyf[bminjnSs0mi:S;uxvz@b5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000     !JEdiblefungus Research Institute, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciencest Nwm^miyf[bߘ(ũxvz@bp5000000000000000000000000000000   Inner Mongolia UniversityIInstitute of Environment and 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AND WAKAYAMA UNIVERSITY,JAPAN3e,gVTLkq\'Yf[h00000TFV0000000'Yf[0000000!hh0n0Ye0f[STSRk0Y00'Yf[TS[5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<    #&$(*+,.0021TLkq\ wSs00000]n0L}n0eSn0O2n0_00n0vNTSR~5 0000000000000000000000000000000  The University of West Florida&0000'Yf["5000000eMemorandum of Cooperation and Exchange Between The University of West Florida and Wakayama UniversityTLkq\'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0n0f[S0Yen0S}YTSRk0Y005 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %VVienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Tourism and Leisure StudeiesL0000L}n'Yf[IQ0000xvz@bH50000000000000000000 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN Vienna University of Economics and Business Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studeies#TLkq\'Yf[h00000L}n'Yf[IQ0000xvz@bh0n0VNAmk0Y00f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  $&!The University of Zaragoza00000'Yf[50000:COLLABORATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ZARAGOZAXTLkq\'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0NAmTS[T50000000000000000000000  $Audencia Nantes School of Management000000000000000000000 5^AGREEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN WAAYAMA UNIVERSITY AND AUDENCIA NANTES SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT%TTLkq\'Yf[h0000000000000000000000h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[P500000000000000000000 #Paris Diderot University 0000000'Yf[50000lTLkq\'Yf[h0000000000,{ 'Yf[h0n0NAmTS[fh500000000000000000000000000 Euromed Management 0000000000000 5LAGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN WAKAYAMA UNIVERSITY AND EUROMED MANAGEMENT"tTLkq\'Yf[h00000000000000h0n0n0S}YTSRk0Y00TS[fp5000000000000000000000000000000 /University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliars(000000 0000000]y'Yf[$50000000sGENERAL AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITIES OF TECHNOLOGY(UTT-UTC-UTBM) AND WAKAYAMA UNIVERSITY:TLkq\'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[00000000]y'Yf[0000000-0000000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,TS[5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  (*."0'3)6-8 (0000000]y'Yf[$50000000 "University of Technology of 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of Technology `Academic Exchange Agreement between Dalian University of Technology and Nara Women s UniversityHanoi University 000'Yf[50000pAcademic Exchange Agreement between Hanoi University (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) and Nara Women s UniversityxAcademic Exchange Agreement between Foreign Trade University (Socialist Republic of Vietnam) and Nara Women s University< IExchange Agreement between Tunghai University and Nara Women s University6The University of Social Sciences and Humanities-Hanoi6y0000V['Yf[000 Ne>yOyf['Yf[25 00000000000 wAcademic Exchange Agreement between The University of Social Sciences and Humanities-Hanoi and Nara Women s UniversityTUniversity of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University-Hanoiy0000V['Yf[000 YV'Yf[ 5Agreement of Cooperation between University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University-Hanoi and Nara Women s UniversityVAgreement of Cooperation between Inner Mongolia University and Nara Women s UniversityNational Tsing Hua University6Vzn'Yf[25 00000000000ZAgreement of Cooperation between National Tsing Hua University and Nara Women s UniversityUniversity of LeicesterTAgreement of Cooperation between University of Leicester and Nara Women s UniversityUniversity Trier0000'Yf[50000MAgreement of Cooperation between University Trier and Nara Women s University"University Paris Diderot - Paris 7&0000000000,{'Yf["5000000  _Agreement of Cooperation between University Paris Diderot - Paris 7 and Nara Women s UniversityUniversity of Bologna00000'Yf[50000RAgreement of Cooperation between University of Bologna and Nara Women s University(fk"o'Yf[$50000000MAgreement of Cooperation between Wuhan University and Nara Women s University (0000000y'Yf[$50000000 _Agreement of Cooperation between Bangladesh Agricultural University and Nara Women s University0000000#Afghanistan University of Education ,0000000Ye'Yf[(5 000000000 `Agreement of Cooperation between Afghanistan University of Education and Nara Women s UniversityKabul University0000'Yf[50000MAgreement of Cooperation between Kabul University and Nara Women s UniversityXinjiang University,eu'Yf[(5 000000000PAgreement of Cooperation between Xinjiang University and Nara Women s UniversityZAgreement of Cooperation between Hanoi University of Education and Nara Women s University(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia 8000NlS}Y'Yf[45 000000000000eAgreement of Cooperation between Peoples' Friendship University of Russia and Nara Women s University000'Yf[50000VAgreement of Cooperation between Seoul National University and Nara Women s UniversityKatholieke Universiteit Leuven 00000000000'Yf[50000 [Agreement of Cooperation between Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Nara Women s UniversityDonghua University2qg'Yf[.5 000000000OAgreement of Cooperation between Donghua University and Nara Women s University Mills College0000000 5JAgreement of Cooperation between Mills College and Nara Women s University.The University of North Carolina at Greensboro&00000000'Yf[00000000!h"5000000kAgreement of Cooperation between The University of North Carolina at Greensboro and Nara Women s University Karl Franzens University of Graz0000'Yf[50000]Agreement of Cooperation between Karl Franzens University of Graz and Nara Women s University8Karol Marcinkowski Poznan University of Medical Sciences*0000000000000000000;Syf['Yf[&500000000uAgreement of Cooperation between Karol Marcinkowski Poznan University of Medical Sciences and Nara Women s University!Queen Margaret University College0000000000000000000000 5^Agreement of Cooperation between Queen Margaret University College and Nara Women s UniversityVAgreement of Cooperation between Xi'an Jiaotong University and Nara Women s University*]'Yf[&500000000OAgreement of Cooperation between Soochow University and Nara Women s UniversityEwha Woman's University<hsYP['Yf[85 00000000000TAgreement of Cooperation between Ewha Woman's University and Nara Women s UniversitySAgreement of Cooperation between University of Canberra and Nara Women s University*y0000Vz'Yf[&500000000_Agreement of Cooperation between Vietnam National University, Hanoi and Nara Women s UniversityThe Oriel College, Oxford0000000'Yf[0000000000050000VAgreement of Cooperation between The Oriel College, Oxford and Nara Women s University6/nt]'Yf[25 00000000000aAgreement of Cooperation between The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Nara Women s University*WSN'Yf[&500000000OAgreement of Cooperation between Nanji< ng University and Nara Women s UniversityXi'an Polytechnic University8[] z'Yf[45 000000000000YAgreement of Cooperation between Xi'an Polytechnic University and Nara Women s University) Gwangju National University of EducationFIQ]Ye'Yf[!hB50000000000000000 {MEMORANDUM of UNDERSTANDING between Nara University of Education(Japan) and Gwangju National University of Education(Korea)e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0'YӗlVIQ]Ye'Yf[!hh0n0TS[f5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "(HYoYe'Yf[[0j0W0500lQ]'Yf[!h 5&General Agreement for Academic Cooperation Between Nara University of Education, Nara, Japan And Kongju National University, Gongjyu, Korea(Student Exchange Agreement Addendum to the General Agreement for Academic Cooperation Between Nara University of Education And Kongju National University)Ge,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0'YӗlVlQ]'Yf[!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00}bvTS[e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0'YӗlVlQ]'Yf[!hh0n0f[uNAmk0Y00}bvTS[f  5[0j0W0Agreement With Academic Cooperation Between East China Normal University, People's Republic of China And Nara University of Education, Japan#-NNlqQTVqg+^{'Yf[h0e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5!Indonesia University of Education 000000Ye'Yf[ 5%Xian International Studies University[YV'Yf[ 5vAgreement With0Academic0Cooperation Between Xian International Studies University and Nara University of Education$-NNlqQTV[YV'Yf[h0e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5 University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 000,{ N'Yf[ 5iStudent Exchange Agreement Between Nara University of Education and University Jean Moulin - Lyon 3 HYoYe'Yf[Ss0000,{ N'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[ 5University of Bucharest 00000'Yf[ 5nStudent Exchange Agreement Between University of Bucharest, Romania and Nara University of Education, Japane,gVHYoYe'Yf[h000000V00000'Yf[n0f[uNAmTS[ 5]WS'Yf[!h 5yAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Yeungnam University, The Republic of Korea and Nara University of Education, Japane,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0'YӗlV]WS'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[n0NAmTS[ 5Central Michigan University 000000000'Yf[ 5Student Exchange Agreement Between Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan,U.S.A and Nara University of Education, Nara, Japan%e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h00000TFV0000000000'Yf[n0f[uNAmTS[ 5Heidelberg UniversityeExchange Agreement Between Nara University of Education and Ruprecht-Karls University of Heidelberg*e,gVHYoYe'Yf[h0000#qQTV0000000000000000'Yf[n0NAmTS[ 5Lock Haven University 00000000'Yf[ 5dMemorandum on The Exchange Program Between Lock Haven University and Nara University of Education$HYoYe'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAm;uk0Y00TS[ 50000Riga Technical University00]y'Yf[ 5^y8b'Yf[7Penza State University of Architecture and Construction 000]z^{^-'Yf[ 5 rVeSf[xvzy0VeSf[0zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzyn500000000000000000000000000000 0000Ye'Yf[ 5Russian Academy of Sciences 000yf[00000 5%Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski0000'Yf[50000Provdif Agricultural University, Plovdiv University, Sofia University, AgroBioInstitute, Dobroudja Agricultural Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Science;000000y'Yf[000000'Yf[00000'Yf[0000000xvz@b000000mixvz@b000000yf[00000 5VeSf[Babe_-Bolyai University 00000000'Yf[ 5f[xvzy000000'Yf[ 5JFaculty of Arts and Philosophy, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of LawNef[0>yOyf[0lf[Oef[0Nef[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzy0lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0wmNyf[0wmNyf[xvzy000'Yf[ 5Faculty of Oriental Studiesqg mf[VeSf[xvzy0VeSf[00000'Yf[ 5Tf[ 2ef[0Nef[xvzy.5 000000000000ysk'Yf[ 5University of Graz0000'Yf[ 50000;Sy'Yf[ 5+Research Institute for Symbolic ComputationS{xvz@bNzvTtXf[xvzy0tf[xvzyJohannes Kepler University Linz 000000000'Yf[ 5 L}Uf[xvzy0L}nf[:Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration0000L}n'Yf[ 5L}Uf[50000DAdvanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators0000!h33\ zSSLMIT 00000'Yf[ 5 Ca' Foscari University of Venice000000'Yf[ 5ZITIA-CNR (Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation - National Research Council)ZITIA-CNR (Institute of Industrial Technologies and Automation - National Research Council) 5 6qyf[xvzy0]f[University of Ferrara00000'Yf[ 5Faculty of EconomicsL}nf[ lf[0lf[xvzyUniversity of Coimbra00000'Yf[ 5Strasbourg University 0000000'Yf[50000tf[xvzyCte d'Azur Observatory 00000000)YeS 5)University School of Management (IGR-IAE) L}Uf[b0OmiL}Uf[bUniversity of Rennes 1000,{1'Yf[ 5"Paris Diderot University - Paris 70000000 (,{7) 'Yf[ 5Paris 13 University00,{13'Yf[ 5Stendhal-Grenoble 3 University000000,{3'Yf[000000  5ENS Lyon0000ؚI{+^{'Yf[000Nef[!h 5 ]f[0]f[xvzy INSA Lyon 000000]y'Yf[ 5"BRGM (Geological Survey of France)BRGM00000Wꌿg@b  5=VeSf[0zvTyf[0lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0ef[0ef[xvzy0}TNyf[xvzy0eSf[xvzy)Paris West University Nanterre La Dfense00000000000000 (00,{10) 'Yf[ 5lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzyPanthon-Assas University000000000 (00,{2) 'Yf[ 5 ]f[06qyf[xvzy+Lyons Central School for Industry and Trade000]y'Yf[ 53High Magnetic Field National Laboratory of Toulouse0000Vz000x4Xxvz@b 5 L}Uf[xvzy0L}Uf[EUROMED MANAGEMENT.Facult des Lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines ef[SNeyf[VeSf[0zvTyf[0VeSf[xvzy#University of Nice Sophia Antipolis00000000000000'Yf[ 5 LL}Uf[0L}Uf[xvzyH50000000000000000000  ESCP EUROPE000000000000000000000000 5University of HohenheimL}nf[xvzy"Berlin School of< Economics and Law 0000L}nly'Yf[ 5(Reseach Center Dresden - Rossendorf e.V.0000000000000xvz0000 5,Asia-Africa Institute, Faculty of HumanitiesNeyf[萢00000000xvz@b+0VeSf[0ef[0zvTyf[0VeSf[xvzy0NzvTtXf[xvzy0Nef[xvzy,500000000  00000'Yf[ 5L}Uf[xvzy(WHU - Otto Beisheim School of ManagementWHU 5&Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel0000000000000'Yf[ 5000000000000'Yf[000000000000'Yf[  5University of Groningen 0000000'Yf[ 5QFaculty of Humanities, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Behavioural SciencesNef[0lf[0>yOLRf[萎ef[0Nef[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzy0lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0tf[0tf[xvzy0;Sf[0;Sf[OePf[y0;Sf[xvzy0OePf[xvzy0]f[0]f[xvzy0f[0f[xvzy0wmNyf[0wmNyf[xvzy0VTSRxvzy" Free University of Brussels (VUB)0000001u'Yf[-|  5" Free University of Brussels (ULB)0000001u'Yf[N|  5Nef[xvzy2VeSf[xvzy0L}nf[xvzy.5 000000000000  Nef[L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzyCatholic University of LeuvensFaculty of Arts and Philosophy, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Faculty of Bioscience EngineeringNef[0L}nL}Uf[0000yf[]f[ L}nf[xvzy0f[xvzyGhent University000'Yf[ 5 lf[0lf[xvzyThe University of Dundee00000'Yf[ 5Hertford College 00000000000 ef[0Nef[xvzyUniversity of Oxford 00000000'Yf[ 5#School of Education and Social Work Yef[>yOf[xvzyVTSRxvzy00000'Yf[ 5University of Manchester 0000000'Yf[ 5School of Development Studieszvf[ 000000000'Yf[ 5,Institute of Education, University of London 0000'Yf[Ye'Yf[b 5Wef[0Nef[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzy0lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0VTSRxvzy0Yuf[u00000D^\Vf(0000'Yf[qg m0000xvzf[b 5Cardiff Business School 000000000000 LL}Uf[0L}Uf[xvzyH50000000000000000000 00000'Yf[ 5 000000000000000000'Yf[ 5$DVeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0}TNyf[xvzy0ef[0ef[xvzy0@5000000000000000   Middlesex University 0000000'Yf[ 5&National University of Ireland, Galway000000Vz'Yf[00000!h 5 L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy 00000000'Yf[ 5"VeSf[0zvTyf[0}TNyf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzyUniversity of Aarhus0000'Yf[ 5:Norwegian School of Economice and Business Administration 000000000000'Yf[ 59Oslo and Akerschus University College of Applied Sciences9Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration 00000L}nL}U'Yf[ 5%School of Business, Economics and LawL}UL}nlf[5000University of Gothenburg00000'Yf[ 5]f[0]f[xvzy00000`1Xf[xvzyLinkping Univeristy000000'Yf[ 5World Maritime University/IMONLuwmN'Yf[ 5 Tampere University of Technology0000]y'Yf[ 5RThe United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)V#00000000000L}nYTO 500000Universidad del Norte000'Yf[ 5& Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Faculty of Lawlf[lf[xvzyRio de Janeiro State University 00000000]z'Yf[ 5tf[0]f[06qyf[xvzy ]z000000'Yf[ 53Federal Center of Technological Education of Parana 000]f[Ye#T'Yf[ 500000University for PeaceV#s^T'Yf[ 5The University of Guadalajara000000'Yf[ 5College of Arts and Humanities0000TFVUniversity of Maryland000000'Yf[ 50College of Humanities, Arts, and Social SciencesNeS>yOf[Utah State University00]z'Yf[ 5Boston College00000000 5VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy&The University of Tennessee, Knoxville0000'Yf[ 5FHI360FHI360 5University of South Florida 0000000'Yf[ 53Graduate School of Public and International Affairs lQqQ0VO'Yf[b000000'Yf[ 5Yale UniversityMaine Maritime Academy000wmN'Yf[ 5.WN9[*5 0000000000California Maritime Academy 0000000wmN'Yf[ 5 John A. Burns School of Medicine ;Sf[|xvzy0;Sf[!School of Business AdministrationL}Uf[ 0000'Yf[000000!h 5Brandeis University000000'Yf[ 5Emory University0000'Yf[ 50000000'Yf[00000!h 5$Institute for Scientific Computation yf[bS{xvz@b 0000`1Xf[xvzyBrock University0000'Yf[ 5University of British Columbia0000000000000'Yf[ 5University of TorontoDivision of HumanitiesNef[y 00000]y'Yf[5000Sydney Law SchoolThe University of SydneyFaculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Faculty of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences)Nee>yOf[0L}neL}Uf[0]f[000000000pef[0lf[0u}Tirtf[cef[0ef[xvzy0VeSf[0zvTyf[0lf[0lf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy0tf[0]f[0}TNyf[xvzy0eSf[xvzy0Yuf[u00000V00000000000000D^\Vf( 0000000'Yf[ 5Australian Maritime College 0000000FU9'Yf[ 5University of Malawi0000'Yf[ 5:Ministry of Education and Sports in the Republic of Uganda0000Yew 5University of Dar es Salaam 00000000'Yf[ 5MasenoUniversity000'Yf[50000cs;Sf[000Kl'Yf[ 5*Faculty of Economics and Political Science L}nf[?elf[xvzy000'Yf[ 5#Al-Azhar University (Assiut Branch)000000'Yf[ 5Assiut University00000'Yf[ 50000.Ministry of Education in the Republic of Yemen0000VYew 5Harran University000'Yf[50000University of Adiyaman000000'Yf[ 5Istanbul Technical University 0000000]y'Yf[ 5Islamic Azad University000'Yf[ 5College of Lawlf[bVz?el'Yf[ 5HCollege of Management, College of Maritime, College of Ocean Engineering{tf[b0wmNf[b0wm mL zf[b wmNyf[0wmNyf[xvzy VzؚĖwm myb'Yf[ 5VzSS'Yf[ 5'Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica -N.YxvzbL}nxvz@b 5000V< z'Yf[ 5International University0000V'Yf[ 5*College of Resources and Civil Engineering RnjnSs0W(g] zf[bN50000000000000000   >]f[0]f[xvzy0:5000000000000000 College of Plant Protection iirOwf[b.f[xvzy*5 0000000000Sgyb'Yf[ 5xfk"o'Yf[0YVef[f[be,gf[t500000000000000000000000000000    2L}nf[xvzy.5 000000000000 VO0lQqQNRf[bFVTSRxvzyB50000000000000000  RVO0lQqQNRf[bN50000000000000000000   0000000000000-Nyb'Yf[ 5Medical School;Sf[bNingbo University[l'Yf[ 5School of Civil EngineeringW(g] zf[b*College of Architecture and Urban Planning^{Wf[b͑va'Yf[ 5Southeast UniversityqgWS'Yf[ 5College of EconomicsL}nf[b3School of Civil Engineering, School of Architecture W(gf[b0^{f[b]f[0]f[xvzy0^[hQxvz0000Southwest Jiaotong UniversityWSN'Yf[ 5School of EconomicsLanzhou University-]'Yf[ 5#Beijing Center for Japanese Studies SNe,gf[xvz00006c:yf[xvzy25 00000000000iBeijing Center for Japanese Studies, School of International Relations and Diplomacy, Japanese DepartmentSNe,gf[xvz00000VOf[b0e,gf[&ef[0Nef[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzySNYV'Yf[ 5Scool of Economics Chengdu University of Technologybt]'Yf[ 5 Law School-China University of Political Science and Law-NV?el'Yf[ 5ef[b+ef[0Nef[xvzy0VeSf[0VeSf[xvzy0zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzyDDepartment of Chinese Language and Literature, Department of History -NVsef[|0tkSf[|-N.Yle'Yf[ 5School of HumanitiesNef[bVeSf[xvzy@School of Humanities, College of Media and International CultureNef[b0OZh0VeSf[b'ef[0ef[xvzy0eSf[xvzy0VeSf[0zvTyf[0}TNyf[xvzy8Institute of Marine Development, College of Liberal Arts wm mzvU\xvzb0ef[bef[0ef[xvzy0eSf[xvzy0wmNyf[-NVwm m'Yf[ 5Department of Fine ArtsS|ef[0ef[xvzy0eSf[xvzyZhengzhou University-]'Yf[ 5xFaculty of Education, School of Foreign Languages and Literatures, School of Political Science and International Studies4Yef[0?elf[VOf[b0YVef[f[b05 0000000000zvTyf[0VeSf[0}TNyf[xvzyJiangnan University_lWS'Yf[ 5Dalian Maritime University'Y#wmN'Yf[ 5Shanghai Maritime University NwmwmN'Yf[ 55Central South Uninversity of forestry and technology-NWSgmiyb'Yf[ 5(Zhongnan University of Economics and Law-NWSL}?el'Yf[ 5;Sf[|xvzyQSchool of Education Science, Si-mian Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities(Yeyf[f[b0Neyf[f[b0`RNeؚI{xvzb$50000000  zvTyf[0VeSf[0}TNyf[xvzy0Nef[xvzySun Yat-Sen UniversityShangdong Universityq\qg'Yf[ 5School of Education Science Yeyf[bSf[bzvTyf[0}TNyf[xvzy'China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)-NV0W'Yf[ 5)Y%m'Yf[ 5000;Sy'Yf[ 5,University of Social Sciences and Humanities>yONeyf['Yf[-Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City0000V['Yf[00000^ 5+Vietnamese Academy of Agricultural Sciences 0000mi00000 5f'Yf[ 5National Economics UniversityVlL}n'Yf[ 5000]y'Yf[ 5Course of Tropical Agricultureq/^f[000 f[06qyf[xvzyUlaanbaatar University 0000000'Yf[ 5(Graduate School of International StudiesV'Yf[bDepartment of EconomicsYonsei University Wonju CampusSogang University!International University of KoreaӗVV'Yf[!h 5zvTyf[0NzvTtXf[xvzy'Gongju National University of EducationlQ]Ye'Yf[!hSs0Ye'Yf[b 5Division of Social WelfareQ;myIy'Yf[b NzvTtXf[xvzyKorea Nazarene University000'Yf[!h 5Graduate School of Internationa000Vz'Yf[!h 5VzhQS'Yf[!h 5FCollege of Engineering and Graduate School (department of Engineering)]y'Yf[Ss0'Yf[b]f[| ly'Yf[VzhQWS'Yf[!h 5Vzn]'Yf[!h 5ӗVwm m'Yf[!h 5"Mokpo National Maritime University(gfmwm m'Yf[!h 5Vzq\'Yf[!h 5College of Confucian Studies & Eastern philosophy, College of Liberal Arts, College of Law (SKKU Law School), School of Life Science and Biotechnology, School of Information and Communication, College of Engineering5 Qf[0qg mf[0Nef[0ly'Yf['Yf[b0u}Tyf[e000000000'Yf[b0`1XO]f['Yf[b0]f[50000009ef[0ef[xvzy0eSf[xvzy0lf[0lf[xvzy0]f[0]f[xvzy00000`1Xf[xvzy0f[0f[xvzyCollege of Humanities+College of Humanities, College of Education Nef[0+^{f[ ef[0VeSf[ܑq\Vz'Yf[!h 5|College of Economics and Finance, Global Graduate School of Business, College of Engineering, Graduate School of EngineeringL}nё'Yf[0'Yf[bL}nf[y0]y'Yf[0'Yf[b]f[|]f[06qyf[xvzy0L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy"o}'Yf[!h 5%University of the Philippines Diliman 00000'Yf[00000!h 5 0000000000'Yf[ 5'University of the Philippines Los Baos 00000'Yf[00000!h 5$University of the Philippines Manila 00000'Yf[000!h 5OePf[xvzy6OePf[xvzy25 00000000000000000'Yf[ 5 F;Sf[xvzy0;Sf[B5 0000000000000  Syiah Kuala University00000'Yf[ 5 ;Sf[xvzy0;Sf[ ]f[xvzy0]f[University of Lampung0000'Yf[ 5000000'Yf[ 5Kartanegara University000000'Yf[ 5 ^{0O;u?eV{zvf[yBandung Institute of Technology0000]y'Yf[ 5^]f[|xvzy 'Yf[bL}nf[xvzyFacultu of Law lf[0lf[xvzy00000]y'Yf[ 5 International Medical UniversityV;Sy'Yf[ 5School of Medical SciencesUniversity of Science, Malaysia 00000yf['Yf[ 5)Rajamangala University of Technology Isan0000000]y'Yf[000!h 5/Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi0000000]y'Yf[00000!h 5$Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital 0000ub;Sf[ ;Sf[xvzy0OePf[xvzyChulalongkorn Business SchoolFaculty of Nursing& wwf["5000000 JOePf[xvzy0;Sf[F5000000000000000   :;Sf[0;Sf[xvzy65 0000000000000< uirnjn]f[xvzy0King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi00000000}T]y'Yf[0000!h 5%National Research Council of Thailand Vz000000000 5 000000000GIUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and TechnologyGIUBAT - International University of Business Agriculture and Technology 5Chittagong Medical College000000'Yf[ 5Nepal Medical College0000;Sy'Yf[ 5:SSYe'Yf[65 0000000000000 8f[!hYef[45 000000000000 uAcademic Exchange Agreement Between National Taipei University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationuQ^Ye'Yf[h0SSYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  uQ^Ye'Yf[)National Taichung University of Education<S-NYe'Yf[8500000000000000 wAcademic Exchange Agreement Between National Taichung University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationuQ^Ye'Yf[h0S-NYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000  00V0WW}T'Yf[('Yf[ N00V0WW}T'Yf[('Yf[ J500000000000000000  Academic Exchange Agreement Between Regional University of Thailand (40 Universities) and Hyogo University of Teacher Education$uQ^Ye'Yf[h000V0WW}T'Yf[('Yf[ k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 %%0000000000000000000000000000000000000     "*National Pingtung University of Education O\qgYe'Yf[50000f[!hYexvzywAcademic Exchange Agreement Between National Pingtung University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationbuQ^Ye'Yf[h0O\qgYe'Yf[k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[^5000000000000000000000000 Zhejiang Normal University !N'Yf[(D-)f[!hn0NAmhAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Zhejiang Normal University and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationzuQ^Ye'Yf[h0Ym_l+^{'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[v5000000000000000000000000000000    )Hunan Institute of Science and Technology4VnWSt]f[b05 0000000000wAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Hunan Institute of Science and Technology and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationZuQ^Ye'Yf[h0VnWSt]f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[V500000000000000000000000Hainan Normal University6wmWS+^{'Yf[25 00000000000fAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Hainan Normal University and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationZuQ^Ye'Yf[h0wmWS+^{'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[V500000000000000000000000South China Normal University4WS+^{'Yf[05 0000000000kAcademic Exchange Agreement Between South China Normal University and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationZuQ^Ye'Yf[h0WS+^{'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[V500000000000000000000000'Jeonju National University of Education@hQ]Ye'Yf[!h<50000000000000000  (!N'Yf[(D-)f[!hn0NAm$50000000uAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Jeonju National University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationuQ^Ye'Yf[h0hQ]Ye'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5%%0000000000000000000000000000000000000   NNYe'Yf[!h500000 V!N'Yf[(D-)f[!hn0NAmR5000000000000000000000  wAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Gyeongin National University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher EducationpuQ^Ye'Yf[h0NNYe'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[l50000000000000000000000000000 &Daegu National University of Education:'YYe'Yf[!h65 0000000000000tAcademic Exchange Agreement Between Daegu National University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher Education~uQ^Ye'Yf[h0'YYe'Yf[!hh0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[z5 00000000000000000000000000000000  &Seoul National University of Education0000Ye'Yf[!h,5 00000000000Academic Exchange Agreement Between University of Seoul National University of Education and Hyogo University of Teacher Education~uQ^Ye'Yf[h0000Ye'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[z5 00000000000000000000000000000000   !University of Wisconsin-EauClaire<0000000]z'Yf[00000!h85 00000000000  pAcademic Exchange Agreement Between University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and Hyogo University of Teacher Education'xuQ^Ye'Yf[h00000000'Yf[00000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[t500000000000000000000000000000  "%(Peabody College of Vanderbilt University 00000000'Yf[50000Princuples of Agreement Govering the Cooperative Relationship between Peabody College of Vanderbilt University and Hyogo University of Teacher Education "tuQ^Ye'Yf[h000000000'Yf[00000Yef[h0n0S}YTSRTS[p5000000000000000000000000000000  Chugnam National University_WS'Yf[!h500000'Y*Ye'Yf[+Faculty of Education the University Leipzig 8000000'Yf[Yef[45 000000000000 University of Victoria00000'Yf[50000Jean Moulin-Lyon3 University00000000 000,{ N'Yf[ 51Friedrich-Alexander-University ERLANGEN-NUREMBERG00000000000000'Yf[ 5 0000'Yf[Yexvz@b 5University of Chester00000'Yf[ 5Linnaeus University 000'Yf[ 5 000000000'Yf[ 5aEast Carolina University, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, Western Carolina University.0000000000'Yf[0 p}vr'Yf[sh!h0 0000000000'Yf[ 5fThe Three University Consortium in Western Japan and The Three University Consortium in North Carolinafe,g'Yf[0000000'Y*Ye'Yf[0^\'Yf[Yef[0Ye'Yf[ h000000000]'Yf[000000000000000'Yf[0000000!h0000000000'Yf[00000000000'Yf[  5*University of North Carolina at Wilmingtonp}vr'Yf[sh!h 5East Carolina University 0000000000'Yf[ 5.Bond University000'Yf[ 500000'Yf[ 5Kabul Education University0000Ye'Yf[ 51Teacher Training Department Ministry of EducationYew< YeT b@\ 5!National Taiwan Normal UniversityS~n+^{'Yf[ 5S-NYe'Yf[ 5%National Kaoshslung Normal UniversityؚĖ+^{'Yf[ 5SSYe'Yf[ 5 Hong Kong Institute of Education/nYef[b 5Yunnan Normal UniversityWS'Yf[ 5Xi'an Institute of Technology[]mi'Yf[ 5WS+^{'Yf[ 5lS+^{'Yf[ 5-ASTERPhysical Education Depatment.SOYef[*5 0000000000 :Yef[xvzy65 0000000000000 School Of Physical Education*SOf[b&500000000ܑq\Ye'Yf[!h 5)Cheongju National University of Educationn]Ye'Yf[!h 5hQ]Ye'Yf[!h 5Daegu Haany University'Yӗ;S'Yf[!h 5000Ye'Yf[!h 5hsYP['Yf[ 5"Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta000000S'Yf[00000000!h 540 Rajabhat University 00sV0WW}T'Yf[ 5nthe 5 University Consortium in the Kansai area of Japan and the 40 Rajabhat University Consortium in Thailand!0W:S'Yf[0000000h000V0WW}T'Yf[0000000 5hQf0500University of GttingenSAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Gttingen'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[50000 'Y*'Yf[6Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw (IMEC)IMEC 5rAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Interuniversitair Micro-Electronica Centrum vzw (IMEC)'Y*'Yf[h0IMECh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5University of Bordeaux 1&0000,{1'Yf["5000000TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Bordeaux 1'Y*'Yf[h00000,{1'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[500 (Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad2000]y'Yf[0000000!h.5 000000000dAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad!2'Y*'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[0000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[.5 000000000 hAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology('Y*'Yf[h00000yf[bS00000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[$50000000  Indiana University000000'Yf[50000NAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Indiana University'Y*'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5000'Yf[50000OAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Leeds'Y*'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000'Yf[50000MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Purdue University'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Adelaide00000'Yf[50000VAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Adelaide'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000'Yf[50000QAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Toronto'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Rice University000'Yf[50000KAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Rice University'Y*'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Alexandria UniversityQAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Alexandria University'Y*'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of GeorgiaUAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Georgia'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5SAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Universitas Gadjah Mada'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 Etvs Lornd University (ELTE) 000000000000'Yf[50000 [Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Eotvos Lorand University (ELTE) 'Y*'Yf[h0000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 58VzN'Yf[45 000000000000ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and National Chiao Tung University'Y*'Yf[h0VzN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5&The Chinese University of Hong Kong@/n-Ne'Yf[<5 0000000000000 `Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong'Y*'Yf[h0/n-Ne'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50 Tn'Yf[,500000000MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Tongji University'Y*'Yf[h0 Tn'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 54Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt am Main000000000000000'Yf[00000000000000 5pAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitat Frankfurt am Main1'Y*'Yf[h0000000000000000'Yf[00000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5WAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Sheffield'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Ruhr  University Bochum 00000000'Yf[ 5SAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Ruhr ?University Bochum'Y*'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 0000000'Yf[50000QAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Heidelberg University'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Beijing Normal University'Y*'Yf[h0SN+^{'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Bielefeld University 0000000'Yf[50000PAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Bielefeld University'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 00000000'Yf[50000XAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Queensland'Y*'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Vienna0000'Yf[50000TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Vienna'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5!Saint Petersburg State University 0000000000'Yf[50000 ]Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Saint Petersburg State University'Y*'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Universidade de So Paulo 00000'Yf[50000UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Universidade de Sao Paulo'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Groningen, Uppsala University, Ruhr-University Bochum, Heidelberg University, Kyoto University, Tohoku UniversityDv0000000'Yf[00000'Yf[000000000'Yf[00000000'Yf[0N'Y< f[0qgS'Yf[ r50000000000000000000000000000# &(+-Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The Industrialised Countries Instrument Education Cooperation Programme ICI-ECPe,g?e^h0'k]#T(EU)n0f[uvN>mc00000 5University of Augsburg 0000000'Yf[50000RAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Augsburg'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5< fS'Yf[!h85 00000000000 XAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Changwon National University'Y*'Yf[h0 fS'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 56-N.Y'Yf[!h25 00000000000 PAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Chung-Ang University'Y*'Yf[h0-N.Y'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5:"o}'Yf[!h65 0000000000NAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Hanyang University'Y*'Yf[h0"o}'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5-cole Nationale Suprieure de Chimie de Paris D00VzؚI{Sf[f[b@5000000000000000 iAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Ecole Nationale Superieure de Chimie de Paris'Y*'Yf[h000VzؚI{Sf[f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 51Friedrich-Alexander Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg00000000000000000000000000000'Yf[50000mAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg1'Y*'Yf[h000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 56Vzn'Yf[25 00000000000YAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and National Tsing Hua University'Y*'Yf[h0Vzn'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5(National Autonomous University of Mexico 40000Vzꁻl'Yf[05 0000000000dAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and National Autonomous University of Mexico'Y*'Yf[h00000Vzꁻl'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5/Canada-Japan Strategic Student Exchange ProgramfeR&beuvYuf[uNAmO200000e,g0000000b500000000000000000000000000  kAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Canada-Japan Strategic Student Exchange Program,'Y*'Yf[h0eR&beuvYuf[uNAmO200000e,g0000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5VAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and National Taiwan University'Y*'Yf[h0VzS~n'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5-Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City 000000^V['Yf[,500000000hAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City'Y*'Yf[h000000^V['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5University of Valladolid 0000000'Yf[50000TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Valladolid'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Copenhagen 0000000'Yf[50000XAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Copenhagen'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 *00000Vz'Yf[&500000000YAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of the Philippines'Y*'Yf[h000000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 500000'Yf[ 50000QAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Chiang Mai University'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Gothenburg'Y*'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5000&Pontifical Catholic University of PeruB000Yev^z000000000'Yf[>500000000000000 bAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Pontifical Catholic University of Peru$'Y*'Yf[h0000Yev^z000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 0000000000'Yf[50000 WAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Ateneo de Manila University'Y*'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5VAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Institut Teknologi Bandung'Y*'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5>Consortium Francais du Collge Doctoral Franco-Japonais (CDFJ)DeNqQ TZSX z00000000000@5000000000000000  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Academic Exchange between Osaka University and De La Salle University'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5+Gyeongsang National University <va\'Yf[!h000000000000 85 00000000000 ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Gyeongsang National University'Y*'Yf[h0va\'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5&RWTH Aachen University0000000000000000(0 00]y'Yf[ $50000000RAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and RWTH Aachen University'Y*'Yf[h00 00]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5ODepartment of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health0000000000000000000000$B00sVOePw;Syf[@\0000000000000000000000000>500000000000000000 uAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Department of Medical Scienc< es, Ministry of Public Health'Y*'Yf[h000sVOePw;Syf[@\h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5BCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique0000000000000000000000&0000Vzyf[xvz0000000000000000000000000000 5hAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 'Y*'Yf[h00000Vzyf[xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 55Pierre & Marie Curie University0000000000000000000000#0000000000000'Yf[0000000000000000000050000 [Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Pierre & Marie Curie University!'Y*'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5/University College London0000000000000000000000)00000000000000000000000000000000000000000 5UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University College London#'Y*'Yf[h000000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5(n'Yf[0000000000000000000000$50000000OAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Tsinghua University'Y*'Yf[h0n'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5/cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL)#D000#]y'Yf[00000!h00 @5000000000000000 kAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL)!'Y*'Yf[h0000#]y'Yf[00000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5*WSN'Yf[00 &500000000NAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Nanjing University'Y*'Yf[h0WSN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Universidad Autnoma de Madrid'&00000ꁻl'Yf[00000 "5000000ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Universidad Autonoma de Madrid'Y*'Yf[h000000ꁻl'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5(000V['Yf[$50000000^Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Vietnam National University, Hanoi'Y*'Yf[h0000V['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5'0000000'Yf[00000  5SAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Groningen'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5"Ym_l'Yf[00000  5OAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Zhejiang University'Y*'Yf[h0Ym_l'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5University of California0000000'Yf[000000000 5TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of California'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5_e'Yf[ 00000  5LAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Fudan University'Y*'Yf[h0_e'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Nazareth College of Rochester 000000000000000!h0 5YAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Nazareth College of Rochester"'Y*'Yf[h0000000000000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Texas A&M University0000A&M'Yf[ 00000  5PAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Texas A&M University'Y*'Yf[h00000A&M'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Karolinska Institutet000000'Yf[00000  5QAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Karolinska Institutet'Y*'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5SN'Yf[  5MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Peking University'Y*'Yf[h0SN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5#Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)000000sz]y'Yf[  5_Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)'Y*'Yf[h0000000sz]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Wesleyan College 0000000000 5LAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Wesleyan College'Y*'Yf[h00000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5000'Yf[!h0000 0000  5UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Seoul National University'Y*'Yf[h0000'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000Vz'Yf[0000000000000 5[Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and National University of Mongolia'Y*'Yf[h00000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000000000000'Yf[000  5ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of British Columbia!'Y*'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 0000000'Yf[ 5TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Strasbourg'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5=Grenoble Universits (Consortium of Universities in Grenoble)000000'Yf[#T000000  5xAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Grenoble Universites(Consortium of Universities in Grenoble)'Y*'Yf[h0000000'Yf[#Th0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5^N'Yf[!h 0000000 5MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Yonsei University'Y*'Yf[h0^N'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Delft University of Technology0000]y'Yf[00000  5ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Delft University of Technology'Y*'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5The University of Nottingham0000000'Yf[000000 5XAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The University of Nottingham'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5McMaster University0000000'Yf[00000000 5OAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and McMaster University'Y*'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5hQWS'Yf[!h0000000000 5WAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Chonnam National University'Y*'Yf[h0hQWS'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000'Yf[0 000000 5NAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Mahidol University'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5+!bo Akademi University00000000'Yf[000000 5RAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and +!bo Akademi University'Y*'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5(Ludwig-Maximilians- University of Munich&0000000000< 0000000000'Yf[0000000 0 5dAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Ludwig-Maximilians- University of Munich('Y*'Yf[h000000000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000'Yf[000000000 5MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Monash University'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Technische Universitt Mnchen00000]y'Yf[000000 5ZAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Technische Universitat Munchen'Y*'Yf[h000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5&Universit catholique de Louvain (UCL)0000000000'Yf[(UCL)  5bAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL)#'Y*'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[(UCL)h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5fk"o'Yf[000000000000 5LAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Wuhan University'Y*'Yf[h0fk"o'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5McGill University000'Yf[000000000000 5MAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and McGill University'Y*'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 500000'Yf[000000000 5TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and University of Washington'Y*'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5?The Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities0000]'Yf[f[w!hwTSpO0 5{Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The Conference of Rectors and Principals of Quebec Universities 'Y*'Yf[h00000]'Yf[f[w!hwTSpOh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5[N'Yf[00000000000 5UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Xi'an Jiaotong University'Y*'Yf[h0[N'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5"The Australian National University0000000Vz'Yf[0000 5^Agreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and The Australian National University'Y*'Yf[h00000000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5ܑq\'Yf[!h0000000000000 5UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Pusan National University'Y*'Yf[h0ܑq\'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5  NwmN'Yf[0000000 5YAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University'Y*'Yf[h0 NwmN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 50000'Yf[000 0 5NAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Cornell University'Y*'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5 000000000'Yf[0 5TAgreement on Academic Exchange between Osaka University and Chulalongkorn University'Y*'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX00000'Yf[50000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY, UNIVERSITY OF ESSEX AND CENTER FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION AND EXCHANGE, OSAKA UNIVERSITY  5Seoul St.Mary's Hospital Catholic University of Korea, Convergent Research Consortium for Immunologic Disease Seoul St Mary's Hospital Catholic University of Korea$00000'Yf[000Vkub0 CRCID00000'Yf[000Vkub  54Maurice Wilkins Center, the University of Auckland, 000000'Yf[0000 000000 0000  5AIndian Institute of Science Education and Research(IISER), Bhopal 000yf[Yexvz'Yf[  5Pohang University of Science and Technology(POSTECH) Department of Life Science, Division of Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnologyfm]y'Yf[!hu}Tyf[y  5Institute for Systems Biology "0000000000xvz@b50000000 Weimar Bauhaus University 00000000000'Yf[50000  0000000'Yf[500006WS mt]'Yf[25 00000000000Worcester Polytechnic Institute00000000000000000000000 5\Advanced Photonics Research Institute (APRI) at Gwangjyu Institute of Science and TechnologyӗVIQ]yf[bSxvz@b0HQ2IQyf[xvz@b5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Advanced Photonics Research Institute at Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea and Institute of Laser Engineering at Osaka University, Japan1ӗVIQ]yf[bSxvz@b0HQ2IQyf[xvz@bh0e,g0'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0n0TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !(@Centre Lasers Intenses et Applications, University of Bordeaux 10000,{'Yf[ؚ7_^0000h0_(uxvz0000 5Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University,Osaka,Japan and Centre Laser Intenses et Applications, University of Bordeaux 1,Bordeaux,FranceBe,g0'Y*0'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h000000000000000,{'Yf[ؚ7_^0000h0_(uxvz0000h0n0TS[f5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 )+-"5&7+?BHandong Institute0of0Laser Technology at Handong Global UniversityӗqgV'Yf[00000bSVxvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Institute of Laser Engineering at Osaka University and Handong Institute of Laser Technology at Handong Global University+'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0ӗqgV'Yf[0000bSVxvz@bh0n0TS[f5 2200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !$#+(DSchool of Aeronautical Engineering, University od Polytechnic Madrid00000]y'Yf[0[[*zz]f[\'Yf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University and School of Aeronautical Engineering,University of Polytechnic Madrid3'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h000000]y'Yf[[[*zz\'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ""$&(+*0-20=Institute of Fusion Nuslear, University of Polytechnic Madrid00000]y'Yf[0SP[00000xvz@b 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University and Institute of FuaionNuclear,University of Polytechnic Madrid5'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h000000]y'Yf[SP[00000xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  % *%,*/,2143N.I.Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod000000000000000000]z'Yf[ 5TS[f500000/University of Alberta (Faculty of Engineering ) 00000'Yf[]f[ <  5MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University And The Faculty of Engineering,University of Alberta#<'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h000000'Yf[]f[h0n0f8500000000000000 !1Dankook University(Medical Laser Research Center)jV'Yf[!h;S(u0000xvz0000  5Memorandum of Understanding between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University,Japan and Medical Laser Research Center,Dankook University,Korea3e,g0'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0ӗV0jV'Yf[!h;S(u0000xvz0000h0n0NAmTS[f5440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #&(.-022VGwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Center for Electronic Materials Research)hIQ]yf[bSbP[Pgexvz0000 d5000000000000000000000000000  AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF LASER ENGINEERING,OSAKA UNIVERSITY AND CENTER FOR ELECTRONIC MATERIALS RESEARCH,KWANGJU INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY6'Y*'Yf[00008hTxvz0000h0'YӗlV0IQ]yf[bSbP[Pgexvz0000k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5GG00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #), 1"6,;.@1B4VUniversity of Central Florida (Center for Research and Education in Optics and Lasers)-N.Y0000'Yf[P[IQf[0000xvz0000 000000 5Collaboration Agreement between Institute of Laser Engineering,Osaka University,Osaka Japan and Center for Research and Education in Optics and Laser,University of Central Florida,Orland,Florida,USA7'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0-N.Y0000'Yf[P[IQf[0000xvz0000h0n0qQ Txvzk0Y00TS[ 5SKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Techanology (Laser Science Research Center)NӗVyf[b0000yf[xvz0000 J500000000000000000  AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF LASER ENGINEERING,OSAKA UNIVERSITY AND LASER SCIENCE RESEARCH CENTER, KAIST9h'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0'YӗlV0ӗVyf[b0000yf[xvz0000k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[d5000000000000000000000000  #%JPohang Institute of Science and Technology (Pohang AcceleRator Laboratory)fmyf[bS'Yf[!hfmRhVxvz@b  5}AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGES BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF LASER ENGINEERING,OSAKA UNIVERSITY AND POHANG ACCELERATOR LABORATORY7'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000h0fmyf[bS'Yf[!hfmRhVxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "$ (#/(2-7/<2>52University of Illinois (Fusion Studies Laboratory)H0000'Yf[8hTxvz@b D500000000000000000  MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Parties: Institute of Laser Engineering Osaka University Osaka, Japan and Fusion Studies Laboratory University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana,IL,USAPTS[f S_Ne,g0'Y*^0'Y*'Yf[000000000f[xvz0000 0000TFV00000]00000^0000000000000000'Yf[8hTxvz@b5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&)-1071H5J;M@OUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton00000'Yf[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Parties: Osaka University/Institute of Laser Engineering Osaka,Japan and University of Alberta/ALTECH Project Edmonton,Alberta,CanadaDTS[f O'Yf[0'Y*'Yf[00008hTxvz0000'Y*0e,g 00000 'Yf[ALTECH;u0000000000000 00005 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&)'-0zUniversity of Rochester (Laboratory for Laser Energetics, College of Engineering & Applied Science, Institute of Optics)'000000'Yf[]f[0_(uyf[/p{ptwpxvz@b/IQf[xvz@b  5WAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER AND OSAKA UNIVERSITY'Y*'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000  BELGRADE UNIVERSITYAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGEThe University of WinnipegTRIUMF000000'Yf[50000 Beihang UniversityExchange Agreement1iThemba Laboratory for Accelerator Based Sciences 0000RhVyf[xvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENTFar Eastern Federal UniversityVzuiqg'Yf[ 5AMENDMENT OF EXCHANGE AGREEMENTQthe Laboratory of High Energies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna0000ؚ00000SP[8hqQ Txvz@b 5 AGREEMENT9Physics Laboratory of VINCA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR SCIENCES 000008hyf[xvz@b 5Valencia UNIVERSITY00000'Yf[ 5%Korea Atomic Energy Reserch InstituteӗVSP[Rxvz@b 5ӗVSP[Rxvz@b}P[]f[000000;u  5LState Key Laboratory for Nuclear Physics and Technology of PEKING UNIVERSITY SN'Yf[8hirtxvz0000 5> Institute of Modern Physics of Chinese of Academy of Sciences -NVyf[bяNirtf[xvz@b 5qCeub at Bertinoro, Residential Center of the University of Bologna-Agenzia per lo sviluppo del design industriale,00000'Yf[0000000xvz0000(5 000000000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN CEUB AT BERTINORO, RESIDENTIAL CENTER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA-AGENZIA PER LO SVILUPPO DEL DESIGN INDUSTRIALE, AND CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF COMMUNICATION-DESIGN(CSCD),OSAKA UNIVERSITY='Y*'Yf[000000000000000000h000000'Yf[0000000xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000 %-247 :'Ministry of Health, Government of Palau,000?e^OePw(5 000000000Agreement on Academic Exchange between Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University and Ministry of Health, Government of Palau0'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h0000?e^OePwh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ''000000000000000000000000000000000000000  %'* - 00000000>mc5000(International Organization for Migration6VyOO_j25 00000000000Agreement between Global Collabotation Center Osaka University(GLOCOL) and the International Organization for Migration(IOM) Concerning Interns?|'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000GLOCOL h0VyOO_jIOM h0n0k0J0Q0000000000k0Y00TS[fx50000000000000000000000000000000 "+9<wThe United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organizati< on Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for EducationV#TYeyf[eS_j000*Ys^ m0WWYeNR@b 5Memorandum of Understanding for Internship Programme between Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University and the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for EducationD'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h0V#TYeyf[eS_j000*Ys^ m0WWYeNR@bh0n0k0J0Q0000000000k0Y00f5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  %$('*,,..013?5B8College of Aquacluture and Fisheries, Can Tho University 60000'Yf[4l#uf[25 00000000000Agreement on Academic Exchange between College of Aquacluture and Fisheries, Can Tho University and Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University20000'Yf[4l#uf[h0'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ))00000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "') ,"/>College of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Can Tho UniversityR0000'Yf[f[0_(uuirf[N50000000000000000000   Agreement on Academic Exchange between College of Agriculture and Applied Biology, Can Tho University and Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University70000'Yf[f[0_(uuirf[h0'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ',#.(1*4National Institute of Nutrition 40000Vzh b05 0000000000xAgreement on Academic Exchange between Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University and National Institute of Nutrition1'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h00000Vzh bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !&(+!.Thai Binh Medical University0000;Sy'Yf[ 5uAgreement on Academic Exchange between Global Collaboration Center, Osaka University and Thai Binh Medical University0'Y*'Yf[00000000000000000h00000;Sy'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 $$000000000000000000000000000000000000  %'*-EUniversity of Bucharest(Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures) J00000'Yf[(YVYVef[)F5000000000000000000  7GENERAL AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE^f[SNAmk0Y00N,vTS[fZ50000000000000000000000000   "Leiden University(Faculty of Arts) ,0000'Yf[(ef[) (5 000000000-Universita'degli Studi di Napoli"L'Orientale"*000qg m'Yf[&500000000-Jagiellonian University(Faculty of Philology) 600000'Yf[(e.sf[) 25 00000000000 The University of Oxford 00000000'Yf[50000&The University of California, Berkeley-The University of Sofia "St.Kliment Ohridski" ,00000000]z'Yf[(5 000000000  00000000000'Yf[50000 0000000000000'Yf[50000 The University of Zurich00000'Yf[50000<University of London(School of Oriental and African Studies) H0000'Yf[(qg m0000xvzf[b)D500000000000000000  /Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University $0000'Yf[q/^;Sf[ 500000Memorandum on Student Exchange between Research Institute for Microbial Diseases and Graduate School of Medicine/Faculty of Medicine, Osaka University and Faculty of Tropical Medicine Mahidol University9'Y*'Yf[_uiruxvz@b&Ns0k0'Yf[b;Sf[|xvzy0;Sf[h00000'Yf[q/^;Sf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 &&00000000000000000000000000000000000000""$%&$Faculty of Medicine Gulu University00'Yf[;Sf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding between Research Institute for Microbial Diseases Department of Molecular Protozoology,Osaka University and Gulu University Faculty of Medicine$'Y*'Yf[_uiruxvz@bh000'Yf[;Sf[n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5)Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University 000000'Yf[;Sf[ 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Research Institute for Microbial Diseases,Osaka University and Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University('Y*'Yf[_uiruxvz@bh0000000'Yf[;Sf[n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5+Faculty of Engineering Kasetsart University ,00000'Yf[0]f[(5 000000000aDepartment of Welding Engineering & Metals Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technologyl000]y'Yf[0nc]f[0ё^\bSf[yh500000000000000000000000000  @College of Science and Engineering City University of Hong Kong V/nW^'Yf[0]yf[R5000000000000000000  0000000,King Saud University College of Engineering ,000000'Yf[]f[(5 000000000LDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering National Taiwan University HVzS~n'Yf[0]f[D500000000000000000 3Engineering School Far Eastern Federal Universityv000uiqg#}T'Yf[0]f[萶nc]f[yr50000000000000000000000000000000   ADepartment of Advanced Materials Engineering Dong-Eui Universityqg'Yf[0t]f[b0ePge] z|0Ss0ncbSYe00005 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&(SFaculty of technical education Kingmongkut's university of technology north bangkok^00000000]y'Yf[0000000!h0_jhYe]f[yZ50000000000000000000000   -Faculty of Engineering Universitas Indonesia ,000000'Yf[0]f[(5 000000000 LWelding Research Institute Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited ,Tiruchirappalli DVz000ncxvz@b@5000000000000000 NDepartment of Mechanical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad2000]y'Yf[00000000!h.5 000000000,University of Malaya, Faculty of Engineering ,000'Yf[0]f[(5 000000000_Department of Ocean Engineering and Naval Architecture Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur2000]y'Yf[000000!h.5 000000000 Yangon Technological University(0000]y'Yf[$50000000Mines ParisTechX00VzؚI{qmif[!h0Pge0000T50000000000000000000000  4Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing< @000PgebSxvz@b<50000000000000000 EFraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA *000000000xvz_ji&500000000  ,Flemish Institute for Technological Research <000000yf[bSxvz@b8500000000000000 )Korean Institute of Industrial Technology LӗVu#ubSxvzbH50000000000000000000 2Madrid Institute for Advanced Studies of Materials @00000HQ2Pgexvz@b<50000000000000000 Rey Juan Carlos University<00000000000'Yf[0Pge]f[8500000000000000  Engineering Center of Applied Advanced Manufacturing Technology in Automotive Structural Components Affiliated to Ministry of Education, Beijing University of TechnologySN]mi'Yf[0Rʎi PgHQ2 bS]f[00005 ((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000     $3Institute of Materials Joining Shandong University xq\qg'Yf[Pge#cbSxvz@bt500000000000000000000000000000  LFaculty of Materials Science and Engineering,Warsaw University of Technology (00000]y'Yf[$50000000(PDP Research Center,Kwangwoon University:IQN'Yf[!h65 0000000000&Korea Maritime University ,EngineeringӗVwm m'Yf[!hwmN'Yf[Ss0]y'Yf[|5 000000000000000000000000000000    "Technological University of Panama D000]y'Yf[_jh]f[y@5000000000000000 >School of Materials Science and Engineering Tianjin Universityl)Y%m'Yf[Pgeyf[Ss0] zf[bh500000000000000000000000000   GInstitute of Technical Sciences of Serbian Academy of Sciences and ArtsX0000yf[S00000bSyf[xvz@bT50000000000000000000000  <Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation,Kyungnam University:vaWS'Yf[!h65 0000000000QNational Nanotechnology Center,National Science and Technology Development AgencyVz00000000000050000FCenter for Advanced Plasma Surface Technology ,Sungkyunkwan UniversitynbGW('Yf[HQ20000hbbSxvz@bj5000000000000000000000000000000   JThe State Key Laboratory of Rolling and Automation,Northeastern UniversitytqgS'Yf[V[;N'W^6R_xvz@bp5000000000000000000000000000000   8Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,University of DortmundH000000'Yf[_jh]f[00000]f[yD500000000000000000  5Research Institute of Industrial Science & TechnologyD#umiyf[xvzb@5000000000000000 Chousun University6g'Yf[!h25 00000000000 6Faculty of Applied Sciences,University of West Bohemia L0000'Yf[_(uirtf[H50000000000000000  JSchool of Materials Science and Engineering,Harbin Institute of Technologyn0000]mi'Yf[Pgeyf[S] zf[bj5000000000000000000000000000    00000*The Welding Research Institute Racianska71 000000ncxvz@b,5 00000000000DIndustrial,Welding and Systems Enginerring,The Ohio State UniversityZ0000]z'Yf[#uminc0000]f[yV500000000000000000000000  #Central Metallurgical R&D Institute @0000-N.Yё^\xvz@b<50000000000000000 3Faculty of Metallurgy Technical University of Kosie J0000]mi'Yf[ё^\]f[yF5000000000000000000  <Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology(KICET)zmibSb 5Memorandum on Research Cooperation between Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology (KICET), Korea and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University, Japan+ӗVzmibSb(KICET h0'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@b(ISIR n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 54The Biotechnology Institute, University of Minnesota0000'Yf[000000000xvz@b 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between the Biotechnology Institute, University of Minnesota and the Institute of Scientific and industrial Research, Osaka University/0000'Yf[000000000xvz@bh0'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5+Bielefeld University (Faculty of Chemistry) 0000000'Yf[Sf[y 5Memorandum on Collaborative Research between Faculty of Chemistry, Bielefeld University and the Institute of Scientific and industrial Research, Osaka University+0000000'Yf[Sf[yh0'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0n0n0SOC#:dxvzk0Y00H0fM0 5;RWTH Aachen University0 (Institute of Organic Chemistry)0000000]y'Yf[ g_jSf[xvz@b 5Memorandum on Collaborative Research between Institute of Organic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University and the Institute of Scientific and industrial Research, Osaka University.0000]y'Yf[ g_jSf[xvz@bh0'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0n0n0SOC#:dxvzk0Y00H0fM0 5&Assiut University (Faculty of Science) 00000'Yf[tf[ 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Faculty of Science, Assiut University and the Institute of Scientific and industrial Research, Osaka University''Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 54De La Salle University (College of Computer Studies)0000000'Yf[000000yf[ 5Memorandum on ICT Collabolative Reserch between College of Computer studies, De La Salle University-Manila and the Institute of Scientific and industrial Research, Osaka University10000000'Yf[000000yf[h0'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0n0n0)#4#:dxvzk0Y00H0fM0 5LKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (Department of Chemistry)ӗVHQzyf[bS'Yf[!hSf[y 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Department of Chemistry, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR), Osaka University 2'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0ӗVHQzyf[bS'Yf[!hKAIST Sf[yh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Pohang University of Science and Technology School of Environmental Science and Engineering / Department of Chemical Engineeringfm]y'Yf[!htX]f[Sf[]f[y 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and School of Enviromental Science and Engineering/Department of Chemical Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology/'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0fm]y'Yf[!htX]f[/Sf[]f[yh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 57Kyungwon University (Gachon Bionano Research Institute)fW'Yf[!h Vl00000xvz@b 5Cooperation Agreement between Gachon Bionano Research Institute Kyungwon University and Institute < of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University&'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0fW'Yf[!h Vl00000xvz@bn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5+Indian Instiutute of Technology Delhi(IITD)000]y'Yf[000!h#umiyf[xvz@b 5Memorandum of Understanding Academic Cooperation between Indian Instiutute of Technology Delhi(IITD), India and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research(ISIR), Osaka University,Japan.'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@b(ISIR)h0000]y'Yf[000!hIITD n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 53College of Science and Technology, Korea University ؚ'Yf[!hyf[bS'Yf[ 5Agreement on Academic exchange between College of Science and Technology, Korea University and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University('Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0ؚ'Yf[!hyf[bS'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5QS+^{'Yf[Sf[0tXyf[f[b 5Agreement on Academic exchange between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and the School of Chemistry and Rnvironment Science, Inner Mongolia Normal University-'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0QS+^{'Yf[Sf[0tXyf[f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5(University of GenevaFaculty of Science 00000'Yf[tf[ 5Cooperation Agreement between the University of Genevathe Faculty of Science and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research (ISIR), Osaka University''Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 57National Taiwan Normal University (College of Science) VzS~n+^{'Yf[tf[ 5Agreement on Academic exchange between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and College of Science, National Taiwan Normal University ('Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0VzS~n+^{'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5000;Chungnam National University (College of Natural Sciences) _WS'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[ 5Memorandum of understanding between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and College of Natural Sciences, Chungnam National University*'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0_WS'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00TaNk0Y00H0fM0 5JPeking University (School of Electronics Enginering and Computer Science) SN'Yf[`1Xyf[bSf[b 5Memorandum on Education and Collaboration between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and the School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University-'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0SN'Yf[`1Xyf[bSf[bh0n0n0Yeh0qQ TxvzNk0Y00H0fM0 57Pusan National University (College of Natural Sciences) ܑq\Vz'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and College of Natural Science, Pusan National University)'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0ܑq\Vz'Yf[!h6qyf['Yf[h0n0n0TaNk0Y00H0fM0 5000000000000000 5Cooperation Agreement between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and University College London/'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0#TsVp|hvo|h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[ 5Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH 00000xvz0000 5Cooperation Agreement between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University and Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH('Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh000000xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5>Pukyong National University (Basic Science Research Institute) ܑva'Yf[!hWyyf[xvz@b 5Agreement Regarding Academic Cooperation between the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Japan and Basic Science Research Institute Pukyong National University, Republic of Korea)'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0ܑva'Yf[!hWyyf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00TS[ 5'Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg 0000000000000000000'Yf[6qyf[ 5Agreement for Cooperation between Faculty of Natural Science, Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University7'Y*'Yf[#umiyf[xvz@bh0xxeuopkypox'Yf[6qyf[h0n0n0NAmk0Y00TS[ 5&000'Yf[!h"5000000Memorandum of Intention 'Y*'Yf[ˆ}vxvz@bh0000'Yf[!hf[h0n0xvzNAmk0Y00f 5 0000000'Yf[50000MEMORANDUM CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF THE AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN FACULTY OF LIFE SCIENCE,UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER AND INSTITUTE FOR PROTEIN RESEARCH AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE/SCHOOL OF SCIENCE,OSAKA UNIVERSITY@0000000'Yf[uiryf[h0'Y*'Yf[ˆ}vxvz@b&Ns0k0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5(SN'Yf[$50000000Memorandum (aid-memoire) for the Extension of Scientific Agreement between the Institute for Protein Research,Osaka University and the Institute of Physical Chemistry,Peking University)'Y*'Yf[ˆ}vxvz@bh0SN'Yf[irtSf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[k0Y00f 5b`1XSs0njen0Nc0000000000000000n0qQ TP^5000000000000000000000000 +The Institute of Economics, Academia SinicauHong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, Faculty of Business and Economics The University of Hong Kong/n'Yf[ FU0L}nf[ /nL}n00000&beuxvz@b 5CThe MOVE consorcium (Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics) 0000000000000 5rThe Center for Experimental Business Research, The Business School, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology/nyf[bS'Yf[00000000[0000xvz0000 5GThe Department of Economics, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale6WS0000'Yf[0000000!hL}nf[25 00000000000>qg+^{'Yf[:5 000000000000JComputer Science Department, Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Divisionf[vVxvzf[萳000000yf[y5000 'Yf[b`1Xyf[xvzy000000000000000000000000 5Graduate School of ScienceUniversity of Southern Denmark(WS00000'Yf[$50000000,0000]mi'Yf[(5 000000000@School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and School of Computer Sciencef[J00s000000000000f[School of Computer Engineering 000000]f[:WS mt]f['Yf[65 0000000000000 #University of California, San Diego&0000000'Yf[000000!h"5000000.bGW('Yf[*5 0000000000University of Canterbury000000'Yf[50000Faculty of Media0000f[ N'Yf[b`1Xyf[xvzyJ500000000000000000000 Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar/Institute de Sciences des Materiaux de Mulhouse <000000iryf[xvz@b8500000000000000 &Universidad Nacional Autonoma deMexico\0000Vz'Yf[0}ހutf[xvz@bX500000000< 0000000000000000  &Cranfield Health, Cranfield University\00000000'Yf[b'Yf[Oz[uxvz@b X5000000000000000000000000   CResearch Institute of Language, Literature and History of KhakassiaH0000ef[0tkSxvz@bD500000000000000000  Agreement on academic exchange Lf[SNAmk0Y00TS[fH50000000000000000000  !Lomonosov Moscow State University0000'Yf[50000-f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 000Ri[f[ek0Y00f5 **000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #%>Letters, Postgraduate Program of Linguistics, Cultural Studiesef[0f[xvzy0eSxvzy >YVf[ eSxvzy:5 000000000000  0000'Yf[50000>Agreement on academic exchange, Memorandum on student exchangef[SNAmk0Y00TS[f f[uNAmk0Y00f5##00000000000000000000000000000000000   Nyf[xvzy YVf[ eSxvzy5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000   1Faculty of Scocial Sciences, Humanities, Theology >yOf[0Nef[0^yf[ef[xvzy/ef[ YVf[ eSxvzy5##00000000000000000000000000000000000   #Georg-Augusut-Universitat GottingenSamarkand state University000000'Yf[50000University of Turku0000'Yf[500005Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service80000000VzL}n0000'Yf[45 000000000000 Huiqg#}T'Yf[D500000000000000000  00000Vytautas Magnus University000000000000'Yf[50000 +The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers00000'Yf[50000 \Nyf[ Nyf[xvzyX5000000000000000000000  %Heinrich Heine University DuesseldorfInternational Memorandum of Understanding Between School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Osaka University,And The University Of Arizona9Medical Faculty Julius Maximilian University of Wuerzburg000000000000000000000'Yf[;Sf[,500000000 *0000'Yf[okf[&500000000-Faculty of Denstistry Universitas Gadjah Mada *00000'Yf[okf[&500000000$University of Leeds Dental Institute V000'Yf[;Sf[okf[xvz@bR5000000000000000000  BDental School and Hospital, Medical Faculty, Heidelberg UniversityT0000000'Yf[;Sf[okf[xvzyP500000000000000000     5School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield *0000000'Yf[okf[&500000000 FSchool of Dental Medicine, The State University of New York at BuffaloD000000]z'Yf[000000!hokf[@5000000000000000  The Forsyth Institute "000000xvz@b50000000'Faculty of Dentistry, Ankara University *0000'Yf[okf[&500000000MCollege of Dental Surgery, Dental School, University of Maryland at Baltimore4000000'Yf[00000!hokf[05 0000000000 j0W0 59Faculty of Dentistry, Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon :000000]z'Yf[okf[65 0000000000000 1School of Dentistry Kyungpook National University pvaS'Yf[!hokf[\'Yf[bl50000000000000000000000000    =School of Stomatology, The Fourth Military Medical University ^,{V͎;S'Yf[ST;Sf[bZ5000000000000000000  Graduate School of Medicine<;Sf[|xvzy85 00000000000 Southern Medical University4WSe;Sy'Yf[05 0000000000 J;Sf[ ;Sf[|xvzyF5000000000000000 2hsYP['Yf[.5 000000000University of OULU,The BioLink Institute,Link Campus University000000000'Yf[0000000xvz@b 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING0Between0The BioLink Institute,Link Campus University,Rome,Italy0and The Center for Advanced Medical Engineering and Informatics,Osaka University,Osaka,Japan4:'Y*'Yf[聊^;S]f[TxvzYe0000h0000000000'Yf[0000000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00N㉚f65 0000000000000+02FUniversity of Oxford (Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics )B00000000'Yf[ut0VR0zOP[f[ >500000000000000  AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE0BETWEEN0THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSIOLOGY,ANATOMY AND GENETICS,UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD0AND THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED0MEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS, OSAKA UNIVERSITY;X'Y*'Yf[聊^;S]f[TxvzYe0000h000000000'Yf[ut0VR0zOP[f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fT50000000000000000000000+02 58:The University of Auckland (The Bioengineering Institute )0000000'Yf[000000000000xvz@b,5 00000000000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE0BETWEEN0THE BIOENGINEERING INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF AUCKLAND0AND THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED0MEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS, OSAKA UNIVERSITY=X'Y*'Yf[聊^;S]f[TxvzYe0000h0000000'Yf[000000000000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fT50000000000000000000000-24 7:4Research and Innovation service, University of Leeds000'Yf[000000000000000000050000AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE0BETWEEN0RESEARCH AND INNOVATION SERVICE, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS0AND THE CENTER FOR ADVANCED0MEDICAL ENGINEERING AND INFORMATICS, OSAKA UNIVERSITY >X'Y*'Yf[聊^;S]f[TxvzYe0000h0000'Yf[0000000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fT50000000000000000000000.35 8;Faculty of Tropical Medicine*q/^;Sf[&500000000 >;Sf[|xvzy0;Sf[:5000000000000000 ?University< Medical Center Groningen/Faculty of Medical Sciences00000000000000000000000000;Sf[University of Groningen0 0000000'Yf[50000&The Fourth Military Medical University:,{V͎;S'Yf[65 00400000002000]y'Yf[0000000!h. 5 000000000 XWy]f[0Wy]f[xvzyT50000000000000000000  @KTH Royal Institute of Technology0School of Engineering Sciences(000000sz]y'Yf[0Wy]f[$ 50000000 (000000sz]y'Yf[0Wy]f[$50000000 eRWTH Aachen University00 (Faulty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences)00000000000000n0000]y'Y (pef[0{_jyf[06qyf[ j 5000000000000000000000000   n0000]y'Y (pef[0{_jyf[06qyf[ j5000000000000000000000000   BChonbuk National University, Si-Solar Cell Center for RD ManpowerhQS'Yf[!h0Si*Y}`lxvzzvNPg0000 5NNanyang Technological University (School of Materials Science and Engineering)hWS mt]'Yf[Pgeyf[]f[ d5000000000000000000000000   4Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin fur Materialien und Energie.000000Pge000000xvz00000000 *5 0000000000@Dalian University of Technology0(School of Chemical Engineering) 'Y#t]'Yf[(S]f[b)0 'Y#t]'Yf[(S]f[b)0 5 00000000'Yf[ 5yLABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE (LPT) & INSTITUT DE MATHEMATIQUES DE TOULOUSE (IMT) (UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER & CNRS) >t֊irtf[xvz@bLPT  000000pef[xvz@bIMT 00000000'Yf[ 0000Vzyf[xvz0000 xLABORATOIRE DE PHYSIQUE THEORIQUE (LPT) & INSTITUT DE MATHEMATIQUES DE TOULOUSE (IMT) (UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER & CNRS)<t֊irtf[xvz@bLPT  000000pef[xvz@bIMT 00000000'Yf[ 0000Vzyf[xvz0000  55University of Ontario Institute of Technology(UOITSc) 00000]y'Yf[ 00000]y'Yf[ 5Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Ingnieurs en Arts Chimiques et Technologiques, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (INP/ENSIACET)Vz000000t]yf[b0VzؚI{Sf[]f[f[bVz000000t]yf[b0VzؚI{Sf[]f[f[b 55University of Southern Denmark(Faculty of Enginering) 8WS00000'Yf[0]f[4 5 000000000000  8WS00000'Yf[0]f[45 000000000000 'THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CLUJ-NAPOCA 00000000]y'Yf[ 00000000]y'Yf[ 58University of Crete(Faculty of Sciences and Engineering) 4000'Yf[t]f[ 0 5 0000000000 4000'Yf[t]f[ 05 0000000000bJustus Liebig University Giessen (Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Physics, Geography)0000'Yf[,{f[pef[00000000yf[0irt 50000:Universitt Koblenz-Landau(Institute for Computer Science)@0000000000'Yf[000000yf[xvzy < 5 0000000000000  @0000000000'Yf[000000yf[xvzy <5 0000000000000  "Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology@le]mi'Yf[< 5 0000000000000 @le]mi'Yf[<5 0000000000000 wWorcester Polytechnic InstituteWPI (the Computer Science Department, the Interdisciplinary and Global Studies Division-00000000000000000000000000000yf[yJ00s0f[vVxvz -00000000000000000000000000000yf[yJ00s0f[vVxvz  5VInha University (graduate School of Department of Physics, College of Natural Science) 4000'Yf[irtf[ 0 5 0000000000 4000'Yf[irtf[ 05 00000000004University of Kaiserslautern (Department of Physics)40000000000'Yf[irtf[ 0 5 0000000000  40000000000'Yf[irtf[ 05 0000000000  JPisa University (Faculty of Engineering, Aerospace Engineering Department)J00'Yf[]f[*zz]f[y F 5000000000000000000  J00'Yf[]f[*zz]f[y F5000000000000000000  JTechnische Universitt Berlin (Facultya!, Mathematics and Natural Sciences)b0000]y'Yf[f[a!0pef[6qyf[ ^5000000000000000000000   "Institut d'Optique Garduste SchoolHIQf[xvzb'Yf[bD 500000000000000000  HIQf[xvzb'Yf[bD500000000000000000   .00000]y'Yf[* 50000000 .00000]y'Yf[*50000000AUniversity of Oulu (Department of Information Processing Science)L000'Yf[tf[`1XQtyf[y H 50000000000000000   L000'Yf[tf[`1XQtyf[y H50000000000000000   CUniversity of South Carolina (College of Engineering and Computing),00000000'Yf[]f[ ( 5 000000000 ,00000000'Yf[]f[ (5 000000000 )Universitt Karlsruhe(Faculty of Physics)*0000000'Yf[tf[ & 500000000 *0000000'Yf[tf[ &500000000 9National University of Singapore (Faculty of Engineering):000000Vz'Yf[]f[ 6 5 0000000000000 :000000Vz'Yf[]f[ 65 0000000000000 BUniversity oF Bergen (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) 40000'Yf[petf[ 05 0000000000 Vietnam National University of Hanoi (College of Technology) /Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology (Institute of Materials Science) $000V['Yf[]y'Yf[ /0000yf[bS00000(iryf[xvz@b)5 ##00000000000000000000000000000000000   CHong Kong University of Science and Technology (School of Science) R/nyf[bS'Yf[(tf[)N 50000000000000000000   R/nyf[bS'Yf[(tf[)N50000000000000000000  OVietnam International Education Development, Ministry of Education and Training< jYe}w0000VYe/c@\f50000000000000000000000000000    T Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, University of Natural Sciences0000000X00000^V['Yf[(6qyf['Yf[ T 50000000000000000000  X00000^V['Yf[(6qyf['Yf[ T50000000000000000000  TVietnamese Academy of Science and Technology (Institute of Materials Science)0000000V0000yf[bS00000 (iryf[xvz@b)R 5000000000000000000000 V0000yf[bS00000 (iryf[xvz@b)R5000000000000000000000 )University of Zurich (Faculty of Science)00000'Yf[ tf[0) 50000 00000'Yf[ tf[0)50000 % 5mUniversity of Massachusetts, Amherst (College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and College of Engineering)00000000'Yf[00000!htf[0]f[  5;Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Nano and Energy Center)(000V['Yf[000000000000 $ 500000004]f[xvzy05 0000000000 (000V['Yf[000000000000 $50000000Electric Power University,0000R'Yf[( 5 000000000 >]f[0]f[xvzy:5000000000000000 ,0000R'Yf[(5 000000000DUniversity of Rochester (College of Engineering and Applied Science)F000000'Yf[]f[0_(uyf[ B50000000000000000   :Aston University (School of Engineering & Applied Science)V0000'Yf[]f[_(uyf[xvzy R5000000000000000000000   V0000'Yf[]f[_(uyf[xvzy R5000000000000000000000   )Science and Technology Facilities Counsil Vyf[0bSe-xvzUpOR5000000000000000000000  kNational Taiwan University (College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering) fVzS~n'Yf[]f[xvzy0l`1Xxvzy b500000000000000000000000000 JKing Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (Faculty of Engineering)00000s0000]y'Yf[]f[ 00000s0000]y'Yf[]f[  5Technical University of Madrid (00000]y'Yf[$500000009Nanyang Technological University (College of Engineering) WS mt]'Yf[]f[ WS mt]'Yf[]f[  5;Universidade Tcnica de Lisboa (Instituto Superior Tcnico) 80000]y'Yf[]f[ 45 000000000000 ,The University of the Philippines in Diliman 00000'Yf[00000!h 5/Tribhuvan University (Institute of Engineering)00000'Yf[]f[xvzy, ]f[ 00000'Yf[]f[xvzy, ]f[  5Myanmar Maritime University (00000wmN'Yf[$500000000000/The Institute for Nanomaterial & Nanotechnology"0000000000000000xvz@b50000000Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS RӗVu#ubSxvzbN50000000000000000000 kKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (College of Information Science and Technology) ӗVHQzyf[bS'Yf[KAIST `1Xyf[bSxvzyӗVHQzyf[bS'Yf[KAIST `1Xyf[bSxvzy 5BSeoul National University (College/Graduate School of Engineering)000'Yf[!h]f[0]f[xvzy 000'Yf[!h]f[0]f[xvzy  50Kookmin University (College of Natural Sciences) Vl'Yf[!h6qyf[ 500Scuola Superiore Sant' AnnaV000ؚI{'Yf[500>Indonesian Institute of Sciences (Research Center for Physics)000000yf[birtf[xvz0000  5000]y'Yf[0000000!h000]y'Yf[0000000!h 5#India Institute for Plasma Research "0000000xvz@b50000000&Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,00Wyxvz@b(5 000000000/Budapest University of Technology and Economics 00000]y0L}n'Yf[ 00000]y0L}n'Yf[ 5VRWTH Aachen University (Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences)r0000]y'Yf[pef[0{_jyf[06qyf[ n500000000000000000000000000  Berlin Institute of Technology(0000]y'Yf[$50000000(0000]y'Yf[$50000000STechnical University Kaiserslautern (Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering)D0000000000]y'Yf[_jh0000]f[ @5000000000000000   D0000000000]y'Yf[_jh0000]f[ @5000000000000000   LAugsburg University of Applied Sciences (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,)0000000_(uyf['Yf[_jh]f[ 0000000_(uyf['Yf[_jh]f[  5,Bielefeld University Faculty of Technology 0000000'Yf[000000f[ 0000000'Yf[000000f[  5AUniversity of Koblenz and Landau (Institute for Computer Science)0000000000'Yf[000000yf[xvzy 0000000000'Yf[000000yf[xvzy  5Paul Sabatier University 000000000'Yf[50000 cole Centrale de Nantes 8000-N.Yt]f[b45 000000000000  8000-N.Yt]f[b45 000000000000 RPierre-and-Marie-Curie University (Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics)<0000000000000'Yf[w00000000xvz@b 8500000000000000 <0000000000000'Yf[w00000000xvz@b 8500000000000000 "Institut d'Optique Graduate School H IQf[xvzb'Yf[bD500000000000000000   H IQf[xvzb'Yf[bD500000000000000000  KLaboratoire Pour L'utilisation desLasers Intenses (LULI) Ecole Polytecniqueؚ7_^0000qQ Txvz@b00000000000 5>cole Nationale Suprieure d'Architecture de Paris La Villette000000000^{0000t]f[0]f[xvzy ef[0ef[xvzyp5000000000000000000000000000000  000000000^{0000 5"cole Normale Suprieure de Cachan 0000ؚI{+^{'Yf[!h 0000ؚI{+^{'Yf[!h  5@Northwest University (College of Chemistry & Materials Sciences)`S'Yf[Sf[0Pgeyf[f[b \500000000000000000000000   `S'Yf[Sf[0Pgeyf[f[b \5000000< 00000000000000000   -University of Science and Technology of China F-NVyf[bS'Yf['Yf[b B50000000000000000 LChinese Academy of Science (Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics)-NVyf[b( NwmIQf[|[_jhxvz@b)5 ""0000000000000000000000000000000000     Nankai University TEDA College XWS'Yf[lTf[b T50000000000000000000  QNorth China Electric Power University School of Nuclear Science and Engineering `SR'Yf[8hyf[]f[b \500000000000000000000000  OInner Mongolia Normal University (Collge of Chemistry and Enviromental Science)DQ0000+^{'Yf[Sf[0tXyf[f[b @5000000000000000   AJilin University (College of Electronic Science and Engineering)  Tg'Yf[P[yf[] zf[b  Tg'Yf[P[yf[] zf[b  5(Nankai University (College of Chemistry) WS'Yf[Sf[f[b WS'Yf[Sf[f[b  5JChinese Academy of Sciences (Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry)-NVyf[btSbSxvz@b -NVyf[btSbSxvz@b  5=Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL) (Faculty of Engineering)/ 0000000000'Yf[]f[ 000000000000000000   500 / 0000000000'Yf[]f[ 000000000000000000 500 @University of Liege (Faculty/Graduate School of Applied Science)00000'Yf[_(ut]f[ 00000'Yf[_(ut]f[  50Department of Physics and Electrical Engineeringirt0l]f[y :tf[xvzy0tf[65 0000000000000 :Department of Physics and Electrical, University of Bremen00000'Yf[0irt0l]f[y 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Bremen and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University3 00000'Yf[irt0l]f[yh0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5EE000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #()+-1$4)9+>.@1(The Department of Physics & Astrophysics<The Department of Physics & Astrophysics Un iversity of Delh00'Yf[0tf[ 5Memotandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange between University of Delhi and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University+00'Yf[tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#'*!/#4&6)Institute of Science7Institute of Science Suranaree University of Technolog00000]y'Yf[0tf[xvzy 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University200000]y'Yf[tf[xvzyh0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !&')+/#2(7*<->0all)The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay000]y'Yf[00000tf[ 5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Collaboration between the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India and the Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University, Japan2000]y'Yf[0000tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"$&*#-(2*7-90School of Physics and Astronomy#Friedrich-Schiller-Universitt Jena0000000000'Yf[000050000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between School of Physics and Astronomy, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University60000000000'Yf[000tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !!#"''*,/.4164College of Natural Sciencestf[ 50000Inha0University <000Nw 'Yf[tf[85 00000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between College of Natural Sciences, Inha University and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University0000Nw 'Yf[tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !"$&*!-&2(7+9.5Bonn-Cologne0Graduate0School0of0Physics0and0Astronomy000000q}Tirt0)Ye'Yf[bqBonn-Cologne0Graduate0School0of0Physics0and0Astronomy, Friesrich-Wilhelms-University0Bonn0and0Universitat0zu0Koln+00000000000000'Yf[00h0000'Yf[k000000000q}Tirt0)Ye'Yf[b 5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Bonn-Cologne0Graduate0School0of0Physics0and0Astronomy, Friesrich-Wilhelms-University0Bonn0and0Universitat0zu0Koln and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka UniversityO00000000000000'Yf[00h0000'Yf[k000000000q}Tirt0)Ye'Yf[bh0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5LL0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000! #&(,.!0'3*5/7082:4;8@;E@GEJGM+University of Helsinki Faculty of Science *00000'Yf[tf[ &500000000Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki.'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h000000'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000<    #'(,/$4&9);,"Faculty of Mathematics and Science*pef[yf[& 500000000<University of jyvskyl (Faculty of Mathematics and Science)80000000'Yf[(pef[yf[ 45 000000000000  Agreement on Academic Cooperation between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Jyvskyl2'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h00000000'Yf[pef[yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'* +!/#2(7*<->0JThe Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Science of Ukraine>00000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@b:5000000000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and the Institute for Nuclear Research, National Academy of Science of Ukraine6'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h000000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "'".%2'5,:.?1A4hQf0 500Alagappa University00000'Yf[50000}Agreement on Academic Exchange between Alagappa University and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University+00000'Yf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #&!+#0&2)School of Natural Science(6qyf[$ 50000000BTata Institute of Fundamental Research (School of Natural Science)(0000000000006qyf[ $50000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Gradaute School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and School of Natural Scinece, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research5'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h00000000000006qyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5>>00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "!%#&$*&-+2-7093/University of Paris-Sud 11 (Faculty of Science) 400,{11'Yf[0tf[ 05 0000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Faculty of Science, University of Paris-Sud 11 and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University.00,{'Yf[tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !%($-&2)4,Department of Physicsirtf[yBWestflische Wilhelms-Universitt, Mnster (Department of Physics) 0000000000000000'Yf[ 000000 irtf[y  5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Department of Physics, Westflische Wilhelms-Universitt, Mnster and Graudate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka UniversityA0000000000000000'Yf[ 000000irtf[yh0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[533000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 "%')*,-2"7'9,<.?)University of Malaya (Faculty of Science) *000'Yf[tf[ &500000000~Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and University of Malaya,'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0000'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5??000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'+."3$8':*Science Faculty%Istanbul University (Science Faculty) *000000'Yf[tf[ &500000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Science Faculty, Istanbul University and Graduate School of Sicence/ School of Science, Osaka University/000000'Yf[tf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5<<000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    "$( +%0'5*7-2Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (Faculty of Science)600000]y'Yf[ tf[ 25 00000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h000000]y'Yf[tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&*.!1&6(;+=.CUniversity of Houston (College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics)J000000'Yf[6qyf[pef[ F5000000000000000   Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Houston and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University3000000'Yf[6qyf[pef[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   %&(*.$1)6+;.=1FThe Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences|-NVyf[b Nwm_(uirtf[xvz@bx50000000000000000000000000000000    Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and the Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences38'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0-NVyf[b Nwm_(uirtf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[45VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $).27>"B$E)J+O.Q1$tf[b 5000003National Chiao Tung University (College of Science) NVzN'Yf[tf[b J500000000000000000  Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and College of Science, National Chiao Tung University-'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0VzN'Yf[tf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5DD0000000000000000000000000000000000< 0000000000000000000000000000000000   #'+.03#8%=(?+!Universit degli Studi di Perugia00000'Yf[50000Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University(Japan) and Universita' degli Studi di Perugia(Italy) +'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #&!+#0&2)!Faculty of Chemistry and PharmacySf[0f[ILudwig-Maximilians-Universitt Munich (Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy)000000000000000000000'Yf[Sf[0f[  5Student Edchange Agreement between the School of Science and Gradaute School of Sicence, Osaka University and the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt(LMU) MunichF'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0tf[h0000 00000 000000000000000'Yf[ Sf[0f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[f 5VDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biomedical EngineeringVSf[0Sf[]f[0uSO;SBv]f[R 5000000000000000000000  |Eindhoven University of Technology (Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering )V0000000]y'Yf[Sf[0Sf[]f[0uSO;SBv]f[ R5000000000000000000000 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and Department of Biomedical Engineering, Eindhoven University of Technology and Gradauate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka UniversityH\'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0tf[h00000sV0000000]y'Yf[Sf[0Sf[]f[&Ns0k0 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University?>0000000'Yf[uiryf[h0'Y*'Yf[ˆ}vxvz@b&Ns0k0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[:5VV00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !#'+ 1#4%9':(<*>+B0E5J7O:Q=8University of Montreal (Center of Mathematical Research)0000000'Yf[pef[xvz@b  5Agreement on Academic Exchange between Center of Mathematical Research, University of Montreal and Graduate School of Science, Osaka University,'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh00000000'Yf[pef[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5::0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  &)".$3'5*Agreement on Academic Exchange between the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the College of Engineering, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Engineering Science, Osaka University6'Y*'Yf[tf[j00s0k0Wy]f[h000000000'Yf[tf[j00s0k0]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  " '#,(.-1/46the College of Science and the College of Life Science Htf[b0u}Tyf[bD 500000000000000  SNational Taiwan University (the College of Science and the College of Life Science)rVzS~n'Yf[tf[b0u}Tyf[b n500000000000000000000000000    Appendix on Academic Exchange between the Graduate School of Science and School of Science, Osaka University and the College of Science and the College of Life Science, National Taiwan University3.'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0VzS~n'Yf[tf[b0u}Tyf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00f*5KK000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #'+.047!9$<)A+F.H1J2/Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences <00000^6qyf['Yf[8 5 00000000000 _Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City (Ho Chi Minh City University of Natural Sciences)^00000^V['Yf[ 00000^6qyf['Yf[ Z50000000000000000000  Memorandum on Student Exchange between Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City University of Science, and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University:00000^V['Yf[00000^6qyf['Yf[h0'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$ )"*#,%.&2+5092>5@8B9 40006qyf['Yf[0 5 0000000000@Vietnam National University, Hanoi (Hanoi University of Science)N000V['Yf[ 0006qyf['Yf[ J500000000000000000   Appendix on Academic Exchange between the Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University and the Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi1 'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h0000V['Yf[0006qyf['Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&),!0%3'8)=,?/A03University of British Columbia (Faculty of Science)< 00000000000000'Yf[tf[ ,500000000 Memorandum on Understanding between Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia and Graduate School of Science/School of Science, Osaka University3'Y*'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzySs0 Ttf[h00000000000000'Yf[tf[h0n0n0TaNk0Y00f55500000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    #"''*)-+0.2142=South East Asian Institute of Global Studies,Payap University0000'Yf[qgWS0000000000000xvz@b LVlQqQ?eV{xvzyH50000000000000000000  0000'Yf[qgWS0000000000000xvz@b 5JFaculty of Politics and Social Sciences,National University Timor Lorosa'e\qg00000Vz'Yf[?el>yOf[X5000000000000000000000  qg00000\qg00000Vz'Yf[?el>yOf[X5000000000000000000000  QFaculty of Law and Faculty of Politics and social Sciences,Syiah Kuala University\0000000'Yf[lf[Ss0?el>yOf[X5000000000000000000000   \0000000'Yf[lf[Ss0?el>yOf[X5000000000000000000000   CPasstra University of Cambodia, Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia0000000000000'Yf[0>yOyf[0VOf[0000000000000'Yf[0>yOyf[0VOf[ 5?The Faculty of the Humanities, the University of the Free State0000000'Yf[0Neyf[ 5IGulf Research Center Foundation (GRCF) and the Gulf Research Center (GRC)00000000000000 TV 5OS . Rajaratnam School of Intemational Stndies N anyang Technological University0000]y'Yf[ 0000000Vf[xvz'Yf[b0000]y'Yf[ 0000000Vf[xvz'Yf[b 5:OEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE CHINESE CULTURE UNIVERSITY -NVeS'Yf[0?elf[| -NVeS'Yf[0?elf[| 5Copperbelt University 000 000'Yf[500000Memorandum of Understanding on Academic ExchangemKyung Hee University (Graduate School of Pan-Pacific International Studies, college of International Studies)vaq'Yf[!h Nl*Ys^ mVO'Yf[b0VOf[ 5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)vaq'Yf[!h Nl*Ys^ mVO'Yf[b0VOf[ 5 ,,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    !%)cMonterey Institute of International Studies(Graduate School of International Policy and Management)H00000000000000V?eV{0{t'Yf[b D500000000000000000 6COLLEGE OF LAW KONKUK UNlVERSITY AND KONKUK LAW SCHOOL^V'Yf[!hly'Yf[Ss0lf[\'Yf[b5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000     ^V'Yf[!hly'Yf[Ss0lf[\'Yf[b5 !!000000000000000000000000000000000     LFaculty of Political Science and Public Administration Chiang Mai University00000'Yf[0?elL?ef[00000'Yf[0?elL?ef[ 5/College of Liberal Arts, De La Salle University(0000000'Yf[000000000f[0000000 $50000000(0000000'Yf[000000000f[0000000 $50000000kNational Cheng Kung University (Departmnt of Political Science and Graduate Institute of Political Economy BVzbR'Yf[(?elL}nf[xvz@b)000000000000>500000000000000 BVzbR'Yf[(?elL}nf[xvz@b)000000000000>500000000000000 -NNlqQTV0(/nyr%RL?e:S)wThe University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong Institute of Economics and Business Strategy, Faculty of Business and Economics)/n'Yf[FU0L}nf[萙/nL}n00000&beuxvz@b 5&School of Oriental and African Studies qg m0000xvzf[b500000=University of London (School of Oriental and African Studies)0000'Yf[qg m0000xvzf[b500000 .Agreement on Academic and Research CooperationESSEC Business School ESSEC000000002L}nf[xvzy.5 000000000000 ESSEC00000000 5hYe0xvzNAmc:dTan0_00n0fM0d5000000000000000000000000000  4College of Management and College of Social Sciences {tf[b0>yOyf[b50000 L}nf[xvzy0 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Law, Osaka University'Department of Law, University of Bremen00000'Yf[50000*Agreement for Cooperation Regarding the Collaboration between Department of Law, University of Bremen, Germany (Universittsallee GW1, 28359 Bremen, Germany) And the Graduate School of Law and Politics/School of Law, Osaka University, Japan (1-6 Machikaneyama-cho, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-0043, Japan) S~n50000national chungcheng university Vz-Nck'Yf[lf[b 5:d'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzySs0 Tl&Ns0k0'Yf[bؚI{Slxvzyh0Vz-Nck'Yf[lf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f`5]]000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !%'+.48!;"=#A%< E'G*J/O1T4V7universidad catllica de chili 0000000'Yf[50000agreement on academic exchange betweenfaculty iof law of pontificia universidad catllica de chili and the graduate school of law and the school of law and law school,osaka university national chengchi university Vz?el'Yf[lf[b 5;^'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzySs0 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graduate school of law, osaka universitykenkuk universityagreement on academic exchange between graduate school of law (law school),and osaka schoool of international public policy osaka university and college of law konkuk universityH'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzy0lf[Ss0'Yf[bؚI{Slxvzy&Ns0k0'Yf[bVlQqQ?eV{xvzyh0^V'Yf[!hly'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5vv0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  %),248!:">$C&G(M,Q.W1Z3^5`8c=h?mBoEtG,universitate de toulouse I sciences sociates *000000,{N'Yf[&500000000;0'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzySs0 Tlf[&Ns0k0'Yf[bؚI{Slxvzyh0000000,{N'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[,5RR0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#')-06&:(>,A1F3K6M9)east china university of politics and lawqg?elf[b5008B'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzySs0 Tlf[&Ns0k0'Yf[bؚI{Slxvzyh00qg?elf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[>5UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !#')-06!9#;$?&A)D.I0N3P6the university of wisconsin 0000000'Yf[50000 agreement5'Y*'Yf['Yf[blf[xvzySs0 Tlf[h00000000'Yf[0000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !%%(*-,2/42Faculty of Arts and Sciencesetf[BOGAZICI UNIVERSITY0000'Yf[ 5Government College University 00000000000'Yf[ 5Faculty of Arts and Humanities*eSxvzy YVf[0 0 &500000000 (Heinrich Heine University of Dsseldorf 0000000000000000000'Yf[50000 eSxvzy YVf[Georgia State University 00000]z'Yf[ 5,Graduate School, College of Chinese Language (xvzub0"of[b$50000000YVf[0 eSxvzy'Beijing Language and Culture UniversitySN'Yf[ 5NCenter for International Education, The Institute of Asian and African StudiesVYe0000000000000xvz@b ZeSxvzy YVf[V500000000000000000000   Oriental College 0000000000University of the Punjab000000'Yf[ 5)Faculty of Social Science and HumanitiesNe>yOf[50000 8eSxvzy YVf[45 000000000000Lisbon New University0000e'Yf[ 5 >YVf[0eSxvzy:5 000000000000  &Hanoi National University of Education000+^{'Yf[ 5 8YVf[ eSxvzy45 000000000000 "Hong Bang University International 000000V'Yf[50000 TYVf[ eSxvzyP500000000000000000000  "Moscow State Linguistic University(0000'Yf[$50000000Hanoi University000'Yf[ 5Facutlty of Arts0 eSxvzy0 YVf[ 000000'Yf[ 5Ne>yOf[000000'Yf[ 5TYVf[0 eSxvzyP500000000000000000000  %Hochiminh City University of Pedagogy8Lille Institute of Political Studies (Sciences Po Lille)000?elf[b 5/Gspr Kroli University of the Reformed Church00000000000000000>m'Yf[0ef[500000Ural Federal University000#'Yf[ 5YVf[bm3W'Yf[ 5School of Foreign Language and Literature, College of International Cultural Exchange, Center for Language and Language EducationYVf[b0VeSNAmf[b0h0Ye0000Huazhong Normal University-N+^{'Yf[ 58eSxvzy YVf[0 45 000000000000The University of Tehran0000'Yf[ 5$The Written Heritage Research Center ef#uxvz0000 5The Cultural Research BureaueSxvz@b  5)Center for The Great Islamic Encyclopedia 00000'Y~vyNxQ}~@b 5'the Department of Geography and History00Wt0tkSf[,500000000(The University of Santiago de Compostela000000000000000'Yf[ 5eSxvzy YVf[0 0 Shiraz University00000'Yf[ 5YVf[0 eSxvzy0 Shandong Jiaotong Universityq\qgNf[b 5YVf[0 eSxvzy0Rangsit University00000'Yf[ 5%Provence University (Aix-Marseille `!)sg}'Yf[0(tox}-~r,{'Y< f[) 5YVf[0 eSxvzy0 e,ge,geSYe00005##00000000000000000000000000000000000  0000000000000'Yf[ 5 00000000000'Yf[ 5!University of Toulouse-le Mirail qg m0000xvzf[bYVf[0 e,ge,geSYe0000University of London0000'Yf[50000*Ye f[&500000000 >ef[0ef[xvzy:5000000000000000 Charles University in Prague 0000000'Yf[50000Faculty-level Exchange ProgramF@\NAmTS[B50000000000000000 Faculty of Modern Language$Udine University University of Udine00000'Yf[50000Institute of Japanese Studies8e,gf[xvz@b45 000000000000 ef[0ef[xvzy YVf[0eSxvz@b5$$000000000000000000000000000000000000   &ex[b"5000000H Wzcp+^{'Yf[D500000000000000 Institute of European Studies ,00000f[xvz@b(5 000000000Jagellonian University0000'Yf[500001Manchester 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Northwest University`N'Yf[h0fk"o'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[\500000000000000000000000000  fGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Wuhan University*fk"o'Yf[&500000000N'Yf[h0SN'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5gGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Peking University:0nje0`1XNc65 0000000000000 N'Yf[h0n'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5iGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Tsinghua University(n'Yf[$50000000\f[Snje0 RLirJ00s0`1Xn0NcX5000000000000000000000000  N'Yf[h0_e'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5fGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Fudan University*_e'Yf[&500000000N'Yf[h0Ym_l'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5iGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Zhejiang UniversityN'Yf[h0-NVyf[bS'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Science and Technology of ChinaF-NVyf[bS'Yf[B50000000000000000 N'Yf[h0/nyb'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology./nyb'Yf[*5 0000000000.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology:/n'Yf[h0N'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[uNAmTS[65 0000000000000SStudent Exchange Agreement between The University of Hong Kong and Kyoto University*/n'Yf[&500000000J/n-Ne'Yf[h0N'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[uNAmTS[F5000000000000000000  [Student Exchange Agreement between The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Kyoto University:/n-Ne'Yf[65 0000000000000 N'Yf[h0WSN'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5hGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Nanjing UniversityxN'Yf[h0 NwmN'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[t5 00000000000000000000000000000000   sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityN'Yf[h0[N'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Xi'an Jiaotong University8[N'Yf[45 000000000000N'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5pGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Institut Teknologi BandungN'Yf[h0000000yf[bLIPI h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5~General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) (Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) N'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[50000 mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of IndonesiaN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5iGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto Uni< versity and Tel Aviv University00000'Yf[50000Tel Aviv UniversityN'Yf[h0vaS'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Kyungpook National University4vaS'Yf[!h05 0000000000N'Yf[h0000'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Seoul National UniversityN'Yf[h0^N'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5gGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Yonsei University.^N'Yf[!h*5 0000000000N'Yf[h0ؚ'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5fGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Korea UniversityN'Yf[h0ӗVyf[bSbh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyN'Yf[h0fm]y'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Pohang University of Science and TechnologyBfm]y'Yf[!h>500000000000000N'Yf[h0000Vz'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5qGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and National University of LaosN'Yf[h0000000Vz'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5vGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and National University of Singapore *000000Vz'Yf[&500000000 National University of Singapore:00000000000 nje0`1XNc65 0000000000000  N'Yf[h0VzS~n'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5wGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Taiwan National Taiwan University!Taiwan National Taiwan University@u}Tyf[xvzy<5 0000000000000 $"VzS~n'Yf[;Sx[b VzS~n'Yf[uirnjnfx[b VzS~n'Yf[u}Tyx[b50000COLLEGE OF MEDICINE,NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF BIORESOURCES AND AGRICULTURE, NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE,NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITYN'Yf[h0Vzn'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and National Tsing Hua UniversityN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Kasetsart UniversityN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Thammasat UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5nGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Chulalongkorn UniversityN'Yf[h00000V['Yf[000!hh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5xGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Vietnam National University, HanoiN'Yf[h000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5dGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Hue UniversityN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Queensland University of Queensland N'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Melbourne00000'Yf[50000University of MelbourneN'Yf[h000000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of New South Wales 00000000000'Yf[50000 University of New South WalesN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Sydney0000'Yf[50000University of SydneyN'Yf[h00000000Vz'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5xGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and The Austrarian National University"The Austrarian National UniversityN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Auckland000000'Yf[50000University of Auckland'#u[f[#:d;mRn0pn0TSR0NAm0O2Y00;mRn0gD}00wv#un0SqbD00[00N'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of KhartoumN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of ViennaUniversity of ViennaN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5hGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Charles University000'Yf[50000N'Yf[h000,{7'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5`Accord Concernant les Echanges Scientifiques entre l'Universite de Kyoto et l'Universite Paris 7&00,{7'Yf["5000000(University of Paris VII - Denis Diderot N'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5vMemorandum pour le Renouvellement de l'accord de Cooperation entre l'Universite de Kyoto et l'Universite de Strasbourg,00?elf[bh0N'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[uNAmTS[(5 000000000qStudent Exchange Agreement between Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) and Kyoto University(00?elf[b$500000009Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po)N'Yf[h0000000'Yf[#Th0n0'Yf[TS[ 5Memorandum General de Cooperation Academique et d'echanges entre l'Universite de Kyoto et Le Consortium des universties de Grenoble *000000'Yf[#T&500000000Grenoble UniversityN'Yf[h000001u'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Free University of BerlinFree University of BerlinN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5}General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich'Ludwig Maximilians University of MunichN'Yf[h000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn,Rhenish Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn 00000000000N'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5}General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Rupert Charles University of Heidelberg'Rupert Charles University of HeidelbergN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Humboldt University of Berlin00000'Yf[50000Humboldt University of BerlinN'Yf[h000000]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5tGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Technische Universitat MunchenTechnische Universitat MunchenN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ < 5iGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Siena000'Yf[50000University of SienaN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5kGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of BolognaN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5gGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Leiden University0000'Yf[50000N'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5kGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Utrecht00000'Yf[50000University of UtrechtN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5hGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Uppsala University0000'Yf[50000Uppsala UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Stockholm University 0000000'Yf[50000Stockholm UniversityN'Yf[h00000000sz]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5~General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm 60000000sz]y'Yf[25 00000000000  (Royal Institute of Technology, StockholmN'Yf[h0000#]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich*000#'Yf[&500000000,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ZurichN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Lausanne00000'Yf[50000University of LausanneN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Sussex00000'Yf[50000N'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of OxfordN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Cambridge000000'Yf[50000University of CambridgeN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5nGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Nottingham 0000000'Yf[50000University of NottinghamN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Edinburgh00000'Yf[50000,000000'Yf[h0N'Yf[h0n0ff[uNAm00000 (5 000000000uMemorandum of Understanding Exchange Programme for Students between The University of Birmingham and Kyoto University000000'Yf[50000The University of Birmingham<0000000'Yf[h0N'Yf[h0n0Taff[uNAm 8500000000000000 aMemorandum of Agreement (Student Exchange) between University of Southampton and Kyoto University 0000000'Yf[50000&JN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[uNAmTS[h0n0f[uNAm_00n0TafF5000000000000000000  mMemorandum for Agreement for a Student Exchange Programme between Kyoto University and Newcastle University 00000000'Yf[50000N'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of SheffieldN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5nGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of ManchesterN'Yf[h0000000_0000Vz'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5|General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State University6000000_0000Vz'Yf[25 00000000000 &Moscow M.V. Lomonosov State UniversityN'Yf[h00000]'Yf[f[w!hwTSpOh0n0'Yf[TS[ 5Accord Cadre de Cooperation et d'echanges Academiques entre l'Universite de Kyoto et La Conference des Recteurs et des Principaux des Universites du QuebecV0000]'Yf[f[w!hwTSpOR5000000000000000000000  FLa Conference des Recteurs et des Principaux des Universites du QuebecN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of WaterlooN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Guadalajara000000'Yf[50000University of GuadalajaraN'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Wayne State University,0000]z'Yf[(5 000000000Wayne State UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5iGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Stanford University 0000000'Yf[50000Stanford UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5nGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of CaliforniaN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Polytechnic University 0000000'Yf[50000Polytechnic UniversityN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5fGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Brown University0000'Yf[50000Brown UniversityN'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5rGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and George Washington University 000000000'Yf[50000 George Washington UniversityN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5fGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Tufts University000'Yf[50000Tufts UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5pGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Pennsylvania 0000000'Yf[50000University of PennsylvaniaN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5kGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Hawai'iUniversity of Hawai'i @0000000'Yf[00000h0N'Yf[h0n0YeTSRn0Taf<50000000000000000 fAgreement for Educational Cooperation between The University of Wisconsin-Madison and Kyoto University0000000'Yf[0000050000#The University of Wis< consin-MadisonN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Michigan0000'Yf[50000N'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[TS[ 5jGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of MalayadN'Yf[h000000000000000000h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[`50000000000000000000000000 uGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris00000000000000000'Yf[50000 Ecole Normale Superieure~N'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[z5 00000000000000000000000000000000 tGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Hanoi University of TechnologyN'Yf[h00000'Yf[#Th0n0'Yf[NAmTS[|5!!000000000000000000000000000000000  sGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Asean University Network(AUN)*0000'Yf[#T&500000000 Asean University Network(AUN)>0000V(000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 50000N'Yf[h00000yf[00000h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and The Egyptian Academy of Science, Resaerch and Technology 0000yf[0000050008The Egyptian Academy of Science, Resaerch and TechnologyN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5mGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of GttingenN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5Memorandum of Understanding for Cultural, Educational, and Scientific Cooperation between Kyoto University and The University of Washington, USA00000'Yf[50000!The University of Washington, USAN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Helsinki00000'Yf[50000University of HelsinkiN'Yf[h00000000]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5wGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (0000000]y'Yf[$50000000 !Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5dGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Ko University000'Yf[50000Ko UniversityN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[0000!hh0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5UAgreement of cooperation between Kyoto University and University of California, DavisN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5kGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Bristol00000'Yf[50000University of Bristol V#u[f[#:dk000`1XNcR5000000000000000000000   N'Yf[h00000'Yf[Yexvz@bh0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Institute of Education University of London F0000'Yf[Yexvz@bB50000000000000000  +Institute of Education University of LondonN'Yf[h0V#T'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5oGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and United Nations UniversityV#T'Yf[ 5United Nations Universitye,g5000BN'Yf[h00000e,gyf[bS'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[>500000000000000    General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and EgyptJapan University of Sience and Technology B0000e,gyf[bS'Yf[>500000000000000 .EgyptJapan University of Sience and TechnologyN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5pGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and The Universoty of Botswana0000'Yf[50000The Universoty of Botswana ]0n0N00000WW 0000&N'Yf[h0^V'Yf[!hh0n0'Yf[NAmTS["5000000 gGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Konkuk University^V'Yf[!h50000N'Yf[h00000 'Yf[#Th0n0'Yf[NAmTS[50000 vGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and ASEAN+3 University Network (AUN)0000+3'Yf[#T (AUN) 0 5 ASEAN+3 University Network (AUN)N'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5lGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and Gadjah Mada UniversityN'Yf[h00000'Yf[0000000000!hh0n0'Yf[NAmTS[500General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois/40000'Yf[tNO000000000 000000000000!h 05 0000000000-3The Board of Trustees of the University of IllinoisN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[ 5kGeneral Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University and University of Toronto0000'Yf[ 5N'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[uNAmTS[50000Student Exchange Agreement between Kyoto University and IAG-Louvain School of Management UCL (Universit Catholique de Louvain), LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE 0000000000'Yf[50000 YIAG-Louvain School of Management UCL(Universit Catholique de Louvain), LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE 8N'Yf[ef[xvzy0ef[h000000000000000'Yf[0000S0000xvzf[yh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 5Accordo di Cooperazione fra il Dipartimento di Studi sull'Asia e sull'Africa Mediterranea della'Universita Ca Foscari Venewia (Italia) e la Facolta e la Scuola Dottorale di Lettere della Universita di Kyoto(Giappone)0000000000000 'Yf[ 5University Ca Foscari Venezia 000000000000 0nje0`1XNcen00 5yMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN NATIONAL MUSEUM OF IRAN, IRAN AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF LETTERS, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN000VzZSir( 5National Museum of IranMemorandum of Understanding on Academic and Research Cooperation between the School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS), University of London and the Graduate School of Letters, Kyoto University0000'Yf[qg m00000xvzf[b 55N'Yf[ef[0Yef[0lf[0L}nf[0Neyf[xvz@bh0000000qNxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f5FF0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !($+%.&5+:-?0A3MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE B< ETWEEN THE HARVARD-YENCHING INSTITUTE AND THE FACULTIES OF LETTERS, EDUCATION, LAW, AND ECONOMICS, AND THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR HUMANISTIC STUDIES OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY :000000qNxvz@b65 0000000000000Harvard-Yenching Institute8N'Yf[ef[xvzyh0000yf[00000qgef[xvz@b0000z000000/e@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5 ++0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $(-/"2$5)7R000yf[00000qgef[xvz@b00000z000000/e@bN50000000000000000000   :000000000000 0nje0`1XNc65 0000000000000 "N'Yf[ef[xvzy0ef[h000000'Yf[ef[h0n0f[SNAmTS[fe~5 0000000000000000000000000000000   ACCORD DE COOPERATION ENTRE LA FACULTE DES LETTRES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE GENEVE ET A FACULTE DES LETTRES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE KYOTO ,00000'Yf[ef[(5 0000000000LA FACULTE DES LETTRES DE L'UNIVERSITE DE GENEVErS_j0W050000yrk0j0W0500 T-NVYeyf[xvzbP500000000000000000000  (National Institute of Education Sciences PSN+^{'Yf[Yef[L5000000000000000000 /Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University 4000000'Yf[_tf[05 0000000000 /Departoment of Psychology, Lancaster Universityj0W0 5000000000YVylJ00s0Vylxvz@b  5EMax-Planck-Institut fr auslndisches und internationales Privatrecht Vz?el'Yf[lf[b 50000?elf[V000000  5 Science Po#000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[lf[ 5TJohann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt am Main, Fachbereich Rechtswissenschaft000000000000000000000'Yf[lf[ 5=Julius-Maximilians-Universitt Wrzburg, Juristische Fakultt NLuLlR  5'Legal Vice Presidency of the World Bank:lRRKb00000LAP^t^ J00s0lR00000000000LIPJSt^^t^ k0W0f0vNk0TSRY0002VJS~Nqq/^\Oirxvz@bICRISAT h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding between The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and The Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University dVJS~Nqq/^\Oirxvz@b`50000000000000000000000000  NThe International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)(V_j$500000003 'Y#t]'Yf[h0N'Yf[]f[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0n0Yeh0xvzk0Y00TS[5II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "%+ /"4$6%8(=+B.D1Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Dailian University of Technology and Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering,Graduate School of Energy Scoence, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University'Y#t]'Yf[ 5,N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0-NVNl'Yf[tX06qnjnf[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5GENARAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCAHNGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES AT KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE SCHOOL OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES AT RENMIN UNIVERSITY OF CHINAp-NVNl'Yf[tX06qnjnf[bl50000000000000000000000000000     KThe School of Environment & Natural Resources at Renmin University of China*BRAC'Yf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5AGREEMENT for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and BRAC University, Bangladesh0000'Yf[50000BRAC University#szmi'Yf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Royal University of Agriculture and Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University#0000'Yf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies KYOTO UNIVERSITY And Center for Ocean and Coastal Studies (COCS) UNIVERSITY OF MADRAS 0000'Yf[50000University of Madras/0000'Yf[tf[xvzyh0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5AGREEMENT for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and Faculty of Science, University of Colombo :0000'Yf[tf[xvzy65 0000000000000@Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, University of Colombo%N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[k0Y00N,vf5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $).0 6#General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University,Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies and Khon Kaen University0000'Yf[ 5&N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh00000'Yf[]f[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf5;;00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $).0!6$General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto University,Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies and Faculty of Engineering MAHIDOL UniversityGN'Yf[]f[xvzy0WttXf[XL}U{t'Yf[bh0000]y'Yf[]mibSxvzytXnjnzvxvzyL}Uf[xvzyh0n0Yef[SNAmk0Y00TS[f5xx000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   #&,/3 8"<$A&B(G*J,N.T2X4Z5`:e<j>oAqDMAGREEMENT for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Engineering / Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies/ Graduate School of Management Kyoto University And School of Engineering and Technology /School of Environment, Resources and Development / School of Management Asian Institute of Technology"000]y'Yf[0]mibSxvzy0tXnjnzvxvzy0L}Uf[xvzy 5 440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "(.Asian Institute of Technology (School of Engineering and Technology, School of Environment, Resources and Development, School of Management)/gyb'Yf[]f[xvzyh0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f < 5AGREEMENT for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and College of Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology \gyb'Yf[]f[xvzyX5000000000000000000000 JCollege of Engineering, National Yunlin University of Science & TechnologyN'Yf[0WttXf[Xh0000]y'Yf[h0n0Ye0yf[TSRTS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$*Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between Graduate School of Environmental Studies,Kyoto University and Danang University of Technology(000]y'Yf[$50000000+N'Yf[]f[xvzyJ00s00WttXf[Xh0000W(g]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%). 3#5&;)GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN the Graduate Schools of Engineering and of Global Environmental Studies KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND HANOI UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING 4000W(g]y'Yf[05 0000000000%Hanoi University of Civil EngineeringN'Yf[0WttXf[Xh000gmi'Yf[h0n0Ye0yf[TSRTS[5 33000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    %(.Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between Graduate School of Environmental Studies,Kyoto University and Hue University of Agriculture and Forestry000gmi'Yf[,5 00000000000&N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh00000yf[bS00000h0n0Ye0yf[TSRTS[ 5Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology&0000000'Yf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding on Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Champasack University and Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University 0000000'Yf[50000Champasack University20000ickbSzv0000h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5AGREEMENT for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies and Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development0000ickbSzv0000 51Centre for Appropriate Technology and Development200000]y'Yf[h0N'Yf[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0n0Yeh0xvzk0Y00TS[5@@0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "&!+#-$/'4*9-;0wMemorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Universiti Teknologi Malaysia through Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Kyoto University through Graduate School of Engineering, School of Energy Scoence, Graduate School of Global Environmental StudiesUniversiti Technologi Malaysia?*N'Yf[]f[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy`1Xf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0000000'Yf[h0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[&5UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   '- 1"6$8%:->1C4H7N:P=Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Energy Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University and The University of Dortmund000000'Yf[ 5The University of Dortmund<N'Yf[]f[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh00000000000'Yf[h0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[5HH000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $)+-*1.61;4A7C:Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Energy Science, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University and Kaiserslautern University 0000000000'Yf[ 5Kaiserslautern University<0N'Yf[]f[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy`1Xf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0000#]y'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[,5UU0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   '- 1"6$8%:*>,A.E2I4N7P:Agreement for A Student Exchange Program between Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Energy Science, Graduate School of Informatics, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University and ETH Zurich 6000#]y'Yf[25 00000000000 ETH ZURICH7N'Yf[]f[]f[xvzy00000yf[xvzy0WttXf[Xh00000000]y'Yf[h0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   $)+-'0)4-8/=2?5Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Faculty of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Graduate School of Energy Science, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies Kyoto University and Chalmers University of Technology 0000000]y'Yf[ 5!Chalmers University of Technology.00000'Yf[f[0u}T0tXf[h0N'Yf[f[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[5 //00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$#&()*,LAddendum to the General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and exchange And the Appendix to the General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Excahnge for Graduate Student Reserch Excange Between Faculty of Agricultural,Life and Environmental Science,University of Alberta and the Graduate School of Agriculture Kyoto UniversityT00000'Yf[f[0u}T0tXf[P500000000000000000000  LFaculty of Agricultural,Life and Environmental Science,University of Alberta60000y'Yf['Yf[bj00s0k0 T'Yf[gnfSxvz@bh0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 5?Memorandum of Understanding For on Academic and Scientific Cooperation and Exchange Activities between Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University, and Research and Community Services Institute of Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia and Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Japan0000y'Yf[ 5!0000]y'Yf[h0N'Yf[]f[xvzy0WttXf[Xh0n0f[uNAmTS[5 440000000000000000000000000000000< 000000000000000000000   "$&*/ International Student Exchange Agreement for the academic years 2011  2014 between Faculty and Graduate School of Engineering /Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University and Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology 0000]y'Yf[ 5YFaculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology6WS*Ys^ m'Yf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[XJ00s0N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5MEMORANDOM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, AND DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND FACULTY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT (FSTE), UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH PACIFIC (USP) XWS*Ys^ m'Yf[tXyf[T50000000000000000000000  PThe Faculty of Science,Technologyand Environment,University of the South Pacificj0W0 5 \-NVyf[bbuirxvz@bX5000000000000000000000000   :Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chainese Academy of Sciences F0000Nyf[xvzVB50000000000000000 (Fondation Maison des Sciences de I'Homme!Agreement of Academic CooperationRP[k vf[Vxvz@b0'k]k vf[xvz@b0RP[;Sf['k]f[!h 5IFOM, The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology Foundation / IEO, The European Institute of Oncology / SEMM, The European School of Molecular MedicineStudent Exchange AgreementRP[k vf[Vxvz@b0'k]k vf[xvz@b0RP[;Sf['k]f[!h  5YY_jTS[ 5)Sister Institution Relationship Agreement0000'Yf[ M.D. 000000L000000 52The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center* TyO(u&500000000 Agreement 000000'Yf[xvz_jiSs0'Yf[b00000 5?Research Institute and Graduate Programs, Hasanuddin Universityff[S0yf[TSRk0Y00TS[fb500000000000000000000000000  BMemorandum of Agreement on the Academic and Scientific Cooperation000mi'Yf[ 5f5000000000y'Yf[0000000Vz0Wtg_ji 5SBogor Agricultural University, National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping0000y'Yf[ 5Yezin Agricultural University Zf[SNAm0TSRk0Y00fV500000000000000000000000  AMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange and Cooperation0000,{N'Yf[Ne>yOf[ 5EFaculty of Arts, Letters and Social Sciences, University of Yaounde I `f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf\500000000000000000000000    +General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation Vz00000'Yf[ 5National Islamic University Zf[SNAmk0Y00hQ,vfV500000000000000000000000    0000'Yf[ ^yf[ 5%Faculty of Theology, Ankara Universty VVf[SNAmTS[fR5000000000000000000000  0000000'Yf[ 5Cenderawasih University Pf[STSR0NAmn0_00n0fL5000000000000000000000  000000000000000'Yf[ 5!Sultan Agung Tirtayasa University000'Yf[qgWS000xvz@b0?eL}f[ 5VCenter for Asian Studies, Faculty of Economics and Political Science, Cairo University Zf[STSR0NAmk0Y00fV500000000000000000000000  IMemorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange and Research Cooperation00000'Yf[00000000xvz@b 58Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan Universityjf[SNAm0xvzTSRk0Y00ff50000000000000000000000000000   000000'Yf[00000xvz@b 5;Institute of Ethiopian Studies(IES), Addis Ababa UniversityAgreed Minute of Discussion0000>yOyf[bWSc}vzvU\b 5QSouthern Institute of Sustainable Development, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences!Academic Exchange and Cooperation0000'Yf[N^f[00000000000xvz@b 5LInstitute of Anthropology, Gender and African Studies, University of NairobiJMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange and Research Cooperation Vq/^mixvz@b 50International Institute for Tropical Agriculture000000 Jf[STSRk0Y00fF5000000000000000000  szmi'Yf[ 5%Royal University of Agriculture (RUA)szS'Yf[ 5$Royal University of Fine Arts (RUFA).f[STS[*5 00000000000000sz'Yf[000000000000 5-Sherubtse College, Royal University of Bhutan00000000'Yf[L}n0>yOf[xvz@b 5?Institute of Economic and Social Research, University of ZambiaAgreement of Cooeration0000'Yf[Ne>yOyf[0000 5>College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University`f[SNAmh0xvzTSRn0_00n0f\500000000000000000000000000  000'Yf[ 5University of Riau Pf[SNAmh0TSRn0_00n0fL5000000000000000000000   fWS'Yf[qgWS000xvz@b 5;The Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Jinan Universitylf[STSR0NAmk0Y00hQ,vfh500000000000000000000000000000  0000ؚI{xvzbZSX b!h 55The Doctoral School, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes/Memorandum of Academic Cooperation and Exchange.00000000000'Yf[000000000000000000000000000xvz0000 5TSultan Omar  Ali Saifuddien Centre for Islamic Studies, Universiti Brunei DarussalamVz000yf[bSxvz0000h0n0Vf[SNAmTS[f 5International Cooperation Agreement between The Graduate school of Sciences, Kyoto University and The National Center of Scientific Research and Technology, GabonVz000yf[bSxvz0000 5AThe National Center of Scientific Research and Technology, Gabon 000H00000000000P0nje0`1XNcD500000000000000000  b000000k0J0Q00|[͑ϑ,n[k0Y00TaTS[^5000000000000000000000000   Protocol of Agreement between The Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University,Kyoto,Japan and The National Coordination Agency For Surveys and Mapping(Bakosurtanal),Cibinong,Indnesia for Precise Gravity Measurementa in Indonesia\000000Vz,nϑSs00WVte_jiX5000000000000000000000   < YThe National Coordination Agency for Surveys and Mapping(Bakosurtanal),Cibinong,Indonrsianje0`1XNc<[[yf[h00Wtirtf[k0J0Q00TSRk0Y00N'Yf['Yf[btf[xvzyh0S~nVzbR'Yf[tf[b0000[[yf[0000n0f 5Memorandum of Understanding on Collaboration in Space Science and Geophysics between The Graduate School of Science,Kyoto University,Japan and The Plasma and Space Science Center,and College of Science,National Cheng Kung University,TaiwanVzbR'Yf[tf[b0000[[yf[0000 5[The Plasma and Space Science Center, and College of Science, National Cheng Kung University!Academic Coopertion and Agreement *0000'Yf[tf[&500000000%Aarhus University, Faculty of Science.*Y}irtf[h00Wtirtf[k0J0Q00TSRk0Y00N'Yf[tf[xvzyh00000Wtirtf[xvz@bn0f5CC0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%+"/$4';*>,Memorandum of Understanding On Collaboration in Solar Physics and Geophysics Between The Graduate School of Science, Kyoto University,Japan and Institute of Geohysics,Peru @0000Wtirtf[xvz@b<50000000000000000 Institute of Geophysics,Peru%N'Yf[tf[xvzyh0Vzxvz'Yf[ؚI{L}nxvzyh0n0n0J`Pk0Y00Taef5==0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   "&+,/246!9#Agreement on Cooperation between Kyoto University Graduate School of Science and National Research University Higher School of Economics jVzxvz'Yf[ؚI{L}nf[bf50000000000000000000000000    7National Research University Higher School of Economics/N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy00WttXf[Xh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[5DD00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000    $)+-!2$7'=*?-4Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation'Y#t]'Yf[ 5N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5 Tn'Yf['Yf[b 5$Graduate School of Tongji University0000]mi'Yf[ 5N'Yf[]f[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5FMemorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation/nW^'Yf[t]f[xvzy  5ACity University of Hong Kong (College of Science and Engineering) VzbR'Yf[]f[b  5N'Yf[]f[xvzy00WttXf[Xh0n0f[STSRk0Y00N,vf 58General Memorundum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange 000W(g]y'Yf[ 56National Cheng Kung UniversityCollege of Engineering (N'Yf[]f[xvzy00WttXf[X0L}U{t'Yf[bh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5!000]y'Yf[]mibSxvzy0tXnjnzvxvzy0L}Uf[xvzy  5Asian Institute of technologySchool of Engineering and Technology, School Environment, Resources and Development, School of Management /N'Yf[]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy000000t]f[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 500000tXT T'Yf[b'Yf[JGSEE  5nThe Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment of King Mongkut's University of Technology ThonburiJGSEE 'N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzyh0n0f[STSRTS[ 500000000]y'Yf[0000!h 5.N'Yf[]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy00WttXf[Xh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00N,vf 5)00000]y'Yf[^{^tXf[0Sf[)Y6qnjn]f[0W(g]f[0_jh]f[  5Universiti Teknologi MalaysiaFaculty of Built Environment, Faculty of Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 50000'Yf[000000!h]f[  59The University of Texas at AustinCollege of Engineering 00000]y'Yf[]f[  57Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteSchool of Engineering 0000'Yf[Ye f[0Ye f[xvzy  5;University of FloridaCollege of Liberal Arts and Sciences N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzyh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 59General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange 0000'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy  5-University of FloridaCollege of Engineering 0N'Yf[]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy000000t]f[xvz@bh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5FMemorandum Of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation0000000000'Yf[00000xvz@b  51The City University of New YorkEnergy Institute 0000000000'Yf[]f[0tf[  5MThe University of Western OntarioFaculty of Engineering, Faculty of Science 00000'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy  5/The University of So PauloEscola Politcnica (N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5 00000yf[bS'Yf[ 5.Norwegian University of Science and Technology/N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5 000000t]y'Yf[ 5DGrenoble Institute of Technology(Institut polytechnique de Grenoble)00000000e0000'Yf[(00,{6'Yf[  5+Pierre and Marie Curie University (Paris 6 000]y'Yf[ 50000]y'Yf[ 5#]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzyh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 500000000000000'Yf[]f[  5VFriedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen - NrnbergFaculty of Engineering Sciences N'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5%000000000'Yf[00000000  g_jSf[Ss0ؚRP[Sf[xvz@b  5cHeinrich-Heine-Universitt DsseldorfInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Macromomlecular Chemistry +]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy00WttXf[Xh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5000000]y'Yf[ (uirSf[0Sf[]f[) 5HTU Dortmund University (Faculty of Biochemical and Chemical Engineering) 00000000< 00'Yf[ 5 The University of Kaiserslautern 0000000]y'Yf[ 51]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzy0Sf[xvz@bh0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5 0000000'Yf[ 5SFriedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg Faculty of Engineering Sciences 000'Yf[l`1X]f[y0`1XQtyf[y  5wUniversity of Oulu Department of Electrical and Information Engineering, Department of Information Processing Science 000#]y'Yf[000000!h500 ETH Zurich00000]y'Yf[000000f[y  5@Universidad Politcnica de Valencia School of Computer Science 00000000L}n00000 5&Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics0000'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy  5NUniversity of Florida College of Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering 4 N'Yf[]f[/]f[xvzy/00000yf[xvzyh000000yf[bS'Yf[h0n0Yeh0xvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5BB000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   # '"+&0)5,;/=2Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Faculty of Engineering,Graduate School of Engineering,Graduate School of Energy Science,Kyoto University and Norwegian University of Science and Technology 00000yf[bS'Yf[ 5)e,gN'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0ӗVqgV'Yf[!heSf[Sbh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,TS[f 5General Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and Culture Research Institute, Dongguk University bqgV'Yf[!heSf[Sb^5000000000000000000000   .Culture Research Institute, Dongguk University:000000000000nje0`1XNc 65 0000000000000  N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh00000?elf[Vh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation And Exchange between The Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto university and The National Fondation of Political Sciences ,0000?elf[V(5 000000000.The National Fondation of Political Sciences 000000000000nje0`1XNc-000000000xvz0000000h0N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The European Consortium for Asian Field Study and The Institute For Research in Humanities, Kyoto University 000000000xvz0000000500000 0European Consortium for Asian Field Study (ECAF)7000000'Yf[-NVf[0qg000f[xvz@bh0N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0n0-NVf[xvzRΑk0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Cooperation in Research Activities in The Field of Chinese Studies between The Institute For Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and The Institute for Sinology and East Asian Studies, University of MuensterV000000'Yf[-NVf[0qg000xvz@bR5000000000000000000000  FInstitute for Sinology and East Asian Studies, University of Muenster ,-NV?el'Yf[l_SM|xvz@bh0N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0n0-NVf[xvzRΑk0J0Q00f[STSRTS[ 5Agreement for Reserch Cooperation in The Field of Chinese Studies between The Institute For Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and0The )nstitute0for0Chinese Ancient Documents #hina University0of0Political03ciense and Law l-NV?el'Yf[l_SM|xvz@bh500000000000000000000000000   W )nstitute0for0#hinese Ancient Documents #hina University0of0Political03ciense and Law&e,gN'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0S~n-N.YxvzbtkS xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmTS[  5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and The Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinica ^-N.YxvzbtkSxvz@bZ50000000000000000000000000  3 Institute of History and Philology Academia Sinicanje0`1XNc50000 -NV>yOyf[btkSxvz@bh0N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and The )nstitute0of0History #hinese0!cademy0of03ocial03cienses N-NV>yOyf[btkSxvz@bJ500000000000000000  9 )nstitute0of0History #hinese0!cademy0of03ocial03cienses500000'Yf[00000000xvz@bh0N'Yf[Neyf[xvz@bh0n0-NVf[xvzRΑk0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Reserch Cooperation in The Field of Chinese Studies between The Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and0The Asia Africa Institute, Hamburg University 000000'Yf[00000000xvz@b,5 00000000000*Asia Africa Institute, Hamburg University"N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh0Vzxvz'Yf[ؚI{L}n'Yf[bn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement on Cooperation between National Research University Higher School Of Economics and Institute Of Economic Research, Kyoto University Vzxvz'Yf[ؚI{L}n'Yf[b 53N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh000,{N'Yf[Vzyf[xvz000000000L}nxvz@bn0f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement to Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University and Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, University Paris 1, CNRS00,{N'Yf[Vzyf[xvz000000000L}nxvz@b 5;Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, University Paris 1, CNRS JN'Yf[L}nxvz@bh00000000000L}nϑxvz@bVzyf[xvz@b0>yOyf[ؚI{xvz@b00000000000'Yf[ n0f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00TS[ 5*Agreement to Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University and Groupement de Recherche en Economie Quantitative d Aix-Marseille, (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Aix-Marseille University)10000000000L}nϑxvz@bVzyf[xvz@b0>yOyf[ؚI{xvz@b00000000000'Yf[  < 5Groupement de Recherche en Economie Quantitative d Aix-Marseille, (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,0L Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Aix-Marseille University)%N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh0000Vz'Yf[L}nxvz@bn0f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement to Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University and Institute of Economic Research, Seoul National University 000Vz'Yf[L}nxvz@b 59Institute of Economic Research, Seoul National University*N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh000000000'Yf[000000!hL}nf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement to Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University And The Department of Economics, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill00000000'Yf[000000!hL}nf[ 5KThe Department of Economics,The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill"N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh0L}nxvz000000000n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement of Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University (KIER) and Helsinki Center of Economic Research (HECER) L}nxvz000000000 5%Helsinki Center of Economic Research &N'Yf[L}nxvz@bh000000yf[00000L}nxvz@bn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University and The Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences00000yf[00000L}nxvz@b 59The Institute of Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciencesj0W0 5 ^]'Yf[u}Tyf[f[b 5,College of Life Science Guangzhou University q\qg'Yf[ZwmR!hwm mf[b 5Weihai Shandong University8N'Yf[f[S`1X00000000h0000000000]y'Yf[000000000000f[h0n0TSROk0Y00f5 --000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 *."0&3(6Memorandum of Understanding for Cooperation between The Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University and The Department Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology4000000000]y'Yf[ 000000000000f[05 0000000000  CEindhoven University of Technology The Department Industrial Design0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh00000'Yf[xvz(uSP[pe-h0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0TSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University and Research Reactor Facility , University of Missouri0000'Yf[xvz(uSP[pe- 52Research Reactor Facility , University of Missouri0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh00000]z'Yf[SP[pxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0TSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University and The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory0000]z'Yf[SP[pxvz@b 54The Ohio State University Nuclear Reactor Laboratory4N'Yf[SP[p[@bh000000000]y'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0TSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University and The Nuclear Reactor Laboratory , Massachusetts Institute of Technology00000000]y'Yf[SP[p[@b 5FThe Nuclear Reactor Laboratory , Massachusetts Institute of Technology.N'Yf[SP[p[@bh000'Yf[00000'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0TSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between Kyoto University ,Reseahch Reactor Institute and Cuyo University,Institute Balseiro 00'Yf[00000'Yf[b 5"Cuyo University,Institute Balseiro1N'Yf[SP[p[@bh000000000'Yf[}Tyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0TSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University and College of Arts and sciences , The University of Rhode Island00000000'Yf[}Tyf[ 5=College of Arts and sciences , The University of Rhode Island-N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0000000'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0NAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for academic exchange and cooperation between The Faculty of Engineering , McMaster University and The Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University 000000'Yf[]f[ 50The Faculty of Engineering , McMaster University0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh00000]y'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0NAmSs0TSRk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between The Interfaculty Reactor Institute , Delft University of Thechnology and The Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University0000]y'Yf[SP[p[@b 5DThe Interfaculty Reactor Institute , Delft University of Thechnology'N'Yf[SP[p[@bh00000yf[bS'Yf[irth0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University and Physics Department , The Pohang University of Science and Thechnology Dfm]y'Yf[!hirtf[y@5 000000000000 EPhysics Department , The Pohang University of Science and Thechnology7N'Yf[SP[p[@b e,g0'Y*0qSh0000000]y'Yf[0000000000000h0n0yf[TSRk0Y00f 5Memorandum for scientific cooperation between Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University Kumatori,Osaka,Japan and Chalmers University of Technology Goteborg,Sweden 000000]y'Yf[ 5"vaq'Yf[!h000]f['Yf[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSR0NAmTS[ 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between College of Advanced Technology , Kyung Hee University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University  vaq'Yf[!h000]f[5000  5College of Advanced Technology , Kyung Hee University9N'Yf[SP[p[@bh000000yf[000008hyf[00000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0NAmSs0TSRk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between Institute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy , Bulgarian Academy of Science and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University00000yf[000008hyf[8h00000xvz@b 5PInstitute for Nuclear Research and Nuclear Energy , Bulgarian Academy of Science(N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0"o}'Yf[!h]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between College of Engineering ,Hanyang University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University"o}'Yf[!h]f[ 5*College of Engineering ,Hanyang University*N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0g'Yf[!h]f[xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRSs0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between Engineering College, Chosun University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University g'Yf[!h]f[xvzy 5%Engineering College Chosun University%n]'Yf[!h0]f[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between College of Engineering, Cheju National University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto Universityn]'Yf[!h]f[ 50College of Engineering Cheju National University$000'Yf[]f[h0N< 'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between College of Engineering,0Seoul National University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto University000'Yf[]f[ 51College of Engineering,0Seoul National University+qgV'Yf[!h000000tXf[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic cooperation and exchange between College of Energy and Environment, Dongguk University and Reseahch Reactor Institute,Kyoto UniversityqgV'Yf[!h000000tXf[ 55College of Energy and Environment, Dongguk University800000000xvz@b8h4xx-N'`P[nxvz萀h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[S Nn0NAmSs0TSRk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic exchange and cooperation between The Spallation Neutron Source Division of The Paul Scherrer Institute and Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University00000000xvz@b8h4xx-N'`P[nxvz萀 5EThe Spallation Neutron Source Division Of The Paul Scherrer Institute,'Y00000'Yf[!h0OePyf[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of understanding between College of Health Science, Catholic University of Daegu And Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University 'Y00000'Yf[!hOePyf[ 57College Of Health Science, Catholic University Of Daegu&)YS'Yf[!h0]f[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of understanding between college of engineering, Soonchunhyang University and Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University )YS'Yf[!h0]f[ 50College Of Engineering, Soonchunhyang University5q\yf[bS'Yf[!h0HQ2SP[RbS]f[xvz0000h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum for academic Cooperation and Exchange between center for Evolutinary Nuclear Technology and Engineering Research and Research Reactor Institute,Kyoto Universityq\yf[bS'Yf[!h0HQ2SP[RbS]f[xvz0000 5vCenter for Evolutionary Nuclear Technology and Engineering Research Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology&bGW('Yf[!h0tf[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of understanding between the College of Science, Sungkyunkwan University and the Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University bGW('Yf[!h0tf[ 5+College of Science, Sungkyunkwan University-000]y'Yf[0SP[R0irt]f[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of understanding between faculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University and Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University000]y'Yf[ SP[R0irt]f[ 5OFaculty of Nuclear Science and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University-00000]y'Yf[0RR]f[xvz@bh0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of understanding between Technische Universitat Dresden Institut of Power Engineering and Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University00000]y'Yf[ RR]f[xvz@b 5<Technische Universitt Dresden Institut of Power Engineering,fm]y'Yf[!h0HQzSP[R]f[h0N'Yf[SP[p[@bh0n0f[STSRJ00s0NAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding between Division of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology and Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto Universityfm]y'Yf[!h0HQzSP[R]f[ 5VDivision of Advanced Nuclear Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology j0W0 5j0W00000000000HQzyf[xvz0000 59 Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research 0000irt]y'Yf[ 5*Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology0000Vz[uxvz@b Qu;Sf[0000 5(The NIH Center for Regenerative Medicinefm]y'Yf[!h HQzPgeyf[xvzy 5SDivision of Advanced Materials Science, Pohang University of Science and Technology000Vz'Yf[ 00000000000000000xvz@b 5CMedicinal Bioconvergence Research Center, Seoul National University00Wyyf[xvz@b 000Vzu}Tyf[xvz0000 5ONational Centre for Biological Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental ResearchUCLA00000000000000xvz@b 5JThe University of California, Los Angeles California NanoSystems Institute@VszSf[O<5 0000000000000 The Royal Society of Chemistry $00000n0zvL 500000&N'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[xvzy0;Sf[h0-NV[u-NeS}Yub h0n0f[SNAmTS[  5 -NV[u-NeS}Yub 5ff[Snje0 RLirSs0`1Xn0Ncb500000000000000000000000000   f[SNAmTS[ 5000000'Yf[xvz_jiSs0'Yf[b00000 5f 5Memrandum of Understanding0000y'Yf[0000000Vz0Wtg_ji 5Vf[SNAmTS[ 50000y'Yf[ 5qgWS000YewD}T~tkSOq}0WW0000 54The SEAMEO Regional Centre for History and TraditionCollaboration Agreement0000000V Nuuxvz0000 5@International Centre for Diarrheal Diseases Research, Bangladesh f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5 Vz00000'Yf[ 5 0000'Yf[;Sf[ 5)Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University Vf[SNAmTS[f 5 0000000'Yf[ 5f[STS[H0fM0 5 ӗVqgWS000xvz@b 5+Korean Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Nf 5 Nf 0000'Yf[qg000xvz@b 5;Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Institute of East Asian Studies f[STSR0NAmn0_00n0f 5000000000000000'Yf[ 5 f[SNAmk0Y00hQ,vf 5000'Yf[000xvz@b0?eL}f[ 5000000000000'Yf[tf[ 50Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University f[STSR0NAmk0Y00f 500000'Yf[00000000xvz@b 5f[SNAmJ00s0TSRk0Y00S0zl0n0H0fM0 500000'Yf[;Sf[ 00000'Yf[tf[ 5OFaculty of Medicine, Andalas University Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University0000>yOyf[bWSc}vzvU\b 5f[STSRNAmk0Y00H0fM0 50000000'Yf[g>yO#:dxvz@b 5IThe Institute for Research and Community Services, Padjadjaran University f[STSRk0Y00f 5szmi'Yf[ 5f[SNAm0xvzTSRk0Y00f 5szS'Yf[ 5 f[SNAmh0TSRn0_00n0f 5 00000'Yf[>yOyf[ 51Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 00000'Yf[f[ 5-Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai Universityf[STS[ 50000sz'Yf[000000000000 5f[SNAmh0xvzTSRn0_00n0f 5 _l'Yf[qg000xvz@b 57The Institute for East Asian Studies, Sogang University!Agreement on Academic Cooperation00000'Yf[ 5< University of the PhilippineS'Yf[qgWS000xvz0000 5BThe Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University!S~n-N.Yxvzb000*Ys^ m0WWxvz00000Ne>yOf[xvz0000 5qCenter for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taiwan000000'Yf[0000xvz0000 50Cebuano Studies Center, University of San Carlos WS'Yf[qgWS000xvz@b 5<The Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, Yunnan University Nwmwm m'Yf[ߘTf[b4l#uTR]S5] zf[y 5The Department of Aquatic Food Processing and Preservation, College of Food Science and Technology, Shanghai Ocean University, China0000'Yf[qgWS00000000 5*Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University 0000sVOePw 5)Ministry of Health, the Kingdom of Bhutan!WS mt]'Yf[Ne>yOyf[0-Nq\'Yf[000*Ys^ mf[b0lQqQ{tf[b 5The School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University The School of Asia-Pacific Studies and The School of Government, Sun Yat-Sen University 0000000-NV000'Yf[ 5 fWS'Yf[qgWS000xvz@b 5 @\xvzNAmTS[ 5000mi'Yf[ 5 00000Vz'Yf[ 5000Vxvz@b 5.The International Institute for Asian Studies TS[ 500000000000'Yf[000xvz@b 58Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalamf[SNAmTSRTS[ 5VzfWSV'Yf[qgWS000xvz@b 5JGraduate Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, National Chi Nan Universityf[SNAmTSRf 5000000'Yf[qgWS000xvz00000 57Southeast Asian Studies Program, University of Freiburg000Vz'Yf[gf[0f[0>yOyf[ 5cFaculty of Forestry, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Social Science, National University of Laos000000000000000'Yf[50000000000'Yf[00000000xvz@b,5 00000000000@f[STS[n0f<5 0000000000000  0000OULxvz@b,5 00000000000>Instituto de Estudios Peruanos0(Institute of Peruvian Studies) Hf[SNAmk0Y00fD500000000000000000  :szS'Yf[65 0000000000000 @f[STSRn0f<50000000000000000 3Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Coperation 40000'Yf[ wwf[05 0000000000(Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University0000sz'Yf[000000000000 5f[STSRn0f 5000000000'Yf[>yOgxvz@b 53Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University f[STSRk0Y00f 5#General Memorandum of Understanding :Vhgxvz000065 00000000000002The Center for International Forestry Research00000'Yf[%ml2}pxvz0000 5KThe Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Center, Syiah Kuala Universityf[SNAmh0xvzTSRn0_00n0f500000 000'Yf[ 5EMemorandum of Understanding for Scientific and Technical Cooperation 0000000000000000 5Tropenbos InternationalNLun0hg0>yOh0tXk0Y00IUFROyr%R000000 5JThe IUFRO Special Project on World Forests, Society and Environment (WFSE)5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Co-operation#S~n-N.Yxvzb0Ne>yOyf[xvz0000 000*Ys^ m0WWxvz0000 5rThe Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies of the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences Academia Sinica Hyf[0bSTSRQY}D500000000000000000 1Agreement on Scientific and Technical Cooperation000qQTV?e^5000#Government of the Republic of Congo000qQTV@xvz TSRTS[<50000000000000000 Neyf[xvz000006qyf[xvz00000OePyf[xvz@b 5Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Centre de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles, Institute de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante Nf5000:Protocol fixant les modalites de cooperation scientifique 0000yf[bSbeSxvz@b 5nLaboratoire de Langues et Civilizations a Tradition Orale, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)Accord de Cooperation00000000000R iirW 5*Parc Botanique et Zoologique de Tsimbazaza000000 Hf[SNAmk0Y00slD500000000000000000  (Memorandum of Agreement for Cooperation 0000mi'Yf[ 5Agreement of Coperation 000000'Yf[>yOyf[ 52College of Social Sciences, Addis Ababa University(TS[f$500000000000'Yf[00000WW0000 51Center for African Studies, University of Florida,000000'Yf[0000xvz0000(5 000000000 2Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh 000yf[bSxvz0000 5=Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique0000000'Yf[00000xvz@b,5 00000000000 B0000'Yf[N^f[00000000000xvz@b>500000000000000000 60000'Yf[Ne>yOyf[000025 00000000000 V0000'Yf[L}n0>yOf[xvz@bR5000000000000000000000   ;Sf[0P}8h萾u`xvz@bh0-NV;Sy'Yf[h0n0f[SNAm 5Agreement for Scientific Cooperation between China Medical University, China and Faculty of Medicine, Chest Disease Research Institute, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan"uSO;SBv]f[xvz0000h0Vz-NV^_xvz0000n0n0vNyf[TS[ 5Agreement for Scientific Cooperation between the China Rehabilitation Research Centre Beijing, China and Research Center for Biomedical Engineering, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan TVz-NV^_xvz0000P500000000000000000000  (The China Rehabilitation Research CenterQu;Syf[xvz@bh0Vz[uxvz@bQu;SBv0000h0n0f[SNAm 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Institute for frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan and The NIH Center for Regenerative Medicine, National Institutes of Health, USA`Vz[uxvz@bQu;SBv0000\500000000000000000000000  $NIH Center for Regenerative MedicineQu;Syf[xvz@bh0SS;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[h0n0f[SNAm 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between College of Oral Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taiwan and Institute for frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, Japan VSS;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[R5000000000000000000  #(Qu;Syf[xvz@bh0SS;Sy'Yf[;SBv_jhVzvf\Ou#u0000h0n0f[SNAm$50000000General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between , Research Center for Biomedical Devices and Prototyping Production Taipei Medical University, Taiwan and Institu< te for frontier Medical Sciences, Kyoto University, JapantSS;Sy'Yf[;SBv_jhVzvf\Ou#u0000p5000000000000000000000000000   \Research Center for Biomedical Devices and Prototyping Production, Taipei Medical University.00000000'Yf[ iiruirf[ h0e,g0N'Yf[uKaf[xvz0000 n0qQ Txvz Taf 5Cooperation Agreement between University of Turin (Department 0f Plant Biology) Italy and Kyoto University (Center for Ecological Research) Japan000'Yf[ 5University of Turin*N'Yf[uKaf[xvz0000h0-N.YxvzbtX Ywxvz-N_h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University and Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica-N.Yxvzb0tX Ywxvz-N_ 5:Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica'N'Yf[uKaf[xvz0000h0000wm m4l#uxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf 5Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between The Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University and Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute 000wm m4l#uxvz@b 5-Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute80000V0000yf[000000WtuKaf[xvz@bh0e,gVN'Yf[uKaf[xvz0000n0xvzTSRk0Y00N,H0fM05110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   *",(/*2.406General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation between The Institute of Geoecology,Mongolian Academy of Science, Mongolia and The Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, JapanN0000yf[000000WtuKaf[xvz@bJ500000000000000000000   5Institute of Geoecology,Mongolian Academy of ScienceN'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh0'YӗlVؚI{xvz@bxvzTSRTS[ 5zCooperative Agreement between Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) and Korea Institute for Advanced Study(KIAS) 'YӗlVؚI{xvz@b 5"Korea Institute for Advanced Study 00000000000N'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh00000HQzؚI{Vxvz@bn0TS[ 5zAgreement between Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) and The International School for Advanced Studies(SISSA) HQzؚI{Vxvz@b 5-The International School for Advanced Studies:000000000000nje0`1XNc65 0000000000000   N'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh0000*Ys^ mt֊irtf[0000n0TS[ 5Exchange Agreement between Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics,Kyoto University and Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics000*Ys^ mt֊irtf[0000 5/The Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical PhysicsN'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh0000)YeSn0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Academic Cooperation And Exchanges between The Yukawa Institute for Theoretica Physics (YITP), Kyoto University and The Astronomical Observatory of Brera(OAB)000)YeS 5%The Astronomical Observatory of BreraN'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh0000000'Yf[tf[萓n0f 5Cooperative Memorandum of Understanding between Faculty of Arts and Science,New York University (NYU) and Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP),Kyoto University 000000'Yf[tf[ 50Faculty of Arts and Science, New York University00000'Yf[Wyxvz@bh0N'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bn0f 5Memorandum of Understanding between The Institute for Fundamental Study(IF) of Naresuan University, Thailand And Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan00000'Yf[ 5>The Institute for Fundamental Study(IF) of Naresuan UniversityN'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bh0ӗV)Ye[[yf[xvzbn0f 5Memorandum of Understanding Research Cooperation between Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Japan and Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute,Korea ӗV)Ye[[yf[xvzb50000+Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute000Ye'Yf[irtf[yh0N'Yf[Wyirtf[xvz@bn0f 5The Deparment of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE), Vietnam and The Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics(YITP), Kyoto University ,Japan 000Ye'Yf[irtf[y 5=Department of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education!'YӗlVؚI{xvz@bh0N'Yf[pet㉐gxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f5 8800000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   ").357 Memorandum of Understanding between Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University and the Korea Institute for Advanced Study F'YӗlVؚI{xvz@bB50000000000000000000 (Korea Institute for Advanced Study(KIAS):000000000000nje0`1XNc65 0000000000000  7N'Yf[pet㉐gxvz@bh0000Vz'Yf[!hpetyf[yh0n0pef[RΑk0J0Q00qQ TxvzJ00s0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf5OO0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  #&'+.#3%8*=,B/D2J5Memorandum on Joint Research and Academic Exchange in Mathematics between Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University and Department of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University T000Vz'Yf[!hpetyf[yP500000000000000000   CDepartment of Mathematical Sciences, Seoul National University(SNU)"*Ys^ mpetyf[xvz@bh0N'Yf[pet㉐gxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5General Agreement for Cooperation between the Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences and Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University L*Ys^ mpetyf[xvz@bH50000000000000000000  5Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences(PIMS)-ӗVVzpetyf[xvz@bh0e,gVN'Yf[pet㉐gxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmh0f[STS[k0Y00H0fM05II0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "%)05:!?#D&F)H+Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Japan and the National Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Republic of Korea HVzpetyf[xvz@bD500000000000000000 2National Institute for Mathematical Sciences(NIMS)B<N'Yf[pet㉐gxvz@bh000000Vzyf[bS'Yf[ؚI{pef[0irt0000h0n0pef[RΑk0J0Q00qQ TxvzJ00s0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vf85XX0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 !%)-0&4(7.<0A5F7K:M=S@General Agreement for Cooperation between Center for Advanced Mathematics and Physics, National University of Sciences and Technology and Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto Universityl00000Vzyf[bS'Yf[ؚI{pef[0irt0000h500000000< 000000000000000000   bCenter for Advanced Mathematics and Physics, National University of Sciences and Technology (CAMP)3000'Yf[mimyf[0000000 h0N'Yf[ΑuRirxvz0000N0e,g n0xvzTSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT ON OOPERATION between College of Agriculture & Consumer Sciences niversity of Ghana, Legon, Ghana and Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan 0000000'Yf[mimyf[ 5KCollege of Agriculture & Consumer Sciences niversity of Ghana, Legon, Ghana1N'Yf[ΑuRirxvz0000h0000000000000Vn0xvz0YeJ00s0xOk0Y00#:dTS[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR RESEARCH,EDuCATION AND TRAINING PROGRAMME BETWEEN YAYASAN SABAH AVD WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTER OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY000000000000V 5 YAYASAN SABAH000000Vz0000xvz@bh0N'Yf[ΑuRirxvz0000n0f[SNAmSs0yf[xvzTSRk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Academic Exchange and Scientific Cooperation between The National Institute for Amazonian Research, Brazil and The Wildlife Research Center of Kyoto University, Japan 00000Vz0000xvz@b 54The National Institute for Amazonian Research, Brazi!Sf[xvz@bh00000000'Yf[irtf[h0n0k0}P}Y00vNTSRQY} 5KOOPERATIONSVERTRAG ZWISCHEN DEM INSTITUT F?R CHEMISCHE FORSCHUNG UNICERSIT?T KYOTO JAPAN UND DEM FACHBEREICH PHYSIKTECHNOLOGIE UNIVERSITAT GESAMTHOCHSCHULE-DUISBURG BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND0000000000'Yf[irtf[ 55Faculty of Physics-Technology, University of Duisburg#Sf[xvz@bh000000yf[00000-N.YSf[xvz@bh0n0n0yf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Central Research Institute for Chemistry OF THE HUNGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES BUDAPEST, HANGARY00000yf[00000-N.YSf[xvz@b 5LCentral Research Institute for Chemistry, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences 1Sf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[ؚRP[xvzWSs000000000ؚRP[xvz@bh0n0n0yf[TSRk0Y00f 5 MEMORANDUM ?BER DIE WISSENSCHATLICHE KOOPERATION ZWISCHEN DEN POLYMERORIENTIERTEN ARBEITSGRUPPEN AN DER UNIVERSIT?T MAINZ UND DEM MAX-PLANCK INSTITUT F?R POLYMERFORSCHUNG/ BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND UND DEM INSTITUT F?R CHEMISCHE FORSCHUNG DER UNIVERSIT?T KYOTO/ JAPAN 0000000'Yf[ؚRP[xvzWSs000000000ؚRP[xvz@b 5BUniversity of Mainz and Max-Planck Institute for Polymer Research Sf[xvz@bh000000Sf[]f['Yf[h0n0n0yf[TSRTS[  5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Higher Institute of Chemical Technology Sofia, Bulgalia0000000000Sf[]f['Yf[ 57Higher Institute of Chemical Technology Sofia, Bulgalia!Sf[xvz@bh0-NVyf[b NwmIQf[|[_jhxvz@bh0n0n0yf[TSRTS[  5񂞊hj0W0-NVyf[b NwmIQf[|[_jhxvz@b 5KShanghaiai Institute of Optics Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Sf[xvz@bh00000irt]y'Yf[h0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Moscow Engineering Physics Institute MOSCOW, RUSSIA 0000000irt]y'Yf[ 5%Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (Sf[xvz@bh000000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Institute of Nuclear Research, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences DEBRECEN, HUNGARY 00000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@b 5AInstitute of Nuclear Research, The Hungarian Academy of Sciences .Sf[xvz@bh000000000000>e\IQP[ĄMz000xvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft fur Synchrotronstrahlung BERLIN, GERMANY00000000000000>e\IQP[ĄMz000xvz@b 5FBerliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft fur Synchrotronstrahlung ,Sf[xvz@bh000000Vzxvz@bVzSP[8hirtxvz@b h0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN LABORATORI NAZIONALI DI LEGNARO INSTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FISICA NUCLEARE (INFN) LEGNARO, ITALY AND INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH(ICR), KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN 000000000Vzxvz@bVzSP[8hirtxvz@b  5HLaboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare $Sf[xvz@bh000000000SP[8hxvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Max Planck Institute for Kernphysik HEIDELBERG, GERMANY 00000000000SP[8hxvz@b 5$Max Planck Institute for Kernphysik %Sf[xvz@bh0fm]y'Yf[fmRhVxvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f  5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Pohang Accelerator Laboratory Pohang, KOREAӗVfm]y'Yf[0fmRhVxvz@b 5KPohang Accelerator Laboratory (Pohang University of Science and Technology)#Sf[xvz@bh00000Q.~irSf[xvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY KYOTO, JAPAN AND Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry BORDEAUX, FRANCE00000000Q.~irSf[xvz@b 50Bordeaux Institute of Condensed Matter ChemistrySf[xvz@bh00000#TSP[8hxvz@bn0yf[c:dk0Y00TS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Joint Institute for Nuclear Research0000000#TSP[8hxvz@b 5+Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna(Sf[xvz@bh0qgt]'Yf[uirS_hV] zV[͑p[[h0n0n0yf[c:dk0Y00TS[ 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (SKLBE), East China University of Science and Technology-NVqgt]'Yf[uirS_hV] zV[͑p[[ 5gState Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering (SKLBE), East China University of Science and TechnologySf[xvz@bh0-NVyf[bSf[xvz@bh0n0n0yf[c:dk0Y00TS[ 5MEMORANDUM FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Acadmy of Sciences, BEIJING, CHINA -NVyf[bSf[xvz@b 52Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Acadmy of SciencesSf[xvz@bh0000 00000 II N'Yf[Sf[]f[n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI NAPOLI  FEDERICO II 000000000000 II N'Yf[Sf[]f[ 5eDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Universit? degli Studi di Napoli  Federico II , Italy (DIC-UNINA)Sf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[Sf[]f[S< s0iryf[n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND MATERIALS SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTAs|V0000'Yf[Sf[]f[J00s0iryf[y 5QDepartment of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of MinnesotaSf[xvz@bh0WSt]'Yf[Pgeyf[N] zf[bn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, SOUTH CHINA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-NVWSt]'Yf[Pgeyf[N] zf[b 5RCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, South China University of Technology"Sf[xvz@bh0000000000]y'Yf[!q_jJ00s0RgSf[xvz@bn0f 5gInstitut f?r Anoganische und Analytiche Chemie, Techniche Universit?t Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig000000000000]y'Yf[!q_jJ00s0RgSf[xvz@b 5Sf[xvz@bh0hsYP['Yf[f[n0f 5+COLLEGE OF PHARMACY, EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY ӗVhsYP['Yf[f[ 5Sf[xvz@bh000000xvz0000VSOxvz@bn0f 5>The Institute of Solid State Research, Juelich Research Center00000000xvz0000VSOxvz@b 5Sf[xvz@bh00000000'Yf[6qyf[xvzyn0f 53SungKyunKwan University, School of Natural SciencesӗV0000000'Yf[6qyf[xvzy  5Sf[xvz@bh0ёp]y'Yf[!hn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Kumoh National Institute of Technology ӗVёp]y'Yf[!h  5&Kumoh National Institute of TechnologySf[xvz@bh0SUf'Yf[!hOq}_uirnjnzv0000n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND TRADITIONAL MICROORGANISM RESOURCES CENTER, KEIMYUNG UNIVERSITYӗVSUf'Yf[!hOq}_uirnjnzv0000 5?Traditional Microorganism Resources Center, Keimyung UniversitySf[xvz@bh0'YvaSyf[bSbn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology ӗV'YvaSyf[bSb  53Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and TechnologyN'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0000'Yf[ؚRP[f[yf[xvz@bn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS, POLYMER INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH CENTREV000'Yf[ؚRP[f[yf[xvz@b 5HThe University of Leeds, Polymer Interdisciplinary Research Centre (IRC)N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0008hirtf[xvz@bn0f 5{MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND SAHA INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS 000008hirtf[xvz@b 5!Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics"N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[^{0-f[n0tk0Y00H0fM0 5Memorandum of understanding between Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University and Department of Architecture and Planning, University of Sassari00000000'Yf[0^{0-f[ 5>Department0of0Architecture0and Planning, University of SassariSf[xvz@bh0Vz-Nq\'Yf[Sf[yn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, NATIONAL SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY S~nVz-Nq\'Yf[Sf[y 58National Sun Yat-Sen University, Department of ChemistrySf[xvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF SCIENCE, CHIANG MAI UNIVERSITY 0000000'Yf[tf[ 5)Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai UniversitySf[xvz@bh0'k]#TؚI{YeNAm;uh0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND EUROPEAN MASTER PROGRAMME MaMaSELF: EUROPEAN MASTER IN MATERIALS SCIENCE EXPLORING LARGE SCALE FACILITY 'k]#TؚI{YeNAm;u 5gEUROPEAN MASTER PROGRAMME MaMaSELF: EUROPEAN MASTER IN MATERIALS SCIENCE EXPLORING LARGE SCALE FACILITY ]0n0N'k]0WW Sf[xvz@bh0-NVyf[b0000]f[xvz@bh0n0f  5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND INSTITUTE OF PROCESS ENGINEERING, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES-NVyf[b0000]f[xvz@b 5=INSTITUTE OF PROCESS ENGINEERING, CHINESE ACADEMY OF SCIENCESSf[xvz@bh0000,{N'Yf[Pgei yr'`xvzh0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND UNIT? FORMATION DE RECHERCHE-STRUCTURE ET PROPRI?T?S DE LA MATI?RE UNIVERSIT? DE RENNES 10000000,{N'Yf[Pgei yr'`xvz 5YUNIT? FORMATION DE RECHERCHE-STRUCTURE ET PROPRI?T?S DE LA MATI?RE UNIVERSIT? DE RENNES 1FN'Yf[]f[0]f[xvzy000000yf[xvzy0`1Xf[xvzy0Sf[xvz@bh0000000sV00000000'Yf[h0n0Yef[SNAmk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN FACULTY OF ENGINEERING GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENERGY SCIENCE GRADUATE SCHOOLOF INFORMATICS INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND LINKOPING UNIVERSITY00000000000000'Yf[ 5Linkoping University N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0VzbR'Yf[_j`1Xf[bh0n0f  5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE, NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY S~nVzbR'Yf[_j`1Xf[b 5WNational Cheng Kung University (College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0000000'Yf[irtyf[xvz@bh0n0f  5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND INSTITUTE OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES, UNIVERSITY OF ICELAND000000'Yf[irtyf[xvz@b 56University of Iceland (Institute of Physical Sciences)N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0000'Yf[irirtf[yn0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTAMENTO DE FISICA DE MATERIALES, UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO UPV/EHU00000000'Yf[irirtf[y 5JUniversidad Del Pais Vasco Upv/Ehu (Departamento de Fisica de Materiales )N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0000y'Yf[h0n0f 5xMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND HANOI UNIVERSITY OF PHARMACY 00000000y'Yf[ 5Hanoi University of PharmacyN'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[Yeyf[h0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING0 BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE FACULTY OF TEACHING AND EDUCATION SCIENCE, BENGKULU UNIVERSITY 000000qQTV 0000'Yf[ Yeyf[ 5CThe Faculty of Teaching and Education Science, Bengkulu University N'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0]N_lf[b Sf[0tX]f[h0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF CHEMICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGENEEERING, JIUJIANG UNIVERSITY-NNlqQTV ]N_lf[b Sf[0tX]f[ 5FFaculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Jiujiang UniversityN'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh00000000'Yf[pef[0< 6qyf[h0n0f 5Memorandum of Understanding between Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Padjadjaran000000qQTV 0000000'Yf[ pef[06qyf[ 5DFaculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas PadjadjaranN'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0-NVyf[b0)Y%m]miuirbSxvz@bh0n0f 5Memorandum of Understanding between Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University and Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[b0)Y%m]miuirbSxvz@b 5JTianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of SciencesN'Yf[Sf[xvz@bh0000'Yf[yf[f[n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF SCIENCE, DURHAM UNIVERSITY V000'Yf[yf[f[ 5%Faculty of Science, Durham UniversitySf[xvz@bh0000000'Yf[Sf[yh0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN INSTITUTE FOR CHEMICAL RESEARCH, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER s|V000000'Yf[Sf[y 50DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY, UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER&SP[00000xvz@bh00000000'Yf[8hTbSxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Fusion Technology Institute, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America0000TFV0000000'Yf[8hTbSxvz@b 55University of Wisconsin (Fusion Technology Institute)!SP[00000xvz@bh00000'Yf[8hTxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Fusion Studies Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, United states of America0000TFV0000'Yf[8hTxvz@b 5'SP[00000xvz@bh0000yf[0000000000xvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ATOMIC ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, UJI, KYOTO, JAPAN AND RUSSIAN RESERCH CENTER, "KURCHATOV INSTITUTE" KURCHATOV SQUARE 1, MOSCOW, RUSSIA000yf[0000000000xvz@b 51Russian Research Center, ''Kurchatov0Institute'' SP[00000xvz@bh08h]miWSirtxvzbh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, UJI, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Southwestern Institute of Physics, Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China -NV8h]miWSirtxvzb 5"Southwestern Institute of Physics (00000t]f[xvz@bh0yf[00000ؚ00000irtxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Institute of High Energy Physics, Academia Sinica, Beijing, P.R.China -NVyf[00000ؚ00000irtxvz@b 52Academia Sinica (Institute of High Energy Physics)00000t]f[xvz@bh08h]miSP[xvzbh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND China Institute of Atomic Erergy -NV8h]miSP[xvzb 5!China Institute of Atomic Erergy *00000t]f[xvz@bh0WS0000000000000'Yf[irtf[yh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5 AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, KYOTO, JAPAN AND The Flinders University of South Australia, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA, AUSTRALIA 0000000WS0000000000000'Yf[irtf[y 5+The Flinders University of South Australia #00000t]f[xvz@bh0SNyb'Yf[Pge1YRxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Institute of Materials Failure University of Science and Technogy Beijing-NVSNyb'Yf[Pge1YRxvz@b 5LUniversity of Science and Technogy Beijing (Institute of Materials Failure) 900000t]f[xvz@bh00000000'Yf[00000!h 000000/000000xvz0000h0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN Torsatron/Stellarator Laboratory, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, USA and laboratory for Complex Energy Processes, Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan)0000TFV0000000'Yf[00000!h000000/000000xvz0000 5BUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison (Torsatron/Stellarator Laboratory)600000t]f[xvz@bh000000Vzyf[00000000t]f[xvz@b0000irtxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, Uji, Japan AND Institute of Plasma Physics, National Science Center, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technogy, Kharkov, Ukraine 00000Vzyf[00000000t]f[xvz@b0000irtxvz@b 5aNational Science Center (Institute of Plasma Physics, Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technogy) % L00000t]f[xvz@bh0000]y'Yf[Sf[]f[yh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fH50000000000000000000  "AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Department, Politecnico di Torino0000000]y'Yf[Pgeyf[Ss0Sf[]f[y 5NPolitecnico di Torino (Materials Science and Chemical Engineering Department) "00000t]f[xvz@bh0qg'Yf[!h#uf[TSR000h0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Industry-University Cooperation Center Dong-Eui UniversityӗVqg'Yf[!h#uf[TSR0000 5=Dong-Eui University (Industry-University Cooperation Center) 00000t]f[xvz@bh0qg'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Faculty of Engineering, Dong-Eui University ӗVqg'Yf[!h]y'Yf[ 5+Faculty of Engineering, Dong-Eui University00000t]f[xvz@bh0Wyyf[/ecxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND Korea Basic Science Institute, REPUBLIC OF KOREA ӗVWyyf[/ecxvz@b 5Korea Basic Science Institute *00000t]f[xvz@bh0000000]mi'Yf[P[]f[0`1X]f[yh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Slovak University of Technology 000000]mi'Yf[P[]f[0`1X]f[y 5_Slovak University of Technology (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology) #00000t]f[xvz@bh0000000000]y'Yf[h0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION ON SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SPECIAL COURSE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, AND RAJAMANGALA UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY THANYABURI 000000000]y'Yf[ 5#Rajamangala University of Technogy %00000t]f[xvz@bh00000VzCIEMATxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[ 5AGREEMENT for Scientific Cooperation between Centro de Investigaciones Energticas, Medioambientales y Tecnolgicas, Madrid, Spain and Institute of Advanced Energy Kyoto University, Uji, Japan 0000VzCIEMATxvz@b<  5MCentro de Investigaciones Energticas, Medioambientales y Tecnolgicas (CIEMAT)/00000t]f[xvz@bh0000000 0000000'Yf[]f[Pgeyf[yh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[  5AGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, UJI, KYOTO, JAPAN AND Department of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg000000000 0000000'Yf[]f[Pgeyf[y  5VDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering of the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, 00000t]f[xvz@bh0ӗVVz8hTxvz0000h0n0f[SNAmSs0xvzTSRk0Y00f ~5""0000000000000000000000000000000000  !#&)MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN NATIONAL FUSION RESEARCH CENTER, THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA AND INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN ӗVVz8hTxvz0000 5*The National Fusion Research Center (NFRC))00000t]f[xvz@bh0ܑva'Yf[!h]y'Yf[#umiyf[bSxvz@bh0n0vNyf[TSRTS[  5Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation Between Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University, Japan and Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, College of Engineering, Pukyong National University, Republic of KoreaӗVܑva'Yf[!h]y'Yf[#umiyf[bSxvz@b 5gThe Institute of Industrial Science and Technology, College of Engineering, Pukyong National UniversityI00000t]f[xvz@bJ00s00000000000Vzxvz@b000000000000xvzWSP[R00000Pge萀h0n0n0@\f[SNAmk0O0TS[ 5MEMORANDUM FOR0ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN0INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED ENERGY, KYOTO UNIVERSITY0AND0MATERIALS IN THE NUCLEAR ENERGY, GLOBAL SECURITY DIRECTORATE, LAWRENCE LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATRY,s|V000000000Vzxvz@b000000000000xvzWSP[R00000Pge萀500000 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) 800000t]f[xvz@b000000yf[xvzy0]f[xvzyh000000tXT T'Yf[b'Yf[h0n0Yeyf[TSRk0O0f599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  "$&")&-+/.146BMemorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Coopration between Graduate School of Energy Science, Graduate School of Engineering, and Institute of Advanced Energy of Kyoto University, Japan and The Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, ThailandL00000000tXT T'Yf[b'Yf[H50000000000000000000  gThe Joint Graduate Scholl of Energy and Environment of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi=00000t]f[xvz@b000000yf[xvzy0]f[xvzyh0000000000'Yf[00000xvz@bh0n0Yeyf[TSRk0O0f5 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  &-2#4&6,;Memorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Coopration between Graduate School of Engineering Graduate School of Energy of Kyoto University and Energy Institute of the City University of New York>s|V000000000'Yf[00000xvz@b:5000000000000000 City University of New York00000t]f[xvz@bh000000'Yf[h0n0yf[NAmTS[ 5yAgreement of Scientific Cooperation between the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University and Universidade de Aveiro 00000000000'Yf[50000 Universidade de Aveiro%00000t]f[xvz@bh0ӗV SP[Rxvz@b8hirh0n0bSTSRn0_00n0f 5Memorandum of Agreement for Technical Cooperation between the Institute of Advanced Energy, Kyoto University (KU) and the Nuclear Materials Division, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)pӗV0ӗVSP[Rxvz@b8hirl50000000000000000000000000000  RThe Nuclear Materials Division, the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)(gyf[xvz@bh0WSNgmi'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding for Scientific Cooperation between Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University and Nanjing Forestry University -NVWSNgmi'Yf[  5Nanjing Forestry University *(gyf[xvz@bh00000yf[xvz^0 iirؚRP[xvz@bh0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5Intention of Understanding for Scientific Cooperation between Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, and Center de Recherches sur les Macromolecules Vegetales, CNRS0000yf[xvz^ iirؚRP[xvz@b 5cCenter National de la Recherche Scientifique Center de Recheerches sur les Macromolecules Vegetales6[zzlyf[xvz0000h0000000*zz[[^n0dS'YlRf[n0_00n0dS'Yl0000n0-nk0Y00Taf 5AGREEMENT BETWEEN NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICS AND SPACE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY OF JAPAN ON THE STUDY OF EQUATORIAL ATMOSPHERE DYNAMICS BY USING THE EQUATORIAL ATOMOSPHERE RADAR 000000*zz[[^ 5SThe National Institute of Aeronautics and Space of the Republic of Indonesia(LAPAN)&(gyf[xvz@bh000000ty'Yf[uirf[ h0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding in order to promote co-operation between Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University and School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia00000ty'Yf[u irf[ 58School of Biological Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia#uX[Wxvz@bh0000000bSxvz@bf[h0n0n0vNyf[TSRk0Y00f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND 000000bSxvz@b 5(VTT Technical Research Centre of FinlanduX[Wxvz@bh0Ym_lgf[bn0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND ZHEJIANG FORESTRY UNIVERSITY -NVYm_lgf[b 5Zhejiang Forestry University(uX[Wxvz@bh0000'Yf[0Wt`fyf[xvz0000n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR RESEARCH COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE CENTRE FOR RESEARCH IN EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE, YORK UNIVERSITY000000'Yf[0Wt`fyf[xvz0000 5LThe Centre for Research in Earth and Space Science(CRESS) of York University'2}pxvz@b0uX[Wxvz@bh000000'Yf['Yl00Wtf[萓n0yf[TSRk0Y00f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND NATIONAL ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH LABORATORY, DEPARTMENT OF SPACE, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA0000TFV00000'Yf['Yl00Wtf[ 5OThe College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, the University of OklahomauX[Wxvz@bh0000Vz'Ylyf[xvz@bn0f[SxvzNAmTS[ 5000[[^0Vz'Ylyf[xvz@b 5/National Atmospheric Research Laboratory (NARL) 0000ňnn0< vN)R(u%uX[Wxvz@bh000000yf[b`1Xpetf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS AND INFORMATICS OF THE BULGARIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES00000yf[b`1Xpetf[ 5MInstitute of Mathematics and Informatics of the Bulgarian Academy of SciencesuX[Wxvz@bh0-NVWSgf[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND SOUTHWEST FORESTRY UNIVERSITY (SWFU)-NVWSgf[b 5Southwest Forestry University uX[Wxvz@bh0VzbR'Yf[;u-f[bh0n0f 5Memorandum of Understanding between Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan and College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung University, TaiwanS~n0VzbR'Yf[;u-f[b 5?National Cheng Kung University (College of Planning and Design)%uX[Wxvz@bh000000000'Yf[hgf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC AND RESEARCH COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND FACULTY OF FORESTRY, TANJUNGPURA UNIVERSITY00000000000000'Yf[hgf[ 5- Tanjungpura University (Faculty of Forestry)&uX[Wxvz@bh0_lS'Yf[!h0q\gtXyf['Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f  5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan and College of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University, Republic of Korea'YӗlV_lS'Yf[!hq\gtXyf['Yf[ 5ICollege of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Kangwon National University Seg0TaW0_0000000&uX[Wxvz@bh0000000lQqQNmiwNE\OOxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00Taf 5Letter of Intent between the Research Institute for Human Settlements Agency for Research and Development Ministry of Public Works ? Indonesia and the Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University ? Japan Concerning the Academic Cooperation000000qQTV0000000NE\OOxvz@b 5vThe Research Institute for Human Settlements Agency for Research and Development Ministry of Public Works ? Indonesia !uX[Wxvz@bh0000000 0000'Yf[W(g]f[0;uf[h0n0f 5Memorandum of Understanding Between Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of Indonesia And Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan000000qQTV0000'Yf[ 5JFaculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Islamic University of IndonesiaNf[SNAmh0xvzTSRn0_00n0N'Yf['Yf[b000000000WWxvzxvzy0qgWS000xvz@b00WWxvzq}T`1X00000uX[Wxvz@bJ00s0000'Yf[h0n0n0f 5HMemorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange and Research Cooperation between The Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies, The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, The Center for Integrated Area Studies, The Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, Japan and University of Riau, Indonesia000000qQTV000'Yf[ 5%2}pxvz@bh0-NVyf[b[:Se:StX] zxvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Scientific cooperation between the Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Resesarch Institute, Chinese Academy of Science and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University-NVyf[b[:Se:StX] zxvz@b 5gThe Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences6 0000000n0kpq\irtf[h0000000n0xvz 0k0Y002}pxvz@bh000000qirnjnw0Wf[bh0n0n0TS[ 5Agreement between Geological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic Indonesia and Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan concerning Research on Volcanology and Tectonics of Indonesia00000000000qirnjnw0Wf[b 5XGeological Agency, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia 2}pxvz@bh0-NVyf[bR5ؚSxvz@bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5Agreement for Scientific Cooperation between the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University -NVyf[bR5ؚSxvz@b 5FThe Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences!2}pxvz@bh0V_(u0000Rgxvz@bh0n0n0yf[TSRk000TS[ 5Agreement No. A-92 for Scientific Collaboration between International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI)000000V_(u0000Rgxvz@b 5<International Institute0for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)r2}pxvz@bh0000000'Yf[0Wtyf[n0vNyf[TSRTS[n500000000000000000000000000000  MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN EARTH SCIENCES DEPARTMENT- UNIVERSITY OF FLORENCE AND DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE - KYOTO UNIVERSITY0000000000'Yf[0Wtyf[ 5UEarth Sciences Department, University of Florence (Universita degli Studi di Firenze)2}pxvz@bh0]'Y}p[nxvz@bn0vNtk0Y00f 5The Memorandum of Understanding Between The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction and the Disaster Prevention Research Institute 000]'Y}p[nxvz@b 5-The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction 2}pxvz@bh000000'Yf[]f[xvzyh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING OF TRIBHUVAN UNIVERSITY, NEPAL AND THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN000000000'Yf[]f[xvzy 5(2}pxvz@bh00000000V Nuu`xvz0000eP^0NSxvz0000TS[ 5collaborative Agreement Between Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University, Japan And ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research, Bangladesh0000000V Nuu`xvz0000eP^0NSxvz0000 5bInternational Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research and Centre for Health and Population Research2}pxvz@bh0*Ys^ m0W]f[0000h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University and Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER)0000TFV*Ys^ m0W]f[0000 5.Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center%2}pxvz@bh000000'Yf[000000!h6qyf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN COMENIUS UNIVERSITY IN BRATISLAVA-FACULTY OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY00000000000'Yf[000000!h6qyf[ 5>Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava"2}pxvz@bh0000000qQTV4l{tlQVh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE JASA TIRTA PUBLIC CORPORATION, INDONESIA AND THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN000000qQTV4l{tlQV 5.The JASA TIRTA 1 Public Corporation, Indonesia+2}pxvz@b< h00000000]y'Yf[4l0*m4l{txvz@b h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE INSTITUTE OF WATER AND FLOOD MANAGEMENT, BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, BANGLADESH AND THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN0000000]y'Yf[4l0*m4l{txvz@b 5`The Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology`OXSs0ZSX zk0J0Q00Ye00000x0n0TSR\500000000000000000000000  2}pxvz@bh0SN+^{'Yf[njnf[bh0n0n0f[SNAmTS[  5&e Tj0W0"5000000 -NVSN+^{'Yf[njnf[b 5DColloge of Resources Science & Technology, Beijing Normal University&2}pxvz@bh0S~n_(uxvzb0W]f[xvz0000 h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5MEMORUNDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR,ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN NATIONAL CENTER FOR RESEARCH ON EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING,NATIONAL APPLIED RESEARCH LABORATORIES, TAIWANS~n_(uxvzb0W]f[xvz0000 5^National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering, National Applied Research Laboratories2}pxvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE OF ASSIUT UNIVERSITY, ARAB REPUBLIC OF EGYPT AND THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN000000000'Yf[tf[ 5)The Faculty of Science, Assiut University2}pxvz@bh04lnjnzv{t0000h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND CENTRE FOR WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT AND ANAGEMENT, INDIA0004lnjnzv{t0000 5:The Centre for Water Resources Development and Management $2}pxvz@bh0_lSVz'Yf[!h2}pbS\'Yf[bh0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE PROFESSIONAL GRADUATE SCHOOL OF DISASTER PREVENTION TECHNOLOGY, KANGWON NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, KOREAӗV_lSVz'Yf[!h2}pbS\'Yf[b50000hThe Professional Graduate School of Disaster Prevention Technology (PGSDPT), Kangwon National University 2}pxvz@bh0VzbR'Yf[2}pxvz-N_h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 5MEMORUNDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH CENTER, NATIONAL CHENG-KUNG UNIVERSITY, TAIWANS~nVzbR'Yf[2}pxvz-N_50000>The Disaster Prevention Research Center, Cheng-Kung University"F2}pxvz@bh0WS00000000W0000h0n0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[B50000000000000000 Memorundum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan and the Southern California Earthquake Center, United States of America:0000TFVWS00000000W000065 0000000000000 )The Southern California Earthquake Center$2}pxvz@bh00000000'Yf[_(uyf[萓n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE (DPRI), KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE SCHOOL OF APPLIED SCIENCES, NORTHUMBRIA UNIVERSITY00000000000'Yf[_(uyf[ 56The School of Applied Sciences, Northumbria University(0000000000'Yf[0Wtf[Ye[h0N'Yf[2}pxvz@bn0n0qQ Txvzk0Y00TS[ 5Expression of Intent for Collaborative Research0between Department of Geography, North Eastern Hill University, India and Disaster Prevention Research Institute,0Kyoto University, Japan0000000000000'Yf[0Wtf[Ye[ 56Department of Geography, North Eastern Hill University'2}pxvz@b0uX[Wxvz@bh000000'Yf['Yl00Wtf[萓n0yf[TSRk0Y00f5770000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000  !$'*0"2% GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND THE RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANOSPHERE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND THE COLLEGE OF ATMOSPHERIC AND GEOGRAPHIC SCIENCES, THE UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMAR0000TFV00000'Yf['Yl00Wtf[N50000000000000000000  OThe College of Atmospheric and Feographic Sciences, the University of Oklahoma2}pxvz@bh0WSN'Yf[W(g] zf[bh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5-NVWSN'Yf[W(g] zf[b5000009Southwest Jiaotong University School of Civil Engineering2}pxvz@bh0^0^{'Yf[n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL OF PLANNING AND ARCHITECTURE, NEW DELHI 000^0^{'Yf[ 5.School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi2}pxvz@bh0Vz-N.Y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5GENERAL MEMORANDUM FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE ,KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING, NATIONAL CENTRAL UNIVERSITY, TAIWANjS~n0Vz-N.Y'Yf[ W(g]f[f50000000000000000000000000   EDepartment of Civil Engineering, National Central University, Taiwan "N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0Vz2}pyf[bS0000h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5MEMORUNDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND NATIONAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CENTER FOR DISASTER REDUCTION, TAIWANPS~n0V[}p[yf[bS0000L5000000000000000000  =Nationl Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction #N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0-NV0Wyf[b0Wf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Memorundum of understanding for academic cooperation and exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University and the Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences ^-NV0Wyf[b0Wf[xvz@bZ50000000000000000000000000  <Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh04lnjn0LpowVz4lnjnxvz@bh0n0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN AND THE NATIONAL WATER RESEARCH CENTER, MINISTRY OF WATER RESOURCES AND IRRIGATION, EGYPT2000004lnjn0LpowVz4lnjnxvz@b.5 000000000000fThe National Water Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation, Arab Republic of EgyptN'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0V}Tq\\zv0000h0n0f 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN DISASTER PREVENTION RESEARCH INSTITUTE (DPRI), KYOTO UNIVERSITY AND INTERNATIONAL CENTRE FOR INTEGRATED MOUNTAIN DEVELOPMENT (ICIMOD) NEPALF0000V}Tq\\zv0000(ICIMOD)B< 50000000000000000 >The International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development 0WW0V2}px0n0c0.s!N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh00000'Yf[]f[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University and Institute Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) of University of Bordeaux>000000000'Yf[0]f[xvz@b:5000000000000000  ?University of Bordeaux (Institute Universitaire de Technologie)-N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh000000000000'Yf[qgWS0002}pxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia [Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Institute (SEADPRI-UKM)]L00000000000000000'Yf[0qgWS2}pxvz@bH50000000000000000000 UUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Southeast Asia Disaster Prevention Research Institute N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0-NVwm m'Yf[]f[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00f 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University and College of Engineering of Ocean University of China P-NV0wm m'Yf[0]f[L5000000000000000000   3College of Engineering of Ocean University of China0N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0'k]YTOqQ Txvz0000^l[hQOwxvz@bh0n0yf[NAmk0Y00N,vj0f 5General Memorandum for Scientific Cooperation and Exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University and the Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the Joint Research Centre of the European CommissionN00000'k]YTOqQ Txvz0000J500000000000000000000  tThe Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission(N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0000]y'Yf[0000!hh0n0f[SNAmSs0qQ Txvzk0Y00f 5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Exchange and Research Cooperation between Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan and Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, India0000000]y'Yf[00000!h 5(Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati!*N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0V[[xvzb0S*m4lxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmTS[&500000000Memorandum of Understanding between Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University in Japan and Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories in Taiwan for Cooperation relating to Research and ExchangerS~nS*m4lxvz@bV[[xvzbn500000000000000000000000000000   STaiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories;WS*Ys^ m'Yf[tXyf[h0N'Yf['Yf[b0WttXf[XJ00s0N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0n0Ye0f[Sk0Y00TSR0NAmk0Y00f 5&Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, and Disaster Prevention Research Institute Kyoto University, Japan and the Faculty of Science, Technology and Environment (Fste), University of the South Pacific (Usp)40000\qQTV0WS*Ys^ m'Yf[0tXyf[05 0000000000OFaculty of Science, Technology and Environment, University of the South Pacific'N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0V]'Yf[4ltf[0q\0Wl]]f[V[͑pxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange Between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan And the State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University, China-NV0V]'Yf[4ltf[0q\0Wl]]f[V[͑pxvz@b500000UState Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, Sichuan University N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh0Vz_WS'Yf[V4lnjnxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation and Exchange Between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Kyoto University, Japan And International Water Resources Research Institute, Chungnam National University, Korea ӗV0_WSVz'Yf[V4lnjnxvz@b50000NInternational Water Resources Research Institute, Chungnam National University*N'Yf[2}pxvz@bh000000Wꌿg@bh0n0@\NAmTS[&500000000Memorandum of Understanding for Institutional Cooperation and Exchange between the Disaster Prevention Research Institute (DPRI), Kyoto University, and Bureau de Recherches Gologiques et Minires (BRGM) <0000000000W0qq\xvz@b8500000000000000  ,Bureau de Recherches Gologiques et Minires>Ne,gxvz0000sN0000'Yf[0000000 h0N'Yf[Yuf[u0000sVNAm0000 h0n0@\f[SNAmTS[599000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   !)*,$5(7*8/:4<Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Kyoto Center for Japanese Studies (the present Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies) and the Center for Student Exchange (the present the International Center), Kyoto UniversityNe,gxvz0000sN0000'Yf[0000000  5UKyoto Center for Japanese Studies (the present Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies)?Exchange of scientific materials, publications, and informationA0000000bSie0000s0000000e,g0000 h0N'Yf[Yuf[u0000sVNAm0000 h0n0@\f[SNAmTS[500Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation (the present Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation) and the Center for Student Exchange (the present the International Center), Kyoto University0000000bSie0000s0000000e,g0000  5iStanford Center for Technology and Innovation (the present Stanford Center for Technology and Innovation) N#uf[lQ#:dk0Y00fJ500000000000000000  |'Yf[ 5:;mRbpn0cO65 0000000000000Collaborative Agreement;Sf[xvzTSpO 5CMedical Resarch Council Technology Innovative Collaboration CenterbSyn0wX0MRC/MRCTh0KU@b gn0bS`1Xn0qQ g/General Memorandum for Cooperation and Exchange"00000'Yf[50000ZPresident and Fellows of Harvard College on behalf of its Office of Technology Development#uf[#:d0bSyn0RΑg0n0TSROn0i{ Hf[SqQ Tk0Y00TS[D500000000000000000  "AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATION0000'Yf[50000SYIAHKUALA UNIVERSITYno title^V#TYeyf[eS_j0000 Z50000000000000000000000  GUnited Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization(UNESCO)  w^xvz@bh000000000000'Yf[h0n0n0yf[xvzTSRTS[ 5]University of Sri Jayawardenepura (Faculty of Arts, Department of Sociology and Anthropology)00000000000'Yf[>yOf[N^f[Ye[ 5) w^xvz@bh0VzO\qgyb'Yf[S~n ΑuRirOhQf[xvz@bh0n0n0yf[xvzTSRTS[ 5MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING For Scientific Cooperation between Primate Research Inst<"itute Kyoto university, Japan And Institute of Wildlife Conservation National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, TaiwanVzO\qgyb'Yf[ΑuRirOhQf[xvz@b 5YInstitute of Wildlife Conservation National Pingtung University of Science and Technology w^xvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF SCIENCE, ANDALAS UNIVERSITY, INDONESIA AND PRIMATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN 00000'Yf[tf[ 5EDEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY,FACULTY OF SCIENCE,ANDALAS UNIVERSITY,INDONESIA w^xvz@bh0000000'Yf[cs;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Primate Research Institute of Kyoto University, Inuyama Aichi 484-8506, Japan and The University of Zurich, Clinic of Zoo Animals, Exotic Pets and Wildlife, Vetsuisse Faculty, Winterthurerstr 260, 8057 Zurich, Switzerland 000000'Yf[cs;Sf[ 5\The University of Zurich, Vetsuisse Faculty, Clinic of Zoo Animals, Exotic Pets and Wildlife w^xvz@bh000000'Yf[tf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[ 5AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF KINSHASA, D.R. CONGO AND THE PRIMATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE, KYOTO UNIVERSITY, JAPAN 00000'Yf[tf[ 56FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UNIVERSITY OF KINSHASA, D.R. 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