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the University of Tokyo and Ruhr University of Bochum 00000000'Yf[Ruhr University of Bochum,qgN'Yf[ir'`xvz@bh000000000VSOSf[irtxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Academic Exchange Between The Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo and Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids00000000VSOSf[irtxvz@b3Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids:qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h000000000wv#ul0zNl0zlxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, COMPETITION AND TAX LAW00000000wv#ul0zNl0zlxvz@bGMax Planck Institute for Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law,qgN'Yf[ir'`xvz@bh000000000і|irtf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Academic Exchange Between The Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo and Max Planck Institute for The Physics of Complex Systems00000000і|irtf[xvz@b7Max Planck Institute for The Physics of Complex Systems0000000000000000000000'Yf[tkSf[0Tf[0>yOyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRTS[Agreement on Academic Cooperataion with Faculty of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg#000000000000000000000'Yf[tkSf[0Tf[0>yOyf[)Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg0000000000000000000000'Yf[tkSf[0Tf[0>yOyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmfMemoradum on Student Exchange with Faculty of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg]Faculty of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduatte School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Munich University of Technology 00000]y'Yf[Munich University of Technology(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f}Memorandum on Student Exchange between the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Munich Univeristy of TechnologyMunich Univeristy of TechnologyTechnical University of Munich-qgN'Yf[h0000000000000=0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fkAgreement on Academic Exchange Between The University of Tokyo and Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich mepshex|q'Yf['Ludwig-Maximilians-University of MunichAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE FACULTY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE OF UNIVERSITY OF LUDWIG-MAXIMILIANS-UNIVERSITY OF MUNICH0000000000000000000'Yf[!qgN'Yf[h000000ؚI{Ye#Th0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[hAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE NORWEGIAN COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES500000ؚI{Ye#T 0000000000000000000]y6qyf['Yf[ 00000'Yf[#T %THE NORWEGIAN COUNCIL OF UNIVERSITIES$qgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[#Th0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[fk0Y00RagAddendum to Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between the University0of Tokyo and the Norwegian Council of Universities%the Norwegian Council of Universities ]f[|xvzy0wm mxvz@b 00000]y6qyf['Yf[.Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyEcole Centrale ParisqgN'Yf[00000]y'Yf[n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[tAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between The Univeristy of Tokyo and Helsinki University of Technology" Helsinki University of Technology*qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmO2n0_00n0fMemorrandum for the Promotion of Student Exchange between the Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo and TheHelsink iUniversity of Technology#TheHelsinkiUniversity of Technology$TheHelsink iUniversity of TechnologyqgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[jAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between The Univeristy of Tokyo and University of Helsinki 00000'Yf[ University of Helsinki ~Agreement on Academic Exchange Between CCIP/HEC School of Management and Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo 00000000L}U'Yf[bCCIP/HEC School of Management3Ecole Centrale Parish0qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[nAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 00000000000006qgN'Yf[]f[h0Ecole Centrale Parish0n0k0J0Q00]f[RΑn0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f00}GRnMEMORANDUM ON STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN ECOLE CENTRALE PARIS AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYOECOLE CENTRALE PARIS9Ecole des Mines de Nantesh0qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fsAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN ECOLE DES MINES DE NANTES AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO0000000000000000Ecole des Mines de Nantes9qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0Ecole des Mines de Nantesh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[fsMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Ecole des Mines de Nantes0000000000000 000Ecole Des Mines De Nantes)qgN'Yf[h0tzpee}mpph0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[tzpee}mpp:qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzyh0tzpee}mppef[0Neyf[!h h0n0n0f[SNAmTS[ tzpee}mppef[0Neyf[!h -00000000000000000000000000000000000000ESIEA 8Ecole Superieure d'Informatique Electronique Automatique 000000000000 0000ؚI{+^{f[!h!Ecole Normal Superieure De CachanVz?elyf[xvzb000?elf[b qgN'Yf[h0>yOyf[ؚI{xvzbh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fsAgreement on Academic Exchange between The University of Tokyo and The Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales >yOyf[ؚI{xvzb0The Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales80000000'Yf[0000000re}ip'Yf[/xeox'Yf[/pe|mp'Yf[ %qgN'Yf[;Syf[xvz@bh000000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fMemorandum of Understanding on Academic Exchange Between The Institute of Medical Science University of Tokyo and Institut Pasteur00000xvz@bInstitut Pasteur 00000000Vzf[b<AgroParisTech (Institute National Agronomique Paris-Grignon)00,{8'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[<Agreement on Academic Exchange with University of Paris VIII00,{8'Yf[University of Paris VIII00,{8'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f;Memoradum on Student Exchange with University of Paris VIII }TeSxvzy0`1Xf[t 000Wtirtxvz@b00,{700000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAm< k0Y00TS[EAgreement on Academic Exchange with University of Paris VII - Diderot 00,{700000'Yf[!Univesrity of Paris VII - Diderot00,{700000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fEMemorandum on Student Exchange with University of Paris VII - Diderot}TeSxvzy0`1Xf[t0petyf[xvzy 00,{700000'Yf[!University of Paris VII - DiderotAgreement on Academic Exchange between Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), and Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo @\TS[0@\f 00?elf[b`Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po).qgN'Yf[h00000000000000000'Yf[00,{mQ'Yf[ h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TafnACOORD DE COOPERATION UNIVERSITAIRE entre L'UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE(PARIS 6) et L'UNIVERSITE DE TOKYO 0000000000000000'Yf[00,{'Yf[)+L'UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE(PARIS 6)k0000000000000000'Yf[00,{'Yf[ The Master s Program in Engineering Department0h0qgN'Yf[]f[|xvzy0]f[ h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f Memorandum on Student Exchange between the Master's Program in Engineering Department, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 and School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo BEngineering Department, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris 6 0000000000000000'Yf[00,{'Yf[).the Master's Program in Engineering Department6qgN'Yf[>yOyf[xvz@bh0qg000xvz@b000,{20,{3'Yf[0CNRS)h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement of Acasdemic Exchange and Cooperation between The Institute of Social Science of The University of Tokyo and The Institute of East Asia (The University of Lyon 2 and 3,CNRS)qg000xvz@b000,{20,{3'Yf[CNRS)]The Institute of East Asia (The Higher Normal School of Lyon ,The University of Lyon 2, CNRS))qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzyh00000uiqgf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[0000uiqgf[b.qgN'Yf[qg meSxvz@bSs0Se}~@bh00000ؚI{xvzbh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fMemorandum of agreement concerning academic exchange between Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia The University of Tokyo, Historiographical Institute The University of Tokyo, and French advanced research academy 0000ؚI{xvzb%School convenient of the high studiesAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND INSTITUT NATIONAL des SCIENCES APPLIQU%S de LYON0000Vz_(uyf[b000!hMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Institut National des SCIENCES APPLIQUES de Lyon1Institut National des SCIENCES APPLIQUES de LyonAgreement on Academic Exchange between The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo and The National Institute of Applied Sciences of Lyon<Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon(INSA Lyon)%qgN'Yf[h00000Vzyf[xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND NATIONAL CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH0000Vzyf[xvz0000 (CNRS).National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)8qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h00000Vz]y'Yf[000000]f[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN SOFTWARE ENGINEERING LABORATORY, NATIONAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, BREST AND RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO0000Vz]y'Yf[000000]f[xvz@bDSoftware Engineering Laboratory, National Engineering College, Brest/qgN'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[0000000,{N'Yf[ h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fiAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND UNIVERSITE LOUIS PASTEUR(STRASBOURG `!)000000000'Yf[0000000,{'Yf[ %UNIVERSITE LOUIS PASTEUR(STRASBOURG `!0000000'Yf[00,{'Yf[ qgN'Yf[J00s000000'Yf[n0f[SNAmn0[ek0Y00Taf 0000]f[irt'Yf[&000VzNe'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Ss0f[uNAmk0Y00fSAgreement on Academic Exchange with the Russian State University for the Humanities 000VzNe'Yf[/The Russian State University for the HumanitiesSMemorandum on Student Exchange with the Russian State University for the Humanities000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@bINR,Russian Academy of Sciences1qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0000SP[8hT Txvz@bJINR h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and Joint Institute for Nuclear Research 000SP[8hT Txvz@b$Joint Institute for Nuclear Research&qgN'Yf[h0000000_0000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[000000_0000Vz'Yf[$qgN'Yf[h0'k]SP[8h_jiCERN)h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and theEuropean Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN)'k]SP[8hxvz_ji(CERN)0European Organization for Nuclear Research(CERN)AGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGE Between Ecole Nationale Suprieure d Architecture de Paris-La Villette(ENSAPLV), WENK, St.-Lucas Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade Tcnica De Lisboa and Technische Universitt Mnchen and The Graduate School of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, the Graduate School of Engineering, Chiba University, the Graduate School of Horticulture, Chiba University the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo and the School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in the frame of the Architecture and Urbanism Student Mobility International Programme  AUSMIP2000000000^{'Yf[ 000000'Yf[^{f[ 0000]y'Yf[^{f[0 00000]y'Yf[Ecole Nationale Suprieure d Architecture de Paris-La Villette WENK, St.-Lucas Department of Architecture and Urban Planning Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade Tcnica De Lisboa Technische Universitt Mnchen0000 0000 00000 000Ecole Nationale Suprieure d Architecture de Paris-La Villette(ENSAPLV), WENK, St.-Lucas Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Universidade Tcnica De Lisboa Te< chnische Universitt MnchengAGREEMENT ON STUDENT EXCHANGE Between Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; Department of Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; and School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, Japan;School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Japan; Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan; and Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan =0000]y'Yf[wm m]f[0ir'`]f[ 00000]y'Yf[{t]f[0_jh]f[ 0000000sz]y'Yf[#umi]f[0{tf[ Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering, Delft University of Technology Department of Management Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Royal Institute of Technology0000 00000 000000Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; and School of Industrial Engineering and Management, Royal Institute of Technology, SwedenSN'Yf[0000'Yf[!h00000V['Yf[000!h -NV 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vaS'Yf[!hoky'Yf[4College of Dentistry, Kyungpook National UniversityhQWS'Yf[!hokf[0School of Dentistry, Chonnam National University 0000000'Yf[okf[/Faculty of Dentistry, Chulalongkorn University 0000'Yf[okf[(Faculty of Dentistry, Mahidol University 00000'Yf[okf[+Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University 0000sP['Yf[okf[2Faculty of Dentistry, Prince of Songkla University 0000'Yf[okf[*Faculty of Dentistry, Khon Kaen University  Tg'Yf[ST;Sf[b(College of Stomatology, Jilin University 'Y#;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b0Stomatology College of Dalian Medical University SN'Yf[ST;Sf[b(School of Stomatology, Peking University ;Sy'Yf[okf[1School of Stomatology, Capital Medical University  Tn'Yf[ST;Sf[b(School of Stomatology, Tongji University SS;Sf['Yf[ST;Sf[b3College of Oral Medicine, taipei Medical University VzS~n'Yf[;Sf[okf[yESchool of Dentistry, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University 000000'Yf[okf[-Faculty of Dentistry, University of Indonesia 000000'Yf[okf[6Faculty of Dentistry, National University of Singapore000'Yf[okf[*Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya0000000'Yf[eP^yf[okf[yJSchool of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen0000oky'Yf[#Institute of Dental Medicine,Yangon00000;Syy'Yf[okf[/Institute of Physics,Chinese Academy of Science2qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0-NVyf[bWSN0WSuirxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f3 Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[bWSN0WSuirxvz@bKNanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, Chinese Academy of SciencesqgN'Yf[h0-NVyf[bS'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[-Univerisity of Science and Technolog of China -NV0W@\VT\OS -NV0W@\0Wxvz@bqgN'Yf[h0-NV>yOyf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fiAgreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Tokyo and The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences&The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences#-NWS'Yf[h0qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[qAgreement on Academiv Echange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Central South UniveristyWSN'Yf[VT\ONAmQwmYYef[b WSNgmi'Yf[Nanjing Forestry University'qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000]mi'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[xAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY0000]mi'Yf[ HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY fk"o'Yf[pef[yf[f[bqgN'Yf[h0_e'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[_e'Yf[YNQ!SNYV'Yf[e,gf[xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[FAgreement on Academic Exchange with Beijing Foreign Studies UniversitySNYV'Yf[e,gf[xvz0000"Beijing Foreign Studies University&qgN'Yf[u#ubSxvz@bh0SN*zz*)Y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND BEIJING UNIVERSITY OF AERONAUTICS AND ASTRONAUTICS2Beijing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsSN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[6Agreement on Academic Exchange with Peking UniversitySN'Yf[tkSf[|h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fLMemorandum on Student Exchange with Department of History, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[tkSf[|(Department of History, Peking University}TeSxvzy0Ne>yO|xvzy.qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzy0tf[h0SN'Yf[irtf[|xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fzMemorundum on Student Exchange between School of Science, the University of Tokyo and School of Physics, Peking0University SN'Yf[irtf[xvzy1School of Physics, Peking0Universityirtf[xvzySchool of Physics'qgN'Yf['Yf[bYef[xvzyh0SN'Yf[Yef[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fMemorandum on academic exchange between Graduate School of Education,The University of Tokyo and Graduate School of Education,Peking UniversitySN'Yf[Yef[b.Graduate School of Education,Peking University'Yf[Vf[SNAmTS[k0We0O0@\f[uNAmfStudent Exchange SN'Yf[Oo`yf[bSf[bIPeking University, School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science6School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science SN'Yf[VT\O SNgmi'Yf[SNgf[b WSN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[6Agreement on Academic Exchange with Nanjing University1qgN'Yf['Yf[bYef[xvzy0Yef[h0qg+^{'Yf[Yeyf[f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on academic exchange between The Graduate School of Education,The University of Tokyo and The School of Educational Sciences, East China Normal University qg+^{'Yf[Yeyf[f[b@The School of Educational Sciences, East China Normal University -NVyf[bWSNWXxvz@b6Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of SciencesVf[SNAmTS[  NwmN'Yf[ZSON-f[bZSON-f[bSchool of Media and Design*qgN'Yf[qg meSxvz@bh0/n'Yf[000xvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ /n'Yf[000xvz00004qgN'Yf[qg meSxvz@bh00000000000'Yf[Ne>yOyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[ 0000000000'Yf[< Brunei Darussalam University.qgN'Yf[qg meSxvz@bh000000'Yf[L}nL}Uf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[00000'Yf[Tay Nguyen University000y'Yf[0000V['Yf[000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[FAgreement on Academic Exchange with Vietnam National University, Hanoi 0000V['Yf[000!h"Vietnam National University, HanoiMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi9 Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University0000V['Yf[000!hD^\Ne>yOyf['Yf[0000V['Yf[000!hty'Yf[0000>yOyf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[JAgreement on Academic Exchange with Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences 0000>yOyf[b&Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences ;qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh00000yf[bSbirtxvz@b0000]y'Yf[IQf[xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology0000yf[bSbirtxvz@bIInstitute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology0000'Yf[Nong Lam UniversityAgreement on Academic Exchange between The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo and Institute for Environmental Science, Engineering & Management, Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry 00000^#umi'Yf[sHo Chi Minh City University of Industry (HUI) Institute for Environmental Science, Engineering & Management (IESEM)$qgN'Yf[;Syf[xvz@bh0000;Sy'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange Between The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo and The Hanoi Medical University000;Sy'Yf[The Hanoi Medical University000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f<qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzy0ef[h0qxeto{php'Yf[ef[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[qxeto{php'Yf[8School of Physics and Mathematics,University of Adelaide0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[<Agreement on Academic Exchange with the University of Sydney0000000'Yf[u}T0irtyf[PThe Faculty of Life and Physical Sciences of The University of Western Australia00000000000'Yf[tf[0]f[`1Xt]f[|xvzyk000f[SNAmTS[Academic Exchange 00000'Yf[]f[/University of Melbourne, Faculty of EngineeringAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF FRONTIER SCIENCES AND SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND ROYAL MELBOURNE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYMemorandum on Student Exchange between the School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology( Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[7Agreement on Academic Exchange with University of OtagoThe University of Otago.qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0000000'Yf[]f[|xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE COLLEGE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING 000000'Yf[]f[(qgN'Yf[]f[h0000000'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f00}GRAppendix to Agreement for Academic Exchange in Engineering between the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tokyo and the School of Engineering of the University of Canterbury5School of Engineering of the University of Canterburythe School of Engineering0000'Yf[Massey University%qgN'Yf[h0000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fgAgreement of Academic Exchange between the University of Tokyo and the University of Sistan&Baluchestan000000000000'Yf[ University of Sistan&BaluchestanqgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[#qgN'Yf[h00Wtyf[xvz@b000 h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fmAGREMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR EARTH SCIENCES(IRAN)0Wtyf[xvz@b+RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR EARTH SCIENCES(IRAN)000]y'Yf[(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0-Nqg]y'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY -Nqg]y'Yf[]f[8FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0-Nqg]y'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fMEMORANDUM ON STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF ENGINEERING00000'Yf[National University of La Plata000000Faculty of Engineering, Antioquia University; Faculty of Architecture, La Salle University; Faculty of Arts and Institute of Technological Investigations, National University of Colombia; Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Piloto de Colombia University; Faculty of Architecture, Pontificia Bolivariana University; Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Loa Andes h0 qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzy h0n0k0J0Q00 f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f Agreement on Academic Exchange between Faculty of Engineering, Antioquia University; Faculty of Architecture, La Salle University; Faculty of Arts and Institute of Technological Investigations, National University of Colombia; Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Piloto de Colombia University; Faculty of Architecture, Pontificia Bolivariana University; Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Loa Andes and School of Engineering, the Univerisity of TokyoW`$00000Vz'Yf[^{0^]f[ a$000'Yf[^{f[ b$000000'Yf[^{f[ c$0000'Yf[^{f[ d$00000000000000'Yf[ e$0000000'Yf[]f[wFaculty of Engineering, Antioquia University; Faculty of Architecture, La Salle University; Faculty of Arts and Institute of Technological Investigations, National University of Colombia; Faculty of Architecture and Arts, Piloto de Colombia University; Faculty of Architecture, Pontificia Bolivariana University; Faculty of Architecture and Design, University of Loa Andes 00000000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fjAgreement on Academic Exchange for Cooperation between the University of Tokyo and the University of ChileUniversity of ChileqgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[`AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSIDADE DE SO PAULOTHE UNIVERSIDADE DE SO PAULO00000000]z'Yf[yf[bS0000$qgN'Yf[h00000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fWAgreement of Academic exchange between the University of Tokyo and El KOREHIO Di MEHIKO00e0000000000'Yf[The College of MexicoqgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[flAgreement on Academic Exchange for Cooperation between the University of Tokyo and the University of ArizonaqgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[RAgreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Yale University0000'Yf[ Yale University(qgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[00000000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[~Memorandum of Agreement on Student Exchange Between The University of Tokyo and The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign0000'Yf[00000000000!h.The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign:qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h00000'Yf[0< 0000000000!hly'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN COLLEGE OF LAW0000'Yf[00000000000!hly'Yf[b9University of Illinois at Urbana Champaing College of LawqgN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[feAgreement of Academic Exchange between the University of Tokyo and the Trustees of Indiana University000000'Yf[Trustees of Indiana University'qgN'Yf[wm mxvz@bh0000000wm mxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION(WHOI), and THE OCEAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE(ORI) THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO 000000wm mxvz@b%WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION0000]z'Yf[;Sf[lQF[uf[qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[kAgreement on Academic Exchange between the Univeristy of Tokyo and the Regents of University of California University of California #qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f00}GRwAppendix to Agreement for Academic Exchange between the Regents of University of California and the University of TokyoUniversity of California~Agreement on Academic Exchange between The University of Tokyo and The Regents of the University of California hQf[TS[0Appendix 0000000'Yf[0+The Regents of the University of California0000000'Yf[00000!hirtyf[:School of Physical Sciences,Unversity of California,Irvine'qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO0000000'Yf[0000000!hFSCRIPPS INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO'qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[0000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[iAgreement on Academic Exchange between the Univeristy of Tokyo and University of California, Los Angeles0000000'Yf[0000000!hqgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[VAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND CLEMSON UNIVERSITY 00000'Yf[ CLEMSON UNIVERSITY-qgN'Yf[>yOyf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[qg00000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement of Academic Exchange between Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, Japan and East Asia Program, Cornell University, USA 0000'Yf[qg00000000%East Asia Program, Cornell University>qgN'Yf['Yf[blQqQ?eV{f[#:dxvz0Yeh000000'Yf[V0lQqQ?eV{'Yf[b(SIPA)h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo and School of International & Public Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University @\TS[0@\f 00000'Yf[V0lQqQ?eV{'Yf[bColumbia University V0lQqQ?eV{'Yf[bDSchool of Public & International Affairs (SIPA), Columbia University00000'Yf[0000000000Wtxvz@b4qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h0000000000'Yf[000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO000000000'Yf[000000'George Washington University Law School 0000000000'Yf[.qgN'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzy&Ns0k0;Sf[h0000000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[LETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN FACULTY OF MEDICINE AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINEThe Johns Hopkins University 000000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 0000!-'Yf[#000000'Yf['Yf[b}TeSxvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[\Agreement on Academic Exchange with Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University000000'Yf['Yf[b}TeSxvzy8Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University#000000'Yf['Yf[b}TeSxvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f\Memorandum on Student Exchange with Graduate School of Arts and Science, New York University 000000000000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[>Agreement on Academic Exchange with Harvard-Yenching Institute000000000000xvz@bHavard Inenching InstituteHarvard Yenching Institute00000'Yf['Yf[bL}Uf[xvzy)qgN'Yf['Yf[blf[?elf[xvzy0lf[h0000000000000n0n0f[SNAmTS[Agreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, Grduate School of Law & Politics, and School of Law and The Harvard Law School 000000000000Harvard Law SchoolqgN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f[Agreement on Academic Exchange between the University of Tokyo and the University of Hawaii000'Yf[University of Hawaii 000'Yf[000!htf[*Department of Science,University of Hawaii$qgN'Yf[ir'`xvz@bh0іi_irxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[}Academic Exchange Between Institute for Solid State Physics,The University of Tokyo and Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter іi_irxvz@b%Institute for Complex Adaptive Matter000000'Yf[+qgN'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzyh00000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Cooperation Between Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo and The School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 0000y000'Yf[;Sf[?qgN'Yf['Yf[bL}nf[xvzyh000000000'Yf[000000000J00s0'Yf[bL}nf[xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement for a Cooperative Exchange Program between the Division of Economics of the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo and the Wharton School and the Economics Department the University of Pennsylvania0000y000'Yf[0000000000'Yf[bL}nf[xvzyQThe Wharton School and the Economics Department of the University of PennsylvaniaL}nf[xvzy0000y000'Yf['Yf[bYef[xvzy0000'Yf['Yf[betf[xvzy6Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,Boston University"qgN'Yf[h000000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[hAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY00000000]y'Yf[ ZAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Gadjah Mada UniversityqgN]mi'Yf[h0ӗVyf[bSbh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00Taf{Agreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyӗVyf[bSb(KAIST):Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)rAgreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Korea Institute of Science and TechnologyӗVyf[bSxvzb(KIST)0Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST)]Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Korea Maritime UniversityӗVwm m'Yf[TAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Korea Universityؚ'Yf[Agreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology Tokyo, Japan and Kyungpook National University Taegu, Republic of KoreavaS'Yf[_Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Chonbuk National UniversityhQSVz'Yf[qgN]mi'Yf[h0"o}'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fVAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Hanyang University"o}'Yf[UAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Yonsei University^N'Yf[}Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo In< stitute of Technology, Japan and Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea 0000yf[bS'Yf[Memorandum of Understanding on Academic and Research Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Seoul National University, Republic of Korea000Vz'Yf[[Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and SungKyunKwan UniversitybGW('Yf[SungKyunKwan University qgN]mi'Yf[h00000yf[bS'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[frAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Mongolian University of Science and TechnologyxAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and The National University of Mongolia, MongoliaZAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and De La Salle University00000'Yf[zAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of the Philippines^Bilateral Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National University of SingaporebAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Cheng Kung UniversityaAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Tsing Hua UniversityVzn'Yf[National Tsinghua University_Memorandum for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Taiwan UniversityaAgreement of Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Chiao Tung Univeristy`Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Central University Vz-N.Y'Yf[National Central UniversityqgN]mi'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TafaAgreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Chulalongkorn UniversityuAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang]Agreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Thammasat UniversityXAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Kasetsart UniversityMemorundum of Understanding between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan and King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Bangkok, Thailand00000000]y'Yf[0000000!h5King Mongkut's University of Technology North BangkokaAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and AsiaN Institute of TechnologyAsiaN Institute of Technology~Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, ThailandqgN]mi'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f^Cooperation Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Hanoi University of TechnologyqgN]mi'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f_Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Hanoi University of ScienceMemorandum of Understanding for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and The University of Waterloo, CanadaqgN]mi'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f\Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of WashingtonqgN]mi'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f[Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Oregon State University0000]z'Yf[Oregon State University#qgN]mi'Yf[h00000000'Yf[00000!hh0n0f[STSRk0Y00TafAgreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and The University of Wisconsin-Madison, U.S.A.0000000'Yf[00000!h7qgN]mi'Yf[h0000000'Yf[00000!h&Ns0k0000000'Yf[0000000!hh0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fAgreement of Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Maryland, Baltimore County the University of Maryland, College Park000000'Yf[hq!h0vo|px!h5University of Maryland Baltimore County, College ParkBilateral Exchange Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and the Board of Regents of The University System of Georgia by and on Behalf of Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia, USA 00000]y'Yf[Georgia Institute of TechnologyAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan and The Pennsylvania State University United States of America!The Pennsylvania State UniversityInterinstitutional Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee0000000'Yf[000000!h%The University of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeqgN]mi'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TafLetter of Intent by and between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The Universidade de So Paulo for Technical, Scientific and Cultural Cooperation.Universidade de So PaulohAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Instituto Tecnolgico de Aeronutica 0000*zz]y'Yf[$Instituto Tecnolgico de Aeronutica[Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Ghent000'Yf[University of GhentgCooperation Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The Universite Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) 000001u'Yf["Universite Libre de Bruxelles(ULB)cAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Technical University of DenmarkMemorandum of Understanding on the Enhancement of Academic Collaboration between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Carlsberg Laboratory and the University of Copenhagen0000000'Yf[000000000xvz@b1Carlsberg Laboratory and University of CopenhagenqgN]mi'Yf[h000000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[faCooperation Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Helsinki University of TechnologyiAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Lappeenranta University of Technology 0000000]y'Yf[%Lappeenranta University of Technology!qgN]mi'Yf[h0Vz0000000]mi'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[flAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and L'Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chausses0000000&Ecole Nationale des Ponts et ChaussesAgreement for Promotion of Student Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Ecole Nationale Suprieure d'Arts et Metiers0000000000ENSAM ,Ecole Nationale Suprieure d'Arts et MetiersJAgreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Rennes 1000'Yf[qgN]mi'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fdGeneral cooperation Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The Strasbourg Universities 0000000'Yf[University of Strasbourg Memorandum on a Summer Exchane Programme for Postgraduate Researchers between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Ecole Polytechnique, FranceXCooperation Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Paristech, France000000 Paris TechzAgreement for Academic Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Mines De Paris 0000000000-Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Mines De ParisbAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Technische Universitt MnchenTechnische Universitt MnchenYAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Universitt Stuttgart 00000000'Yf[Universitt StuttgartxAgreement concerning Academic Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt Mainz000000000000'Yf[$Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt MainzYAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Hanover00000'Yf[Leibniz Universitt Hannover< wAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule Aachen3Rheinisch-Westflische Technische Hochschule AachenbAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Berlin Institute of Technology0000]y'Yf[Berlin Institute of Technology]Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Bologna00000'Yf[General Agreement Regulating Cultural and Scientific Cooperation between The University of Rome "La Sapienza" (Italy) and the Tokyo Institute of Technology (Japan) University of Rome "La Sapienza"qgN]mi'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fYAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Politecnico di MilanobAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Delft University of TechnologywAgreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Norwegian University of Science and Technology00000]y06qyf['Yf[3Norwegian University of Science & Technology (NTNU)hAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Moscow Engineering Physics Institute 0000irt]y'Yf[$Moscow Engineering Physics Institute`Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Novosibirsk State University}General Agreement between Tokyo Institute of Technology and KUNGL, Tekniska Hogskolan - KTH The Royal Institute of TechnologyeAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Chalmers University of Technology 000000]y'Yf[XAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Linkping University 0000000'Yf[PAgreement for Collaboration between Tokyo Institute of Technology and ETH Zurich`Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule Zurich (ETH, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich)^Memorandum of Understanding between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Zurich000000'Yf[University of Zurich)e,gVqgN]mi'Yf[h0#TsV0000000]y'Yf[h0n0f[Sxvzn0TSRk0Y00TS[fAgreement of Cooperation in Academic and Research Activities between Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan and The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST) United Kingdom0000000]y'Yf[0000000'Yf[ HThe University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST)qgN]mi'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f]Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of StrathclydeUniversity of StrathclydeqgN]mi'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f\Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Surrey000'Yf[University of SurreycMemorandum of Understanding between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Churchill College, Cambridge 000000'Yf[000000000+Churchill College, University of Cambridge !qgN]mi'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[STSRSs0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f}General Agreement for Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and The University of Melbourne00000'Yf[University of MelbournedAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Technology, SydneyqgN]mi'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fcAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Sharif University of Technology0000]y'Yf[3HARIF05NIVERSITY0OF04ECHNOLOGYkAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology 00000]y'Yf['Technion-Israel Institute of Technology00000dAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Middle East Technical University-Nqg]y'Yf[ Middle East Technical UniversityWAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Bogazici University00000'Yf[qgNwm m'Yf[ Joint Declaration of Cooperation000000'Yf[University of Iceland00000'Yf[University of AkureyriGAgreement for a cooperative exchange program and collaborative research&University of Massachusetts at Amherst 0000TFVFU9'Yf[%United States Marchant Marine Academy0000]y'Yf[Texas Tech University 0000000wmN'Yf[California Maritime AcademyUniversity of Hawai i at Mnoa00000000'Yf[00000!h%University of Massachusetts Dartmouth 0000000'Yf[!National University of San Martin 00000FU9'Yf[.Maritime Higher Education & Training Institute 00000000'Yf[Sam Ratulangi University00000'Yf[Pattimura University000'Yf[Riau University000000'Yf[ 000yf[bSwmK'Yf[>Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport 0000000wmN'Yf[Australian Maritime College000000'Yf[Flinders University 0000000'Yf[Univerisity of AmsterdamDlft University of Technology 000NO'Yf[IKazakh Academy of Transport and Communications Named after M. Tynyshpayevmpgeq'Yf[#Memorial University of Newfoundlandva\'Yf[!hGyeongsang National Universityq\'Yf[!hKunsan National Universityn]'Yf[!hCheju National University(gfmwm m'Yf[!h"Mokpo National Maritime UniversityN]'Yf[!hUniversity of Incheon00000'Yf[University of Costa Rica00000 0000000'Yf[ITN Linkoping University 00000]y'Yf[!Technical University of Catalonia 0000000000'Yf[S~nwm m'Yf[ؚĖwm myb'Yf[+National Kaohsiung Hsiung Marine University-NVwm m'Yf['Y#wmN'Yf[Dailian Maritime UniversityT>roFUmi'Yf[Harbin Commercial University NwmwmN'Yf[Shanghai Maritime University'Y#4l#uf[bDailian Fisheries University Nwmwm m'Yf[Shanghai Ocean University^qgwm m'Yf[Guangdong Ocean University Nwm'Yf[tf[b(College of Sciences, Shanghai UniversityYm_lwm mf[bZhejiang Ocean University000'Yf[Ege University 0000000'Yf[Istanbul University 0000000]y'Yf[Istanbul Technical Universityloveu~w}e'Yf[!Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University0W-Nwm'Yf[Akdeniz University000'Yf[Mugla University0000'Yf[000004l#u'Yf[:Norwegian College of Fishery Science, University of Tromso 00000yf[bS'Yf[0000'Yf[Bodo Universityh'Yf[sh{}!h,University of the Philippines in the Visayash'Yf[h!h&University of the Philippines, Diliman#000'Yf[Federal University of CearaUniversity of the Mediterranean0000wmN'Yf[Vietnum Maritime University00000'Yf[Nha Trang UniversityVz00000 0 0000'Yf[(National Agrarian University "La Molina" 00000wmN'Yf[Gdynia Maritime University00000'Yf[University of Portsmouthuiqg]zwmN'Yf[;Maritime State University Named after Admiral G.I.Nevelskoy f[uNc000009Joint Declaration of Cooperation Student Exchange ProgramJ06n04lsYP['Yf[all the faculties 000]y'Yf[b'Yf[Sookmyung Women's University  T_sYP['Yf[!hDongduk Women's University Vz000Ye'Yf[&Hanoi National University of EducationeYef[0NeSuRbyf[xvzytkSf[|Department of HistorySNYV'Yf[#Beijing Foreign Studies University &Dalian Unviersity fo Foreign LanguagesNational Taiwan University School of Mechanical Engineering, School of Electronic and Information Engineering, School of Software, School of Humanities and Social Information, School of Foreign Languages QS'Yf[Inner Mongolia University ^V'Yf[ 00000000;Sy'Yf[!Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy 0000eP^yf['Yf['Health Sciences University of Mongolia ;Sf[|xvzy0]f[xvzy;Sf[0]f[*Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Engineering'Y#]mi'Yf[Dalian Polytechnic University_jh0R6R_]f[ Sf[0Pge]f[< \School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation School of Chemistry Engineering and Material_jh]f[!Faculty of Mechanical EngineeringT]mi'Yf[Hefei University of Technology hVyf[0IQ]f[?The School of Instrument Science and Opt-electronic EngineeringqgWS'Yf[Southeast University 0000000000000000'Yf[)The Pontifical Catholic Uiversity of Perut0]f["School of Sciences and Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering -NVyf[bN z] zxvz@b?Institute of Process Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences  Nwmt]'Yf[.University Shanghai for Science and Technology IQf[0P[`1X]f[5School of Optical-electrical and Computer EngineeringFaculy of Artsbt]'Yf[ Chengdu University of Technology00000s0000]y'Yf[Faculty of Engineerigvaq'Yf[!hKyung Hee University000#umi'Yf[#umi'Yf[b+Graduate School of Industry and Engineering-NVqmi'Yf[)China University of Mining and TechnologySf[]f[-School of Chemical Engineering and Technology000Vz'Yf[Baku State University00000000qg mf[Korean Institute of Technology 0000000xvz萀Nano-Science Research Division00000'Yf[The University of Montpellier VzSf[0Sf[]f['Yf[b?National Graduate School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 00000'Yf[000!h$University of the Philippines Manila00000'Yf[University of Sao Paulo(School of Arts, Sciences, and Humanities 00000Vz'Yf[National University of MalaysiaSchool of Sciences00lP[00000ؚI{f[bHEcole Superieure D'ingenieurs en Electrotechnique et Electronique, Paris!Indonesia University of Education0ef[Yef[ tpeyYef[SFaculty of Language and Arts Education Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education͑vaN'Yf[Chongqing Jiaotong UniverstyWs'Yf[0000'Yf[Western Oregon University0000000000]z'Yf[Bowling Green State University 00000000'Yf[Linkoping University00000'Yf[Univershity of MoratuwaTammasat University 00000]y'Yf[,Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus 000000000'Yf[ qg00000Vz'Yf[<East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dal 000000]y'Yf[(University of Applied Sciences Esslingen00000'Yf[Tribhuvan University0000000000'Yf[Laurentian UniversityUniversity of EssexnWS'Yf[University of Jinan000000'Yf[University of Belgrade0000SWS'Yf[National University of Tainan000000'Yf[University of Wyoming-NVNl'Yf[Renmin University of China 0000001u'Yf[Vrije Universiteit Brussel000000000'Yf[L}nf[0Facuity of Economics at Chulalongkorn University0000'Yf[0000000000000000f[CThe Department of Management at Kings College, University of London 00000000'Yf[tf[Universidad Mayor de San Andres0000 SNe,gf[xvz0000#Beijing Cenrer for Japanese Studies0000000000000'Yf[f[0000?The Institute of Languages at the University of New South Wales^hirn00W N50QRk0Y00VxO00004ITC School of Underground Waste Storage and Disposal000000000000000'Yf[Sf[00Wf[QFaculty for Chemistry and Earth Sciences at Friedrich Schiller University of Jenaf[uNAmTS[ 000'Yf[000!h]f[9The College of Engineering, University of Hawaii at Manoa0000]z'Yf[0000000000!h%University of Illinois at Springfield00000000]z'Yf[00000!h)University of North Carolina at Asheville000W(g'Yf[%Hanoi University of Civil Engineering00000'Yf[2The Faculty of Engineering at Khon Kaen University qgN0}NeSxvzb3Fondation of East Asia Cultural Properties InsituteqgIT'Yf[000eSIQ^0zzirO_0OX[0000fResearch Center for Conservation of Cultural Relics Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism OrganizationCSI'Yf[SHANGHAI JIAOTONG University ]f[0]f[xvzy 000000000f[b0000OX0ZSX  NwmN'Yf[g0[eWf[xvzyWMAHIDOL Universitytf[0'Yf[b.Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty of ScienceZSX0000]y'Yf[ tf[xvzy0Tyf[xvzyFaculty of Geography0WttX0tX000000000(Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology(Institute of Oceanograohy and Technology n'Yf[ SN^ hQf[0xvzy  NwmN'Yf[ ( Nwm^ -NVmi'Yf[ SN^ VnWS'Yf[ VnWSwwl^ WSNmi'Yf[ _lwWSN^ ]'Yf[ ]w}^ Guizhou University]'Yf[ hQS'Yf[ (hQ]^ hQS'Yf[0000]y'Yf[ (000000 Nanyang Technological University00000'Yf[ 000e00000 tf[xvzy0Tyf[xvzy0Wtf[0WttX0tXp~|x Master0DoctorbcI{000000'Yf[ (00000 0000]y'Yf[ (0000 0Wtyf[bSf[ 0000'Yf[ (00 wm mbSxvz@b000000'Yf[ 0000 Hasanuddin University000000'Yf[000000000000'Yf[ (0000 Prince of Songkla University00000'Yf[ (0000 00000000'Yf[ (0000 WSSyb'Yf[ SWS w8l^^ Southern Taiwan UniversityWSSyb'Yf[gyb'Yf[ (g wemQ^ 4National Yunlin University of Science and Technology bR'Yf[ (SWS^ bR'Yf[0000'Yf[000000!h (0000]000000 &The University of Alabama (Tuscaloosa) 0000'Yf[000000!h'000000]z'Yf[000000000!h 000000]000000000 +State University of New York at Stony Brook000000]z'Yf[000000000!h!000000'Yf[0000000!h (000000]0000000 *The University of Maryland at College Park000000'Yf[0000000!h!0000000'Yf[000000!h 0000000]000000 )The University of California, Los Angeles0000'Yf[000!h 0000]000 %The University of Illinois at Chicago0000'Yf[ 0000]0000 University of Arizona$0000000'Yf[0000000!h (0000000]0000000 !University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee0000000'Yf[0000000!h00000'Yf[ 00000]000000 The University of Alberta]z000000'Yf[ (00000 !Universidade Estadual de Campinas 00'Yf[ (00 %University of Paris 12 - Val-de-Marne0000000'Yf[ 0000000)University of Gttingen000000'Yf[ 000000 University of Leipzig000000'Yf[00000000'Yf[ (00000000 %Heinrich-Heine University Duesseldorf 00000000'Yf[000000'Yf[ (000000 The University of Debrecen000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[ 000 "Johannes Kepler University of Linz00000'Yf[ 00000 (Seinjoki University of Applied Sciences00000'Yf[00000'Yf[ 00000 University of Joensuu00000'Yf[00000000'Yf[ (00000000 Linkping University 00000000'Yf[000#]y'Yf[ 000000 ETH Zurich 0000'Yf[ (0000 0000'Yf[ (00000]00000 0000000Vz'Yf[ (00000 0000'Yf[ 00000000000 000000'Yf[ (000000 Istambul University Tg'Yf[Wy;Sf[f[b w%f^ 1School of Basic Medical Science, Jilin UniversitySN'Yf[ wwf[b (SN^ $School of Nursing, Peking University n'Yf[^{f[b (SN +School of Architecture, Tsinghua UniversitytX Wf[-ASTERfb[gSs0bcn'Yf[ N҉xvzb (SN 3Yangtze Delta Region Institute, Tsinghua Universityn'Yf[Sf[b SN^ /Academy of Arts and Design, Tsinghua University ]f[0]f[xvzySf[bAcademy of Arts and DesignWS'Yf[e,gxvzb ()Y%m^ 0Institute of Japanese Studies, Nankai UniversityYm_l'Yf[IQlf[b (mg]^ (Guanghua Law School, Zhe< jiang UniversityIQlf[bGuanghua Law School  Tn'Yf[^{0^;uf[b=College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University ^{0^;uf[b*College of Architecture and Urban Planning _lWS'Yf[-f[b SN %School of Design, Jiangnan University-f[bSchool of Design+^{'Yf[u}Tyf[b SN 2College of Life Science, Capital Normal Universityqq\'Yf[YVf[b lSwyv\^ /School of Foreign Languages, Yanshan University-NVyf[b [_IQf[|[_jhxvz@b [_wT^ IAnhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[b 'Ylirtxvz@b SN^ =Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NV&ymi'Yf[ tf[b SN tf[b SN^ YSchool of Science, (Beijing) School of Science, China University of Mining and Technology p}mi'Yf[ |[w p}^ Wf[xvzy0Wf[ SNgmi'Yf[Wgf[b=School of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry UniversityWgf[b School of Landscape Architecture-NVwm m'Yf[wm meaxvz@b R\^ -NVy'Yf[f[b WSN^ 8The School of Pharmacy, China Pharmaceutical University  p}y'Yf[  p}^ "Shenyang Pharmaceutical University-NVyf[b 0Wtyf[0njnxvz@b SN^ ^Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NVyf[b 0Wtyf[0njnxvz@b $-NVyf[b[:Se:StXN] zxvz@b )Yq\7ll,nf@b u|w-]^ lTian Shan Glaciological Station, Lazhou Cold and Arid Regions Environment and Engineering Research Institute)Y%m;Sy'Yf[ wwf[b )Y%m^ -School of Nursing, Tianjin Medical UniversityvaUq'Yf[!h #umi'Yf[ u}Tyf['Yf[ NuS)ECollege of Industry and College of Life Science, Kyung-Hee University u}Tyf['Yf[ /College of Industry and College of Life SciencehQWS'Yf[!hmiu}Tyf['Yf[ (IQ]^W^ ECollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Chonnam National University000Vz'Yf[miu}Tyf[ (000 CCollege of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Seoul National Universitymiu}Tyf[ (College of Agriculture and Life Sciences000Vz'Yf[Sf[ 000 /College of Fine Arts, Seoul National University00000000'Yf[f[ (0000 <Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Chulalongkorn University00000'Yf[f[ (00000 *Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University0000'Yf[f[ (0000 'Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University f[0;Sf[f[^f[ Faculty of Pharmacy0000'Yf[tf[0'Yf[b (0000 CFaculty of Science, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol Universitytf[0'Yf[b/Faculty of Science, Faculty of Graduate Studies tf[0'Yf[bf[uir]f[$OCTORfb[g00VOzw;Syf[@\Vz[uxvz@b 00000 9Department of Medical Sciences, Ministry of Public Health000000'Yf[f[ (0000000 )Faculty of Pharmacy, Silpakorn University00VzzOP[]f[euir]f[0000 00000 9National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology!00000000e0000]y'Yf[uirnjn]f[xvzy (0000 VSchool of Bioresources and Technology, King Mongkut's University of Technology Tonburi uirnjn]f[xvzy %School of Bioresources and Technology&000000VbSUO_(u^)Y6qnjn0000000bSxvz@b (00000 wThe Center of Technology for Natural Resources Inventory, The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology 000000yf[b0W]f[xvzzv0000 (0000 ]Bandan Meteorologi dan Geofisica, Indonesia Meteorological and Geophysical Agency, Indonesia 0000mi'Yf[f[ (0000 9The Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University Wf[0Wf[xvzyThe Faculty of Agriculture000000'Yf[tXxvz0000 (0000 7Center for Environmental Studies, Hasanuddin University*0000000000'Yf[ f[0000000000000 Banjarbaru)MFaculty of Agriculture and Collaboration Center, Lambung Mangkurat University0000'Yf[wm m000000000xvz0000 (00 BCenter for Remote Sensing and Ocean Science, University of Udayana0000Vz0000000000000 0000000 .The National Remote Sensing Center of Mongolia0000yf[bS'Yf[iryf[ (0000000 KSchool of Materials Science, Mongolian University of Science and Technology0000Vz'Yf[0Wtirtxvz0000 0000000 ?Research Center for Geophysics, National Universtiy of Mongolia 000mi'Yf[ (000 Hanoi Agricultural University0000Vz'Yf[000!h Yef[ (000 8Faculty of Education, Vietnam National University, Hanoi Yef[0Yef[xvzyFaculty of Education0000Vzq/^uirf[xvz@b (00000 HInstitute of Tropical Biology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology000Vz'Yf[f[ (000 .College of Agriculture, Leyte State UniversityV2zxvz@b (000]000000 %International Rice Research Institute-N000Vz'Yf[ 0000000 Central Luzon State University00000000'Yf[ (000000 University Putra Malaysia 00000000'Yf[bR'Yf[;u00000f[ (SWS^ >College of Planning and Design, National Cheng Kung UniversityVzS~n'Yf[lQqQ[uf[b (SS^ 4College of Public Health, National Taiwan University['Yf[IQ{tf[y000000000#umi{tf[y (ؚĖ \Department of Tourism Management, Department of Recreation Management, Shih Chien UniversityVzS~n'Yf[]f[b0l`1Xf[b (SS^ jCollege of Engineering, College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, National Taiwan UniversityWS'Yf[^U)RNmi{tf[xvz@b  V^ /Department of NPO Management, Nanhua University000000'Yf[L}FUf[ (0000]000000 =The College of Business Administration, University of Houston"0000'Yf[0000000!h wwf[ (0000]0000000 :The School of Nursing, University of Alabama at Birmingham0000'Yf[ wwf[ (0000 -The School of Nursing, University of Michigan00000'Yf[^{e^;uf[ (00000]0000 DCollege of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Washington ^{e^;uf[ "0000]z'Yf[000000000f[ (0000000]0000 >Department of Communication Studies, San Jose State University0000'Yf[000!h;Sf[ (000 5University of Illinois at Chicago College of Medicine;Sf[ "Department of Physics and Ice Cube#0000000'Yf[00000!hirtf[y (0000000]00000 CDepartment of Physics and Ice Cube, University of Wisconsin-Madison00000'Yf[f[ (00000]000000 G Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Alberta000000mi'Yf[ (000000]000 Nova Scotia Agricultural Collage 000000mi'Yf[0000000'Yf[6qyf[0wm m'Yf[ 0000000 JThe Faculty of Natural Sciences and Oceanography, University of Concepcion0000000000ꁻl'Yf[ 0000000000 'Autonomous University of Aguascalientes000Vz]y'Yf[ Lima)"National University of Engineering000_(uyf['Yf[ ^{0(gPg0^-f[RCollege of Architecture, Wood and Building, University of Applied Science of Berne ^{0(gPg0^-f[*College of Architecture, Wood and Building00000'Yf[ ;Sf[okf[ 00000 5Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palack University&000yf[00000uiqg/e 00000*Ys^ mwm mxvz@b 0000000)RPacific Oceanographic Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of SciencesVz000Ne'Yf[ (0000 +Russian State University for the Humanities ef[0Ne>yOyf[xvzy Vz000Ne'Yf[*A.I..00000_000VzYe'Yf[D^\Sele'Yf[ (0000000000 aInstitute for the Northern Peoples, Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg 00000'Yf[ ef[*The Faculty of Arts, Un< iversity of Warwick000000 0000000'Yf[ ]f[ (000000 IFaculty of Engineering, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg00000'Yf[ t]f[ (00000 6Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Bayreutht]f[Faculty of Engineering Science000000yf[00000 iirf[xvz@b 00000 RInstitute of Botany and Phytointroduction, Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences0000000000000'Yf[ mi4ltXf[ 00000 FFaculty of Agricultural Water and Environment, Tessedik Samuel Collegemi4ltXf[-Faculty of Agricultural Water and Environment0000'Yf[ f[0Tf[0tkSf[ (0000 YFaculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of History Jagiellonian University'0000000000000'Yf[ 0000000 0000000000000 (Alcalingua, Alcal de Henares University 0000'Yf[N>yOyf[DFaculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, The University of Jordan0000 ]z00000;Sy'Yf[&Mashhad University of Medical Sciences0000000000yf[bS'Yf[ (0000 PFaculties of Engineering, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene000000-N.Yle'Yf[Minzu University of ChinaCNRS00000000]y'Yf["University of Technology Compiegne 00000S0000'Yf[%University of Art and Design Helsinki$University of Art and Design HelsinkUniversity of Rennes 1|[wmiyf[b+Liaoning Academy of Agricultural University NwmN'Yf[0000 00000f[b;School of Media and design, Shanghai Jiao Tong University 0000 00000f[bSchool of Media and design000_(uyf['Yf[^{0(gPge^-f[0 ^{0(gPge^-f[0-NVP[yb'Yf[ P[]f[0_0}P[0VSOP[]f[00School of Electronic Engineering and School of Microelectronics and Solid -State Electronics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China \School of Electronic Engineering and School of Microelectronics and Solid -State Electronics0000'Yf[lQF[u'Yf[b04School of Public Health, The University of MinnesotaUniversity of Nantes0000'Yf[The University of Minnesota0000000'Yf[00000000okf[@School of Dentistry, The University of California, San Francisco,The University of Illinois at Chicago CampusThe University od Oregon0000'Yf[lf[0?elf[萒0NhY000000]ؚI{Ye@\KSchool of Law and Department of Political Science, The University of Oregon00000]z'Yf[Wyyf[5College of Basic Sciences, Louisiana State University 0000]y'Yf[qir]f[?Faculty of Mineral Technology , Bandung Institute of Technology 00000'Yf[okf[,Faculty of Dentistry ,Gadjah Mada University-Faculty of Dentistry ,University of Indonesia000000'Yf[)Wageningen University and Research Centre 00000'Yf[okf[8Faculty of Dental Sciences, The University of Peradeniya 00000'Yf[okf[*Faculty of Dentistry, Thammasat University000000000000'Yf[okf[ 00000'Yf[Yef[+Faculty of Education, Chiang Mai University 00000'Yf[f[-Faculty of Agriculture, Chiang Mai University 0000WW}T'Yf[Surindra Rajabhat University00000'Yf[00000000000f[5Faculty of Mass Communications, Chiang Mai University000'Yf[okf[Dhaka Dental College000000000000000;Sy'Yf[okf[AFaculty of Dentistry, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University 0000000oky'Yf[University Dental College000oky'Yf[City Dental College 00000'Yf[okf[3College of Dentistry University of the Philippines000000000'Yf[okf[/College of Dentistry, Manila Central University 0000'Yf[okf[,College of Dentistry, University of the East 00000ꁻl'Yf[okf[4Faculty of Dentistry, Coahuila Autonomous University0000000000000;Syy'Yf[okf[JFaculty of Stomatology,  Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy000000VzL}nl_00000-Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law uiqg}T'Yf[qg mf[b;Institute of Oriental Studies, Far Eastern State UniversityVzuiqgNe'Yf[*Far Eastern State University of HumanitiesThe University of Sheffieldlff[bl_f[!hThe Inns of Court School of Law 00000'Yf[>yOyf[2Faculty of Social Sciences , University of Bristol00000'Yf[University of Bristol 00000'Yf[ef['Faculty of Arts , University of Bristol _lSVz'Yf[!hL}Uf[?College of Business Administration, Kangwon National University _lu'Yf[!h>yOyf['Yf[8College of Social Sciences, Kangnung National UniversityNw'Yf[lf[College of Law, Inha University Nw'Yf[>yOyf[f[+College of Social Sciences, Inha University ff;Sf[bST;Sf[|/Faculty of Stomatology, Kunming Medical College VnS;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b-Faculty of Stomatology, Hubei Medical College  Nwm,{N;Sy'Yf[ST;Sf[b:Faculty of Stomatology, Shanghai Second Medical University(Faculty of Stomatology, Jilin UniversitySN'Yf[L}nf[b&School of Economics, Peking University -NV0W'Yf[SN!h)China University of Geosciences (Beijing) SN+^{'Yf[L}nf[b/College of Economics, Beijing Normal University  Tg'Yf[qgS000xvzb0Northeast Asian Studies Center, Jilin UniversitySN'Yf[;Sf[(Health Science Center, Peking University qgS+^{'Yf[tkSf[2Department of History, Northeast Normal University 0000+^{'Yf[Yef[1Department of Education, Harbin Normal University SN+^{'Yf[Yef[b/College of Education, Beijing Normal University -NVwm m'Yf[ef[b*College of Arts, Ocean University of ChinaWS+^{'Yf[YeOo`bSf[bLCollege of Educational Information Technology, South China Normal Universityqgt]'Yf[lQqQ>yO{tf[bPSchool of Social and Public Administration, East China University of Science and0College of Humanities, Seoul National University qg+^{'Yf[[Y"of[bEInternational College of Chinese Studies,Easy China Normal University00000'Yf[University of Split SN+^{'Yf[[\f[!h6Experimental Primary School, Beijing Normal Universityw\bSyf['Yf[5'Y#t]'Yf[,gf[n0]f[0]f[xvzyh0OY00f[0xvzyh0j00L00TS[k0o0fW0f0D0j0D00N N TX00 NDalian University of Technology,gf[n0]f[0]f[xvzyh0OY00f[0xvzyh0j00L00TS[k0o0fW0f0D0j0D00N N TX00 000000000'Yf[lwm'Yf[Hohai University 00000]y'Yf[0000'Yf[The University of Manitoba 000]mi'Yf[0000!h&Indian Institute of Technology, Madras 00000]y'Yf[!Pathumwan Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Malaya000000'Yf[University of Guanajuato00FU]'Yf[.The University of The Thai Chamber of Commerce 0000'Yf[0000!hUniversity of Texas at El PasoNO'Yf[Rwm'Yf[Qinghai University$South China University of Technology000000'Yf[0Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de HidalgoInstitut Technology Bandung 0000000]y'Yf[$Rajamangala University of Technology 00000]y'Yf[University Technology Malaysia Universita Degli Studi di Milano0000'Yf[Bangkok University 000000000'Yf[00]y'Yf[Universiti Technology Mara0000'Yf[University of Ulsan Vz000000t]yf[b+Institut National Politechnique de Grenoble Technische Universitat Darmstadt 000`1XbSL}U'Yf[9Indian Institute of Information Technology and ManagementN]'Yf[Asia UniversityVz V'Yf[National Chiayi UniversityVz]y'Yf[Instituto Politecnico National_(uyf['Yf[-University of Applied Science Bonn-Rhein-Sieg 00000000'Yf[%Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad JuarezWS0000'Yf[University of South Florida 00000Vl'Yf[Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia000000000000'Yf[Case Western Reserve Un< iversityChongqing Jiaotong UniversityӗVVzhQS'Yf[Shanghai Jiatong University*000]y'Yf[0000'Yf[000000^]y'Yf[000000]y'Yf[000000'Yf[Hanoi University of Technology, University of Danang, HoChiMinh City University of Technology, Thai Nguyen University of Technology, Nhatrang University+00000]y'Yf[0000000'Yf[000000'Yf[00000000'Yf[0ؚI{Ye'Yf[Instituto Technologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon, Universidad de Monterrey, Universidad Regiomontana, Centro de Estudios Universitarios,000]y'Yf[,gf[n0]f[h0OY00f[h0j00L00TS[k0o0fW0f0D0j0D00N N TX00 CHanoi University of Technology,gf[n0]f[h0OY00f[h0j00L00TS[k0o0fW0f0D0j0D00N N TX00 f[X]f[ e,gYuf[f0f^[g0bc 00000^]y'Yf['HoChiMinh City University of Technology000'Yf[University of Danang f^[g0F{f0bc00000'Yf[Universidad de Monterrey000000'Yf["Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon NYe'Yf[f[!hYef[0f[!hYexvzy0000'Yf[The University of Iowa 00000'Yf[Yef[5The Faculty of Education of the University of Glasgow0000000000000000'Yf[QSle'Yf[+Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities!000000'Yf[ 00000000000000000000+T0 000Ye+^Ye0000000!Asia Teacher Education ConsortiumLSN+^{'Yf[ n]Ye'Yf[!h ^+^{'Yf[ NNYe'Yf[!h VnWS+^{'Yf[ ӗVYeT'Yf[!h 000'Yf[ ^'Yf[ y\Ye'Yf[ ^\'Yf[ qgNf['Yf[ Beijing Normal University, Cheongju National University of Education, Guangxi Normal University, Gyeongin National University of Education, Hunan Normal University, Korea National University of Education, University of Delhi, Yanbian University -NV ӗV 000[q\'Yf[Universiti Teknologi Malaysia'Yӗ;S'Yf[!hDaegu Haany UniversityVl'Yf[!hKookmin University|['Yf[Liaoning University-NeS}Y;SbChina-Japan Friendship Hospital-NV-N;Syf[b-China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine'Peking University Health Science Center-NVy'Yf[China Pharmaceutical UniversityQS;Sf[bInner Mongolia Medical CollegelWS+^{'Yf[Henan Normal Universityq\qg'Yf[Shandong University Nwm'Yf[Shanghai University$nwm'Yf[Bohai University'Y#;Sy'Yf[ 0000]z'Yf[Murray State University 0000_(uyf['Yf[ $Lahti University of Applied Sciences00000'Yf[00000000'Yf[Nef[3Faculty of Humanities, Novosibirsk State University000000000000000wmNVz'Yf[<Maritime State University Named After Admiral G.I. Nevelskoy000'Yf[000000000000000-Maui Community College, University of Hawai i 0000'Yf[ef[&Faculty of Letters, Udayana University 00000000'Yf[ef[Bina Nusantara University |[we^[-Nf[!h Fuxin Experimental Middle school _lS'Yf[!hL}U'Yf[FDepartment of National Economic Management, Renmin University of China WSN'Yf[irAmf[b3College of Logistics, Southwest Jiaotong University -NVyf[b iirxvz@b 0Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences _e'Yf[ Nwm;Sf[b*Shanghai Medical College, Fudan University͑va;Sy'Yf[ (Chongqing University of Medical Sciences!0000'Yf[000000000000 0>yOh0eP^ 0Vxvz0000JThe International Centre for Health and Society, University College London000'Yf[;Sf[)Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka00000'Yf[eP^yf[0eP^yf['Yf[bVFaculty of Health Sciences-Graduate Program in Health Sciences, University of Brasilia_WS'Yf[;Sf[!h,Medical School, Chungnam National University-NVyf[bSf[xvz@b|[Sf[Pgexvz0000SFine Chemicals Research Center, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences5School of Pharmacy, University of Southern CaliforniaWSN'Yf[}r_RRV[͑p[[ANational Traction Power Laboratory, Southwest Jiaotong University00000'Yf[]f[0_(uyf[ASchool of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia000qQTVyf[00000yf[_jhVxvz@bNInstitute of Scientific Instruments, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic000yf[00000N,irtf[xvz@b5Russian Academy of Sciences General Physics Institute000yf[00000uiqg/eR6R_0000xvz@bgThe Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Science 000S]'Yf[2Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague00000yf[bS'Yf[6qyf[bSYFaculty of Natural Science and Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology"0000000000000'Yf[00000002['Yf[!hirttXpef[y@University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy!'(yf[bS'Yf[Pgeyf[0000000f[SFaculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology 0000'Yf[f[8Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Khon Kaen University0000͎;S'Yf[;Sf[0'Yf[b@Faculty of Medicine-Graduate School, Military Medical University 0000L00xvz@bTomsk Cancer Research Institute N]'Yf[;Sf[0'Yf[b"Ajou University School of Medicine 00000'Yf[t]f[xvz@b9Institute of Science and Technology, Tribhuvan University000'Yf[Pokhara University 000000'Yf[f[ 000'Yf[)Y6qiryf[xvz@b5Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul UniversityWIQ'Yf[(unjnxvz00008Medicinal Resources Research Center, Wonkwang University qg W'Yx[!hӗx[xvz@b;Research Institute of oriental Medicine, Dongguk University 0000Vz'Yf[uirf[2Faculty of Biology, Natural University of Mongolia WSN-N;S'Yf[f[bFSchool of Pharmacy, Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine?School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology |[-N;So'Yf[-Noxvz@baResearch Institute of Chinese Materia Medica, Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine WSN'Yf[Sf[S]f[b@School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Nanjing University[Y;Sy'Yf[ 000'Yf[f[%Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University _lS'Yf[!hL}Uxvz@b=Institute of management Research, Kangwon National University _lS'Yf[!h#umiL}nxvz@b=Institute of Industrial Research, Kangwon National University3Northeast Asian Studies Academy of Jilin University -NVmi'Yf[L}n{tf[bAChina Agricultural University College of Economics and Management-NVyf[b_lwCSYq]}XNu}TzvfzQian Yanzhou Comprehensive Experimental Station, Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, The Chinese Academy of Sciences  Tgmi'Yf[{tf[b3Management College of Jilin Agricultural University_e'Yf[-NV>yO;N^4XL}nxvz0000/China Center Economic Studies, Fudan University-NVyf[bw}vq\hguKa|xvz000000 TResearch Station of Changbai Mountain Forest Ecosystems, Chinese Academy of SciencesqgSL}'Yf[L}n0>yOzvU\xvzbaResearch Academy of Economic and Social Development, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics 000yf[000000000/eL}n]miu#uD}T~xvz@b:Institute of Economics and Indutrial Engineering of SB RAS0000Vz'Yf[$Katanov State University of Khakasia:Economic Research Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of the RAS0000000xvz000000000xvze-7Tritium Laboratory Research Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe0000000000000000000000O'Yf[=Bonch-Bruevich University of Telecommunications St.Petersburg Oq};Sf[;m'`SV8Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions000vaUq'Yf[!huO-RI{f[!h&Kyung Hee affiliated Elementary School 'Y#wmN'Yf[D^\f[!h-School Attached to Dalian Maritime Universityёl'Yf[ 000000f[WRI{f[!hELower School of Berwick Academy 2Soochow University Soochow Univ< ersity Sichuan University Harbin Medical University N>yOtXxvzy SN+^{'Yf[xvzub,Graduate School of Beijing Normal Universitye,geS VeS e,gef[ e,gYe -NVef[ -NVf[ c\YeTn0c0SQ0_0 b>~*QySN]mi'Yf[!Beijing University of Technology Dalian University <Dalian University of Technology Nanjing University Yanbian University Nankai University "Zhejiang University of Technology (Beijing Language and Culture University 000'Yf[University of Pune ܑq\Vz'Yf[!hPusan National University 1Korea Institute of Geoscience & Mineral ResourcesVzܑva'Yf[!h00000s]y'Yf[0000!h3King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Australian National University 0000000000]y'Yf[/Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 0000000Griffith University Assiut University Charles University in Prague 000000'Yf[University of Jyvskyl "Helsinki University of Technology 0000,{N'Yf["Henri Poincar University, Nancy 10000,{N'Yf[University of Nancy 2 0000'Yf[University of Siegen 00000000'Yf[University of Regensburg 0000000'Yf[Dublin City University 0000000000]y'Yf[ Technical University of Lublin Slovak University of Technology0000000000000'Yf["Liverpool John Moores University University of Sheffield Vz000'Yf[5Kazan State University 000yf[00000uiqg/e6Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences University of Pennsylvania'State University of New York at Buffalo00000000000000'Yf[ College of William and Mary 000'Yf[Tufts University000000]z'Yf[000000!h)State University of New York at New Paltz qgS+^{'Yf[>yOyf[7Northeast Normal University, Faculty of Social Sciences-NVyf[bSf[xvz@byrkPgexvz0000MChinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Special Material Center SN'Yf[-NVef[|>Peking University, Department of Chinese Language & LiteratureSN'Yf[of[b&Peking University, School of Pharmacyqg'Yf[Pgef[b@Dong Hua University, College of Material Science and EngineeringWSe;Sy'Yf[Sothern Medical University ;Sf[|xvzy0;Sf[  Tg'Yf[^-] zf[b1Jilin University,Construction Engineering College qgSgmi'Yf[W(g] zf[b;Northeast Forestry University, College of Civil Engineeringw['Yf[0W] zSs0,n0Wf[bEChang' An University, College of Geological Engineering and GeomaticslWS-N;Sf[b0Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine%-NVyf[b'Ylirtxvz@b'Ylyf[h00WtAmSORf[pe$P00000V[͑pxvz@bState Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics (LASG), Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IAP), Chinese Academy of Sciences  Tn'Yf[_jh] zf[b3Tongji University, 3CHOOL0OF0-ECHANICAL0%NGINEERING WSt]'Yf[}lʎ] zf[bG3OUTH0#HINA University of04ECHNOLOGY, School of Automotive Engineering SN'Yf[SeZSf[b6Peking University, School of Archaeology and MuseologyYm_l'Yf[tf['Zhejiang University, College of ScienceӗVyf[bSxvzbzO]f[xvz@bSKorea Institute of Science and Technology, Genetic Engineering Research Institute Vn'Yf[!h]y'Yf[(Hoseo University, College of Engineering g'Yf[!hVf['Yf[b;Hallym University, Graduate School of International Studies Vn'Yf[!hL}FUf[)Hoseo University, College of Engineering ӗVyf[bSb]f[IKorea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,College of Engineering 'YӗlVVzSO'Yf[Korea National Sport University vaq'Yf[!hty'Yf[)Kyung Hee University, Faculty of SciencesjV'Yf[!h]f[*Dankook University, College of Engineering hQSVz'Yf[;Sf[HCollege of Nuclear Science & Technology,Beijing Normal University,China000'Yf[f[*Faculty of Agriclture,University of Ruhuna000000000000'Yf[t]f[<Faculty of Science and Technology,Phuket Rajabhat UniversityQ{l'Yf[ -NVyf[bxvzub2Graduate University of Chinese Academy of SciencesAllDBeihang University(Beijing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics)Sun Yat-sen UniversityVnWS'Yf[Hunan University*Nef[^0>yOf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^0YV0000College of Foreign Languages NwmN'Yf[Shanghai Jiao Tong University 0000`1X]f[xvzy QQSs0NO)n]f[xvz@bKSchool of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics-NVwm m'Yf[ Ocean University of China 0000000xvzywm mu}Tf[b'Graduate School of Marine Life Sciences SN'Yf[ Oo`{t| 9Peking University (Department of Information Management)Beijing Normal University SN'Yf[ tXf[b 7Peking University (College of Environmental Sciences) u}TtXyf[xvzytXyf[] zf[|0Environmental Science and Engineering DepartmentxvzubGraduate SchoolSgyb'Yf[Northwest A&F Universityxvzub(_jh0P[] zf[b)0College of Mechanical and Electronic EngineeringTsinghua University 0000`1X]f[xvzy0u}TtXyf[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzy^{f[bSchool of Architecturen'Yf[ (tXyf[N] z|0uiryf[N] z| ETsinghua University (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology)u}TtXyf[xvzy0u}TtXf[tXyf[N] z|0uiryf[NbS|3Department of Environmental Science and EngineeringWSN'Yf[Southwest Jiaotong University{_j] zf[b,School of Information Science and Technology -NVSP[yf[xvzb!China Institute of Atomic Energy xvzWv}T00008hirt@bLaboratory of Nuclear Physics<u}TtXyf[xvzyu}T#umiyf[\;e0uirWnjnyf[\;e0V0W~bSzvyf[\;e0uir_jyf[\;e0uirnjnyf[\;e u}TtXyf[xvzy,u}TtXf[WS+^{'Yf[South China Normal University"SOyf[|,SO\f[,SOxvzy,N}Tyf[xvzySOyf[\;eSOyf[f[b%Graduate School of Physical Education-NVyf[b0Wtyf[0njnxvz@b`Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Researchu}TtXyf[xvzyxWtXxvz0000D the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research -NV0W'Yf[SN China University of Geosciencesu}TtXyf[xvzy0tXyf[xvzy4lnjn0tXf[b<Graduate School of Water Resources and Environmental Science-]'Yf[Zhengzhou UniversitytXyf[xvzb0Sf[|0tX04l)Rf[b0uir] z|Institute of Environmental Sciences, Department of Chemistry, School of Water Conservancy and Environmental Engineering, Department of BioengineeringlWSyb'Yf[+Henan University of Science and Technology ߘT0uir] zf[b0f[b0ʎ 0RR] zf[bsSchool of Food and Bioengineering, School of Gardening and Forestry, School of Vehicle and Motive Power Engineering'Y#'Yf[Dalian University e,g0e,geSf[^0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy e,geSf[b0'School of Japanese Language and Culture-NVSf[bChina Academy of Art#S\f[0N}Tyf[xvzyS\;eZSXMRg z0ZSX_g z * Wf[bSf[ 0-f[b0000f[ 0'Yf[bxX zOX z 0ZSX zZSchool of Fine Arts, School of Design, Professional School of Art Design (MA & PhD course)petiryf[xvzy0f[iryf[xvz0000 P[yf[N] zf[bFSchool of Technology, Department of Electronic Science and EngineeringVz-Nq\'Yf[National Sun Yat-sen University!hQf[Yuf[u00000Ne>yOyf[xvzy00000`1X]f[xvzy Vz|'Yf[National Tsing Hua UniversityVzS~nS'Yf["National Taiwan University of ArtsS\f[0Sxvzy0N}Tyf[xvzySf[\;eSf[b0-f[b0 b_Sxvz@b0HCollege of F< ine Arts, College of Design, Graduate School of Plastic ArtsVz?el'Yf[National Chengchi University5Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0 >yOf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^ef[b0>yOyf[b0YVef[b0lf[baCollege of Liberal Arts, College of Social Sciences, College of Foreign Languages, College of LawVzS~nyb'Yf[4National Taiwan University of Science and Technology"S\f[0N}Tyf[xvzyMRgS\;e0_gS\;e0Sf[|-f[b(0000f[)0-xvz@b0000xvzy ,College of Design, Graduate School of DesignhsYP['Yf[!hEwha Womans UniversityӗVVWxvzb/Korean Research Institute for Human SettlementsYonsei University petiryf[xvzySOSs0_jPgeirtxvz0000CResearch Center for Dielectric and Advanced Matter Physics (RCDAMP)uirf[^0uirnjnf[^0u}TtXyf[xvzymiu}Tyf['Yf[) College of Agriculture and Life SciencesTaegu University$_[f[|0Nf[^0Yexvzy0_[f[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzy+^{'Yf[0'Yf[b0Q;myf['Yf[0Q;myf['Yf[bcTeacher Training College and Graduate School, College of Rehabilitation Science and Graduate SchoolqgN'Yf[!hDong-A UniversityNe>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0>yO0Vf[?eV{yf['Yf[b0>yOyf['Yf[<Graduate School of Public Policy, College of Social Sciences ӗVWyyf[xvz@bKorea Basic Science InstituteNw'Yf[!hInha Universitye0f[|0sN0sNeSf[|Ne>yOyf[xvzyey'Yf[College of LiteratureNe>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0e,g0e,geSf[^V0WW'Yf[b$School of International Area Studies"o}'Yf[!hHanyang University0000`1X]f[xvzy000^'Yf[b0]y'Yf[^]f[yJGraduate School of City Planning, College of Engineering and City PlanningSeoul National University 6N}Tyf[xvzy(SOyf[\;e00000;Sf[\;e000000f[\;e)0SOxvzy0SO\f[0SOyf[| +^{'Yf[SOYey:Teachers Training College of Sports and Physical Education ӗV0Wnjnxvzb3Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral ResourcesSUf'Yf[!hKeimyung University/Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^Vf['Yf[0Ne'Yf[0>yOyf['Yf[0L}U'Yf[sCollege of International Studies, College of Humanities, College of Social Sciences, College of Management SciencesNe>yOyf[xvzyV?elL}nf[\;e0V}Tf[^00000'Yf[University of Philippines* Vf(`1X0000xvzy NwmVf(Shanghai Library0000Vz'Yf[00000!hkThe University of Natural Sciences, Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City00 N}Tyf[xvzy"The University of Natural Sciencesq/^uirf[xvz@b!The Institute of Tropical Biology00000^0000000000000,The Biotechnology Center of Ho Chi Minh City 00000;Syy'Yf[;The University of Medicine and Pharmacy at Ho Chi Minh City0000ubCho Ray Hospital00000'Yf[ 0King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi uirnjn]f[xvzy& School of Bioresources and Technology00000'Yf[Thammasat UniversitykeSf[^0uirnjnf[^0u}TtXyf[xvzyyf[bSf[Faculty of ScienceFaculty of scienceFaculty of Engineering5The King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi 00000'Yf[f[iryf[xvz0000,petiryf[xvzyf["Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences W(g]f[W(g]f[y(Civil Engineering, Engineering Mechanics V Nuuxvz0000LICDDR, B. (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh)u}TtXyf[xvzy0tXyf[xvzy0uirnjnf[^9f[04l#uwm myf[0\u#uf[0mi]f[0pef[6qyf[0L}nL}Uf[0NuKaf[0gf[0'Yf[b00000Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Fishery and Marine Science, Faculty of Animal Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Management, Faculty of Human Ecology, Faculty of Forestry, Graduate School 000000Ye'Yf[DIndonesia University of Education (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia) 00000yf[bS'Yf[*Kohat University of Science and Technology'Yf[b zGraduate Level Program00000f[0gf[0\u#uyf[Ss04l#uf[00000SMyanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences (MAAFLES)00000 000000VzYe'Yf[rNational Pedagogical University Francisco Mozaran of Honduras (Universidad Pedagogica Nacional Francisco Morazan) 000000 0000'Yf[b'Yf[El Colegio de Mexico0WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy 0000000'Yf[EFederal University of Pernambuco (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco)00'Yf[Universidad de Chile0000'Yf[(Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru*hQf[yrk000WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzy0YV0000 hQWyrk00Ne>yOyf[0WWxvz0e,gxvzj0i0 06qyf[ 0000'Yf[Bogazici University000.Ne0eSf[(Nef[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^)0V}Tf[^00WWxvzxvzyetf[Faculty of Arts and Sciences000000000000'Yf[0000'Yf[University of TorontoN}Tyf[xvzySOyf[\;e0SOxvzy0SOyf[|N}Tyf['Yf[bNe>yOyf[\;e0SOOePf[[Institute of Humanities, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Physical Education and Health 0000000000'Yf[!The University of Western Ontario6N}Tyf[xvzy(SOyf[\;e00000;Sf[\;e000000f[\;e 0SOxvzy0SO\f[0SOyf[|eP^yf[萭0000000f[y1Faculty of Health Sciences, School of Kinesiology 0000000'Yf[University of Montrealf[iryf[xvz00000petiryf[xvzy S0yf[Sf[y0f[eFaculty of Arts and Science, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology000'Yf[Ithaca College000000]z'Yf[00000!h$State University of New York, Oswego Nf[0V}Tf[^000000]z'Yf[0000000!hBState University of New York, Stony Brook (Stony Brook University)00000'Yf[000000 "Washington University in St. Louis Ne>yOyf[xvzyNe0yf['Yf[b0Neyf[f[BGraduate School of Arts and Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences000'Yf[^yf[!h000000000000^yf[!hKUniversity of Chicago Divinity School/ Meadville Lombard Theological School 000'Yf[000!hUniversity of Hawaii at Manoa00000000'Yf[00000!h#University of Massachusetts Amherst Nf[^0V}Tf[^V}Tf[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^ 0000000'Yf[University of PennsylvaniaN}Tyf[xvzy0YexvzyYef['Yf[bGraduate School of Education WS000000'Yf[University of Southern Indiana Nf[^0;Syf[xvzyYe f[0 ww0OePyf[0Ye0N0000f[jCollege of General Education, School of Public Health and Nursing, College of Education and Human Services0000'Yf[University of MichiganUniversity of Alaska Fairbanks{yf[xvz0000u}TtXyf[xvzyVSuiWxvz000000Wtirtf[xvz@bKInternational Arctic Circle Research Center, Geophysical Research Institute000000'Yf[University of Pittsburgh 00000'Yf[0000 !University of Washington, Seattlee,gf[00000Japanese Program00000'Yf[%University of Nebraska Medical Center0000000000irTSs000000000000#Medical Center, Nanomedicine Center0000'Yf[Monash UniversityBased on mutual discussion WS0000000'Yf[University of South Australia`1XbS0]f[0tXf[000000FDivision of Information Science, Environmental Studies and EngineeringWS00000000000000'Yf[=Flinders University of South Australia (Flinders University)>yOyf[0000000lQqQ?eV{0L}Uxvz@bRFaculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Flind< ers Public Policy and AdministrationNe0>yOyf[0\wf[0]f[00000000petf[萁Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of the Professions, Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences 00000000'Yf[+N}Tyf[xvzySOyf[\;e000000f[\;e0SOxvzy0SO\f[0SOyf[|eP^yf[f[000000000000000f[y%Human Movement Science Field of Study SS0St֊f[y$Department of Art History and Theory/N}Tyf[xvzy(SOyf[\;e000000f[\;e00000;Sf[\;e0SOf[\;e 0SOyf[|SOf[0tf[BvlX bf[?Physical Education, Health and Sports Sciences, Sports Medicine000000000000]mi'Yf[0University of Technology of Belfort-Montbeliard 0000`1X]f[xvzy0`1Xf[^ _jh0u#ubSxvz@b"Program in Computational Mechanics00000000'Yf[ 000000,{`!'Yf[ Universite Joseph Fourier4`1Xf[^0]f[0000f[^0]f[Wyf[^0petiryf[xvzy00000`1X]f[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzyyf[0bSf[0'Yf[bOX z]Program in Science, Technology and Health, Master's Program in Science, Technology and Health 0000Vzmixvz@b;The National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)0000VzbS]'Yf[!Arts et Metiers Paristech (ENSAM)0000`1X]f[xvzyi 00000]f[\;e0]f[0000f[^.Institute of Mechanics and Industrial Sciences00001u'Yf[Freie Universitat Berlin000000'Yf[University of Leipzig 0000yf[Faculty of Sports Science 000'Yf[0000!hRuhr-University Bochum 0Wtf[xvz@bGeographical Institute000000000000000000000'Yf[)Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg 00000000]y'Yf[-Brandenburg University of Technology, Cottbus!N}Tyf[xvzyNLuz#u\;e(MRg)0NLueSz#uf[\;e(_g)^{0W(g0^;uf[0OX zNLuz#u\;eiFaculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Planning, Master's Program in World Heritage Studies,Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen (LMU) 0000yf[xvzylf[Faculty of Law00000'Yf[0000`1X]f[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzyP[]f[0pef[000000000000f[DFaculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science000000'Yf[Utrecht UniversityNe>yOyf[xvzy0>yOf[^0000]y'Yf[Delft University of TechnologyN}Tyf[xvzyS\f[ ]mi0000]f['Programme Industrial Design Engineering 00000000]y'Yf[#Eindhoven University of Technology N}Tyf[xvzya'`w3yf[\;e0S\;eS\f[0000f[Faculty of DesignThe University of Sheffield* 0000000'Yf[The University of Manchester(u}TtXyf[xvzyi uiryf[\;ee`1Xuiryf[\;e0u}TqQX[yf[\;e uirf[^uirf[Faculty of Life Sciences0000'Yf[University of Salerno petiryf[xvzyirtf[|ZSX zirtf[xvzy0irtf[yNthe Graduate School of Physics and the Department of Physics "E.R. Caianiello"pet`1Xf[xvzy0pet`1Xf[yP the PhD School of Informatics and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics00000'Yf[University of Catania e,g0e,geSf[^YVf[Faculty of Foreign Languages00000szVf(`1X'Yf[/Royal School of Library and Information Science 000000szS'Yf[)The Royal University College of Fine Arts S\f[0Sxvzy0N}Tyf[xvzySf[\;e0Sf[| 0000000'Yf[Jonkoping UniversityeP^yf[xvzy0School of Health SciencesThe Uppsala University0Wtyf[yFaculty of Geoscience 0000L}n0L}U'Yf[,Vienna University of Economics and Business 000'Yf[Charles University 0000000'Yf[University of Bialystok->yOf[^0V}Tf[^00WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00000yf[xvzy0>yOyf[|00000'Yf[Jagiellonian University1Nef[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^00WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00 ef[000000f[01Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Polish Studies00000'Yf[University of Warsaw8Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Ne0eSf[(Nef[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^)0V}Tf[^qg mf[xvz@bFaculty of Oriental Studies 0000000'Yf[University of Ljubljana#e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzyef[Faculty of Literature00000'Yf[University of Banja Luka 0000000000003Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^V}Tf[^000000'Yf[Vilnius University00000SNe>yOyf[xvzy0Vf(`1X0000xvzy0WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^06qf[^0keSf[^0`1Xf[^0Nf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^V}Tf[^0Vf(`1X\f[4Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^00000'Yf[University of Salamanca 0000e00000'Yf[Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 000011g7e'Yf[*The University of 7th November at Carthage!u}TtXyf[xvzy00000`1X]f[xvzy0S0000xvz0000Vz00000mif[b0Vz_(uyf[bSbTNational Graduate School of Agriculture, National Graduate School of Applied Science000000000000000000000Centre of Biotechnology of Sfax000000'Yf[University of Sfaxu}TtXyf[xvzy0S0000xvz0000tf[0;Sf[/Faculty of Science, Faculty of Medical Sciences000'Yf[University of Sousse;S0000xvz00000Ne>yOyf[xvzy 00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0keSf[^0e,gee,geSf[^V}Tf[^(ef[0Nef[0l_0?eL}f[0Sf[b00000ؚI{f[b0000000ؚI{f[bFaculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Law and Economic and Political Sciences, Institute of Fine Arts, Institute of Higher Commercial Studies, Institute of ManagementHS0000xvz00000u}TtXyf[xvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00000yf[xvzy00000`1X]f[xvzy0Vf(`1X0000xvzy000000$f[0ef[00000000`1Xyf[0tf[0?elL}nf[0lf[萔Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Computers and Information, Faculty of Pharmacology, Faculty of Political Science, Faculty of Law 00000000'Yf[Ain Shams University'Ne0eSf[0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0S0000xvz000000'Faculty of Al-Alsun (Foreign Languages) 0000N'Yf[0000!University Mohammed V AGDAL-RABAT<hQf[yrk00S0000xvz00000u}TtXyf[xvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy00000`1X]f[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzy 000000'Yf[University of Nigeriau}Tyf[Faculty of Biological Sciences 0000yf[00000Sudan Academy of Science0000 0000SP[irtf[xvz@b#Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics000yf[000000000000xvz@b-Russian Research Centre 'Kurchatov Institute' 0000=000000'Yf[!Saint-Petersburg State University<Ne>yOyf[xvzy00WWxvzxvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^0YV0000Faculty of Literature000Vz'Yf[,Taras Shevchenko National University of KYIV90WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0Nef[^0>yOf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0Nf[^0V}Tf[^yN'Yf[;Sf[h00000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University and The Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui 0000'Yf[;Sf[,The Faculty of Medicine, Makerere University&yN'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0-]N'Yf[_jhP[]f[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The School of Mechatronic Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University and The Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui -]N'Yf[_jhP[]f[bBThe School of Mechatronic Engineering, Lanzhou Jiaotong University%yN'Yf['Y< f[b]f[xvzyh0 Wzcpyb'Yf[] zf[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between National Taiwan University of Science and Technology and The Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui  Wzcpyb'Yf[] zf[b'yN'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0qgt]'Yf[_jh0RR]f[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology and The Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukuiqgt]'Yf[_jh0RR]f[b[School of Mechanical and Power Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology#yN'Yf['Yf[b]f[xvzyh0bGW('Yf[!h]y'Yx[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between College of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University and The Graduate School of Engineering, University of Fukui bGW('Yf[!h]y'Yx[q\h'Yf[Yeh0f[SNAmk0Y00TSpf-AGEEMENT ON EDUCATIONAL AND ACADEMIC EXCHANGESICHUAN UNIVERSITY)Y%m+^{'Yf[TIANJIN NORMAL UNIVERSITY f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGEINNER MONGOLIA MEDICAL COLLEGEf[S0YeNAmk0Y00TSpf/AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGEmg]P[yb'Yf[HANZGZHOU DIANZI UNIVERSITYf[S0YeNAmk0Y00TS[f@MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE7GENERAL AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE 00000000000'Yf[EASTERN KENTUCKY UNIVERSITY f[STSRk0Y00N,TS[*GENERAL AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC COOPERATIONUNIVERSITY OF IOWA00000000000000'Yf[OXFORD BROOKES UNIVERSITYMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY DRESDEN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGYf[SNAmh0TSRk0Y00TS[f/AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION000'Yf[SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITYyrNYeTn0ck0Y00TS[fUMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT CONCERNING THE SPECIALLY APPOINTED PERSONNEL'S RECOMMENDATION000,{ N'Yf[!UNIVERSITY OF JEAN MOULIN, LYON 3 Yek0Y00TS[fEDUCATIONAL AGREEMENT*h|m0zq'Yf[rxo|m0yp|0r}hmp@ENGLISH LANGUAGE INSTITUTE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIANAmTS[f AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE 0000000000Ye'Yf[#LUDWIGSBURG UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATIONNcYuf[TS[ff[SNAmh0f[STSRk0Y00TS[f.AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE|np| ww'Yf[1BOROMARAJONANI COLLEGE OF NURSING NOPPARAT VAJIRA0000000;Sy'Yf[000000xvz@b6KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET(MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF STOCKHOLM)AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC EXCHANGE 0000000'Yf[;Sf[%FOUNDATION UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE00000 epSQu;SBv0000)NICHI-IN CENTRE FOR REGENERATIVE MEDICINEDALIAN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY/AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE hQS'Yf[]f[3COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, CHONBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITYhQS'Yf[e0Qu00000Tyf[bS bNmiV#e-REST, CHONBUK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY"o}'Yf[!h00000] zxvz00006CERAMIC PROCESSING RESEARCH CENTER, HANYANG UNIVERSITY5AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND RESERCH COOPERTIONfk"o]mi'Yf[IQ00000000xvz0000EFIBER OPTIC SENSING TECHNOLOGY CENTER, WUHAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY WSN'Yf[NK8f[b8COLLEGE OF TRAFFIC AND TRNSPORTATION, SOUTHWEST JIAOTONG S00000]y'Yf[3NORTHERN MALAYSIA UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERINGMEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT 0000000'Yf[]f[BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITYO]'Yf['Yf[TS[*Partnership Agreement Between Universities\_'Yf[!hSangji UniversityIQN'Yf[!hKwangwoon University ӗV00000'Yf[!h The Catholic University of Korea]['Yf[!hSoongsil University)Y'Yf[!hSunchon National UniversitylSmi'Yf[ Agricultural University of HebeiThe Hebei Medical University*YSt]'Yf[ Taiyuan University of TechnologylWSmi'Yf[Henan Agricultural University-NV0W'Yf[Beijing Polytechnic UniversityWS'Yf[Southwest University 0000000'Yf[Pelita Harapan University00'Yf[The University of Utah 00000]z'Yf[Oklahoma State University000000'Yf[00000000000000+St Edmund's College,University of Cambridge0000000VzWSuixvz@b(Australian Government Antarctic Division 00000]y'Yf[Curtin University of TechnologyLeipzig University 0000000'Yf[The University of La Rochelle0000VzJ~}]]miؚI{f[b<L'Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts et Industries Textiles000000'Yf[0000]y'Yf[!The Silesian Technical University 000000]y'Yf[Bialystok Technical University 00000'Yf[00000!Katholieke Universiteit of Leuven000000000000 Ty 000000Vz'Yf[3Kamchatka State University Named After Vitus BeringuiqgVz'Yf[ 0000NN'Yf[0000!hL' Universite Mohammed V-AgdalFPT'Yf[FPT University#0000V['Yf[000!h, College of Technology9College of Technology, Vietnam National University, HanoiWS0000'Yf[Southern Oregon University\'Yf[000000'Yf[State University of Campinas^'Yf[Guangxi UniversityJiangnan UniversityLund University 0000000000'Yf[Northern Kentucky UniversityUniversity of UtahUta State University 000000000'Yf[West Virginia University 00000000'Yf[University of Abertay Dundee0000'Yf[Pannnon University00000'Yf[Andalas University00000s0000]y'Yf[P'Yf[Huaqiao University0000'Yf[University of Lampung 000000]z'Yf[(gfm'Yf[Mokpo National University000'Yf[Shivaji UniversityUniversity of Bayreuth0000'Yf[Benha University 0000000'Yf[tf[_(uuiryf[ ,Faculty of Agriculture, Khon kaen University0000'Yf[f[萓qQ Tzvxvz@b8Research and Development Institute, Khon Kaen UniversityYm_l'Yf[;Sf[b'School of Medicine, Zhejiang University 0000'Yf[;Sf[)Faculty of Medicine, Khon Kaen University1College of Engeering, Chonnam National UniversityCollege of Engeering 0000'Yf[ef[%Faculty of Arts, University of SydneyFaculty of Artsؚ'Yf[tX000000000')3xvz0000-Environmental GIS/RS Center, Korea University-NVyf[b4l)R4lWOcxvz@beInstitute of Soil and Water Concentration, Chinese Academy of Science and Ministry of Water ResourcesVzcs;Syf[iubcs;Syf[xvz@blNational Veterinary Research Institute, National Veterinary Research & Quarantine Service, Republic of Korea 00000'Yf[\u#uf[2Faculty of Animal Science, Gadjah Mada University e,g00000000000000000e,g0000000<Japnese Consortium Universities for Twinning Program (JCUTP) 000]y'Yf[ 000'Yf[3Hanoi University of Technology University of Danang _jh]f[ W(g]f[f[Xf^[g 000]y'Yf[g0,g00000000k0(WM|W0f0D00f[uY\'Yf[ Vzxvzb9j(g0(gPgxvz@bbConsiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche-Istituto Per la Valorizzazione del legno e Delle Specie Arboree-NVyf[b Nwmyf[bSxvz@blNational Laboratory for Infrared Physics Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences"00000Vzyf[0000006%00000nJS\SOirtf[xvz@bMV.E.Lashkaryov Institue of Semiconductor Physics,Academy of Scence of Ukraine 000000]y'Yf[Technical University of Madrid000000000VSOxvz@b,MAX-Planck-Institute for Solid-State Physics\m~g;Sy'Yf[YY!h sister schoolchina medicaal university ;Sf[;Sf[y0;Sf[|xvzy ;Sf[0;Sf[|xvzy,faculty of medicine graduate course medicinef[SNAmacademic exchange vaS'Yf[!h;Sy'Yf[0kyungpook national university school of medicine vaS'Yf[!h ww'Yf[/kyungpook national university school of nursing;Sf[ wwf[y0;Sf[|xvzy  wwf[0;Sf[|xvzy+faculty of nursing graduate course medicineshanghai jiaotong university 000000'Yf[;Sf[:the faculty of medicine.< albert-ludwigs-university freiburg-henan college of traditional chinese medicine 0000000;Sy'Yf[medical university of bialystokunivesity of dhaka 0000000yf[bS'Yf[.shahjalal university of science and technology000000000000000;Sy'Yf[+bangabandhu sheikh mujib medical university^;Sy'Yf[guangxi medical university TSK\'Yf[Academic Exchange AgreemntsKEast China Normal University, College of Educational Science and TechnologyYef[0YezvTyf[xvzy2Graduate School of Education and Human Development000000'Yf[000xvz0000'Universitas Diponegoro Pusat Studi Asia'Graduate School and School of Education Vz-Nck'Yf[Yef[b5National Chung Cheng University, College of EducationCollege of Education S~n+^{'Yf[Yef[b"National Taiwan Normal University0000'Yf[00000Yexvz@bHThe Ontario Institute for Studiens in Education of University of Toronto SN'Yf[ؚI{Yeyf[xvz@b0Institute of Higher Education, Peking University ؚ'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[&Korea University, College of Education 00000000'Yf[lf[,The University of Regensburg, Faculty of Law lf[0lf[xvzy 000000Ne0ly'Yf[+Kazakh University of the Humanities and Law00000yf[00000lf[xvz@b:Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies 00000^ly'Yf["Ho Chi Minh City University of Law 000'Yf[!hly'Yf[)Seoul National University, College of Law bGW('Yf[>yOyf[1Sunkyunkwan University, School of Social Sciences qgIT'Yf[lf[b0 Tl_f[|!Soochow University, School of Law00,{'Yf[%University Pantheon-Assas (Paris II )000=00000,{ 00000000'Yf[)Paul Cezanne University Aix Marseille III000000000000000Green Mountain College 0000V[h0lxvz@b=National Center for Social Sciences and Humanities of Vietnam000ly'Yf[Hanoi Law UniversityszlL}'Yf[%Royal University of Law and Economics 000000Vz'Yf[lf[)Samarkand State University, School of Law-NV?el'Yf[-China University of Political Science and Lawqg?el'Yf[2East China University of Political Science and LawV[L?ef[blf[Yexvz0 ?elf[YexvzXChina National School of Administration, Law Department and Political Science Department00000'Yf[000*Ys^ mxvz0000;University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives000'Yf[lf[/Johannes Kepler University Linz, Faculty of Law000'Yf[lf["University of Lund, Faculty of Law0000000'Yf[000000&The University of Wisconsin Law School 00000Vzly'Yf[Tashkent State Institute of Law 000^z'Yf[f[!hl?e'Yf[=University of Seoul, College of Law and Public Administration2Peking University, School of International Studies _WS'Yf[!hL}FU'Yf[ L}nf[0L}nf[xvzy? 000000'Yf[L}nf[@\TS["An agreement for academic exchangeInstitute Technology Bandong tf[00Wt`fyf[y^;uf[.Faculty of Civil and Environmental EngineeringUniversity of Manchester tf[0u}Ttf[ySchool of Life Sciences 0000'Yf[Mainz Universitytf[0Sf[ySf[f[&Chemistry, Pharmceutics and GeoscienceRWTH Aachen Universitypet0{_jyf[06qyf[=Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences0000]z'Yf[Michigan State Universitytf[0irtf[yirt)Yef[#Department of Physics and Astronomy+cole normale suprieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon)tf[xvzy0irtf[\;eirt| irtf[0Dpartement de Physique (Department of Physics) * TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h000000000000000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmTSRTS[fAN AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN NAGOYA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND THE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA AT CHAPEL HILL00000000000000000'Yf[;Sf[?University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine  TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 00000'Yf[;Sf[!Harvard University Medical School  TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR AN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN TULANE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 00000'Yf[;Sf[%Tulane University, School of Medicine 00000'Yf[0;Sf[" TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h00000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 0000000'Yf[;Sf[.University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine 0000000'Yf[0;Sf[. TSK\'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzySs0;Sf[h0000000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[LETTER OF AGREEMENT BETWEEN NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE000000000'Yf[;Sf[,Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine000000000'Yf[0;Sf[& TSK\'Yf[;Sf[|xvzySs0;Sf[h00000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT FOR AN ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN DUKE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 0000'Yf[;Sf[#Duke University, School of Medicine 0000'Yf[0;Sf[(0000'Yf[000000000000000000Ss0 TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h0n0NAmTS[qAGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN NAGOYA UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS HEALTH SCINENCE CENTER AT HOUSTON0000'Yf[0000000000000000009The University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston+ TSK\'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzySs0;Sf[h0000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITY FREIBURG AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE NAGOYA UNIVERSITY *University of Freiburg, School of Medicine 000000'Yf[0;Sf[  TSK\'Yf[;Sf[h000000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f}AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 00000'Yf[;Sf[Medical University of Gdansk) TSK\'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzySs0;Sf[h00000;Sy'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF VIENNA AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE0000;Sy'Yf[ The Medical University of Vienna TSK\'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ffAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF WARWIC AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY00000'Yf[University of Warwick+ TSK\'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzySs0;Sf[h00000eP^yf['Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN HEALTH SCINCES UNIVERSITY OF MONGOLIA AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE&Health Sciences University of Mongolia+ TSK\'Yf['Yf[bVzvxvzyh000000'Yf[000000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES LOS BANOS AND NAGOYA UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT00000'Yf[000000!h(University of the Philippines, Los BansVzvxvzy) TSK\'Yf['Yf[bVzvxvzyh0000000000xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 000000000xvz@bFundacao Joaquim Nabuco- TSK\'Yf['Yf[bVzvxvzyh00000000000'Yf[zvf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF EAST ANGLIA AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, NAGOYA UNIVERSITY0000000000'Yf[zvf[8University of East Anglia, School of Development Studies3 TSK\'Yf['Yf[bVzvxvzyh0-NV>yOyf[be< f[xvzy0\peleef[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f-NV>yOyf[bef[xvzy0\peleef[xvz@bnChinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Literature and Institute of Literature of National Minorities 000000YV'Yf[AGREEMENT FOR ACADEMIC EXCHANGENew York Universityef[萺Nef[y000000'Yf[University of CincinnatiUniversity of Copenhagen ef[xvzyNef[\;e000000'Yf[University of Freiburg000000,{'Yf[000000'Yf[ Universite Stendhal Grenoble 3 ef[0ef[xvzyWS0000'Yf[0000000!h*Southern Illinois University at Carbondale"0000000,{'Yf[00000000'Yf[ ; 0000000'Yf['University of Marc Bloch (Strasbourg 2)000,{'Yf[L'UNIVERSITE JEAN MOULIN-LYON 3Universite de Strasbourg9Faculties of Engineering, Dalian University of Technology 00000'Yf[lQF[uf[b/School of Public Health , Loma Linda University SN'Yf[?e^{tf[b'School of Government, Peking University SNoT'Yf[VNAmf[b/International College, Beijing Union UniversitySN+^{'Yf[swmR!hYef[b4School of Education,Beijing Normal University Zhuhai000'Yf[8Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National UniversityVz-Nq\'Yf[ef[b-NVef[|8College of Liberal Arts, National Sun Yat-sen University -N.YxvzbtkSxvz@b3Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 0000000 0000'Yf[qg mf[FUniversita Degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza"Facolta Di Studi Orientali )Y;NYeN'Yf[Yf[b7College of Foreign Languages Fu Jen Catholic University0000'Yf[000000000000000000000,Institute of Education, University of London SN'Yf[e,gxvz0000-Center of Japanese Studies, Peking University fw'Yf[!h>yOYe'Yf[b8Graduate School of Social Education, Myong Ji University ^N'Yf[!hYeyf['Yf[3College of Sciences in Education, Yonsei University 000'Yf[Yef[9The Department of Educational Studies, University of YorkSqg'Yf[+^{f[b-National Taitung University(Teachers College) 000000'Yf[lf[=Juristischen Fakultt der Georg-August Universitt Gettingen000000000000]z'Yf[lf[JFaculty of Law and LL.M. Program, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul 0000 -NV>yOyf[blf[xvz@b4Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences000'Yf[lf[;Facolt di Giurisprudenza, Universit degli Studi di Milano0000000000000000'Yf[lf[2Faculty of Law, Maria Curie-Sklodowska University 0000000'Yf[lf[(Faculty of Law, University of Heidelberg Vl'Yf[!h>yOyf['Yf[.College of Social Sciences, Kookmin University 00000>yOyf[xvz@b>Institute fr Sozialwissens chaftliche Forschung E. V. Mnchen000L}Uf[b000,{N'Yf[ 5Institut de Gestion de Rennes, Universite de Rennes 1 0000'Yf[>yOyf[3Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Leicester qgSL}'Yf[Of[bAInstitute of Japanese Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences -NVNl'Yf[FUf[b.School of Business, Renmin University of ChinaASchool of Accounting, Dongbei University of Finance and EconomicsqgIT'Yf[FUf[b&School of Business, Soochow Universityle]mi'Yf["Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology 00000'Yf[tf[+Faculty of Science, University of Melbourne 00000'Yf[uirf[&Faculty of Biology, Utrecht University0000"The University of Alaska Fairbanks00000'Yf[Sf[0irtSs0tXyf[LSchool of Chemistry, Physics and Environmental Science, University of Sussex00000]y'Yf['Yf[bRirtf[xvzyKSchool of Physics, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology 0000000'Yf[University of Copenhagen 00000 0000'Yf[000!h!University of Illinois at Chicago S'Yf[wm m0tXyf[bDCollege of Oceanography and Environmental Science, Xiamen University 00000000'Yf[tf[,Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University 000000'Yf[Sf[xvzy9Faculty of Chemistry, Georg-August Universitt Gettingen0000000'Yf[Sf[xvzy,Faculty of Science, University of Heidelberg VWS'Yf[u}Tyf[0]f[8College of Life Science and Technology, Jinan University ӗV4l#uxvz/cb5National Fisheries Research and Development Institute -NVyf[bWSwmwm mxvz@bDSouth China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences000yf[00000uiqg/eR6R_Qtxvz@bbInstitute of Automation and Control Processes of Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences$000yf[00000uiqg/e0V.I. Il'ichev*Ys^ mwm mxvz@baV .I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far-Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences0000Vz'Yf[000!h000yf['Yf[?Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Hanoi ӗVVzlQ]'Yf['Yf[b+Graduate School, Kongju National University-NVyf[b Nwm g_jSf[xvz@bDShanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences-NV-Nq\'Yf[tXyf[0] zf[bHSchool of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Sun Yat-Sen University 'Y#t]'Yf[S]f[bHGraduate School of Chemical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology0000ؚI{+^{f[!h000!h!Ecole Normale Suprieures de Lyon000000000'Yf[tf[xvzy7Faculty of Sciences, Universit catholique de Louvain bGW('Yf[!h6qyf[<Graduate School of Natural Sciences, Sungkyunkwan University000000'Yf[4l#u0wm myf[?Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Diponegoro University000000000W08hyf[xvz@b4Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences Limited00000000'Yf[L}nf[.Faculty of Economics, Chulalongkorn University000yf[000000000/e落00000Wf[qirf[xvz@b8V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, SB RAS00000xvz_ji0Wtirtf[xvz@b:Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington -N.Yxvzb0Wtyf[xvz@b,Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia SinicaChinese Medical University 00000'Yf[;Sf[,School of Medicine, University of Washington Ym_l;Sy'Yf[Ym_l'Yf[ 1Zhejiang Medical University (Zhejiang University) Nwm,{N;Sy'Yf["Shanghai Second Medical UniversityVnS;Sf[bHubei Medical University[uSN;SbBeijing Hospital 00000j0'Yf[;Sf[%University Medical School of Debrecen0000;Sy'Yf[Harbin Medical University 00000'Yf[;Sf[+Faculty of Medicine, Univerisity of Calgary00000ubSan Lazaro Hospital 0000'Yf[;Sf[.Faculty of Medicine, The University of Toronto000'Yf[;Sf[)Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa00000000]y'Yf[[uOePf[ wwf[yJSchool of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology S~g000 'Yf[!hOePyIy'Yf[2College of Health and Welfare, Woosong University hQWS'Yf[!hoky'Yf[1College of Dentistry, Chonnam National University 0000'Yf[okf[)Faculty of Odontology, University of Ume000000000000'Yf[okf[4Faculty of Dentistry, University of British Columbia 000000xvz@bThe Forsyth Institute0000000000000000000000000&King's College London Dental Institute V]'Yf[ST;Sf[b4Sichuan University West China College of Stomatology000'Yf[okf[?Institute of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oulu bGW('Yf[!hf['Yf[.College of Pharmacy, Sung Kyun Kwan University _S'Yf[!hf['Yf[1College of Pharmacy, Chungbuk National University000'Yf[f[5Facolt di Farmacia, Universit degli Studi di Milano qgS]f[be:qgS'Yf[ ;Northeast Institute of Technology (Northeastern University) hQS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[3College of Engineering, Chonbuk National UniversityYm_l'Yf[] zf[|+Engineering Department, Zhejiang University0000'Yf[]f[00000000000xvz@bQBioacourstics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of Illinois͑va'Yf[]f[b,College of Engineering, Chongqing University 00000'Yf[]f[0College of Engineering, Univer< sity of Washington*Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm0000]y'Yf[_jh]f[0qq\Qё00Wtyf[]Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Mining, Metallurgy and Geosciences, RWTH Aachen1Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanneܑva'Yf[!heܑq\4l#u'Yf[!h DNational Fisheries University of Pusan (Pukyong National University) 000'Yf[!h]y'Yf[1College of Engineering, Seoul National University 0000]mi'Yf[0Harbin Institute of Technology000000000000]y'Yf[$Technical University Hamburg-Harburg 63" 00000]y'Yf[ VSB-Technical University Ostrava000 0000000'Yf[]f[.Institute of Technology, Linkpings University000000'Yf[]f[|f[;Engineering Related Four Faculties, University of Ljubljana00000 00VzSf[xvz@b"National Chemical Laboratory, Pune000000'Yf[00000000bSxvz@b7Institute of Microsystem Tecnology, Freiburg University 0000000'Yf[]f[.Faculty of Engineering, University of Waterloo vaS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[5College of Engineering, Kyungpook National University [P[yb'Yf[0Xidian University ^N'Yf[!h]y'Yf[)College of Engineering, Yonsei University00000]z0000]y!h8Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology000yf[000000000P[]f[0ؚ}^irxvz@b`Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences ]WS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[+College of Engineering, Yeungnam University0000]y'Yf[%Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) 0000Vz]y'Yf[Instito Politechnico Nacional0000 00000]y'Yf[Technical University of DenmarkVz0000ؚI{l`1XO'Yf[XEcole Normale Suprieure d'Electronique, Informatique et Radiocommunications de Bordeaux000]y'Yf[#Universit de Technologie de Troyes00000000]y'Yf[0000!h]f[HFaculty of Engineering, King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi000]y'Yf[Hanoi University of TechnologylSt]'Yf[Hebei Polytechnic University 'Y#t]'Yf[xvzub0Graduate School, Dalian University of Technology _WS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[4College of Engineering, Chungnam National University 00000'Yf[]f[6Faculty of Engineering of Prince of Songkla University000'Yf[]f[%Engineering School, Shiraz University0000]y'Yf[ Illinois Institute of Technology000'Yf[Universit de Metz IFMA'Yf[]f[AEngineering School "French Institute for Advanced Mechanics" IFMA S grё^\xvzb2Northwest Institute for Non-ferrous Metal Research 000000'Yf[]f[AFaculty of Engineering Sciences, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 00000]y'Yf[]f[7College of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology 000000'Yf[]f[-College of Engineering, University of Wyoming00000'Yf[]f[0`1Xf[FFaculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Griffith University 000000yf[bIndonesian Institute of Science0000'Yf[University of AtacamaVz_(uyf[b000000!h5Institut National des Sciences Appliques de Toulouse00000'Yf[000000V]f[MSirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT), Thammasat University VzSS'Yf[lQqQ?eV{f[b9The College of Public Affairs, National Taipei UniversitySN'Yf[`1XO] zf[bdBeijin Univesity of Posts and Telecommunications School of Information and Communication Engineering -NVNl'Yf[lQqQ{tf[b;School of Public Administration, Renmin University of China -NVyf[bSf[xvz@b3Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences0000000000]y'Yf[.Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) "o}'Y!h]y'Yf[Ss0'Yf[b>College of Engineering and Graduate School, Hanyang University4lnjn'Yf[Water Resources University0000000'Yf[irt]f[_jh0*zz0W(g]f[ySchool of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Science, The University of Manchester Vz00000ؚI{^{'Yf[7Ecole National Sperieure d' Architecture de Montpellier hQWS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[3College of Engineering, Chonnam National University0000yf[bS00000Pgeyf[xvz@bMInstitute of Materials Science, Vietnamese Academy of Science and Thechnology Vzp_S+^{'Yf[tf[b=College of Science, National Changhua University of Education n]'Yf[!hy'Yf[1College of Agriculture, Cheju National University(000000000'Yf[f[Ss0ߘTf[e!h T00000y0ߘT]y'Yf[ Szent Istvan University 00000'Yf[tf[(Faculty of Science, Kasetsart University 00000'Yf[f[,Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University00'Yf[tf[*Faculty of Agriculture, University of Vigo-NVwm m'Yf[eR\wm m'Yf[4l#uf[b .Fisheries College, Ocean University of Qingdao 00000'Yf[4l#uf[*Faculty of Fisheries, Kasetsart University000000y'Yf[mi0of;u0Wf[Ss0cs;Sf[萇Faculty of Agriculture, Landscape Planning and Horticulture/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Nwm4l#u'Yf[Shanghai Fisheries University 0000'Yf[[;Sf[;Department of Experimental Medicine, University of L'Aquila c]'Yf[Riryf[bSf[b=College of Animal Science and Technology, Yangzhou UniversitySS;Sf['Yf[lQF[uh f[bACollege of Public Health and Nutrition, Taipei Medical University 00000VzL}n'Yf["Tashkent State Economic University0000000 000,{N'Yf[Yf[ UFR Langues, Universite Rennes 2 000000V'Yf[%International University of Kyegyztan000'Yf[00000000!h00000000005Volterra Center, The University of Rome "Tor Vergata" 00000'Yf[pef[xvz@b,Institute of Mathematics, WrocBaw University 000000'Yf[]f[0Faculty of Engineering, University of Basilicata VzSS'Yf[>yOyf[f[b6College of Social Sciences, National Taipei University00000]y'Yf[mi]f[xvz@b000000000xvzyaSchool of Biotechnology, Institute of Agricultural Technology, Suranaree University of Technology )Y'Yf[!hmiu}Tyf['Yf[ECollege of Agricultural and Life Science, Sunchon National University 0000'Yf[tf[&Faculty of Science, Masaryk UniversityӗVu#ubSxvzbIQ]xvz0000BGwangju Research Center, Korean Institute of Industrial Technology000000_(u0WtSf[xvz@b)Leibniz Institute for Applied Geosciences00000000'Yf[Yef[.Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University 0000Vz}T]y'Yf[,Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine -NVyf[bVSOirtxvz@b=Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences ӗVyf[bSxvzb*Korean Institute of Science and Technology000yf[00000}Tirtf[xvz@b5General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science -NVyf[birtxvz@b2Institute of Physics , Chinese Academy of Sciencesfk"o]mi'Yf[ePgexvz@bfk"ot]'Yf[ Wuhan University of Technologyn'Yf[SN 0000'Yf[Assiut University #umiyf[bSxvz@b>Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology (RIST)/nyf[bS'Yf[.Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ܑq\'Yf[!hu#ubSxvz@bFResearch Institute of Industrial Technology, Pusan National University^N'Yf[SP[0000hbxvz@b?Atomic Scale Surface Science Research Center, Yonsei University000000'Yf[ё^\irtf[xvz@bBInstitute fr Metallphsik der George-August, Universitt Gttingen 0000000'Yf[]f[CSchool of Engineering & Applied Science, University of Pennsylvania000000000ё^\xvz@b(Max-Planck Institute fr Metallforschung00000000qq\'Yf[Pgei 0000@Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Centre Matriaux et Structures -NVyf[bё^\xvz@b8Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences VzS~n'Yf[]f[b2College of Engineering, National Taiwan University -NVyf[b NwmExxiXxvz@b;Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chines< e Academy of Sciences"o}'Yf[!h000000] zxvz00007Ceramic Material Research Institute, Hanyang University00'Yf[irtf[y&Department of Physics, Pisa University000I000000000'Yf[zvIQPgeirtSf[xvz@b]Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie des Matriaux Luminescents, Universit de Claude Bernard-Lyon IӗVyf[bSbP[T0Pge-NRYe0000nElectoric Component Metals Design Education Center (EMDEC), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 00000wzz]f[xvz@b&Institute of Vacuum Technology, WarsawbGW('Yf[!hbSie0000HDepartment of Metals and Materials Engineering, Sun Kyun Kwan University Nw'Yf[!h]y'Yf['College of Engineering, Inha University 0000000000xvz@b!Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubliana 00000yf[birtxvz@b0Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences000000Vzt]y'Yf[qRf[irtSf[Qёxvz@blLaboratoire de Termodynamique et Physico-Chimie Mtallurgique, Institute National Polytechnique de Grenoble 00000VP[PgebSxvz@b4Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Poland 00000'Yf[t]f[@Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard Universityqg'Yf[!hP[000000xvz0000=Research Center for Electronics Ceramics, Dong-eui UniversityVlN]mibSxvzb]miPgexvz@bIMaterials Research Laboratories, Industrial Technology Research Institute0000000'Yf[0000HQzPgeyf[xvz@b>Geballe Laboratory for Advanced Materials, Stanford UniversityVz fS'Yf[!hWyyf[xvz@b 9Institute for Basic Science, Changwon National University0000SP[Rxvz@bPgexvz &Materials Research Department, SCK0CEN 000'Yf[P[]f[-Department of Electronics, University of York 000000u#ubSxvz@b/Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology'Y#t]'Yf[Pgeyf[0] zf[bLSchool of Materials Science and Engineering, Dalian University of Technology SN*zz*)Y'Yf[Pgef[b?School of Materials Science and Engineering, Beihang Universityؚ'Yf[!h0]y'Yf[0Pge]f[yWDivision of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Korea University)Y%m'Yf[Pgef[b?School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University ܑq\'Yf[!h }PgbSxvz@b=Institute for Materials Technology, Pusan National University0000000_0}R]bSxvz@bHInstitute for Microstructure Technology Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbHTThe Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, College of Engineering, University of Illinois|[wk$vub0|[wk$vxvz@b };Sf[bWy;Sf[b00;School of Basic Medical Science, Guiyang Medical University,00000'Yf[000000V]f[00000000000000]f[xvzzv000000,Chonbuk National Universtity, Medical School 0000'Yf[;Sf[<University of Ulsan, College of Medicine000000000000000000000000yf[000000Wqirnjnxvz@bJMongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Vz0000'Yf[uirf[2National Universityof Mongolia, Faculty0of BiologyL00xvz@b0000yf[00000uirf[xvz@b3Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Biology 00000'Yf[00000!h qg0000qgWS000l\0lwm0Wtyf[;uteYTO 0CCOP 0RCoordinating Committee for Geoscience Programmes in East and Southeast Asia 0CCOP 04Prince of Songkla University, Faculty of Engineering 00000'Yf[SIITLThammasat University, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology(SIIT)Hanoi Medical University 00000;Sy'Yf[Hai Phong0Medical University S~n?el'Yf[lf[b-National Chengchi University,Departmet of Law VzS~n'Yf[SSxvz@b[National Taiwan University, The College of Liberal Arts, Graduate Institute of Art History WS0000000'Yf[`1X]f[0tX]f[f[bUniversity of South Australia, Division of Information Technology, Engineering & the Environment 000-N.Y;Sf[xvz@b Kenya Medical Research Institute000;Sy'Yf[Medical University-Varna 000Sf[]mi'Yf[,The Institute of Chemical Technology, Praguet]f[W0000'Yf[University of Savoie 00000]y'Yf[Technical University of Ilmenau0000000'Yf[l`1X0000f[|TUniversity of Wuppertal , Faculty of Electrical , Information and Media Engineering 000000000'Yf[00000000'Yf[0000000000&Pembroke College, University of OxforduiqgVz}T'Yf[D^\qg m'Yf[>Far Eastern .ATIONAL University, Institute of Oriental StudiesVz00000000;Sy'Yf[ t֊[irtf[xvz@b3Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics Vz000000'Yf[Irkutsk State University uiqg;Sy'Yf[)The Far-Eastern State Medical University ;Sf[|xvzy ;Sf[^ 000000'Yf[qg mf[3Princeton University, East Asian Studies Department000'Yf[000A.0000;Sf[5University of Hawaii, John A Burns School of Medicine0000000'Yf[0000!h;Sf[2University of California Davis, School of MedicineyN'Yf[yN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[^Agreement for Establishing Scholarly Relations between Rutgers University and Fukui University00000'Yf[Rutgers UniversityyN'Yf[h0[YV'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[cAgreement for Academic Exchange between Xi'an International Studies University and Fukui University[YV'Yf[&Xi'an International Studies University,e,gVVzyN'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV\_jhf[bs[t]'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Xi'an University of Technology and Fukui University[t]'Yf[Xi'an University of Technology!e,gVVzyN'Yf[h0-NNlqQTVYm_l'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[PAgreement for Academic Exchange between Zhejiang University and Fukui University#yN'Yf[h0000yf[00000_(uirtf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[uAgreement for Academic Exchange between Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science and Fukui University000yf[00000_(uirtf[xvz@b8Institute of Applied Physics Russian Academy of SciencesyN'Yf[h0000000]z'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[SAcademic Exchange Agreement between Montclair State University and Fukui University 000000]z'Yf[Montclair State UniversityYe0WWyf[$yN'Yf[h0SN_jh]mif[bsSNOo`yb'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Beijing Institute of Machinary and Fukui UniversitySNOo`yb'Yf[Beijing Institute of MachinaryyN'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation and Fukui University0000]y'Yf[]Moscow State Institute of Radioengineering, Electronics and Automation (Technical University) yN'Yf[h0Ym_l] zf[bsYm_lt]'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[YAgreement for Academic Exchange between Zhejiang Sci-Tech University and Fukui UniversityYm_lt]'Yf[Zhejiang Sci-Tech University"yN'Yf[h0WS f*zz]mif[bsWS f*zz'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[YAgreement for Academic Exchange between Nanchang Hangkong University and Fukui UniversityWS f*zz'Yf[Nanchang Hangkong UniversityyN'Yf[h0 Wzgyb'Yx[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[qAgreement for Academic Exchange between National Yunlin University of Science and Technology and Fukui University Wzgyb'Yx[yN'Yf[h0_lWS'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[XAgreement for Academic Exchange between Southern Yangtze University and Fukui University_lWS'Yf[Southern Yangtze UniversityyN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[zMemorandum of Understanding between University of Indonesia and University of Fukui on Academic and < Research Collaboration Ye0WWyf[ ]f[yN'Yf[h0000J~}0Sf[bSbh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[bAgreement on Academic Exchange between Textile and Chemical Institute of Lyon and Fukui University 000J~}0Sf[bSb&Textile and Chemical Institute of LyonyN'Yf[h0SNS]'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement for Academic Exchange between Beijing University of Chemical Technology and Fukui UniversityyN'Yf[h0]'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[OAgreement for Academic Exchange between Soochow University and Fukui UniversityyN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[NAcademic Exchange Agreement between Clemson University and University of FukuiClemson UniversityyN'Yf[h0qg'Yf[!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[PAgreement for Academic Exchange between Dong-Eui University and Fukui UniversityDong-Eui UniversityyN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[OAgreement on Academic Exchange between University of Maine and Fukui University000'Yf[$e,gVVzyN'Yf[h0-NNlqQTV-NV;Sy'Yf[h0n0YY!hOk0Y00TS[UAgreement for Academic Exchange between China Medical University and Fukui UniversityyN'Yf[h0qg'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Donghua University and The University of Fukui+yN'Yf[h00000'Yf[ M. D. Anderson L000000h0n0TSRk0Y00TS[qAgreement on Cooperation between The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center and The University of Fukui0000'Yf[ M. D. Anderson L0000000University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer CenteryN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Ittihad University and The University of Fukui000000'Yf[Ittihad University000wV#yN'Yf[h0 p}+^{'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[WAgreement for Academic Exchange between ShenYang Normal University and Fukui UniversityShenYang Normal UniversityyN'Yf[h0Syiah Kuala'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[VAgreement for Academic Exchange between Syiah Kuala University and University of Fukui00000'Yf[Syiah Kuala UniversityyN'Yf[h0)Y%myb'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[nAgreement on Academic Exchange betweenTianjin University of Science and Technology and The University of Fukui)Y%myb'Yf[,Tianjin University of Science and TechnologyyN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The East West University and The University of Fukui 00000000'Yf[East West UniversityyN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement on Academic Exchange between Uppsala University and the University of FukuiyN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[SMemorandum of Understandings for Multimedia University and The University of Fukui 0000000'Yf[Multimedia UniversityyN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[YAcademic Exchange Agreement between The University of Findlay and the University of Fukui000000'Yf[The University of Findlay"yN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[00000!hh0n0Yexvzk0Y00f[STSRTS[Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) For Academic Collaboration in Education and Research Between The Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, INDIA and University of Fukui, JAPAN 000]y'Yf[00000!h-The Indian Institute of Technology, KharagpuryN'Yf[h0fk"oyb'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement for Academic Exchange between Wuhan University of Science and Technology and Fukui UniversityyN'Yf[h00000 0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[vAgreement on Academic Exchange between University Joseph Fourier-Grenoble1(France) and The University of Fukui (Japan) 0000 0000'Yf[#University Joseph Fourier-Grenoble1)yN'Yf[h00000'Yf[ School of Physicsh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between the School of Physics of the University of Sydney and the Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University0000'Yf[ School of Physics'School of Physics, University of Sydney#yN'Yf[Ye0WWyf[h000000'Yf[qg mf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Asia-Africa-Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hamburg and Faculty of Education, Fukui University00000'Yf[Neyf[萢00000000xvz@bCAsia-Africa-Institute, Faculty of Humanities, University of Hamburg6yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h00000'Yf[ School of Physicsh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between the School of Physics of the University of Sydney and the Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region of Fukui University8yN'Yf[ؚ00000;Sf[xvz0000h000000'Yf[;Sf[0000000>e\};Sf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington Univesity Medical Center and High Energy Medical Research Center, Fukui Medical University00000'Yf[;Sf[0000000>e\};Sf[xvz@bHMallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington Univesity Medical CenteryN'Yf[]f[h0^N'Yf[]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between the College of Engineering, Yonsei University and the Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University^N'Yf[]y'Yf[yN'Yf[]f[h0qgN'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[~Agreement for Academic Exchange between College of Engineering, Dong-A University and Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University qgN'Yf[!h]y'Yf[)College of Engineering, Dong-A University/yN'Yf[]f[h00000000]y'Yf[000!hs000yf[bS'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Bangladesh Institute of Technology at Kuhlna and the Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University 000yf[bS'Yf[`Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (e Bangladesh Institute of Technology, Khulna;BIT)yN'Yf[]f[h00000000]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between King Mongkut's Unversity of Technology Thonburi and the Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University 0000000]y'Yf[/King Mongkut's Unversity of Technology Thonburi9yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h0D.Y.Efremovlirtxvz@b|[t]f[0000h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The Scientific-Technical Center of Microtechnologies of The D.Y. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical Apparatus and The Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region of The Fukui UniversityD.Y.Efremovlirtxvz@b|[t]f[0000oThe Scientific-Technical Center of Microtechnologies of The D.Y. Efremov Institute of Electrophysical ApparatusyN'Yf[]f[h0)Y%m]mi'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[sAgreement for Academic Exchange between Tianjin Polytechnic University and Faculti of Engineering, Fukui University)Y%m]mi'Yf[Tianjin Polytechnic University(yN'Yf[]f[h000000]y'Yf[Sf[0000]f[h0n0Vf[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for International Academic Exchange between Faculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology and Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University00000]y'Yf[Sf[0000]f[NFaculty of Chemical and Process Engineering of Warsaw University of TechnologyyN'Yf[]f[h0000000'Yf[]f[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The Faculty of Engineering & Technology of Annamalai University and The Faculty of Engineering of Fukui University 000000'Yf[]f[?The Faculty of Engineering & Technology of Annamalai University9yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h00000000xvz0000000QR00000lxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology of Karlsruhe Research Center and The Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region of Fukui University000000< 0xvz0000000QR00000lxvz@bTThe Institute for Pulsed Power and Microwave Technology of Karlsruhe Research CenteryN'Yf[]f[h0ܑva'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The College of Engineering, Pukyong National University and The Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University7The College of Engineering, Pukyong National UniversityyN'Yf[]f[h0QS]mi'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[zAgreement for Academic Exchange between Inner Mongolia Polytechnic University and Faculti of Engineering, Fukui UniversityQS]mi'Yf[%Inner Mongolia Polytechnic UniversityyN'Yf[]f[h0]WS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The College of Engineering, Yeungnam University and The Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University/The College of Engineering, Yeungnam University+yN'Yf[]f[h00000Vz]mi'Yf[s0000yf[bS'Yf[ h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Mongolian University of Science and Technology and The Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University-yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h0-NVP[yb'Yf[0000xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The Institute of Plasma Physics, The University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and The Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region of Fukui University-NVP[yb'Yf[0000xvz@bYThe Institute of Plasma Physics, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China1yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h000000yf[00000P[]f[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Institute of Electronics, The Bulgarian Academy of Science and The Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, Fukui University00000yf[00000P[]f[xvz@b:Institute of Electronics, The Bulgarian Academy of Science0yN'Yf[`dYWzvxvz0000h0000000000'Yf[0000xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between Institute of Plasma Research, University of Stuttgart and Research Center for Development of Far-Infrared Region, Fukui University000000000'Yf[0000xvz@b5Institute of Plasma Research, University of Stuttgart!yN'Yf[Ye0WWyf[h0ܑq\'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The College of Education, Pusan National University and The Faculty of Education, Fukui University3The College of Education, Pusan National UniversityyN'Yf[]f[h0qgWS'Yf[RR] z|h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The Department of Power Engineering, Southeast University and The Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University qgWS'Yf[RR] z|5Department of Power Engineering, Southeast University yN'Yf[]f[h0-NVyf[bWSNWXxvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences and The Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui:The Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences*yN'Yf[]f[h0000yf[0000000000W:Sirtf[xvz@bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange between The Institute of Physics Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch and The Faculty of Engineering, Fukui University000yf[0000000000W:Sirtf[xvz@b@Institute of Physics Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch yN'Yf[]f[h0 Nwmt]'Yf[RR] zf[bh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange between The Faculty of Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and The Faculty of Engineering, University of Fukui  Nwmt]'Yf[RR] zf[bOFaculty of Power Engineering, University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyyN'Yf[]f[h0000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Faculty of Medicine, University of Ottawa, CANASA and Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Fukui, JAPANyN'Yf[Ye0WWyf[h0 Nwm+^{'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[pAgreement for Academic Exchange between Shanghai Normal University and Faculty of Education, University of Fukui&yN'Yf[;Sf[h00000'Yf[000000eP^yf[0000h0n0TSRk0Y00TS[Agreement of Cooperation between The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and The Graduate School of Medical Sciences and The Faculty of Medeical Sciences of The University of Fukui 0000'Yf[000000eP^yf[00004University of Texas Health Science Center at HoustonsAgreement for Academic Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Tianjin University, P. R. ChinaqgN]mi'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[000!hh0n0TSRk0Y00TS[fiAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Indian Institute of Technology, DelhicAgreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Institut Teknologi BandungBandung Institute of Technology`Agreement on Academic Exchange between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Indonesiac 5d 5e 50f 50g 50h 50Vzu0000SwmS'Yf[yrkn0 Tyj0W0SNyb'Yf[,University of Science and Technology Beijing-NV%Ym_l'Yf[Zhejiang UniversitySN'Yf[Peking University_e'Yf[Fudan University Tg'Yf[Jilin UniversityWS'Yf[Nankai UniversityWSN'Yf[Nanjing University[N'Yf[Xi'an Jiaotong Universityn'Yf[Tsinghua University000000'Yf[University of Palangka Raya000000000'Yf[!hSeoul National UniversityӗVhQS'Yf[!hChonbuk National University]WS'Yf[!hYeungnam Universityܑva'Yf[!hPukyong National University_WS'Yf[!hChungnam National University_lS'Yf[!hKangwon National University_S'Yf[!hChungbuk National UniversityӗN'Yf[!hHankyong National University0000'Yf[De La Salle University00000 0000Vzmi'Yf[)Mongolian State University of Agriculture000000000'Yf[University of Peradeniya00000VzS~n'Yf[National Taiwan UniversityS~n-N.YxvzbAcademia Sinica000]y'Yf[Asian Institute of Technology0000000'Yf[Mahidol University00000'Yf[Kasetsart University00000'Yf[The University of Adelaide000000000000'Yf[University of Tasmania000000'Yf[The University of Auckland0000000000000'Yf[University of Tartu00000000'Yf[University of Oulu000000/0000000'Yf[#T 00000000'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 0000000000'Yf[gUniversities of Strasbourg (Louis Pasteur University, Marc Bloch University, Robert Schuman University)0000=000000'Yf[#T 000000000'Yf[ 00000000000000'Yf[ 000000'Yf[ 000000t]y'Yf[Universities of Grenoble (University Joseph Fourier, Pierre Mendes France University, Stendhal University, Grenoble Institute of Technology)000?elf[b)The Rennes Institute of Political Studies00?elf[b (National Foundation of Political Science 000000000000 Ecole Polytechnique00]miirtSf[ؚI{\'Yf[QThe City of Paris Industrial Physics and Chemistry Higher Educational Institution00000000000000'Yf[ LMU Munich000 00000]yL}n'Yf[ /Budapest University of Technology and Economics00000000]y'Yf[ Politecnico di Torino000000000'Yf[University of Geneva000 000#]y'Yf[9Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH Zurich)00000'Yf[The University of WarwickV0000Vz'Yf[!Lomonosov Moscow State University0000000Vz'Yf[Sakhalin State UniversityuiqgVz}T'Yf[Far Eastern National University00000'Yf[ University of Alberta0000000000000000'Yf["The University of British Columbia< 000000]z'Yf[ Portland State Universitys|V 00000000'Yf[University of Massachusetts0000'Yf[Cornell University0000'Yf[University of Alaska0000000'Yf[00000!hUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison0000]z'Yf[The Ohio State University000000'Yf[University of Redlands0000'Yf[eP^yf[00000000000!h8The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston0000'Yf[Universituy of Oregon0000000'Yf[0000!hUniversity of California, Davis0000000'Yf[000000!h%University of California, Los Angelesq000000'Yf[00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000]z'Yf[.University of Nigeria, Ebonyi State University000000 0000000'Yf[ The University of JohannesburgWS0000eNqQ TZSX z7Consortium japonais du College doctoral franco-japonais0000000000,{'Yf[ 0000000000,{'Yf[ 0000000000,{'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 0000,{'Yf[ 0000,{'Yf[ 0000,{'Yf[ 0000,{'Yf[ 00000000000'Yf[ 0000'Yf[ >yOyf[ؚI{xvzb 0000VzؚI{xvzb 0000ؚI{+^{f[!h 000ؚI{+^{f[!h 000ؚI{+^{f[!h 000000,{'Yf[ 00?elf[b Vzqg meSf[b Vz000000t]yf[b Vz000000t]yf[b 000,{'Yf[ ).3!000 000,{'Yf[ 000,{'Yf[ 000,{'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[ 00000,{'Yf[ 000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[ 000-N.Yf[!h 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00,{'Yf[ 00'Yf[ 000,{'Yf[ 000,{'Yf[ 0000000,{'Yf[ 0000000,{'Yf[ 0000000,{'Yf[ 000000,{'Yf[ 000000,{'Yf[ 000000,{'Yf[ 0000'Yf[ 00000000000000'Yf[Universite Aix-Marseille 1, Universite Aix-Marseille 2, Universite Aix-Marseille 3, Universite Besancon-Franche Comte, Blaise Pascal University-Clermont II, University of Bordeaux 1, Victor Segalen Bordeaux 2 University, Michel de Montaigne University Bordeaux 3, Montesquieu University-Bordeaux 4, Cergy-Pontoise University, University of Savoie-Chambery, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan, Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Ecole Normale Superieure, University Joseph Fourier, Paris Institute of Political Studies, Institut National des Langues et Civilizations Orientales, Grenoble Institute of Technology, Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, Universite Lille 1-Sciences et Technologies, INSA Lyon, Universite Lyon 1, University Lumiere Lyon 2, Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University, Universite de Marne-La-Vallee, Universite de Metz, Universite Montpellier 2, Universite Mulhouse-Haute Alsace, University of Nantes, Ecole Centrale de Nantes, Universite Paris 1, Universite Paris 3, Universite Paris 4, Universite Paris 5, Universite Paris 6, Universite Paris 7, Universite Paris 9, Universite Paris 10, Universite Paris11, Universite Paris 12, Universite Paris 13, Universite Pau et Pays de l'Adour, Universite Rennes 1, Universite Rennes 2, Louis Pasteur University, Marc Bloch University, Robert Schuman University, Universite Toulouse 1, Universite Toulouse 2, Universite Toulouse 3, Universite Tours, Universite Versailles-Saint-QuentinVWSui'Yf["International Antarctivc Institute00000'Yf[ 000#'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 000000000000000wm mf[xvz@bSs00000h000000000'Yf[00,{'Yf[ 00000000000000'Yf[00000wm mxvz@b 00000'Yf[ 000'Yf[tf[ 00000yf['Yf[uirSf[f[ 0000000000000000'Yf[ 00000Suixvz@bSs000000000000000000005.)3 000000'Yf[0000ui0Wxvz@b 0000'Yf[000ui0Wxvz0000 00000'Yf[VUniversity of Tasmania, Federal University of Parana, University of Magallanes, Observatoire Oceanologique de Villefranche sur mer, Universite Paris 6, Universite de Bretagne Occidentale and European Institute for Marine Studies, University of Bremen, University of Siena, Faculty of Science University of Malaya, School of Biological Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia, Gateway Antarctica University of Canterbury Christchurch, University of Tromso, University of Barcelona, Scott Polar Research Institute University of Cambridge, Byrd Polar Research Center Ohio State University, Hamilton CollegeeR&beuvYuf[uNAmO200000/Canada-Japan Strategic Student Exchange Program0000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[ 000000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 000000000'Yf[ 0000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 000000000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[ 0000000000\'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 000'Yf[KConcordia University, Universite Laval, McMaster University, Queen's University, Simon Fraser University, University of Manitoba, University of Winnipeg, Universite de Montreal, University of Alberta, University of New Brunswick, University of Ottawa, University of Prince Edward Island, University of Saskatchewan, York University000tX'Yf[b000000dThe network for the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research (ProSPER.Net)K2-)4'Yf[ Tn'Yf[ 4%2)'Yf[ 00000'Yf[ 00000yf['Yf[ 00000'Yf[ ^N'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[ 000]y'Yf[ WS*Ys^ m'Yf[RMIT University, Tongji University, TERI University, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universiti Sains Malaysia, University of the Philippines, Yonsei University, Chulalongkorn University, Asian Institute of Technology, University of the South PacificSwmSYe'Yf[! SwmSYe'Yf[h0 p}+^{'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[f p}+^{'Yf[Shenyang Normal University Yef[0Yef[xvzyhQf[ All Faculties!SwmSYe'Yf[h0T>ro+^{'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[fT>ro+^{'Yf[Harbin Normal UniversitySwmSYe'Yf[h0q\qg+^{'Yf[h0n0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[fq\qg+^{'Yf[Shandong Teacher's UniversitySwmSYe'Yf[h0/n'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[uAGREEMENT ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION/n'Yf[University of Hong KongSwmSYe'Yf[h0V]'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[V]'Yf[Sichuan UniversitySwmSYe'Yf[h0)Y%mYf[bh0n0TS[f)Y%mYVf[b"Tianjin Foreign Studies University SwmSYe'Yf[h0ܑq\'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[h0n0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE BETWEEN HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION AND THE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OF PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ܑq\'Yf[!h+^{'Yf[5The College of Education of Pusan National University&SwmSYe'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SYeNAmk0Y00TS[fwAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC AND EDUCATIONAL COLLABORATION BETWEEN JAMES COOK UNIVERSITY AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION 00000000'Yf[James Cook UniversitySwmSYe'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0NAmk0Y00TS[iMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY, SYDNEY0000]y'Yf[ University of Technology, SydneynMemorandum of Education and Research Exchange between Griffith University and Hokkaido University of Education00000'Yf[Griffith University|AGREEMENT ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA FAIRBANKS AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION0000'Yf[0000000!hUniversity of Alaska0FairbanksMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWWEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA ANCHORAGE AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE 0000'Yf[000000!hUniversity of Alaska AnchorageSwmSYe'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[h0n0TS[fPAGREEMENT BETWEEN ILLINOIS STATE UNIVERSITY AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY < OF EDUCATION0000]z'Yf[Illinois State UniversityXRENEWAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSUTY OF EDUCATION00000'Yf[University of CalgarySwmSYe'Yf[h00000000000'Yf[h0n0TS[fjMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWWEN SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY(SFU) AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION(HUE) 0000000000'Yf[Simon Fraser University#SwmSYe'Yf[Q(R!hh000000000'Yf[h0n0YYc:dk0Y00TS[fAgreement to Establish a Sister-University Relationship Between Saint Mary's University and Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate 00000000'Yf[Saint Mary's University)SwmSYe'Yf[h00000'Yf[00000000f[bh0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[oMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWWEN HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION AND SCHOOL OF ORIENTAL AND AFRICAN STUDIES0000'Yf[00000000f[b;School of Oriental and African Studies,University of London"SwmSYe'Yf[h00000Ne'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[f0000Ne'Yf[Bishkek Humanities University0000SwmSYe'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[nAGREEMENT ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE BETWEEN HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION AND UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN0000'Yf[University of Bergen00000KAGREEMENT Between THE SIBELIUS ACADEMY And HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION00000}ibSibelius AcademySwmSYe'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmTS[fMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING regarding ACADEMIC COOPERATION between University of Oulu, Finland and Hokkaido University of Education, Japan$SwmSYe'Yf[h00000000VzYe'Yf[h0n0YexvzNAmk0Y00TS[f 0000000VzYe'Yf[(Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University SwmSYe'Yf[h00000VYe'Yf[h0n0YY!hNAmk0Y00TS[f 0000VYe'Yf[,International Pedagogical University,Magadan3SwmSYe'Yf[h000000000000_000000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SYeNAmk0Y00TS[f00000000000_000000Vz'Yf[Kamchatka State University'SwmSYe'Yf[R!hh0000000000Ye'Yf[h0n0YY!hNAmk0Y00TS[f 000000000Ye'Yf[)Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk University of EducationSwmSYe'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0Yexvzn0VNAmk0Y00TS[jAGREEMENT ON EDUCATION AND RESEARCH EXCHANGE BETWEEN CAIRO UNIVERSITY AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION000'Yf[Cairo University0000SwmSYe'Yf[h00000Vz'Yf[h0n0TS[fOAGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF ZANBIA AND HOKKAIDO UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION0000Vz'Yf[The University of Zanbia0000[-]mi'Yf[f[SNAmTS[!Agreement of Academic Cooperation.Agreement of Academic Cooperation and Exchange[qg'Yf[!hAndong National University ܑva'Yf[!h]y'Yf[3College of Engineering, Pukyong National University000#umi'Yf[!h'Seoul National University of TechnologyӗVwm m'Yf[!hKorea Maritime UniversitylWSt]'Yf[Henan Polytechnic University'Y#N'Yf[Dalian Jiaotong UniversityYexvzTSRTS[2Agreement for Educational and Research Cooperation p}]mi'Yf[!Shenyang University of Technology-Nyb'Yf[-Huazhong University of Science and Technology]'Yf[Soochow UniversityQS+^{'Yf[! Inner Mongolia Normal University000^{'Yf[Hanoi Architectural University000000000'Yf[Chiang Mai University 00000000]y'Yf[0000!h1King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang00000000Ss0f[uNcTS[4Specific Agreement for Study Tour & Student Exchange 000000000]y'Yf['Royal Melbourne Institute of Technologyf!Memorandum on the General Meetinguiqg]y'Yf[%Eastern National Technical University 00000000]y'Yf[ Technische Universitt Darmstadt00000'Yf[`1Xl]f[LFaculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Rostock University 0000'Yf[University of Leoben000000000000'Yf[University of Miskolc0000'Yf[University of Granada0000NAmTS[Agreement of Cooperation 00000ꁻl'Yf[Universidad Autonoma de Madrid0000]y'Yf[Oregon Institute of TechnologyMemorandum of Understanding 00000000000'Yf[Western Washington University00000]y'Yf[P[Of[WFaculty of Electronics, Communications and Automation Helsinki University of Technology\=jFUy'Yf[vNt㉚f 0000000'Yf[University of Shefiled FUf[eFUf[xvzyf[uNcTS[Student Exchange AgreementFUf[00000000'Yf[/000=00000,{ N'Yf['Paul Cezanne University Aix-Marseille b!-]'Yf[Lanzhou UniversityqgSL}'Yf[+Dongbei University of Finance and Economics00000'Yf[Bifrost University000000 0000L}n0l_'Yf["Berlin School of Economics and Law000'Yf[University of Otago000000'Yf[Oglethorpe University000000'Yf[The University of South Dakota 00000000'Yf[Muhlenberg College0000'Yf[National Chengchi University VzSSS'Yf[&Taipei National University of the ArtsAnkara UniverstiyKabul University 00000'Yf[Mansoura UniversityCairo University Monash University 00000000'Yf[Mount Allison University Purdue University f[ undergraduate00000'Yf[Vassar College0000'Yf[University of Tampere00000000'Yf[000000000%Queen's College, University of Oxford000000'Yf[00000000$Girton Collfe University of Cambrige<School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London000000000000'Yf[!Bergische University of WuppertalUniversity of Strasbourg00e000000,{ 'Yf[Paris Diderot University Charles University Tf[Faculty of Philosophy 0000VzYe'Yf[#Tomsk State Pedagogical University 000#Vzyf[0000t֊[irtf[xvz@b_State Scientific Center of Russian Federation institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 00000]y'Yf[Slovakia Technical University00000lO'Yf[ 00000000'Yf[University of NewcastleUniversity of Adelaide 00000000'Yf[Cranfield University0000VzؚI{lO'Yf[1Ecole Nationale Suprieure des Tlcommunications$University of Science and Technology2King Mongkut's Institute of Technology, Ladkrabang0000]y'Yf["The Instituto Politecnico Nacional 00000yf[00000Bulgarian Academy of Science0000] z'Yf[m_l'Yf[Tamkang University 0000000]y'Yf[cole Polytechnique de Montral 0000000000'Yf[St. Petersburg State University000]y'Yf[ Tallinn University of Technology/University of Electronic Science and TechnologyWS*Ys^ m'Yf[University of the South Pacific0000ӗV`1XO'Yf[)Information and Communications University0000'Yf[University of Rajshahi 0000000'Yf[University of Hyderabad0000]y'Yf[Kaunas University of Technology1King Mongkut's University of Technology,Thonburi[P[yb'Yf[S~n]mibSb 000000000,{'Yf[University of Aix-Marseille II00000'Yf[University of BremenVz0WSV'Yf[ Vz00000'Yf[vfS'Yf[V0000000xvzYe_jiIThe International Organization for Research And Education on Mechatronics,]'Yf[0qgN_j'Yf[0000'Yf[0 VzؚI{|[_jh'Yf[b'Yf[0000000000'Yf[Kagawa University, Tokyo Denki University, Universite' de Savoie, University of Franche Comte, L' Ecole Nationale Superieure de Mecanique et des Microtechniquese,g00000NKj'Yf[Student Exchange Agreement -NVu00000 /n-Ne'Yf[]FU{tf[b VOmi&beuxvzy"Faculty of Business Administration NwmL}'Yf[VeSNAmf[b TInternational Cultural Exchange School, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics>yOxvzy VeSNAmxvzy &International Cultural Exchange School 000'Yf[L}U\'Yf[bNational Univers< ityFUf[xvzyGraduate School of Business ܑq\'Yf[!hly'Yf[ )College of Law, Pusan National Universitylf[xvzyGraduate School of Law000'Yf[McGill University 00000000'Yf[000000'Yf[b0000&00000L}U'Yf[bQThe Peter F. Drucker Graduate School of Management, Claremont Graduate UniversityL}Uf[xvzyGraduate School of Mangement000000'Yf[0000L}U'Yf[bLThe Darden Graduate School of Business Administration,University of Virginia*Graduate School of Business AdministrationUCLA0000000000The Anderson School at UCLA MBA 00000 MBA Program 000'Yf[L}Uf[;The University of Hawaii College of Business AdministrationBusiness Administration 000000000Babson CollegeUC0000000000000000000000&Haas School of Business at UC BerkeleyHaas School of Business HECL}U'Yf[bHEC School of Management%Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris00000'Yf[University of Mannheim 00000000'Yf[University of Osnabrck000'Yf[University of Cologne00000'Yf[Erasmus University Rotterdam 0000000L}n'Yf[ 000000'Yf[ University of Birmingham0000'Yf[000000000000lf[ *Faculty of Laws, University College London00000000000000London Business School00000'Yf[ Bocconi University 000000'Yf[ University of Auckland f[S0NirNAmk0Y00TS[MAgreement for the promotion of academic cooperation and exchange of personnelf[STSRJ00s0NirNAmk0Y00TS[[YL}nf'Yf[2University of International Business and Economicsf[STSRSs0NirNAmk0Y00TS[ NwmL}'Yf[,Shanghai University of Finance and EconomicsSAgreement for the development of academic cooperation and the exchange of personnelfk"o'Yf[Wuhan University4Agreement for the promotion of academic cooperationSAgreement for the devrlopment of academic cooperation and the exchange of personnel/Agreement for academic cooperation and exchange000'Yf[University of Chicagof[S0NirNAmk0Y00TS[00000'Yf[b'Yf[0000000000000 El Colegio de Mxico0OAgreement for development of academic cooperation and the exchange of personnel 00000e00000'Yf[Catholic University of Louvain(%#L}U'Yf[f[STSRTS[3Agreement for the promotion of academic cooperation00,{'Yf[Universit de Paris I%Institut d Etudes Politiques de Paris,Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales 0000000'Yf[University of Augsburg00000'Yf[Humboldt-Universitt zu Berlin TSRTS[0Agreement of cooperation00000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[University of St. GallenUniversity of SheffieldYe[0'Yf[bf[un0NAmk0Y00TS[CAgreement for the exchange of academic staff and graduate students 00000000'Yf[000000000000000*St. Antony s College, University of OxfordYe[0f[un0NAmk0Y00TS[*0000'Yf[000000000000000000000000000000000000FLondon School of Economics and Political Science, University of LondonVNAm;uk0Y00W,gTS[04Basic agreement on international exchange programmes000000'Yf[f[STSRn0zvU\k0Y00TS[07Agreement for the development of academic cooperation 0000'Yf[000000000000University College LondonOAgreement for the development of academic cooperation and exchange of personnelUniversity of YorkAgreement on academic exchange'k]'Yf[bEuropean University InstituteTS[fMemorandum of understanding 000000000'Yf[American University in Cairo0000'Yf[Makerere University0000 -NVNl'Yf[lf[b*School of Law, Renmin University of China GFaculty of Business Administration, the Chinese University of Hong Kong  NwmL}'Yf[VRSNAmb n'Yf[Ne>yOyf[f[b=School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Tsinghua University6Graduate School of Business, Seoul National University ܑq\'Yf[!hly'Yf[*College of Law, Pusan National University 000000Vz'Yf[lQqQ?eV{00000=Public Policy Programme, The National University of SingaporeAAgreement of understanding for academic cooperation and exchange 0000'Yf[f[f[&Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo?el'Yf[lf[b,College of Law, National Chengchi UniversitySS'Yf[lf[b*College of Law, National Taipei UniversityS~n'Yf[l_f[b*College of Law, National Taiwan University f[STSRn0zvU\k0Y00TS[5Agreement for the development of academic cooperation00000000]y'Yf[0000L}U'Yf[bASloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology f[STSRn0zvU\n0_00n0TS[0000000'Yf[00000!hL}U'Yf[bFSchools of Business Administration, University of California, BerkeleyMThe Darden Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Virginia5#,!00000000005#00000 0000000000000000NAmW,gTS[ General agreement of cooperation 0000'Yf[|^yyf[/Faculty of Human Sciences, University of ViennaTS[ Agreement000000'Yf[_(uL}nf[RFaculty of Applied Economics, State University Center(RUCA), University of Antwerpf[STSRSs0NvNAmn0zvU\k0Y00TS[ 000'Yf[L}n>yOf[?Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne000000'Yf[000000000.Warwick Business School, University of Warwick000000'Yf[00000000000'Management School, Lancaster University0000'Yf[00000000xvzbL}nf[yUDepartment of Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 00000'Yf[lf[%Faculty of Law, University of Bristol0000000000'Yf[Se>yOyf[@Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam*j\mVz'Yf[Australia National UniversityUniversity of Technology,Sydney00000'Yf[Macquarie UnniversityUniversity of So Paulo]f[0]f[^ 00000'Yf[]f[University of Saskatchehewan 0000'Yf[Neyf[2University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and ScienceShanghai Jiao Tong UnivertisyEast China Normal Univeritsyq\'Yf[Shanzi University 00000]y'Yf[#V`B Technical University of Ostrava#V`B Technical University oF Ostrava 000000000'Yf[Tomas Bata University in ZlinUniversity of CairoUniversit of Oulu 000-N.Y]y'Yf[cole Centrale Paris]f[^000,{3'Yf[Universit Jean Moulin-Lyon 3University Jean Moulin-Lyon30000'Yf[University of Poitiers00,{12'Yf[Universit of Paris 12Universite Paris 12 000000,{'Yf[Universit Stendhal-Grenoble 3 Universit Stendhal - Grenoble 3000000'Yf[2Rheinisch-Westflische Technisch Hochschule Azchen00000'Yf[University of ErfurutUniversity of Erfurt'Indeian Institute of Technology, Kanpur&Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur00'Yf[University of Pisa0000'Yf[University of Nairobi000University iof SeoulSookmyung women's UniversityCheju National University Pukyoung National University q'Yf[University of Antananarivo000000 00000yf['Yf[Universiti Sains Malaysia000000'Yf[University of Santo TomasUniversity of Pilippines0000'Yf[University of Lisbon00000000'Yf[University of BernVzؚĖ'Yf[ National University of KaohsiungUniversity of Durham000000'Yf[Cardiff University00000'Yf[00000000+Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University0000000e0000'Yf[Nottingham Trent University000000'Yf[University of Southampton00000'Yf[University of Georgia 00000]y'Yf[3Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University]f[0]f[^0tX`1Xf[^< 00000]y'Yf[^{0^f[^Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, College of Architecture and Urban Studies0000'Yf[0000e000000!h*University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign0000'Yf[Bellarmine University Bellarmine University0000000]z'Yf[000000!h'California State University, Sacramento00]z'Yf[Utah State University0000]z'Yf[San Jose State University 000NO'Yf[+University of Transport and Communications 0000'Yf[]f[ 0000'Yf[tf[000'Yf[tf[&Faculty of Science,University of Dhakan'Yf[lf[b n'Yf[Sf[] z| n'Yf[tXyf[N] z|]f[^0]f[xvzb0tX`1Xf[^0tX`1XxvzbHDepartment of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University00000000000000,{1'Yf[ Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1 000^z'Yf[!h]y'Yf[ ]f[0]f[^0]f[xvzb+College of Engineering, University of Seoul Vzܑq\'Yf[!h]y'Yf[1College of Engineering, Pusan National University 000Vz'Yf[!h]y'Yf[TCollege of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering, Seoul National University hQ]'Yf[!hSO0000Jeonju University vaS'Yf[!hly'Yf[^N'Yf[!hHQzRFID/USNbS0000 fS'Yf[!h'Yf[b  fS'Yf[!h]y'Yf[0 Vz0000'Yf[Sf[0000000000000000'Yf[000!h+University of Perpetual Help System, LagunaYeNyf[0Yef[xvzy0000'Yf[00000000!hJInstitute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov, Moscow State University WS mt]'Yf[tf[b]f[xvzbNSchool of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University!000000'Yf[0000000000000000000000000@University of Jonkoping, Jonkoping International Business SchoolL}Uf[0V>yOyf[xvzy@Jonkoping International Business School, University of Jonkoping VzN'Yf[tf[b00000000]y'Yf[0000!h0000000000'Yf[]f[4Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University0000000000'Yf[tf[tX`1Xf[^0tX`1Xxvzb0Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University00000'Yf[0000000000000000000000006University of Exeter, School of Business and Economics000000'Yf[000000xvz@b V0j0h0~0a0'Yf[000port-city university LeagueJ0000000000000'Yf[ 000]y'Yf[0000!h 00000'Yf[ 000000'Yf[ NwmN'Yf[ 0000^]y'Yf[ 0000'Yf[ ܑva'Yf[University of British Columbia Indian Institute of Technology Madras University of So Paulo Univesity of Southampton Shanghai Jiao Tong Univesity Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology University of Lisbon Pugyong National University 0000000000000V0-NV00000000000e_o'Yf[ OePw;Syf[@\0;SBv@\1Department of Health, Ministry of Health, Myanmar 'Yf[b;Sokf[}Txvzy0000000000000'Yf[lf[.Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia 00000'Yf[lf["Faculty of Law, Queen's University 00000'Yf[lf[%Faculty of Law, University of AlbertaҞz_l'Yf[hQf[ 00000'Yf[00000lf[)Cardiff Law School , University of Wales00000'Yf[L}Uf[ 0Ye f[L}nf[yFFaculty of Business and Department of Economics, University of AlbertaVz00000'Yf[0000]y!htf[QCollege of Science and Mathematics, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute ofVz00000'Yf[0000]y!h'Yf[bIGraduate School, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology 'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy 00000000;Sy'Yf[ 00000000;Sy'Yf[$Vladivostok State Medical University 00000000;Sy'Yf['0000000000000000000'Yf[_jh]f[ l]f[ {_jyf[萄Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Computer Science, Otto-von-Guericke-University &Faculty of Law , University of Bristol00000000000000000000000'Yf[lf[%Faculty of Law, University of MunsterNw'Yf[!h]f[|f[]f[Ss0`1XO]f[xvzy lCollege of Engineering and Graduate School of Information Technology and Telecommunications, Inha University]f[|f[]f[Ss0'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy 00000000'Yf[]f[0 ]f[xvzyVFaculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle 0000'Yf[]f[|f[2Faculties of Engineering, The University of Sydney SN'Yf[VOf[b4School of International Relations, Peking UniversitySN'Yf[lf[b$Department of Law, Peking University Nw'Yf[!hey'Yf[&College of Humanities, Inha Universityn'Yf[^{f[b/Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University]f[Ss0'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy00000000000000000,{ N'Yf[0000000000000000000'Yf[&Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburgf[Ss0'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy00000000000'Yf[qg mf[>Faculty of Oriental Studies, Saint-Petersburg State University -NV0W'Yf[fk"o!h'China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)tf[Ss0'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy 0000'Yf[]f[|@\,Faculties of Engineering, Qiqihar University]f[|@\]f[Ss0'Yf[b6qyf[xvzy 000000'Yf[tf[Ss000000yf[00000SP[8hxvz@bqFaculty of Science, University of Debrecen and Institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 0000'Yf[;Sf[*The University of Minnesota Medical School ]WS'Yf[!h6qnjn'Yf[1College of Natural Resources, Yeungnam University 'Yf[bsN>yOeSxvzy-NS'Yf[tf[b3College of Science, Chung-Yuan Christian University000'Yf[tf[$Faculty of Science, Cairo University000000000'Yf[Ss00000e0000'Yf[t]f[fJohannes Kepler University and Faculty of Engineering and Natural Johannes Kepler University Sciences,0000]mi'Yf[]f[|f[Ss0'Yf[bISchool of Engineering and Graduate School, Harbin Institute of Technology "o}'Yf[]f[|f[+Colleges of Engineering, Hanyang University00000000000'Yf[ef[7Faculty of Philology, Saint-Petersburg State University 00000'Yf[>yOyf[1Faculty of Social Sciences, Chiang Mai University 00000'Yf[Nef[,Faculty of Humanities, Chiang Mai University 'Y#t]'Yf[]f[|f[萲Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and the Institute of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena 000000000'Yf[0000IQf[0ϑP[00000000xvz@bOInstitute of Optics and Quantum Electronics, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena0000IQf[0ϑP[00000000xvz@b+Institute of Optics and Quantum ElectronicsAgreement on Academin Exchange between The Hertie School og Governance (HSoG), and Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo @\TS[0@\f 000000000000000000&The Hertie School of Governance (HSoG)The University of Burgos00000'Yf[Universitat Bayreuth 000uiqgVz}T'Yf[0000L}n'Yf[Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien000000'Yf[University of Wollongong 000000000'Yf[Western Michigan Universityf[STSRTS[f3Memorandum of Understanding on Academic CooperationbGW('Yf[!hSungkyunkuwan UniversityFUf[xvzy00000000000\;e/^^\u#u'Yf[00000'Yf[000000'Yf[University of Asuncion0000000000'Yf[ 000000!h(University of the Philippines Los Banos \u#uf[ \u#uf[xvzyf[ cs;Sf[4College of Veteriary Medicine College of Agriculture _WS'Yf[!h cs;Sy'Yf[;Chungnam National University College of Veterinary Medicine\u#uf[cs;Sf[Faculty of Veteriary Medicine00000'Yf['Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich000'Yf[!h miu}Tyf['Yf[Ss0cs;Sy'Yf[ASoel National University College of Agriculture and Li< fe Sciencesmiu}Tyf['Yf[ cs;Sy'Yf['College of Agriculture & Life Sciences 00000'Yf[f[/University of Peradeniy Faculty of Agriculturef[Faculty of Agriculture^V'Yf[!hKonkuk UniversityCollege of Animal Husbandry 00000000'Yf[The University of QueenslandRiru}Tyf['Yf[College of Animal Life Scienceeumi'Yf[Xinjiang Agriculture University00'Yf[Hue University%000000#Tcs;Sf[000'Yf[cs;Sf[Ss0000000'Yf[cs;Sf[ $University of Bern Vetsuisse Faculty0000!-'Yf[ cs;Sf[Ss0f[u}Tyf[?Texas A & M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences0000'Yf[ 0000000'Yf[ 00000cs;Sy'Yf[*University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover00000'Yf[cs;Sf[cs;SlQF[u0000gChiang Mai University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary Public Health Centre for Asia Pacific0000miQgzvwVzcs;Sf[xvz@baNational Institute of Veterinary Research, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, VietName];Sy'Yf[e];Sy'Yf[h00000'Yf[;Sf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Academic Exchange Agreement 0000'Yf[;Sf['School of Medicine of Mercer Universitye];Sy'Yf[h0WSN-N;S'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[WSN-N;S'Yf[2Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicinee];Sy'Yf[h0-NV;Sy'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[-NV;Sy'Yf[China Medical UniversityQY}TS[Contract Agreement 0000'Yf[q/^;Sf[0Mahidon University, Faculty of Tropical Medicine0000'Yf[Udayana UniversityS]mi'Yf[ f[S0YeNAmTS[An exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Wuhan University of Science and Technology and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of Technologyfk"oyb'Yf[*Wuhan University of Science and Technology ]f[0]f[xvzy 'Yf[hQSOg0TS[}P}An exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Samchok Campus, Kangwon national University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyVz_lS'Yf[!h N_00000+Samchok Campus, Kangwon national UniversityAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Yeungnam University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Gyeong Sang National University, College of Engineering and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of Technology va\'Yf[!h]y'Yf[7Gyeong Sang National University, College of EngineeringCollege of EngineeringAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Harbin Engineering University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyT\\m] z'Yf[u00Harbin Engineering UniversityAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Oulu University of Applied Sciences and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of Technology 000}Tyf['Yf[#Oulu University of Applied ScienceswAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Vaasa Polytechnic and Kitami Institute of Technology0000]mi'Yf[Vaasa PolytechnicAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Tampere University of Technology and Kitami Institute of Technology0000]mi'Yf[ Tampere University of TechnologyAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Cracow University of Technology and Kitami Institute of Technology0000]mi'Yf[Cracow University of Technology00000An exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Mongolian University of Science and Technology and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of Technology 0000yf[bS'Yf[.Mongolian University of Science and TechnologyAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Northeast Dianli University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyqgSR'Yf[Northeast Dianli UniversityExchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University and Kitami Institute of Technology00000]z]y'Yf[]f[dDepartment of Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University]f[/Department of Engineering Science and MechanicsyAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between University of Dhaka and Kitami Institute of Technology000'Yf[University of Dhaka0000000An exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Northeast Forestry University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyqgSgmi'Yf[Northeast Forestry UniversityAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Beijing University of Chemical Technology and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologySNS]'Yf[)Beijing University of Chemical TechnologyExchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between University of Alaska, Fairbanks and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Alaska, FairbanksAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between Changwon National University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyVz fS'Yf[!hChangwon National UniversityAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between National Chin-Yi University of Technology and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of TechnologyVzRvyb'Yf[)National Chin-Yi University of TechnologyAn exchange agreement on Science, Technology and Education between China Medical University and National University Corporation Kitami Institute of Technology-NV;S'Yf[_MR'Yf[0000'Yf[00000!h000000000000:The University of Tennessee Center for the Health Sciences-NVmi'Yf[0f[NuirbSf[bGCollege of Agriculture and Biotechnology China Agricultural University %-NV'Y#t]'Yf[]f[h0_MR'Yf['Yf[bt]f[xvzyh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement between Departments and Schools of Engineering,Dailen University of Graduate School of Science and Technology, Hirosaki University for Mutual Exchange of Science -NV'Y#t]'Yf[]f[FDepartments and Schools of Engineering,Dailen University of Technology 0000'Yf[0000!h !University of Tennessee at Martin 0000,{ N'Yf[ University of Bordeaux 3T>ro+^{'Yf[ Vzuiqg}T;Sy'Yf[ $Far Eastern State Medical University000]z'Yf[ University of Maine000000'Yf[Hyperion University00000000'Yf[University of Trier^'Yf[Yanbian University 00000 0000'Yf['M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University000'Yf[ -]'Yf[ Zhengzhou00000'Yf[ Chiang Mai University 000000'Yf[ University of Debrecen 000000]z'Yf[San Diego State UniversityWS000'Yf[!h Nam Seoul University0000'Yf[University of RouenvaS'Yf[!h Kyungpook National University 0000000'Yf[University of Saskatchewanܑq\'Yf[!h Pusan National University 000000]y'Yf[ !Auckland University of Technology 000000'Yf[ Irkutsk State University 0000000'Yf[ University of La Frontera00Nu'Yf[!h Kyonggi University00000000000000 Mount Royal College 0000000000'Yf[ Thompson Rivers University0000'Yf[Khon Kaen University\Kb'Yf[ f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE0000'Yf[Auburn University00000000000VzeSS'Yf[2St.Petersburg State University of Culture and ArtsNe>yOyf[0000'Yf[Siam Universityf+^{'Yf[Qufu Normal UniversityYef[ 000000000'Yf[hQf[0000'Yf[Earlham College SN'Yf[0wlP['Yf[$Peking University/Shihezi UniversityS'Yf[Northwest Universityfw'Yf[!hMyongji University< 0000'Yf[000000!h!The University of Texas at Austin'Y#t]'Yf[Dalian University of Technology Vz(ANBAT'Yf[!hHanbat National University Tgmi'Yf[Jilin Agricultural University[l'Yf[Noingbo University Ne>yOyf[ Yef[ 00000yf[00000Polish Academy of Science0000'Yf[(Purdue University. School of Agriculture00000000000000'Yf[Pierre & Marie Curie University SN'Yf[Tf[|[Yef[| 5Peking University Department of Philosophy (Religion)[^{yb'Yf[.Xian University of Architecture and Technologyn'Yf[-Ne|5Tsinghua University of chinese Languages & Literature NwmؚRP[Pgexvzzv0000:Shanghai Research and Development for Polymeric Materials 0000000'Yf[Chulalongkorn University00000000000000North Central College-NVyf[b-]Sf[irtxvz@bBLanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of ScienceseJ_mi'Yf[ Xinjiang Agricultural University0000000]y'Yf[]f[KFaculty of Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and TechnologyWSt]'Yf[$South China University of Technorogy eJ_'Yf[_jh] zf[b5Xinjiang University College of Mechanical Engineering0000'Yf["Accademia di Belle Arti di Carrara ӗVSP[R00000xvz@b'Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute [qg'Yf[!h]y'Yf[1Andong National University College of Engineeringq\qg]Sf[bVNAmNT\OQVShandong University of Art and Design Office of International Exchange and CooperationSgyb'Yf[Oo`] zf[b;Northwest A&F University College of Information Engineering00000000000'Yf[0ef[0eSxvzbMJawaharlal Nehru University School of Language, Literature & Culture Studies00000000000000000 0000,{'Yf[(University Michel de Montaigne-Bordeaux30000Vz'Yf[ pef[h000000000000f[bKNational University of Mongolia School of Mathematics and Computer Science 000#umi'Yf[!h]y'Yf[?Seoul National University of Technology College of Engineering 0000yf[bS'Yf[ Oh0`1XbSf[bfMongolian University of Science and Technology School of Telecommunications and Information Technology0000000'Yf[miuirnjnf[CUniversity of Saskatchewan College of Agriculture and BioresourcesqgS'Yf[Northeastern University0000'Yf[0000000000JImperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London 0000000]z'Yf[Pennsylvania State University 0000'Yf[L}n?elf[bJThe London School of Economics and Political Science, University of London0000'Yf[00000000xvzb@The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 0000000'Yf[University of California000'Yf[ 000000000 0,Universita Degli Studi Di Roma "La Sapienza"000yf[0000000000/e.Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences0000'Yf[The University of Sydney00000'Yf[University of Washington0000'Yf[Umea University00000000000'Yf[Purdue UniversityMoscow State University0000]y'Yf[University of Technology Aachen-NVyf[bS'Yf[-University of Science and Technology of China 000'Yf[!hӗV Tsinghua University, Beijin tf[xvzy ]f[xvzytf[b0irt| ] zirt| Pgeyf[0]f[| _jh] zf[bDepartment of Physics Department of Engineering Physics Department of Material Science and Engineering School of Mechanical Engineering tf[Ss0]f[OX f^[gJ00s0bc000]y'Yf[b"Asian Institute of Technology(AIT)000000'Yf[University of Dortmund00000yf[00000扒ZSf[xvz@bHInstitute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences00,{mQ'Yf[00000000e0000,Universite Pierre and Marie Curie (PARIS e!)0000'Yf[University of Tehran000Nanjing University000000'Yf[Saarland University000,{N'Yf["Universite Rennes 2-Haute-Bretagne3qgS'Yf[h00000000000000Ss000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[{Agreement on Student Exchange between Tohoku University and The Universities in Grenoble and The Universities in Strasbourg000000,{N'Yf[000000000, 000000,{N'Yf[00000000000000,000000,{ N'Yf[000000,000000t]'Yf[,0000000,{N'Yf[00000000,0000000,{N'Yf[00000000, 0000000,{ N'Yf[000000000Universit Joseph Fourier ,Universit Pierre Mends France,Universit Stendhal,Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble,Universit Louis Pasteur,Universit Marc Bloch ,Universit Robert Schuman 000]y'Yf[0000!h%Indian Institute of Technology BombayIQ]yf[bSb+Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology 0000yf[00000Mongolian Academy of Sciences 000000Vz'Yf[ National University of Singapore000000sz]y'Yf[!KTH Royal Institute of Technology]f[xvzy f[xvzy tXyf[xvzy `1Xyf[xvzy]f[0f[0tXyf[Ss0`1Xyf[ Master of Science in Engineeringf^[gfm]y'Yf[!h+Pohang University of Science and Technology 00000]y'Yf[3The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne000,{N'Yf[Universit de Rennes 1000005N'Yf[-0000!Universite Mohammed V-Agdal Rabat0000 00000]y'Yf['Suranaree University of TechnologySUT ӗVyf[bSb2Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technologyfk"ot]'Yf[$Wuhan University of Technology (WUT)͑va'Yf[Chongqing University000000'Yf[The University of Nottingham 00000000000'Yf[!The University of New South Wales 00000]y'Yf[!Helsinki University of TechnologyVzS~nwm m'Yf[ National Taiwan Ocean University0000'Yf[Uppsala University 0000000Vz'Yf["The Australian National University Tn'Yf[Tongji UniversityvaS'Yf[!h-NVwm m'Yf[eR\wm m'Yf[ 7Ocean University of Qingdao (Ocean University of China)BThe Global Education for European Engineers and Entrepreneurs(GE4) 0000000'Yf[Stockholm UniversityWSN*zz*)Y'Yf[2Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics"Darmstadt University of Technology 0000000Vz'Yf[Novosibirsk State University 0000000'Yf[UniveRsity of GttingenVz-Nck'Yf[National Chung Cheng Universityqg'Yf[!hDong-eui University0000qq\'Yf[Colorado School of Minesg'Yf[!hChosun University000000'Yf[University of Indonesiaؚ'Yf[!hKorea University\yb'Yf[*Shaanxi University of Science & Technology00000Vz]mi'Yf[000]y'Yf[ ENational Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"00000000'Yf[The University of YorkR\yb'Yf[*Qingdao University of Science & Technology Vz_(uyf[b000!h1Institut National des Sciences Appliques de LyonDiplome d'Ingenieur 0000SP[Rxvz0000.The Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCKeCEN) 0000S'Yf[Xiamen University0000,{N'Yf[University of Bordeaux 1VzbR'Yf[National Cheng Kung UniversityVzN'Yf[National Chiao Tung University0000]y'Yf[KqgS'Yf[e,gV h0Vz-N.Yt]yf[!h00000000 000!h0000!h000000!h0000!h000!h h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement for Education and Research Cooperation between Tohoku University (JAPAN) and The Ecoles Centrale Group: Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nantes and Paris(FRANCE) SVz-N.Yt]yf[!hEcole Centrale 5!h 000-N.Yt]yf[!h 000-N.Yt]yf[!h 00000-N.Yt]yf[!h 000-N.Yt]yf[!h 00-N.Yt]yf[!hEcole Centrale de Lille,Ecole Centrale de Lyon,Ecole Centrale de Marseille (EGIM),Ecole Centrale de Nantes,Ecole Centrale de < Paristf[xvzy ]f[xvzy `1Xyf[xvzy tf[0]f[Ss0`1Xyf[KDiplme d'Ingnieur or Master Recherche or Master Pro or Mastre Spcialis 000000]y'Yf[!Chalmers University of Technology 00000]y'Yf[$The Dresden University of Technology000qq\'Yf[Ecole des Mines d'Albi-Carmauxqg+^{'Yf[East China Normal University 0000000'Yf[University of WaterlooSN*zz*)Y'Yf[Beihang University00000'Yf[XFaculty of Odonto-Stomatology, The University of Medicine & Pharmacy at Ho chi Minh City000oky'Yf['University of Odonto-Stomatology, Hanoi 0000eP^yf['Yf[okf[<School of Dentistry, Health Sciences University of Mongolia 00000'Yf[okf[5Faculty of Dental Sciences, University of peradeniya00000eP^yf['Yf[okf[RFaculty of Odonto-Stomatology, University of Health Sciences, Phnom Penh Cambodia00000000Vz'Yf[;Syf[okf[y9Faculty of Medical Sciences, National University of Laos00000'Yf[000!hokf[:College of Dentistry, University of the Philippines Manila000000000000okf[&Kings, College London Dental Institute 000000000;Sf['Yf[#Charite-University, Medicine Berlin 0000000'Yf[okf[5School of Dental Medicine, University of Pennsylvania 00000'Yf[okf[!Harvard School of Dental Medicine000000000'Yf[okf[ASchool of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill0000000'Yf[00000000!hokf[=School of Dentistry, University of California, San Francisco000'Yf[okf['Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University00000'Yf[eP^yf[okf[yjSchool of Dental Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University of MelbourneAccademic Exchange Agreement00000000'Yf[000000000000000.Bioengineering Unit, University of Strathclyde+0000'Yf[00000000e000e000000000!huSO;S(uPge}Txvz0000}Interdisciplinary Research Centre in Biomedical Materials and Science, Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London000000'Yf[;S(uuSO]f[y:Department of Biomedical Engineering, Linkoping University500000yf[00000000000000000euSO]f[xvz@bj00s0k000000000000V0000|Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering and International Center of Biocybernetics, Polish Academy of Science vaS'Yf[!huSOPgexvz@bRInstitute for Biomaterials Reaearch and Development, Kyungpook National UniversityMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK and MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE AND SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE,TOKYO MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY 00000;Sy'Yf[MEDICAL UNIVERSITY OF GDANSKMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the ONCOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE,NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE and MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE,TOKYO MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITY000000'Yf[ NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPOREAgreement of the Exchange of Students between Tokyo Medical Dental University School of Biomedical Science and Peking University Health Science Center School of Basic Medical Sciences SN'Yf[;Sf[Wy;Sf[b2SCHOOL OF BASIC MADICAL SCIENCES,PEKING UNIBERSITYMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the CHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITY And SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE and MEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE,TOKYO MEDICAL AND DENTAL UNIVERSITYCHINA MEDICAL UNIVERSITYqgNYV'Yf[VNAmTS[.agreemet for academic exchange and cooperation sz00000'Yf[Royal University of Phnom PenhYVf[0'Yf[b0WWeSxvzy NwmYV'Yf[)Shanghai International Studies UniversitySN'Yf['Beijing Language and Culture University/n-Ne'Yf[#The Chinese University of Hong KongS'Yf[ 'Y#YVf[b&Dalian University of Foreign LanguagesQ0000'Yf[ ew000-N.Yxvz@b<Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education000q}xvz@bIndian Statistical InstituteThe University of DelhiؚI{000000000zv 0000(CDAC ,Centre for Development of Advanced Computing000000yf[b>yOeS xvz0000GCenter for Social and Cultural Studies Indonesian Institute of SciencesUnivesity of Indonesia mi;u0L}nxvz00003Centre of Agriculture Planning and Economic Studies00000000000000'Yf[Allame Tabatabaee UniversitymfsYP['Yf[!hSookmyung Women's University `1XeSweSxvz@b$Institut de Recherche sur la Culture 00000000000'Yf[American University of Beirut00000000'Yf[Neyf[,{7Faculty of Human Sciences, Branch I Lebanese University000qg mf[O000000000qg mf[xvz@b6Orient Institute of the German Oriental Society-Beirut00000Vz0Vfxvz@b-Institute of Language and literature Malaysia00zvxvz@b,The Institute for Development Studies, Sabah0000Vz'Yf[National University of Mongolia 00000Vz'Yf[University of the Philippines000000Vz'Yf[Neyf[GThe Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of SingaporeDamascous University 00000000000'Yf[Srinakharinwirot University0000'Yf[Ankara UniversityBoazii UniversityNe0>yOyf['Yf[e000}T'Yf[ ,University of Social Sciences and HumanitiesAustralian National University Vzyf[bSxvz_ji<Dlgation Gnrale la Recherche Scientifique et Technique000000000oR000000000xvz0b0uRu0000lLe Centre Africain de Recherche, Formation et Cration en Arts du Spectacle et Communication ciaprs dsign00000000 00qQTVNeyf[xvz@b L'Institut des Sciences Humaines000000000000000'Yf[Eduardo Mondlane University0000000000'Yf[Universitt Wien 000000yf[00000+Osterreichische Akademic der Wissenschaften00,{ N'Yf[,Universite de la Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris ||| 0000eSxvz@b'Langues et cultures de l'aire tibtaineVz?elf[xvzbQInstitut d'tudes Politiques de Paris Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques0000Vzqg meSf[b9Institut National Des Langues et Civilisations OrientalesNyf[($MAISON DES SCIENCES DE L'HOMME (MSH) 0000000'Yf[Universitt Bielefeld0000'Yf[!Justus Liebig-Universitt Giessen000000'Yf[Philipps-Universitt Marburg000000 0000000'Yf[1Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg"Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen 000'Yf[0000f[xvz@b4Institute for African Studies, University of Cologne000qg m'Yf[0Universit degli Studi di Napoli " l'Orientale" 000000'Yf[Universit C Foscari Venezia000'Yf[!Universit degli Studi di Torino ,Universita degli studi di Roma  La Sapienza 0000'Yf[Leiden University00000'Yf[Universidade de CoimbraUniversity of Lijubljana00000'Yf[Universidad de Sevilla 000000000'Yf[Universitat Pompeu Fabra 00000ꁻl'Yf[Universidad Autnoma de MadridL'Universit de Genve00000'Yf[Universitt Zrich0000'Yf[qg m00000xvzf[b?The School of Oriental and African Studies University of London000'Yf[University of Leeds*Russian State University for theHumanities 000000Vzqg mf['Yf[000000000000'Yf[Cornel University0000000'Yf[000000!h#University of California, San Diego000000]z'Yf[00000!h1University at Albany State University of New York0000000000]z'Yf[(Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro0000#'Yf[Universidade Federal do Paran %fe]mi'Yf[00000'Yf[0000'Yf[%M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State UniversityqgNf['Yf[00000'Yf[University of Canberrae'Yf[!hSilla UniversityWS000'Yf[!hNamseoul University0000'Yf[Carthage College 000'Yf[,{a!f[Faculty a!, University of Trier< 0000'Yf[University of Western Sydney Vzqg meS'Yf[9Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales 00000'Yf[00000Phranakhon Rajabhat UniversitylQ]'Yf[!h 0000000'Yf[Ball State University000^z'Yf[!hUniversity of Seoul 0000000'Yf[University of Heidelberg0000'Yf[University of Gothenburg000000'Yf[Silpakorn UniversitysO(ge'Yf[Jiamusi UniversityNu'Yf[!h000'Yf[00!hUniversity of Hawai'i at Hilo000Ye'Yf[!h&Seoul National University of Education Nwm+^{'Yf[Shanghai Normal University 00000}i0oR'Yf[.University of Music and Performing Arts Munich000000000000000'Yf[000000000000004Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg ^N'Yf[!hYe'Yf[b/Graduate School of Education, Yonsei UniversityӗVYeT'Yf[!h&Korea National University of Education00000000'Yf[Yef[1Faculty of Education, University of Dar es Salaam00000 00000Ye'Yf[Phillippine Normal University 000000000'Yf[York St John University0000'Yf[University of Leicester 000000000'Yf[Eastern Michigan University 0000VzYe'Yf['Mongolian State University of Education 00000000#'Yf[(The Federal University of Rio de JaneiroVzS-NYe'Yf[National Taichung University0000'Yf[q\+^{'Yf[Shanxi Normal University00000'Yf[00000000xvz@b)Universitat Hamburg Asien-Afrika-InstitutNNYe'Yf[!h)Gyeongin National University of EducationqgN]'Yf[0000'Yf[Kabul University0000000000'Yf[Suna'a University00001University of Shanghai for Science and TechnologyZhe Jiang Universityqgt]'Yf[/East China University of Science and TechnologyWSmi'Yf[Yunnan Agricultural UniversityDongHua UniversityqgSmi'Yf[!Northeast Agricultural UniversitySN'Yf[2Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications0000]mi'Yf[ ^?etX] zf[bZGraduate School of Munisipal and Environmental Engineering, HARBIN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY  NwmN'Yf[0_jh]f[b?School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityWSle'Yf[Yunnan Nationalities UniversityInstitute of Technology BandungUniversitas Gadjah Mada0000'Yf[Lampung University 00000]y'Yf[#Institute of Technology of Cambodia 00000szmi'Yf[*Royal University of Agriculture, Cambodia ^ W'Yf[!h ӗVQgL}nxvzbKorea Rural Economic Institute 0000000'Yf[Stamford University000]z'Yf[00000000]y'Yf[0000!h0000'Yf[Can Tho University0000mi'Yf[Yezin Agricultural University0000'Yf[University of Calcutta000000'Yf[Suez Canal UniversityWS0000f[xvzTSpO!2# -Agricultural Research Council of South Africa000]y'Yf[$Czech Technical University of Prague0000,{'Yf[University Bordeaux `!J. 0000000000,{`!'Yf[$University Joseph Fourier Grenoble `!00'Yf[(Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour000'Yf[ University of Rome  LA SAPIENZA Aachen Technical University000000'Yf[0000'Yf[)John Paul a! Catholic University of Lublin 0000000]y'Yf[#Politehnica University of Timisoara0000'Yf[Trakia University000000000000000000000xvz@b!Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics 000000sz]y'Yf[00000'Yf[University of Brighton000000000000'Yf[Pacific National University 0000'Yf[tf[?Fuculty of Physics, The M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Vz000le'Yf[%Al- Farabi Kazakh National University Vz0000000'Yf[!National University of Uzbekistan 00000ꁻl'Yf[CHAPINGO AUTONOMOUS UNIVESITY7University at Buffalo, the State University of New York 0000'Yf[f[0000000'Yf[0000000!h'University of California, Santa Barbara000]z'Yf[Kent State University 00000}T'Yf[Paulista State UniversityqgNS'Yf[ SVNAmk0Y00TS[1Agreement for International Art & Design Exchange-N.YSf[bCentral Academy of Fine Artsc:dk0Y00TS[ 00000}ioR'Yf[(Hochschule fr Musik und Theater Mnchen 000000000}i'Yf[7State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart 000'Yf[!hS'Yf[ 00000}i'Yf[-N.Y}if[bCentral Conservatory of Music 0000}ioR'Yf[.University of Music and Performing Arts ViennaSYeNAmI{k0Y00TS[ 00VzؚI{}i bConservatoire de ParisVsz}ibRoyal Academy of MusicSNAmTS[ n'Yf[Sf[b-Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University }iYeNAmk0Y00TS[0Agreement Regarding Exchanges in Music Education 000'Yf[!h}i'Yf[+College of Music, Seoul National University SYeNAmk0Y00TS[.Agreement Regarding Exchanges in Art EducationszS}ibRoyal Northern College of Music-International Art & Design Exchange Agreement000000000000000000000000000000!University for the Creative Arts 00000'Yf[Anadolu University 00000000000'Yf[Bauhaus University Weimar SYeNAmI{k0Y00TS[!International Exchange Agreement 0000000Vz}ib$The State Conservatory of Uzbekistan 000000000Vz'Yf[+Liechtenstein University of Applied Science 000000000 000S(N^\S'Yf[*The School of the Art Institute of Chicago Nwm}if[bShanghai Conservatory of Music000000000000000000S'Yf[6Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle 000000000S'Yf[&State Academy of Visual Arts Stuttgart(Agreement for International Art ExchangeVzSWSS'Yf[&Tainan National University of the Arts 00000000S'Yf[ Mimar Sinan Fine Arts UniversityeuS'Yf[Xinjiang Arts Institute VNAmk0Y00TS[-Agreement for International Exchange ProgramsӗVS}Tf[!h!Korea National University of ArtsDaegu University LPaper of Understanding for International Art, Design & Architecture Exchange0000S'Yf[University of the Arts London 00VzؚI{Sf[!h3 Ecole nationale suprieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris5Agreement for International Film & Animation Exchange ӗV f;u00000Korean Academy of Film Arts 00000S'Yf[Academy of Fine Arts in WroclawVSNAmTS[ 0000000000000Forum des images TS[k0Y00fMemorandum of Agreement 0000000S'Yf[LASALLE College of the Arts Griffith University ?Agreement for International Art, Design & Architecture Exchange000]y'Yf[Politecnico di MilanoCAgreement for International Exchange in Art, Design & Architecture 0000_(uS'Yf[!University of Applied Arts ViennaqgN]mi'Yf[~Agreement on Academic Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and National Science and Technology Development AgencyV[yf[bSzv^00NSTDA :National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA)%qgN]mi'Yf[h0T>ro]mi'Yf[h0n0n0f[SNAmSs0S}YTSROk0Y00TS[fAgreement for Academic Exchange, Friendship and Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Harbin Institute of Technology0000]mi'Yf[qgN]mi'Yf[h0n'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TafeAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan and Tsinghua University, ChinaqgN]mi'Yf[n'Yf['Yf[bT T00000TS[ft]f[xvzy0u}Tt]f[xvzy0>yOt]f[xvzy4Pge] z| Sf[] z| uiryf[NbS| Sf[] z| ;Sf[b lQqQ{tf[b lf[b Ne>yOyf[f[bDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Department of Biological Sciences and Biotechnology, School of Medicine, School of Public Pol< icy & Management, School of Law, School of Humanities and Social Sciences0000000000000>yOt]f[MasterqgN]mi'Yf[h0 NwmN'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TafqgN]mi'Yf[h0SN'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TafBeijing UniversityqgN]mi'Yf[h0[N'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00Taf]Agreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityqgN]mi'Yf[h0Ym_l'Yf[h0n0f[STSRk0Y00TS[fWAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Zhejiang UniversityqgN]mi'Yf[h0SNt]'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fcAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Beijing Institute of TechnologySNt]'Yf[Beijing Institute of TechnologyqAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and University of Science and Technology of ChinaqgN]mi'Yf[h0'Y#t]'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fcAgreement for Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Dalian University of TechnologynAgreement for Education and Scientific Cooperation between Tokyo Institute of Technology and Tongji UniversityVAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITYZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY]f[|xvzy0f[u}Tyf[xvzy$qgN'Yf[u#ubSxvz@bh0'Y#t]'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY 'Y#t]'Yf['Y#]f[b %qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0'Y#t]'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[zAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY! DALIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY {Memorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, and Dallian University of Technology Dallian University of Technology'Y#]f[b ('Y#t]'Yf[)! Dallian University of Technology f[SNAmk0Y00H0fAcademic Exchange Agreements -NVyf[bؚirtxvz@ba 5hb 56Liaoning Cancer Hospital and Liaoning Cancer Institute00000000000000000000Smolensk State Medical Academy0000000000000000000Cuban Neuroscience Center0000 0000'Yf[;Sf['Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University000yf[0000000000/e0t֊Ss0_(uRf[xvz@bIInstitute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Russia Academy of Science00000000]y'Yf[*zzf[9College of Aeronautics, Cranfield Institute of Technology n'Yf[4l)R4l] z|GDepartment of Hydraulic and Hydropower Engineering, Tsinghua University 0000'Yf[*zz[[xvz@b5Institute for Aerospace Studies, University of Tronto0000000'Yf[AmSORf[xvz@b6Institute for Fluid Mechanics, University of Karlsruhe ӗVؚI{yf[bSb]f[JCollege of Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology 000000Vz'Yf[]f[8Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore00000yf[00000irtPgebSxvz@bUResearch Institute for Technical Physics and Materials, Hungarian Academy of Sciences00000000000'Yf[]f[5Faculty of Engineering, University of New South Wales000yf[000000000irtxvz@bEInstitute of Plasma Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Chez Republic0000]y'Yf[_jh0u#u]f[RSchool of Mechanical and Production, Engineering, Nanyang Technological University00000]y'Yf[l]f[GFaculty of Electrical Engineering "Polytehnica" University of Bucharest -NVyf[bt֊irtxvz@b@The Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Science0000R]f[xvz@b]y'Yf[ R_jh]f[\Power Mechanical Engineering Faculty Moscow Power Engineering Institute Technical University00000]yL}n'Yf[Sf[0u}T]f[aFaculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, Budapest University of Technology and Economics1Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences 000000'Yf[]f[+College of Engineering, Syracuse University 00000'Yf[]f[-Faculty of Engineering, University of Trieste WSN*zz*)Y'Yf[_jf[bdCollege of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics 000]y'Yf[_jh]f[ISchool of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens0000Vz_(uxvz@b0000000xvz@bINational Nano Device Laboratories, National Applied Research Laboratories bGW('Yf[!h]f[/College of Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University 000000'Yf[]f[.University of Kentucky, College of Engineering000'Yf[]f[6George R. Brown School of Engineering, Rice University 0000000'Yf[f[*Faculty of Pharmacy, Semmelweis University00000yf[00000irtxvz@b/Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science000'Yf[0000000000xvz@b-James Franck Institute, University of Chicago0000]mi'Yf[{_jyf[] z|Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technokogy0000'Yf[0000000000000000000 00006Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of Londonm3W'Yf[yxQ2Scientific Research Department, Shenzen UniversitybGW('Yf[`1XObSxvz@bPInstitute of Information and Communication Technology, Sung Kyun Kwan University00000'Yf[_(uirtf[Pgeyf[xvz@bPInstitute of Materials Science, Faculty of Applied Physics, University of Twente000yf[00000OP[]f[xvz@bPInstitute of Radioengineering and Electronics (IRE), Russian Academy of Sciences WSN'Yf[P[yf[bS| 'Y'Yf[!h`1XO]f[6School of Computer and Communication, Taegu University00000005IHP-Innovations for High Performance microelectronicsVzyf[xvz@bVSOPge0000000xvz0000`Research Center of Condensed Materials and Nanosciences, National Center for Scientific Research -NVyf[bJS\SOxvz@b8Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences qgS'Yf[e:qgS]f[b !Northeast Institute of Technology000yf[00000VSOirtf[xvz@b=Institute of Solid State Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences 00000'Yf[Sf[y,Department of Chemistry, Columbia UniversityV000000000-N.Yxvz_ji00000xvz@bDaresbury Laboratory, Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councilse Ty Science and Technology Facilities Council, Daresbury Laboratorye Ty2007t^4g1e00 00001u'Yf[irtf[y0Department of Physics, Free University of Berlin0000]y'Yf[SP[8hirtxvz@bCResearch Institute of Nuclear Physics, Tomsk Polytechnic University00000'Yf[t]f[0Wt0tX]f[yDepartment of Earth and Environmental Engineering, Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Appried Science, Columbia UniversitySN'Yf[00yf[bSxvz0000>Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology, Peking University 00'Yf[ё^\]f[y;Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah000'Yf[ё^\0000xvz00003Mc Gill Metal Processing Center, Mc Gill University0000'Yf[ё^\0Pgeyf[yDDepartment of Metallurgy and Materials Science, University of Tronto000000000000000'Yf[VSOirtxvz@bBInstitute fr Festkrperphsik, Freidrich-Schiller-Universitt Jenacole de s Mines d'Albi-Carmaux000yf[000000000irtxvz@b6P.N. Lebedev Institute of Russian Acacemy of Sciences w%fIQf[|[_jhirtxvz@bVChangchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences P'Yf[Pgeyf[] zf[b?College of Material Science and Engineering, Huaqiao UniversityӗWS'Yf[!h000000Pgexvz@bRInstitute of Hybrid Materials for Information and Biotechnology, Hannam University -]'Yf[Pge] zf[b6College of Materials Engineering, Zhengzhou University< bGW('Yf[!h`1XO(ue_j'` }PgSs0] zxvz0000LAdvanced Materials & Process Research Center for IT, Sungkyunkwan University000yf[00000uiqg/eL}R6R_0000xvz@bdInstitute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Pgeyf[WyVzxvz@bSInstitute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Science of Ukraine0000000000>e\irtVzxvz@b;National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation PhysicsP}vfbwxvz@bInstitut fr Kristallzchtung 00000>e\IQxvz@b Sincrotrone Trieste, S. C. p. A. 00000'Yf[tf[)Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University0000yf[bS'Yf[00000000000AGeoscience Center, Mongolian University of Science and Technology^qgwlexvz@b Guangdong Institute of Ethnology000yf[0000000000/eV.N.00000hgxvz@b)V. N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS000#000`1XbSxvz@b4Ugora Research Institute of Information Technologies000yf[00000uiqg/eL}nxvz@bMEconomic Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Far Eastern Division VYeTSO(IIE)$Institute of International Education000#00qQTV00000Neyf[xvz@bcInstitute of Humanities, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russian Federation QS+^{'Yf[Sf[f[b:Mongolia Study Institute, Inner Mongolia Normal University ؚ'Yf[!h-NVf[xvz@b+Chinese Studies Institute, Korea Universityؚ'Yf[!he,gf[xvz00005Research Center of Japanese Studies, Korea University QS'Yf[Sf[f[b6School of Mongolian Studies, Inner Mongolia University00000xvz@bFinlay Institute q\L}n{ty^f[b(Shanxi Economic Management Cadre College  fS'Yf[!h#umibSxvzb@Institute of Industrial Technology, Changwon National University 000000000000000UCL)0peiryf[MAPS)NFaculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences(MAPS), University College London[ 0]miSVh0n0YeTSR00000ICI ECP 0k0J0D0f0[eY00 06qyf[ؚI{f[uYek0J0Q00EU-JapanVNAm00000INTERFACES 0n0f[uNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Student Exchange for "International exchange Programme for Advanced Students in Natural Sciences EU-Japan"(INTERFACES) under the Industrialised countries Instrument Education Cooperation Programme(ICI ECP)K0000000'Yf[0000 00000'Yf[000000 00000'Yf[000 00000000'Yf[000 0'Y*'Yf[e,g 0N'Yf[e,g University of Groningen(the Netherlands), Uppsala University(Sweden), Ruhr-University Bochum(Germany), Heidelberg University(Germany), Osaka University(Japan), Kyoto University(Japan) VbSbnj/cV5International Foundation of Technology and Investment[WYe'Yf[3e,gV[WYe'Yf[h00000000V00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fbMEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between Central Queensland University, Australia and Miyagi University00000000000000'Yf[Central Queensland University![WYe'Yf[h00000]z'Yf[h0n0f[uNc00000k0Y00TS[fPINTERNATIONAL AGREEMENT FOR A RECIPROCAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM BETWEEN MIYAGI0000]z'Yf[THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY'e,gV[WYe'Yf[h0'YӗlV'YYe'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f'YYe'Yf[!h&DAEGU NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION e,gV[WYe'Yf[h0-NVqgS+^{'Yf[h0n0YY!h}P}k0Y00TS[fqgS+^{'Yf[Northeast Normal University-e,gV[WYe'Yf[h00000qQTV00000YVN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f 00000YVN'Yf[!UNIVERSITY FOR FOREIGNERS PERUGIA00000'Yf[5NIVERSITY0OF0%SSEXy0u'Yf[Ҟ_l'Yf[Heilongjiang University(YeeSf[ Yef[xvzy ]f[njnf[ ]f[njnf[xvzy ;Sf[ ;Sf[|xvzy f[0xvzyn0P[j0W0-NWS'Yf[Central South University|[] zbS'Yf[Liaoning Technical University'Y#lef[bDalian Nationalities Universityeu;Sy'Yf[Xinjiang Medical University 00000;Sy'Yf[#Belarusian State Medical University00000 00000000]z'Yf[St. Cloud University00000'Yf[!h_ln'Yf[!hWIQ'Yf[!hWonkwang University 000000]y'Yf[yb'Yf[,Lunghwa University of Science and TechnologyVzSSyb'Yf[(National Taipei University of Technology0000'Yf[University of Twente 000N0O'Yf[*University of Transport and Communications -NV[uSN;SbEBeijin Hospital, Ministry of Health of the People's republic of China -Nyb'Yf[ Tn;Sf[bGTongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology 0000'Yf[f[+Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Cagliari 0000qirt]y'Yf[1Montana College of Mineral Science and Technology]f[njnf[ ]f[njnf[xvzy 0000yf[bS'Yf[-Missouri University of Science and Technology n'Yf[|[QhVN_jhf[|EFaculty of Precision Instruments and Mechanology, TsingHua Universityn'Yf[Sf[|,Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University 00000'Yf[]f[-Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University 0000'Yf[qq\f[%School of Mines, University of Zambia 0000'Yf[]f[+School of Engineering, University of Zambia 000000'Yf[]f[ENational Engineering Shool at Sfax, University of Sfax for the School00000000000'Yf[*Technical University Bergakademie FreibergVz_WS'Yf[HQzx'`Pgexvz@bMResearch Center for Advanced Magnetic Materials, Chungnam National Universityq\b_'Yf[ENef[0>yOeS0000xvzy00WWYeeSf[0Yef[xvzy0tf[0t]f[xvzy0;Sf[0;Sf[|xvzy0]f[0f[0f[|xvzy 0000'Yf[000000!hUniversity of Texas , Arlington000'Yf[University of TalcaFaculty of Agliculture 000000]z'Yf[_jiState University of New York000000]z'Yf[000000mi0bS'Yf[PState University of New York College of Agliculture and Technology at Cobleskill 00000Vz'Yf[Buryat State UniversityT>ro;Sy'Yf[;Sf[lS;Sy'Yf[Hebei Medical University Nn'Yf[!hInje UniversitySdqp;Sf[bNorth China Coal Mining College0000'Yf[University of Latvia0000000'Yf[Tallinn University'Y'Yf[!hDaegu UniversityP'Yf[Ming Chuan University 000000000'Yf[Charles Sturt University-Nq\'Yf[National Sun Yat-Sen University0000]z'Yf[Colorado State University000mi'Yf[Hanoi University of Agliculture 0000000000'Yf[University of Brunei Darussalam0000T>ro]mi'Yf[ 000V['Yf[6qyf['Yf[Hanoi University of Science00000'Yf[University of Oklahoma 0000000'Yf[Fort Lewis College^+^{'Yf[Guangxi Normal UniversityNef[hQWS'Yf[!hChonnam National UniversityNe'Yf[College of HumanitiesYVf[bUniversity of Foreign LanguagesS'Yf[Beihua University0WWYeeSf[00000'Yf[University of BcaharestsNf[Faculty oh Modern LanguageP'Yf[_(uef[bSchool of Applied Languages Ne>yOyf['Yf['College of Humanities & Social Sciencestf[6qyf['Yf[College of Natural Sciencesy^+^{'Yf[Fujian Normal UniversitySNgmi'Yf[Beijing Forestry Universitytf[bCollage of Nursing000000'Yf[Tomas Bata University  NwmN'Yf[;Sf[bShanghai Jiaotong University;Sf[bSchool of Medicine&North China Coolmining Medical College0000;Sy'Yf[[Y;Sf[bNingxia Medical CollegeHebei Medical University 0000'Yf[;Sf[&Uppsala University Faculty of Medicine TgS]f[b&Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology0000]z'Yf[000000!h"Texas State University, San MarcoslWS'Yf[Henan UniversitySf[S]f[b-College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 0000'Yf[000!hUniversity of Texas, Dallas-NVyf[bChinese Academy of SciencesSf[xvz@bLaboratory of chemistry< 0000000]y'Yf[3Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technologyqg'Yf[Donghua University 00000]yL}n'Yf[ Vz00000'Yf[/Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh CityUniversuty of Natural Sciences 0000Vz!q}P['Yf[/Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics000000 0000000'Yf[1Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-NurembergUniversity of Talcagf[Faculty of Forestry 0000000000'Yf[Lambung Mangkurat UniversityYm_lwmiyf[b)Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciencesy'Yf[College of Agriculture 00000000mi'Yf[%Sher-E-Bangla Agriculturel University000Vz'Yf[National University of Laos000-NVmi'Yf[China Agricultural University ߘTyf[h ]f[3College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering p}mi'Yf[ Shenyang Agricultural Universityf[b000000000000yf[bS'Yf[Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science000000000]y'Yf[0000!h9King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi,Thailand000'Yf[Visayas State University000000'Yf[Murawarman Universityy\'Yf[ 'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[SN+^{'Yf[Beijing Normal UniversitylS'Yf[Hebei UniversityYeh0f[Sn0NAmk0Y00TS[-NWSL}?el'Yf['Zhongnan University of Economic and Law0000000'Yf[00000!h"University of Wisconsin Eau Claire 0000000]z'Yf[!Middle Tennessee State University000000'Yf[University of VictoriaL}nL}Uf[^L}Uf[Faculty of Business0000V['Yf[000Ne>yOyf['Yf[CVietnam University, Hanoi College of Social Sciences and HumanitiesAgreement on Academic Exchange0000V['Yf[0006qyf['Yf[-Vietnam University, Hanoi College of ScienceUniversity of QueenslandӗVYV'Yf[!h$Hankuk University of Foreign Studies }vw'Yf[!h0}vweS'Yf[3Baekseok University and Baekseok Culture UniversityVzSS'Yf[National Taipei University000000'Yf[University of Stirling(W'Yf[0000'Yf[0000000!h#University of Alabama at Birmingham ]f[0t]f[xvzytf[0]f[;Schools of Engineering and Natural Sciences and Mathematics All Colleges_S'Yf[ 00000000000'Yf[Eastern Washington University000000'Yf[ f[0f[xvzy:Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture 00000e,g`1X]y'Yf[3Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technologytf[0]f[0t]f[xvzy 00000Vzmi'Yf[&Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina0000000000]z'Yf[00000!h University of Wisconsin-SuperiorWSNmi'Yf[Nanjing Agricultural University [N'Yf[_jh] zf[bXi!an Jiaotong University_jh] zf[b!School of Mechanical Engineering0000y'Yf[Bogor Agricultural University 000>yONeyf['Yf[JCollege of Social Sciences and Hnmanties,Vietnam National University-Hanoif[0'Yf[b:Faculty of Agriculture and School for Post-Graduate Study No'Yf[(Wuhan University of Science & Technology#*wmYn0'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[s^bt^^ 00 Vz'Yf[]0n0 &500000000 6 0'Yf[k0J0Q00YeQ[I{n09eirlgs^bt^^[>~ 00025 00000000000*e,gtP_j&500000000TS[500000XSMONcn0s0}0 0TS[n0Q[ 0g0XSMONcd 0+T04XT ~5 0000000000000000000000000000000  (000000000n0s0}0 0TS[n0Q[ 0g0000000000e 0+T04XT 500000 (-n b_Ka$50000000'Yf[ T 5Ka(TS[ T$50000000,vKbe'Yf[(5 000000000 ,TS[n0Q[(*)(5 000000000$'Yf[ 500000 :vKbe'Yf[wmY 65 0000000000000  FTS[k0We0O0f[uNAmB50000000000000000 'Yf[500000*[ah0Y00RΑ&500000000,[ah0Y00f[u(5 000000000 T[af[un0SeQ0>mcNpeP500000000000000000000    6S_g0M00f[MOn0.z^25 00000000000xbel0agN 5 &'Yf[ T"5000000(V00WW T$50000000 HSRf[0xvzy TD500000000000000   00000Vzqg mf['Yf[%MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY.qgN'Yf['Yf[b;Sf[|xvzy0;Sf[h00000'Yf[UpYTOh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 0000'Yf[;Sf[The University of Michigan 0000'Yf[Ye f[JqgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzy0qgN'Yf[>yOyf[xvz@bh00000'Yf[>yOyf[}Txvz@b00000'Yf[}TVxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Acvademic Exchange Between The Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology and The Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo and The Institute for Social Research and The International Institute,The University of Michigan0000'Yf[>yOyf[}Txvz@b0}TVxvz@b]The Institute for Social Research and The International Institute, The University of MichiganWS00000000W0000 WS0000000'Yf[f[qgN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f|AGREEMENT OF SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATIONAL AND CULTURAL COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND000000'Yf[<MARYLAND BIOTECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND00'Yf[tf[%College of Science,University of Utah%qgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[000000 h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[dAgreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Washington University in St.Louis!Washington University in St.LouisAGREEMENT FOR CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL, AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, USA AND THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND FACULTY OF MEDICINE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, JAPAN00000'Yf[;Sf[0000 ;Sf[;Sf[y 00000'Yf[Ye f['qgN'Yf[]f[|xvzyh000000'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND THE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA00000'Yf[]f[0000 iTHE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 0000'Yf[_(ut]f[ 0000'Yf[etf[&qgN'Yf[h00000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[fsAgreement for A Cooperative Exchange Program between The University of British Columbia and The University of TokyoUniversity of British Columbia0000000000000'Yf['Yf[bFU0L}Uf[xvzy 6qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0000'Yf[IQf[0000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fMemorundum on Student Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and the Centre for Optics,Photonics and Lasers, Laval University000'Yf[IQf[00000000000000008Centre for Optics,Photonics and Lasers, Laval UniversityIQf[0000000000000000&Centre for Optics,Photonics and LasersAgreement for Collaboration in Research, Education and Training Programmes between The University of Tokyo and Imperial College London 0000000000Imperial College of LondonMemorandum on Student Exchange between:School of Engineering, the Universi< ty of Tokyo and Faculty of Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine00000000000000LFaculty of Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and MedicineFaculty of Engineering, 9qgN'Yf[u#ubSxvz@bh0000000000000000 00000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND TANAKA BUSINESS SCHOOL, IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON0000000000 00000000000/Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[9Agreement on Academic Exchange with University of Warwick 00000'Yf[cs;S!hFRoyal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh!qgN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f^AN AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 00000000'Yf[University of Oxford!qgN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[fkAgreement for an exchange of graduate students between the University of Oxford and The University of TokyoqgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fXAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW00000'Yf[University of Glasgow qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f\AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHAMPTON 0000000'Yf[University of Southamptom+qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000000'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITYOF SHEFFIELD 0000000'Yf[]f[2FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITYOF SHEFFIELD+qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000000'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sheffield3Faculty of Engineering, The University of Sheffield-qgN'Yf[>yOyf[xvz@bh00000000'Yf[qg000f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between The Institute of Social Science of The University of Tokyo and The School of East Asian Studies of The University of Sheffield0000000'Yf[qg000f[?The School of East Asian Studies of The University of Sheffield qgN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[dAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC CO=OPERATION BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE 00000000'Yf[THE UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE,qgN'Yf[wm mxvz@bh00000000000'Yf[uirf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS AND THE OCEAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO0000000000'Yf[uirf[+SCHOOL OF BIOLOGY, UNIVERSITY OF ST ANDREWS0000'Yf[ADepartment of Geography and Business School, University of DurhamAGREEMENT OF CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION between THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, JAPAN and UNIVERSITY OF DURHAM, UK0000'Yf[0Wtf[ySs000000000J Durham Business School, the Department of Geography, University of Durham]f[|xvzy0eWuRbyf[xvzy0Wtf[ySs0000000004 Durham Business School, the Department of GeographyAgreement on Academic Exchange between The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo and Faculty of Science, University of Bristol 00000'Yf[tf[(University of Bristol Faculty of Science2qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzy0ef[h00000000'Yf[Nef[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement on Academic Exchang Between The Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology(Faculty of Letters),The Universuty of Tokyo and The Faculty of Humanities, The University of Manchester2qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzy0ef[h00000000'Yf[Nef[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[Memorandum on Student Exchang Between The Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology(Faculty of Letters),The Universuty of Tokyo and The Faculty of Humanities, The University of Manchester'qgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[00000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[lAGREEMENT FOR AN EXCHANGE PROGRAMME OF STUDENTS BETWEEN UNIVERSITY COLLGE LONDON AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO0000'Yf[000000000000t]f[4 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY COLLGE OF LONDONAgreement on Academic Exchange Between Graduate School of Economcis, the University of Tokyo and Department of Economic History, London School of Economics and Political Science0000'Yf[0000L}n0?elf['Yf[0London School of Economics and Political Science000]y'Yf[qgN'Yf[h00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[0000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h000ؚI{+^{f[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[00ؚI{+^{f[!hqgN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[00000'Yf[University of Bologna#qgN'Yf[>yOyf[xvz@bh0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between The Institute of Social Science of The University of Tokyo and The University of Milan000'Yf[The University of Milan/qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h0000'Yf[0000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN RESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND UNIVERSITY OF ROMA  TOR VERGATA 000'Yf[0000000 University of Roma  Tor Vergata %qgN'Yf[h0000'Yf[ 000000000 0h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[000'Yf[ 00000000 qg mxvzf[BqgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh00000f[SOpSf[irtN zxvz@b00000f[SOpirirtf[xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo; The Institute for Chemical and Physical Processes, The National Research Council; and The National Institute for the Physics of Matter, the National Research Council"0000f[SOpSf[irtN zxvz@b00000f[SOpirirtf[xvz@bInstitute for Chemical and Physical Processes, The National Research Council; and The National Institute for the Physics of Matter, the National Research CouncilqgN'Yf[h00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[xAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND VIENNA UNIVERSIT OF TECHNOLOGY0000]y'Yf[ VIENNA UNIVERSIT OF TECHNOLOGY(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f yMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Vienna University of TechnologyVienna University of Technology Vienna University of Technology'qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[STSRk0Y00TS[xAcademic Co-operation Agreement between School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and Graz University of Technology0000]y'Yf[ Graz University of Technology(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f yMemorandum on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo, and Graz University of TechnologyGraz University of Technology qgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fbAgreement on Academic Exchange between the University of Tokyo and the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 0000000'Yf[Rijksuniversiteit Groningen000'Yf[0000'Yf[Tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[OAgreement on Academic Exchange with Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb 0000'Yf[Tf[+Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb00000Agreement on Academic Exchange bet< ween The Graduate School of Frontier Sciences and School of Engineering The University of Tokyo and Andronikashvili Institute of Physicsqv|mshirtf[xvz@b%Andronikashjvili Institute of Physics0000qgN'Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0n0TSRk0Y00TS[00000'Yf[ qgN'Yf[h0000#]y'Yf[ETH)h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[mAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY(ETH)000#]y'Yf[000000ETH Zurich ,Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-ZurichnAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (ETH)+Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH)"]f[|xvzy0f[u}Tyf[xvzy0L}nf[xvzy0eWuRbyf[xvzy000#]y'Yf[000000ETH ETH, Zurich000#]y'Yf[000000!hETHZ %qgN'Yf[h0000#]y'Yf[-00000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[rAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY -LAUSANNE000#]y'Yf[000000Swiss Federal Institute of Technology - LausanneuAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE SWISS FEDERAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY-LAUSANNE/ Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Lausanne]f[|xvzy0u#ubSxvz@b000#]y'Yf[00000EPFL 000000'Yf[6qyf[f[0L}nf[BThe University of Zurich, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics(Faculty of Science, Faculty of Economics 000000y'Yf[+Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences#qgN'Yf[h00000000sz]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[nAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation Between The Univeristy of Tokyo and Kungliga Tekniska Hogskolan 0000000sz]y'Yf[Royal Institute of Technology`AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND ROYAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh00000000sz]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fwMemorundum on Student Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and Kungl Tekniska HogskolanKungl Tekniska Hogskolan,qgN'Yf['Yf[bL}nf[xvzyh00000000sz]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fyMemorandum of Student Exchange between Graduate School of Economics, the University of Tokyo and Kungl Tekniska HogskolanL}nf[#umi]f[L}U%Industrial Engineering and Management0000000sz]y'Yf[KTH 6qgN'Yf['Yf[bL}nf[xvzyh00000000000000000000000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f}Agreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Ecnomics, the University of Tokyo and Stockholm School of Economics0000000000000000000000Stockholm School of EconomicsqgN'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[WAgreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Stockholm University)qgN'Yf[]f[|'Yf[bxvzyh0000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[{Agreement onAcademic Exchange between School of Engineering, the Univerisity of Tokyo and Chalmers Univeristy of Technology 000000]y'Yf[!Chalmers Univeristy of Technology)qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fzMemorandum on Student Exchange betweenSchool of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Chalmers University of Technology000000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[RAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND LUND UNIVERSITY000'Yf[LUND UNIVERSITY000'Yf[h0qgN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[RAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN LUND UNIVERSITY AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO'FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, LUND UNIVERSITY-qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh00000]y'Yf[IQf[xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and School of Engineering, Lulea University of Technology 0000]y'Yf[]f[xvzy?School of Engineering, Lulea University of TechnologySchool of Engineering000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[;Agreement on Academic Exchange with University of Ljubljana 0000000'Yf[F0000000'Yf[uir]f[0^{f[0l]f[0000000`1Xyf[0W(g,n0Wf[0Sf[bSf[0wm N8f[0_jh]f[06qyf[ 000000'Yf[ef[0Tf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[jAgreement on Academic Exchange with Faculty of Philology and Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade000000'Yf[ef[0Tf[CFaculty of Philology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade 0000000'Yf[tf[,University of Copenhagen, Faculty of ScienceyAgreement on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Technical Univeristy of DenmarkTechnical Univeristy of DenmarkyMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Technical University of Denmark Technical University of Denmark(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh00000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[wTHE AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND UNIVERSITT KARLSRUHE(TH) 0000000'Yf[UNIVERSITT KARLSRUHEuMemorandum on Student Exchange between school of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and the Universat Karlsruhe(TH)Universat Karlsruhethe Universat Karlsruhe qgN'Yf[h000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[^AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART 00000000'Yf[THE UNIVERSITY OF STUTTGART^Agreement on Academic Exchange between The University of Tokyo and The University of StuttgartUniversity of StuttgartHqgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzy(e,gV h0000000'Yf[000000000000000xvz@b000#qQTV h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[THE AGREEMENT FOR CULTURAL, EDUCATIONAL AND SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, JAPAN AND INSTITUTE FOR MICROSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITY FREIBURG, GERMANY000000'Yf[00000000]f[yRINSTITUTE FOR MICROSYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY, ALBERT-LUDWIGS-UNIVERSITY FREIBURG, GERMANY,qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzyh000000'Yf[eSf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 00000'Yf[eSf[@qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0000000000'Yf[0000IQf[0ϑP[00000000xvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 00000000'Yf[Aligarh Muslim UniversityVzSSYe'Yf['National Taipei University of EducationYef[0Yef[xvzy0 ;Sf[Yef[0tf[(College of Education, College of Scienceܑq\Vz'Yf['Y#;Sy'Yf[Dalian Medical UniversityWy;Sf[#Colleges of Basic Medical Sciences-Lunghwa University of Science and Technology Yef[0>yO`1Xf[0 ]f[xvzy)_jh]f[0P[0`1X]f[ 00000000f[0Ne0 >yOyf[0YVf[National Chung Hsing University000yf['Yf[Indian Institute of Science 000000'Yf['Yf[bf[)Graduate Program, University of Indonesia0000000Vz'Yf[000xvzf[,Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies30WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^V}Tf[^NLuL}nYN'Yf[)University of World Economy and Diplomacy 000000VzYV'Yf[.Samarkand State Institute of Foreign LanguagesT0WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0N}Tyf[xvzyNLueSz#uf[\;e0Sxvzy0S\f[0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^ 00000Vz'Yf[%Gumilyov Eurasian National University000000E0WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0u}TtXyf[xvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^0uirnjnf[^000Vz'Yf[$Al-Farabi Kazakh National University80WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0Ne0eSf[(Ne< f[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^)0V}Tf[^ 000L}n'Yf[00Kazakh Economic University0000Vz'Yf[-Kyrgyz National University of Jusup Balasagyn40WWxvzxvzy0Ne>yOyf[xvzy0Nef[^0Nf[^0keSf[^0e,g0e,geSf[^0V}Tf[^000000qQTVyf[0000001Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan000000 00000000000'Yf[Russian-Tajik Slavic University 0000VzVf(National Library of Vietnam NuSYVYexOb4Gyeonggi-do Institute for Foreign Language Education 00000^yf[bS@\<Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology (DOST)Q{lbS'Yf[2Q{lbSwg'Yf[h0000000]y'Yf[k0^\Y0000000~]y'Yf[h0n0YY!h6Rn0 Tak0Y00N,[General Declaration for the establishment of an agreement for a sister institution relationship between The National Technical Institute for the Deaf, a college of Rochester Institute of Technology, and Tsukuba College of Technology000000]y'Yf[eVz~]y'Yf[QThe National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester Institute of Technology!Q{lbSwg'Yf[h0000000]z'Yf[000000!hh0n0n0 Taf_Agreement between the State University of New York at Buffalo and Tsukuba College of Technology000000]z'Yf[000000!h'3TATE05NIVERSITY0OF0New York at Buffalo"Q{lbSwg'Yf[h0000000000'Yf[000 i3s3h0n0 Taf]Agreement between Tsukuba College of Technology and Johannes Kepler University of Linz, i3s3'000000000'Yf[000 0['Yf[u/ec'Yf[qQ T`1X0000_ji(*ohannes Kepler University of Linz, i3s3Q{lbSwg'Yf[h0)Y%mt]'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[k0Y00TS[fvAgreement between Technical College for the Deaf, Tianjin Univwersity of Technology0and Tsukuba College of Technology )Y%mt]'Yf[0~]f[bBTechnical College for the Deaf, Tianjin Univwersity of Technology0Q{lbSwg'Yf[h0SN#T'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[k0Y00TS[fhAgreement between 3Pecial Education College, Beijing Union University0and Tsukuba College of Technology SN#T'Yf[eyrkYef[b33Pecial Education College, Beijing Union UniversityQ{lbSwg'Yf[h0w%f'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[k0Y00TS[fdAgreement between Special Education College, Changchun University0and Tsukuba College of Technology w%f'Yf[eyrkYef[b0/Special Education College, Changchun University$Vz'Yf[lNQ{lbS'Yf[h0VzӗVQ;myIy'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement for Academic Cooperation Between National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology and Korea National College of Rehabilitation and Welfare  VzӗVQ;myIy'Yf[6 Korea National College of Rehabilitation and Welfare $Vz'Yf[lNQ{lbS'Yf[h0ӗV000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmTS[k0Y00TS[frAgreement between Korea Nazarene University and National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology ӗV000'Yf[Korea Nazarene University$Vz'Yf[lNQ{lbS'Yf[h00000000'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[fkAgreement between Gallaudet University and National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology 0000000'Yf[Gallaudet University !Vz'Yf[lNQ{lbS'Yf[h0,.-N]'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[fkAgreement between Zhongzhou University and National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology-N]'Yf[Zhongzhou University)Vz'Yf[lNQ{lbS'Yf[h000000000]z]y'Yf[h0n0'Yf[NAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement between Bauman Moscow State Technical University and National University Corporation Tsukuba University of Technology00000000]z]y'Yf[)Bauman Moscow State Technical University [['Yf[)e,gV[['Yf[h0-NNlqQTVYm_lwYm_l]f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[bAgreement of Academic Exchange between Zhejiang University of Technology and Utsunomiya UniversityYm_l]mi'Yf[!Zhejiang University of Technology[['Yf[h000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement of Academic Exchange between Kasetsart University and Utsunomiya University00000'Yf[[['Yf[h0_e'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[QAgreement of Academic Exchange between Fudan University and Utsunomiya University [['Yf[h000000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[SAgreement of Academic Exchange between Victria University and Utsunomiya University00000'Yf[Victoria University[['Yf[h0eyf'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement of Academic Exchange between Sangmyung University and Utsunomiya Universityeyf'Yf[!hSangmyung University+[['Yf[h0000000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[hAgreement of Academic Exchange between University of Northern British Columbia and Utsunomiya University000000000000000000'Yf['University of Northern British Columbia[['Yf[h0P[yb'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[yAgreement of Academic Exchange between University of Electronic Science and Technology of China and Utsunomiya UniversityP[yb'Yf[8University of Electronic Science and Technology of China8[['Yf[h00000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[vAgreement of Academic Exchange between Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and Utsunomiya University!000000000000000000000000000000'Yf[4Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberge,g[['Yf[h0-NVYm_l'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[TAgreement of Academic Exchange between Zhejiang University and Utsunomiya University!e,g[['Yf[h0-NVYm_l+^{'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[[Agreement of Academic Exchange between Zhejiang Normal University and Utsunomiya UniversityYm_l+^{'Yf[Zhejiang Normal University,Vz[['Yf[h00000000]z'Yf[0000000!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement of Academic Exchange between California State University,Los Angels and Utsunomiya University0000000]z'Yf[000000!h&California State University,Los Angels"e,g[['Yf[h0-NVQSmi'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement of Academic Exchange between Inner Mongolia Agricultural University and Utsunomiya UniversityQSmi'Yf[&Inner Mongolia Agricultural University"e,g[['Yf[h0'YӗlV\]'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[[Agreement of Academic Exchange between Sangju National University and Utsunomiya University\]'Yf[!hSangju National University[['Yf[h00000y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[nAgreement of Academic Exchange between Bogor Agricultural University,Indonesia and Utsunomiya University,Japane,g[['Yf[h0-NV[l'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[RAgreement of Academic Exchange between Ningbo University and Utsunomiya UniversityNingbo University[['Yf[h0VzS~n+^{'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[SNAmTafbAgreement of Academic Exchange between National Taiwan Normal University and Utsunomiya UniversityVzS~n+^{'Yf[!National Taiwan Normal Universitye,g[['Yf[h0-NV/n'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[\Agreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Hong Kong and Utsunomiya UniversityThe University of Hong Kong[['Yf[h0Vz?el'Yf[h0n0'Yf[f[SNAmTaf]Agreement of Academic Exchange between National Chengchi University and U< tsunomiya University(e,gV[['Yf[h0000qQTVz00000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[^Agreement of Academic Exchange between Palacky University in Olomouc and Utsunomiya University00000'Yf[Palacky University in Olomouc$e,gV[['Yf[h00000VzNe'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[]Agreement of Academic Exchange between University of the Humanities and Utsunomiya University0000Ne'Yf[University of the Humanities(e,gV[['Yf[h000000000V000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[XAgreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Dhaka and Utsunomiya University$e,gV[['Yf[h00000Vzmi'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[jAgreement of Academic Exchange between Mongolian State University of Agriculture and Utsunomiya University$e,gV[['Yf[h0'YӗlV)Y[^'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[YAgreement of Academic Exchange between Cheonan Yonam University and Utsunomiya University)Y[^'Yf[Cheonan Yonam University0e,gV[['Yf[h00000TFV000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmSs0TSRO2k0Y00TS[fAn Initial Agreement for Promoting Educational Exchange and Cooperation between The University of North Dakota and Utsunomiya University000000'Yf[University of North Dakota([['Yf[e,g h000000'Yf[0000 h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ZAgreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Orleans and Utsunomiya University00000'Yf[The University of Orleans![['Yf[h0000]y'Yf[h0n0eS0Ye0yf[bSTSRk0Y00TS[[Memorandum of Understanding between Asian Institute of Technology and Utsunomiya University[['Yf[h0hQS'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[\Agreement of Academic Exchange between Chonbuk National University and Utsunomiya University"[['Yf[h000000'Yf[t]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[nAgreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Joensuu,Faculty of Science, and Utsunomiya University00000'Yf[University of Joensuu [['Yf[h0vaS'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[^Agreement of Academic Exchange between Utsunomiya University and Kyungpook National University[['Yf[Vf[h0000'Yf[L}nf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[UAgreement of Academic Exchange between University of Habana and Utsunomiya University000'Yf[University of Habana$[['Yf[Vf[h0VzfWSV'Yf[Nef[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTafAgreement of Academic Exchange between College of Humanities, National Chi Nan University and Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya UniversityVzfWSV'Yf[National Chi Nan University-[['Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0qg'Yf[tXyf[N] zf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Environmental Science and Engineering of Donghua University and Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering of Utsunomiya University1[['Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0yb'Yf[0] zf[bSs0njf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Engineering and College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Lunghwa University of Sceince and Technology and Faculty of Engineering and Graduate School of Engineering of Utsunomiya University([['Yf[Vf[h0ܑva'Yf[!hNe>yOyf['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between The College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pukyong Narional University, Korea and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, Japan,[['Yf[Vf[h0000000Vz'Yf[VNR@\h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between The Internarional Office, Irkutsk State Linguistic University, Russia and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, Japan 000000Vz'Yf[#Irkutsk State Linguistic University:[['Yf['Yf[bf[xvzyh000000000]y'Yf[00000!huirnjn]f[xvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Academic Exchange Agreement between School of Bioresources and Technology King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand and Guraduate School of Agriculture of Utsunomiya University, Japan00000000]y'Yf[00000!h0King Mongkut's University of Technology,Thonburi%[['Yf[Vf[h00000'Yf[Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between The Foreign Languages College, Quqihar University, China and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, JapaneeT\'Yf[Qiqihar University0[['Yf[000000Yexvz0000h00000'Yf[IQyf[f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona, and Center for Optical Research and Education, Utsunomiya University0000'Yf[The University of Arizona&[['Yf[Vf[h000000'Yf[Nef[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Damascus University, Syria and Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University, Japan00000'Yf[Damascus University000%[['Yf[Vf[h0WSmi'Yf[Nef[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Humanities, South China Agricultural University and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya UniversityWSmi'Yf[#South China Agricultural University/[['Yf[Vf[h0000000000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00NcYuf[00000k0Y00TS[fMemorandum of Agreement for a Student Exchange Programme between University of Central Lancashire and Faculty of Agriculture of Utsunomiya University, Japan000000000000'Yf[ University of Central Lancashire)[['Yf[f[h0Ym_lwmiyf[b\ugrcs;Sxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science and The Faculty of Agriculture, Utsunomiya UniversityYm_lwmiyf[b\ugrcs;Sxvz@b]Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Science5[['Yf[Vf[h00000000000000'Yf[Neyf[0>yOyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between The Faculty of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University0000000000000'Yf[Pontificia Catholic University%[['Yf[Vf[h0VzSS'Yf[Nef[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between College of Humanities, National Taipei University and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University&[['Yf[Vf[h0000'Yf[?el>yOf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement of Academic Exchange between The Faculty of Political and Social Science, University of Colima, and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University000'Yf[University of ColimaD[['Yf[]f[0]f[xvzyh0|[yb'Yf[_jhL zNRSf[b0P[NOo`L zf[b0Pgeyf[NL zf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[JAgreement of Academic Exchange between The School of Mechanical&Automation Engineering, The School of Electronics&Information Engineering, The School of Material Science&Engineering, University of Science&Technology Liaoning, P.R.of China and The Faculty of Engineering&Graduate School of Engineering, Utsunomiya University. Japan|[yb'Yf[-University of Science and Technology Liaoning [['Yf[Vf[h0000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[wAgreement of Academic Exchange between Hanoi University and The Faculty of International Studies, Utsunomiya University000'Yf[Hanoi Universitye,g-000000000000000000000]y'Yf[ sAgreement for the Twinning Program between The Japanese Universities Consortium and Hanoi University of Technology _jh]f[\;e Major of Mechanical Engineering]f['Yf[L}Uf[ ]f[9Faculty of < Business Administration Faculty of Engineering 0000000'Yf[Glyndwr University000'Yf[City University 0000000'Yf[University of Padjadjaran 0000000000'Yf[Seattle Pacific UniversityhQWSVz'Yf[0000xvz00003Hormon Research Center, Chonnam National University000'Yf[University of Ottawa;Sf[|xvzyFaculty of Medicine]f[xvzyFaculty of EngieeringThe University of Washington 0000000'Yf[University of Sunderland>yO`1Xf[Ye0>yOf[ Faculty of Education and Society^'Yf[College of Life Sciencesl3S]f[b)Shenyang Institute of Chemical TechnologyPge]f[+School of Materials Science and Engineering000000'Yf[University of Florence Yef[0>yO`1Xf[ eTf[0?elf[4Faculty of Letters and Pilosophy Faculty of Politics000000'Yf[Macquarie University ef[0L}U0L}nf[1Faculty of Arts Faculty of Business and Economicsqgwm'Yf[Tunghai UniversityCollege of Arts]WS'Yf[Yeungnam UniverityYef[0>yO`1Xf[0]f[Ye f[0FUmi0L}nf[0 ]f[PCollege of Liberal Arts College of Commerce and Economics College of Engineering000000000000'Yf["The University of British Colombia000'Yf[Sabana University00000SR'Yf[%North China Electric Power Universityl0P[]f[.Electrical and Electronical Engineering School00000Vzꁻl'Yf[0000!h0The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua000000W-Nwm'Yf[00000'Yf[a! .University of the Mediterranean Aix-Marsille a!Sf[0Sf[]f[Gadjah Mada University_l'Yf[!hSogang University^N'Yf[!hYonsei University)Y%m'Yf[Tianjin Universityܑq\'Yf[!hlQ]Vz'Yf[!hKongju National University 00000000'Yf[Simon Bolivar University00000-N.Y'Yf[!h Chung-Ang University 0000]y'Yf[ Institut Teknologi Bandung000?elf[b $Institut d tudes Politiques de Lyonc]'Yf[Yangzhou University 000ؚI{+^{f[!h5Ecole normale suprieure Lettres et sciences humaines-NV>yOyf[b"Chinese Academy of Social Sciences000000'Yf[Syracuse UniversityVz-N'Yf[FSirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University00000_(uyf['Yf[Wf[>Faculty of Horticulture, University of Applied Science DresdenWf[Faculty of HorticultureVzS~n'Yf[lQqQ[uf[b00q\qgmi'Yf[00!Shandong Agricultural University Shandong Agricultural UniversityYm_l]FU'Yf[e,geSxvz@b00DInstitute of Japanese Culture Studies, Zhejiang Gongshang University 0000'Yf[]f[,Faculty of Engineering, University of Trento00000000000'Yf[%Nizhny Novgorod linguistic university 000000]y'Yf[KThe College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, Rochester Institute of TechnologySyf[(The College of Imaging Arts and SciencesQAgreement for Establishment of International Consortium and Collaboration Program(Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology 000000'Yf[ Diponegoro UniversityUniversity of UdayanaqgN'Yf[,yrkn0 Tyj0W0(u 000000000VS}~YTOqgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[000000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[kAgreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur000]y'Yf[000000!h(Indian Institute of Technology KharagpurqgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[00000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement on academic exchange between TheUniversity of Tokyo and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur 000]y'Yf[00000!h%Indian Institute of Technology KanpurqgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Indian Institute of Technology Delhi 000]y'Yf[000!h$Indian Institute of Technology DelhiqgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[0000!hh0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[gAgreement on academic exchange between TheUniversity of Tokyo and Indian Institute of Technology Madras 000]y'Yf[0000!h%Indian Institute of Technology Madras&qgN'Yf[wm mxvz@bh0000Vzwm mxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE OCEAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO, JAPAN AND THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY, GOA, INDIA 000Vzwm mxvz@b.NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF OCEANOGRAPHY, GOA, INDIA(qgN'Yf[qg meSxvz@bh000000'Yf[tkSf[yh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 00000'Yf[tkSf[yUniversity of Calcu000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h0000000'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f_Agreement of Academic Exchange between The University of Tokyo and The University of Indonesia The University of Indonesia 00000'Yf[f[Padjaran University0000]y'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[]agreement on academic exchange between the university of tokyo and Institut Teknologi Bandung0000]y'Yf[Mulawarman UniversityӗVYV'Yf[!hqg m'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[iAgreement on Academic Exchange with College of Oriental Languages, Hakuk University of Foreign Languages ӗVYV'Yf[!hqg m'Yf[ECollege of Oriental Languages, Hakuk University of Foreign Languages ӗVYV'Yf[!hqg m'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fjMemorandum on Student Exchange with College of Oriental Languages, Hakuk University of Foreign Languages }TeSxvzy0Ye f[DCollege of Oriental Languages, Hakuk University of Foreign Languages3qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0ӗVyx[bSb]y'Yf[/u}Tyf[bS'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE & BIOENGINEERING KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYӗVyf[bSb]y'Yf[/u}Tyf[bS'Yf[HTHE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE & BIOENGINEERING7qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0 ӗVyx[bSb]y'Yf[/u}Tyf[bS'Yf[ h0n0k0J0Q00 f[uNAmk0Y00f MEMORANDUM ON STUDENT EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY}THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY]f[|xvzyӗVyf[bSxvzb]y'Yf[0u}Tyf[bS'Yf[~ THE COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, THE COLLEGE OF LIFE SCIENCE AND BIOENGINEERING KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY,qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0ӗVyf[bSb6qyf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and the College of Natural Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ӗVyf[bSb6qyf[NCollege of Natural Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology ӗVؚI{yf[bpef["Korea Institute for Advanced Study(qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0"o}'Yf[^{'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECCTURE=HANYANG UNIVERSITY "o}'Yf[^{'Yf[b2KOREA ADVANCED INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY)qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0"o}gf[^{'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f Memorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo and Graduate School of Architecture, Hanyang University3Graduate School of Architecture, Hanyang University4 Graduate School of Architecture, Hanyang University;qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h0^]yf[bSbtX000000ebSxvz0000h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE AND COOPERATION BETWEENRESEARCH CENTER FOR ADVANCED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND ADVANCED ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING< RESEARCH CENTER GWANGJU INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYIQ]yf[bSbtX000000ebSxvz0000]Advanced Environmental Monitoring Research Center Gwangju Institute of Science and TechnologyqgN'Yf[h0ؚ'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[qgN'Yf[h0bGW('Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[aAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE UNIVERSITY OF SUNGKYUNKWANHE UNIVERSITY OF SUNGKYUNKWAN2qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzy0ef[h0bGW('Yf[!hQf[0qg mf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ bGW('Yf[!hQf[0qg mf[qgN'Yf[h0000'Yf[!hh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmTS[.qgN'Yf['Yf[blf[?elf[xvzyh0Vz000'Yf[!hly'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[f\Agreement on academic exchange between The University of Tokyo and Seoul National University ;Sf[|xvzy ;Sf[College of Medicine2College of Engineering, Seoul National University;]y'Yf[College of Engineering, +qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzy000'Yf[!h6qyf[x['Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fMemorundum on Student Exchange between Graduate School of Science, the University of Tokyo and College of Natural Sciences, Seoul Nationall University 000'Yf[!h6qyx['Yf[9College of Natural Sciences Seoul Nationall Universitytf[|xvzy6qyx['Yf[College of Natural Sciences 6qgN'Yf['Yf[b`1Xf[t0f[`1Xf[^h0000'Yf[!h>yOyf['Yf[֊`1Xf[yh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00f-International Agreements on Academic Exchangef[`1Xf[^ >yOyf['Yf[0֊`1Xf[y7College of Social Sciences, Department of Communication 000'Yf[!hNe'Yf[*qgN'Yf[u#ubSxvz@bh0ܑq\'Yf[!h_jhbSxvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY, PUSAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ܑq\'Yf[!h_jhbSxvz@bFResearch Institute of Mechanical Technology, Pusan National University*qgN'Yf['Yf[bNe>yO|xvzyh0ܑq\'Yf[!hNe'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ ܑq\'Yf[!hNe'Yf[*qgN'Yf[wm mxvz@bh0ܑva'Yf[!hwm myf[qQ Txvz@bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN OCEAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND KOREA INTER-UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF OCEAN SCIENCE PUKYONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITYܑva'Yf[!hwm myf[qQ Txvz@bMKOREA INTER-UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF OCEAN SCIENCE PUKYONG NATIONAL UNIVERSITY ܑva'Yf[!htXwm m'Yf[XPukyong National UniversityCollege of Environmental and Marine Sciences and Technology ܑva'Yf[!h4l#uyf['Yf[:Pukyong National UniversityCollege of Fisheries Sciences #qgN'Yf[]f[|xvzyh0^N'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement onAcademic Cooperation between GraduateSchool of Engineering, the Univerisity of Tokyo and College od Engineering, Yonsei Univeristy^N'Yf[!h]f[ Qg/c^\u#uyf[bLNational Institute of Animal Science of the Rural Development Administration$qgN'Yf[h0000000Vz'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmSs0TSRk0Y00TS[Agreement for Academic Exchange and Cooperation between The University of Tokyo and The National University of Singapore0hQf[TS[0@\f $The National University of SingaporelQqQ?eV{f[Ye00000000lQqQ?eV{'Yf[bPLee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (LKY-SPP), National University of Singapore000000Vz'Yf[Ne>yOyf[000000Vz'Yf[RP[0}ހuirf[xvz@b 0000]y'Yf[]f[6qgN'Yf['Yf[bYef[xvzyh00000]y'Yf[VzYef[b000000 h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on academic exchange between Graduate School of Education,The University of Tokyo and National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University(Singapore)0000]y'Yf[VzYef[bANational Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University 00000'Yf[cs;Sf[JUniversity of PeradeniyaFaculty of Veterinary Science and Animal Science 0000'Yf[qgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ `AGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE between THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO and ASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYASIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGYqgN'Yf[h0000]y'Yf[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[aAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE 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UniversityqgN'Yf[h0VzN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[faAgreement on Academic Exchange between the University of Tokyo and National Chiao Tung UniversityqgN'Yf[h0VzN'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00TS[faMemorundum on Student Exchange between the University of Tokyo and National Chiao Tung University0qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzye,g h0VzN'Yf[tf[S~n h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fMemorundum of Cooperation between the School of Science, University of Tokyo, Japan and the College of Science, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan VzN'Yf[tf[:The College of Science, National Chiao Tung UniversityAqgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0VzN'Yf[tf[00000000yf[0l0000000]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00ffMemorandum on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and College of Science, College of Computer Science, Collego of Electorical and Computer Engineering, National Chiao Tung University!VzN'Yf[tf[00000000yf[0_j0000000]f[#qgN'Yf[u#ubSxvz@bh0Vzn'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fMEMORANDUM ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL SCIENCE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, NATIONAL TSING HUA UNIVERSITY Vzn'Yf[]f[b5College of Engineering, National Tsing Hua University+qgN'Yf[HQzyf[bSxvz0000h0VzbR'Yf[]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00f VzbR'Yf[]f[6College of Engineering, National Cheng Kung UniversityMemorandum on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and College of Electorical Engineering, and Computer Scinece, National Cheng Kung University VzbR'Yf[l`1X]f[XCollege of Electorical Engineering, and Computer Scinece, National Cheng Kung UniversityVz?el'Yf[tkSf[|h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fWMemorandum on Student Exchange with Department of History, National Chengchi University Vz?el'Yf[tkSf[|3Department of History, National Chengchi University}TeSxvzy,qgN'Yf['Yf[bf[u}Tyf[xvzySs0wm mxvz@bh0VzS~nwm m'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00fMEMORANDUM ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN GRADUATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURALAND LIFE SCIENCES AND OCEAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND THE NATIONAL TAIWAN OCEAN UNIVERSITY NATIONAL TAIWAN OCEAN UNIVERSITY+qgN'Yf[]f[|xvz<yh0S~nyb'Yf[-f[0]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00ffMemorandum on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and College of Design and College of Engineering, National Taiwan University of Scinece and TechnologyVzS~nyb'Yf[-f[e]f[c College of Design and College of Engineering, National Taiwan University of Scinece and TechnologyqgN'Yf[h0VzS~n'Yf[h0n0f[SNAmk0Y00TS[\Agreement on academic exchange between TheUniversity of Tokyo and National Taiwan University,qgN'Yf['Yf[btf[|xvzyh0Vz-N.Y'Yf[0Wtyf[f[bh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[fAgreement on Academic Exchange between School of Science, the University of Tokyo and College of Earth Sciences, National Central University Vz-N.Y'Yf[0Wtyf[f[b6College of Earth Sciences, National Central University Vz-Nck'Yf[]f[萡AGREEMENT OF ACADEMIC COOPERATION BETWEEN THE FACULTY AND GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE, THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, TAIPEI MEDICAL UNIVERSITY SS;Sf['Yf[;Sf[Taipei Medical University0qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0SSyf[bS'Yf[-f[0]f[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00ffMemorandum on Academic Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and College of Design and Colloge of Engineering, National Taipei Univerisity of TechnologySSyf[bS'Yf[-f[0]f[X College of Design and Colloge of Engineering, National Taipei Univerisity of Technology&qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0]mibSxvzbh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[Agreement onAcademic Exchange between School of Engineering, the Univerisity of Tokyo and Industrial Technology Research Institute]mibSxvzb(Industrial Technology Research InstituteVz?el'Yf[S~nSxvzyh0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00fcAgreement on Academic Exchange with Graduate School of Taiwan History, National Chengchi University Vz?el'Yf[S~nSxvzy?Graduate School of Taiwan History, National Chengchi University Vz-N'Yf[cs;Sf[b?College of Veterinary Medicine, National Chung Hsing UniversityVz-N'Yf[mi6qnjnf[bMCollege of 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qgN'Yf[]f[|xvzyh0͑va'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[}Agreement onAcademic Exchange between GraduateSchool of Engineering, the Univerisity of Tokyo and The University of ChongqingThe University of Chongqing p}y'Yf[%qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0[N'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[rAgreement on Academiv Echange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy Xi'an Jiaotong Univeristy%qgN'Yf['Yf[b]f[|xvzyh0[N'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[uNAmk0Y00fsMemorandum on Student Exchange between School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo and Xi'an Jiaotong UniversityqgN'Yf[h0n'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[VAGREEMENT ON ACADEMIC EXCHANGE BETWEEN THE UNIVERSITY OF TOKYO AND TSINGHUA UNIVERSITYTsinghua Univeristy]f[|xvzy0`1Xt]f[|xvzy0`1Xf[tqgN'Yf[h0Ym_l'Yf[h0n0k0J0Q00f[SNAmk0Y00TS[ 0000000mi'Yf["Bangladesh Agricultural University)Y%mt]'Yf[uirSf[] zf[bGSchool of Bio and Chemical Engineering,Tianjin University of Technology0000]z'Yf[00000!h Montana State University-Bozeman lS]mi'Yf[tf[bHebei 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