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Home > Policy > White Paper, Notice, Announcement > White Paper > JAPAMESE GOVERNMENT POLICIES IN EDUCATION,SCIENCE AND CULTURE 1990 > PART1 Chapter4 6 3

PART 1 Issues and Perspectives ofHigher Education
Chapter 4 Higher Education in Other Countries
6 The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
3 Rigorous Courses of Study; and the Securing of Quality Teachers and Researchers

The length of the undergraduate course is usually five years, while some courses last for four or six years.

The curriculum of each course comprises general education subjects and specialized education subjects. General education subjects are limited to subjects in the social sciences and the humanities. The number of hours devoted to these subjects accounts for about 15% of the total classroom hours. Specialized education subjects may be classified into two groups: common basic subjects to be learned by all students enrolled in a particular field and different specialized subjects to be learned by students specializing in a particular specialty in the field.

Formerly, each institution of higher education required students to study a set of specialized subjects, and accordingly almost all specialized subjects to be learned by students were these "required" subjects. In 1987, the number of elective specialized subjects was increased to allow some flexibility in the choice of subjects by students. There are some special arrangements for highly talented students. Who are allowed to organize their own individualized curriculum and to shorten the duration of studies, if they wish. They may be given a chance for acceleration through external examinations and also an opportunity for high-level specialist training at research institutes.

The academic performance of students is assessed by means of both semester examinations and the teachers' constant assessment of students. Students who fail to pass the assessment of any subjects given in each year are required to repeat the same year. Students who have studied all subjects and passed all the semester examinations are eligible for the state examination at the end of the final year. Those who have passed the state examination are awarded a specific professional qualification and a diploma certifying the completion of a higher education course, as well as a pectoral badge of each university. Those graduates with an outstanding academic performance are awarded an honors diploma and given better starting salaries.

In institutions of higher education in the USSR, there are two kinds of postgraduate course; aspirantura courses equivalent to a master's degree course in Japan and doktorantura courses equivalent to a doctoral course in Japan. These postgraduate courses are offered in major instiutions of higher education, research institutes and other organizations.

In 1988, the total number of students enrolled in aspirantura courses was approximately 100,000. Of this total, about 50,000 were enrolled in full-time courses and the other 50,000 in correspondence courses. Students who have completed an aspirantura course are awarded the title of isledovatel' (professional researcher) for each specialty, as well as a certificate enabling students to get a position of researcher or higher education teacher requiring a high qualification. Those who have passed the examination of their dissertation are conferred a degree of Kandidat nauk (Candidate of Sciences) and eligible to be appointed to the position of assistant professor or its equivalent.

In 1988, doktorantura courses were introduced as the highest courses for career researchers. The qualification for admission to these courses is granted to researchers aged 40 or under who hold a degree of Candidate of Sciences, with outstanding academic accomplishments in their respective disciplines and who are deemed as promising researchers and educators. Doktorantura courses were set up in 117 institutions in 1989, and since then they have been increasing. Students in these courses prepare a doctoral thesis in accordance with an approved research plan. On passing the examination of their thesis, they are awarded 'a degree of Doktor nauk (Doctor), which makes them eligible to be appointed to a position of professor or its equivalent.

There are five ranks in faculty members at universities: head professors of sub-faculty; professors; assistant professors; senior lecturers; and lecturers / assistants. With a view to contributing to the improvement of the quality of university teachers and their salaries, the following measures have been taken: the strict enforcement by each university of the practice of appointing university teachers with a definite term of office; the introduction of in-service training programs for teaching staff with regular intervals, as well as of the examination of their competency; and the raising of salaries for some teachers in the light of the results of the examination.

Faculty members of all ranks are recruited by means of public announcement, and hired on a contract with a five-year term of office. Teachers who wish to be reemployed on the termination of the term of office apply for an appointment examination for respective positions whose vacancies are publicly announced. The examination is given by the Council of each institution or faculty. When a teacher who wishes to be reemployed is deemed as inferior to other candidates, he or she will be dismissed.

Faculty members are subject to the examination of their competency in the fifth, 10th and 15th years of their teaching (or research) careers. The amounts of salaries for respective teachers are determined on the basis of this examination. In each institution there is an examination committee, which is composed of the professors and assistant professors, holding a doctor's degree elected by vote, representatives of the Communist Party and of trade unions and other people. In evaluating the educational and research activities of teachers, the examination committee takes account of the results of their in-service training, as well as students' evaluation of their activities.

Teachers are required to participate in in-service training at least once every five years. The training is provided in research institutes or in enterprises of an advanced level.

(C)COPYRIGHT Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

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