Opening Section 1:Current Situation of University Entrance Examination Reform

 The selection of university entrants is based on the education ideal of each university, wherein each university develops and improves the skills that students have acquired up to the high school level and sends them out into society, with the consistent process of university education as a prerequisite. The role of each university is to evaluate and judge the abilities required of students at the entrance stage from a multifaceted and comprehensive manner based on the “admission policy” of each university, which is determined based on the “diploma policy” (policy for graduation recognition and awarding of degrees) and “curriculum policy” (policy for curriculum organization and implementation) of each university.

 The National Center Test for University Admissions is an examination jointly conducted by universities to determine the degree of mastery the applicants who wish to enroll at universities have achieved over basic learning in high schools. In FY 2019, approximately 546,000 of the 735,000 aspirants appeared for the National Center Test for University Admissions.

 Regarding methods of selection of university entrants, the total number of aspirants to each four-year university is approximately 160,000 (27.3%) selected using the National Center Test for University Admissions, approximately 210,000 (34.5%) selected using the university’s examinations and not the National Center Test for University Admissions, and approximately 230,000 (38.2%) selected using admissions by AO and recommendation entrance examinations.

1 Articulation reforms of high schools and universities

 Japan is in the midst of major social changes, such as the progress of globalization, technological innovation, and a sharp decline in the working-age population. Under these circumstances, identifying problems, producing answers, and creating new value are becoming more important. For this reason, MEXT is promoting initiatives for articulation reforms of high schools and universities, which is an integrated reform of high school education, reform of university education, and reform of university entrance examination, to ensure the fostering and evaluation of the “three elements of academic ability”, (1) knowledge and skills, (2) ability to think, judge, and express, and (3) mindset to learn independently together with diverse people.
 The reform of selection of university entrants aims to evaluate the “three elements of academic ability” fostered up to high school in a multifaceted and comprehensive manner in selecting university entrants and to improve and develop the skills cultivated up to high school further in university education. In place of the National Center Test for University Admissions, the “Common Test for University Admissions” will be introduced starting with the selection of university entrants in FY2021, which emphasizes the evaluation of the thinking and judgment skills fostered up to high school. Each university will also implement the selection of university entrants to evaluate applicants’ abilities, motivation, aptitude, etc., in a more multifaceted and comprehensive manner.
 In addition to general entrance examinations, MEXT promotes diversifying entrance examination methods to move away from single-point evaluations to ensure the basic academic ability necessary for a university education. For example, reforms are being carried out to increase the number of students entering national universities by AO, recommendation entrance examinations, etc., to 30% by FY2021.

 On March 19, 2020, the “Council for Cooperation on Multifaceted Evaluation in University Entrance Examinations” began discussions to examine how to evaluate the student’s mindset to learn independently together with diverse people, one of the “three elements of academic ability” and to consider the preparation of research papers and other materials to be written by the students individually for the first individual entrance examination corresponding to the new National Curriculum Standards to be implemented in FY2024, and is expected to take appropriate measures within the year.

2 Assessment of four skills for English language proficiency for selection of university entrants

 In light of the fact that the National Curriculum Standards for high schools require the comprehensive development of four skills for English language proficiency, reading, listening, speaking, and writing, to appropriately evaluate the four skills for English language proficiency developed up to the high school level in the selection of university entrants, the National Center for University Entrance Examinations will introduce the “University Entrance Examination English Grade Provision System” starting from FY2020, which will consolidate the scores of English language qualification and certification tests that are increasingly used in high school education and the selection of university entrants, and provide the scores to universities.
 However, MEXT determined that more time is needed to ensure that students can take the exams with equal confidence regardless of their economic situation or their region of residence, and on November 1, 2019, announced the postponement of the introduction of this evaluation system in FY2020.
 Even after the introduction of the system has been postponed, each university can use English language qualification and certification tests to selection of university entrants at its discretion. MEXT has compiled information on whether and how each university will use English language qualification and certification tests to selection of university entrants for FY2021 and has made this information available on the MEXT website for the convenience of students preparing for entrance examinations.
( (as of March 2, 2020)

3 Regarding the written questions in the selection of university entrants

 The “Common Test for University Admissions” will include essay-type questions in Japanese language and mathematics to evaluate the ability to think, judge and express, such as summarizing thoughts with one’s ability and making arguments based on evidence so others understand that.
 However, MEXT determined that it would be difficult to quickly establish a system that would dispel the anxiety of students concerning the grading system and accuracy, as well as the discrepancy between self-grading and the final results, and allow students to take the exam with peace of mind, and on December 17, 2019, announced that essay-type questions would not be introduced in the FY2021 “Common Test for University Admissions”.
 Accordingly, on January 29, 2020, MEXT announced necessary revisions to the examination curriculum, subjects, and examination time, while the National Center for University Entrance Examinations revised the scope of examinations and the policy for preparing questions with respect to the 2021 “Common Test for University Admissions”.

 4 Review meeting on the ideal form of university entrance examination

 In light of these circumstances, MEXT started discussions at the “Review Meeting on the Ideal Form of University Entrance Examinations” on January 15, 2020, under the guidance of the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, to consider the future of the selection of university entrants, including the evaluation of four skills for English language proficiency and the inclusion of essay-type questions.
 The issues raised so far, postponement of the introduction of the “University Entrance Examination English Grade Provision System,” and essay-type questions were considered and discussed at the meeting.
 Six review meetings have been held since the end of April 2020, and various opinions and suggestions were received from the committee members, including university and high school officials.

 For example, the following has been discussed regarding the evaluation of the four skills for English language proficiency:
 (1) It is important to develop and evaluate the four skills for English language proficiency for selection of university entrants and through high school and university education.
 (2) Evaluating the four skills for English language proficiency through a common test is not easy, and it should be evaluated by individual entrance examinations at each university in principle
 (3) Many universities plan to use English language qualifications and certification tests in the entrance examinations even after the postponement of the English Grade Provision System. Regarding essay-type questions, some form of system that will save time and effort for universities and students is expected to be introduced in four years.
 1) With the new National Curriculum Standards emphasizing fostering the ability to think and express, is it important to include essay-type questions in the entrance examinations?
 2) When essay-type questions are required in the common test, many constraints must be set, and to what extent can ability to think and express be measured?
 3) Many national universities are already setting essay-type questions in individual examinations, and is it necessary to consider the actual situation?
 MEXT believes that the articulation reforms of high school and universities, the importance of fostering and evaluating and the importance of cultivating and evaluating the ability to think, judge, express, and communicate in English will not change.
 Based on the importance of these matters, frank discussions are held at the Review Meetings to consider the division of roles between entrance examinations, high school education and university education, how much should be asked of students in the entrance examinations, and how to consider the division of roles between the Common Test for University Admissions and individual entrance examinations at each university, to compile a proposal by the end of 2020.



Education Policy Bureau Policy Division

(Education Policy Bureau Policy Division)